Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

A 'unique' day in Las Pegasus

The mismatched group made their way to a pizza parlor in the Ancient Stallion. Ponies everywhere were terrified of seeing Swamp Battleguard, Armored Lizard and King of Yamimaikai strolling through the building with Discord beside them. However, the presence of the Guardians was enough to ease their worries. They knew that the dinosaurs wouldn't let anything happen to them or let monsters walk around if they didn't trust them. After all the singing they had done in the contest, it was time to chow down.

The ponies all sat at one table in the parlor while they waited for their food, while the dinosaurs sat at another with Discord and the monsters. The serving ponies were a little unnerved at the sight of the monsters, but the dinosaurs reassured them that they meant no harm. None of the dinosaurs were too certain about trying different foods all the time, but they were willing to make an exception for this day of hanging out with their married brother. While the groups waited for their food, each of them were asking Rainbow or Indominus about how the honeymoon had gone so far.

"So, did you use my advice for sweeping Rainbow off her hooves Indominus?"

"I took your advice to heart Discord, and by the end of the night, she was held in my embrace as we danced in the moonlight."

"Sounds like you have quite the life going for yourself," the dinosaurs were a little surprised to hear King of Yamimakai talk.

"Since all of you can talk, I decided that it should only be fair that the monsters are allowed to speak for themselves," said Discord.

"It really is nice to speak and have someone that can understand us," said Armored Lizard.

"We're glad you spared us and gave us this second chance Indominus," added Swamp Battleguard.

"We know how you boys feel," the dinosaurs said while glancing over at their friends on the other table. "We had the same feeling when Luna first brought us to Equestria and when we met Scootaloo."

"What else have you lovebirds done during your time here?"

"We've feasted on wonderful food, danced the night away, gone against each other in arcade games, and just loving being held in each other's hold each night until we fall asleep."

"Oh ho ho, I think I know what you're talking about, you are one slick dinosaur Indominus. Rainbow Dash must really be loving you to be all over you each night."

The monsters, T-Rex and the raptor squad all shot Indominus pleased smiles and sly looks. They knew what Discord and Indominus were talking about, even if they were trying to be discreet about it.

"Sounds like you and Rainbow have mated quite a lot in the last few days," said Tyrannosaurus.

"Yeah, we have," Indominus said nervously. "We just love each other so much that it's hard to keep my claws and her hooves to ourselves."

"Don't be nervous Indominus," said Blue. "You and Rainbow have every right to love each other so much."

"You two have faced far more than the rest of us have in our time here," Delta added.

"If you want to mate with her that much, you have every right," said Echo. "As long as Rainbow is ok with it too."

"Of course, I wouldn't do it unless she gave her consent. I never want there to be any trouble between us."

Tyrannosaurus was pleased and proud to see that his hybrid brother knew better than to take advantage of Rainbow. He cared for her too much to do something without her consent. Indominus had done far too much for Rainbow to throw such happiness away, and Tyrannosaurus had seen some of those feats himself.

Meanwhile, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack were catching up with Rainbow Dash and her thoughts on being with Indominus.

"Rainbow darling you must tell us, what's it like having a dinosaur as a husband?"

"Well, Indominus is definitely the most understanding creature I've ever known. He's been so kind and thoughtful, even when it came to playing games he showed so much respect. When we went against each other in a air hockey match, he wanted to win and played like a true competitor. Yet when he lost, he said that winning didn't mean all that much to him, unless it was for me. He even bought me a plush dragon with the tickets he won, saying that he was doing it just for me."

"Wow, he's been that thoughtful and kind to ya? Ah'd say ya made a wise decision in chosin' him to be yer stallion and not Soarin," said Applejack.

"Please Applejack, Indominus is over one thousand times the stallion Soarin could ever be. He serenaded me with the best songs and kindest words on our first night here. I was so overwhelmed and taken with how much he loved me, that I felt so safe and at peace being held by him that night. There's nothing that Soarin could do to match the combination of awesomeness and comfort Indominus has shown me."

The others could see a bright blush on Rainbow's cheek as she spoke about Indominus. Scootaloo had seen the exact same blush on Rainbow's face the day after she and Indominus had fought against her former parents. All of them couldn't resist giggling at Rainbow with all her sweet talk about her husband, yet she didn't bother trying to hide her feelings. Indominus had touched her heart with unbelievable kindness, defended her in battle against rogue pegasi and a psychotic dragon and proposed to her with touching style. He was far too amazing and incredible a dinosaur to not give praise and talk about.

"Rainbow Dash, you've become so caring and comforting yourself," said Fluttershy. "Being around Indominus and his friends has changed you for the better. I know that you and Indominus will do a good job of caring for Scootaloo."

