Coltland Chronicles 5: Return of a Villain

by RomanceWriter1

Turn for Help

Turn for Help

“Why would I go to them, Poppy?” Moonlight asked with confusion and she tilted her head slightly.

“From what I know and you should too, Colette and the queen have been here for many years like over two decades. They could know who this pony could be,” Poppy replied with a small smile. “And they are alicorns, one which isn't a royal because you don't need to be royal to be an alicorn, you need to succeed in something that saves the world or your country like Colette did.”

“I suppose we can go to them and find out who this pony is. I'm still going to wonder how I got those visions and why. Maybe there isn't an explanation for this but I need to know.” Moonlight and Poppy trotted out of the kitchen to see the foals, either crawling, flying or just rolling about on the floor. “Alright, foals, Sunshine's grandmother will be here in a little to foalsit you all. In the meantime, don't you start to eat things that you shouldn't eat.”

“We know, Mum, we get told that so much. We're not dumb.” Sunshine responded with annoyance and she rolled her eyes.

“She's telling you, just to be sure that she doesn't find you lying on the ground all still. Keep an eye out, will you, Pumpkin?” Poppy said with a smile and the light blue colt nodded his head. “Well, off we go, none of you better be lying on the ground lifeless.” The two mares trotted out of the front door.

Bumblebee looked at Rose Petal with a smirk and she knew what he was thinking.

“No, Bee, you're not doing it. If Mum finds out that you've broken a foreleg or wing from this, we'll get no milk and cookies.”

“Lighten up, Petal, we have got to do something dangerous, otherwise no pony will think we're cool and life will be boring.” Bumblebee replied with annoyance and he trotted up the stairs with the same smirk he had put on earlier. He flew a little up to the railing, standing steadily so he wouldn't fall off but he could use his wings to have a soft landing so he wouldn't have to break any bones. He used his wings and managed to jump onto the chandelier.

“You better get down from there, Bumblebee! If my grandmother sees you, she'll be mad as that chandelier is from her and she won't be happy if you break it.” Sunshine warned with fear.

“Yeah, get down from there!” Rose Petal yelled and she stomped her hoof on the ground. Bee gave a mischievous chuckle before he heard a creak and the chandelier suddenly broke off and fell to the floor. Luckily, Bumblebee had managed to avoid being hurt and flew a little out of the way to avoid injury.

The front door opened and Autumn walked in but when she saw the pieces of the chandelier, she instantly turned to the five foals who stood there with guilty looks.

“What happened here?”

“The chandelier... uh... just broke off from the ceiling.” Strawberry lied with some guilt in her voice.

“Yeah, we were just playing and suddenly it fell! It almost hit all of us but we managed to get out of the way!” Rose Petal replied dramatically and she put a hoof over her head.
Autumn looked at the foals for a moment before she sighed softly then gave them a small smile.

“It's alright, that chandelier was old anyway and was given to your mum a long time ago. But I'll try and fix it right now. Anypony want to help?”

“But, how will we be able to help? I can only levitate a teddy bear and my tea set.” Sunshine replied with defeat and she hung her head down.

“Alright, I'll collect the pieces myself,” Autumn said as she levitated the broken pieces of the chandelier and put them into her bag. “I'll take these home when Sunshine's mum comes back, okay?” The foals nodded their heads and Autumn walked away into the kitchen. “Who wants some baked treats?”

Moonlight and Poppy cantered to the castle of Colette and her friends, their faces filled with determination and hope.

“Do you think they're home right now? Are you sure we shouldn't ask Her Majesty instead?” Moonlight asked as they slowed down to a walk.

“Her Majesty is out of the country with her daughter, Crystal, her son in law, Thaddeus and her granddaughter, Golden Heart. That's what I've been told by Hugh,” Poppy responded breathlessly because of all the galloping that they had been doing since they left the house. “Anyway, we can ask Elena or Colette, they could tell us and if their friends are still around.” The two mares arrived and they knocked on the door softly, it took about a minute or two for somepony to answer.

“Oh hello, Moonlight and Poppy, it's been quite a long time since you've been here. What can I do for you?” Elena asked with a small smile as Colette stood behind her.

“We need to solve a problem that Moonlight is having and we hope that you know what it could be.” Poppy responded with some fright in her voice and Moonlight nodded behind her with a sad smile.

Elena nodded slowly and the two alicorns walked to the side to let the two mares enter. The four of them sat down at the dinner table and Hugo and Jordan also came along with Duncan, who sat beside Elena with love in his eyes.

“What is it that you need to talk about?” Colette asked as she levitated a cup of coffee in front of her and a croissant.

“Well... I was just doing my dishes... and... I saw a flash of bright green eyes, pretty similar to my eye colour and an deep evil laugh. I think I might be getting a vision as I don't remember anypony with that sort of laugh.” Moonlight replied with fright and she got surprised when Colette dropped her cup and her croissant onto the table.

“My goodness, I think I know who you are talking about.” Colette said with fright and the others except Poppy looked at each other with the same look.