Grimm's equestria: Untold stories

by Shamdreamer

A piece of humanity: part one

Chapter One : Alone, in the darkness.

What do i do, she thought to herself.
Trapped in a house filled with darkness, the rotting stench intrigued her nose and disgusted her.
Where am I she asked herself...
Yet no answer. Because she was all alone.
She tried to stand up but fell down as quickly as bird, whom's wings have been clipped.
She cried for help and from the darkness, she heard a faint laugh.
She knew the voice, but couldn't remember anything.
she tried to stand up once again and approach the laughing.
Than it was that the voice reappeared from the darkness saying: Heave ho there philly, ain't no time to be strugglin'
her voice was weak and miserable, but she fought, fought to say: Who are you? and than everything went black again.

Chapter two: wake up, wake up.

She woke up, finding herself in the same room in the same position.
But now, chains.
She was chained to the wall! She couldn't remember, she couldn't see nor move.
What is my name, she yet questioned herself.
'w.. what is my.... name?''
A loud laugh was heard, and she heard shuffling from the back.
It was pitch black and she couldn't see a thing!
'darlin' dun' struggle too much you'll wound up like 'n old buck.
what is my name? She asked.
He gave her a paper, and you're here to pay for what you've done.
Alois read: Alois bandega de chupacabra, 17 years old, lives in Antrigalya, in equestria.
What .... I have done? Alois questioned him.

Chapter four: info.

Jus' like me! every 3 hour we'll receive sum' food an' sum water, but the guardian is never to be seen!
How weird, alois thought to herself.
What have i done than ?
Nothing. I have done nothing !
I must get out, but i cant.
Alois started screaming and she tried to escape from her shackles.
But struggling didnt work, at all. The shackles closed up even more and started hurting,
Alois cried and cried but wouldn't move a muscle from now on.

Chapter five : escapee ? Or to be a goner.

And than, out of the blue she heard a sort of spraying noise.
What ? No. This can't be happening to me !
and her vision blurred out, fading to black.
when she woke up she wasn't alone.
Someone was taking off her shackles.
She stomped the animal in his face with her hoof and a loud, muffled sort of drum was heard.
She went in to find a door, and she searched the walls.
Than, a loud click was heard and a door appeared behind stone walls.

Chapter five : Freedom !

She ran outside, to find herself in a desert.
Not knowing anything of her location, she just started walking and walking.
Her mouth was dry and the only option was to find a cactus.
She searched for hours, and than she saw in the very corner of her eye.
Maybe a kilometer away, a bunch of cacti.
She ran, and ran, and ran.... But now all was for nothing !
A juice cactus. Alois drank the juice inside of the cactus.
Little did she know this was an cactus irregularis polaris.
She laughed, and laughed, and clouds turned into bears and birds.
and after all was done, she kept on walking.
Which was a good idea, she was close to a city , pendrumegalaris!
A desert city whom is known for bandits and thieves.
Oh well, better than to die she thought.

Chapter six: Arrival

Alois arrived at pendrumegalaris, but it was different! She saw landlords and rich people sitting and laughing, With the bandits !
It was darenta chuli perdumigo de amigo festival, lucky.
Free food !
Alois ate all she could see, and continued her search for her beloved land of antrigalya.
She continued her journey, finding herself a new tale, within a tale.