//------------------------------// // Betrayal // Story: Blackace's Back story // by BlackAce //------------------------------// 06/05/2016 Canterlot Roof of Canterlot apartments 1:30 a.m. Breath in ,and out, and hold BANG I gasp, and start to rub my shoulder. Dang even with the pillow there that still hurts like hell. After a minute I start to pack up and move back to base. Its been 6 years after I was foal napped and forced to work for this stallion, but before I could work for him I was put through "training" or as I like to call it hell. Day after day, week after week I was starved, beaten, and tested so this stallion could see if I was worthy for his gang known as the "Canterlot Shadows." And shadows was right even when they captured me I never saw them coming until it was to late. But nonetheless here I am back at base. Knock Knock Knock "Password" a voice ask "Shadows are seen not heard" I reply "Welcome back Acey" Said the voice, then they wall opened up. Like I said shadows was right. As I walk into the secret base I take note of a new pony tied to a chair, and smile thinking poor sucker has no idea the hell he's about to endoor, if he survives. When the boss tested you, he "Tested" you, and I mean everything strength, weapon skill, stealth, if you failed so much as 1 of his major test you were executed without question or care. I never dealt with that area, I was the gangs 2nd best sniper, only becuase I missed my first hit I was off by half a inch. "Acey your back I see." Said the boss "Target executed sir." I reply. Yes I was on another job for the gang, apparently some dumb shit lets some information go to the wrong pony, and because the top shot sniper was out with the flu I was called in to "Take care of things." "Yes I heard, as a matter of fact I'm sure half of Canterlot heard that shot." He said. "Hey not my fault that all the silenced rifles are out for repairs." I said back. In the armory we kept are rifles and other guns in separate areas, and all yes all the silenced rifles were out for repairs, I don't know why nor did anyone else. "Well we have to keep the guns in top shape, but I digress a jobs a job, here's your pay." He said as he pushed a bag of bits to me. I smile and thank him, more money means more time to do what I want, I mean sure if they need me and I'm not busy I'll do a job but otherwise I just chill in my bunk doing nothing or I'm at the range staying in top shot, well 2nd in top shot. 06/05/2016 Canterlot Canterlot Shadows Base 9:15 a.m. "Dude are you sure talking this close to someone is a good idea?" a voice says. I awoke just a few seconds ago now here I am laying in bed listening to voices talk about something, but I hope I look asleep enough that they just keep talking. "Who acey, please he could sleep through a bomb going off." Says the other voice who I recognize as the top sniper, but I thought he had the flu. And yah he was right I probably could sleep through a bomb. "If you say so, here take the info about the plan and hide it good." said the first voice. Plan what plan? "Yah yah don't get your panties in a knot, these dumb shits are so stupid that they don't even know why I've been going off late at night with the "flu." Said the top sniper "Still you know what happens to traitors." "Yah but don't worry I'll have this shipped off to the royal guard in a few hours or less." The royal guard, oh shit not good. I mean sure the guard sucks but after what happened to Celestia favorite maid, she said if she found out she would bring down the power of 1000 suns on whoever caused this. Which I know was our gang. A few minutes after they left I checked out the top snipers bunk and looked around, he never was good at hiding things other than himself. Come on it has to be here somewhere. I was trying to find the "plans" they were talking about. Yes I say to myself as I find a folder with notes about the death of Celestia's favorite maid. "Hey, what do you think your doing acey!" I hear the bosses voice yelling. Oh shit I'm so screwed I should just die now. I turn around to see the top sniper grinning like he just pulled off the perfect prank, and next to him is the boss who right now looks like Luna who just lost a game to her sister. "I can explain..." I say hoping that my boss will listen to me, even though I'm not his favorite. "That what, you were going to give information to the royal guard, and then plant the evidence on your better here." Oh smart mother fucker, if I get out of this alive he is so dead. I think as I look for a way out but only think of one. "So I guess I only have one way out." I say, then I teleport over to the weapon storage and grab my sniper rifle and all the ammo I can carry for it. "I WANT BLACKACE FOUND AND KILLED ON SITE NOW!!!!" I hear my boss yelling from across the warehouse. After grabbing what I can, I teleport out of the warehouse and into a alleyway, then I just start running as fast as I can away from Canterlot and towards what ever town is to the south. As to what I'll do when I get to a town I don't know but I'll have to lay low maybe change my tail color or something like that but I'll figure that out when i get there.