"They've done a great job already Fluttershy, far better than my former parents ever did. In fact, all the dinosaurs have been looking after me while she and Indominus have been here." Rainbow glanced back at the group of monsters and dinosaurs at the opposite table.

"I'm glad that they've done such a good job of caring for you Scootaloo, once the honeymoon is over I'll be helping them look after you."

"Speaking of caring for one another, how long before you and Indominus are caring for another somepony?" The ponies all glanced over at Sweetie Belle once she spoke her rather inappropriate question.

"What do you mean Sweetie Belle?"

"I mean, when are you and Indominus gonna be expecting kids?"

"Sweetie Belle! That's not a question you should be asking."

Fortunately for Rainbow, their pizza arrived in time so she didn't have to answer right away. Both groups chowed down on their pizzas, and Discord summoned glasses of chocolate milk, water and apple juice for each of his friends. The monsters chose to drink the apple juice with the dinosaurs, and surprisingly all of them enjoyed their pizza slices. What looked like a devouring feast to other ponies in the area, was really a peaceful lunch between friends of all kinds. Indominus, Tyrannosaurus and the raptors were having the time of their lives being with the ponies and monsters they had befriended over the course of their time in Equestria.

After their lunch was over, the group spent most of the afternoon trying out more of the games and attractions that Las Pegasus had to offer. Discord and the monsters got into a competitive winning streak with Indominus in the arcade games, while Scootaloo and Rainbow had a game of air hockey to test their skill. Later the ponies spent some time on the Ferris Wheel while the others explored more of the attractions. The monsters actually scared the ponies in the pyramid more than the actors within, but they got welcomed for adding to the attraction. Armored Lizard, Swamp Battleguard and King of Yamimakai were beginning to understand what the dinosaurs meant by being accepted by the ponies of Equestria.

Discord refrained from using any of his magic, for he didn't want to aggravate Indominus or Fluttershy. He even got to perform in the dancing game alongside Indominus while Rainbow and Fluttershy watched. Despite his appearance, Discord had some serious dance moves and was able to keep pace with the hybrid dinosaur. When they were finished, both hybrids got great applause from the ponies that were watching. They even received warm hugs from the ponies that they cared most about, and Discord was feeling more accepted the more time that he spent around Indominus and the dinosaurs.

As the day started drawing to a close, Indominus and Rainbow decided to relax back at the Golden Pony Hotel. Goldenrod was a tad frightened upon seeing the monsters just like every other pony over the day. Indominus explained that they were his friends and that they were just hanging out for awhile, so the staff agreed to let Discord and his monster pals stay until they wanted to leave. The couple decided to do something that they hadn't done before: taking a nice warm bath in the hotel's outdoor baths.

Discord, the monsters, Indominus and Tyrannosaurus got to use the stallion side of the bath while Delta, Charlie, Echo and Blue joined the girls on their side. None of the guests were using the bath so they got to have the whole bath to themselves, but their was a wall between them so there wouldn't be any peaking. It was a precaution the hotel had taken so their guests could bathe in peace without having to worry about being peaked at by prying eyes.

"Ah, I've never knew that ponies could provide such comforting baths," said Discord.

"This feels so soothing, who knew that we were missing out on comforts this great," said Armored Lizard.

None of the monsters had ever had a bath before, so the warm water was incredibly soothing to their battle hardened bodies. Discord was enjoying the bath just as much, not because of the comforting water but because it was an experience he was sharing with his friends. Ever since Indominus had become part of his life, Discord had been getting more involved with the dinosaurs, the Mane Six and the monsters he had created. His life was becoming more exciting and fun, and he was going to use every available opportunity to return the favor to the hybrid that had become one of his closest friends.

They could hear the girls laughing and splashing each other on the other side of the bath. Discord got a wicked idea that would make the night more fun for Indominus.

"Say Indominus, would you care to join the girls in their bath?"

"What!? Discord I can't intrude on the girls' bath, that's not proper of me."

"What if the girls all agree and are fine with you being with them? I'm sure Rainbow would be glad to be right beside her husband in the warmth of a bath."

"Well, if they are ok with me being over on their side, I'd be fine with it but-"

"Oh girls, Indominus is wondering if he could join all of you on your bath."

The ponies stopped their laughter as they spotted Discord sitting on top of the wall that divided both sides. Rarity immediately tried covering herself, forgetting that they didn't need to worry about being spotted by Discord or the others.

"Well, Ah don't see any problem with Indominus being with us, do any of ya'll?"

"Normally I wouldn't allow a stallion into the girl's bath, but I'll make an exception with Indominus."

"We don't mind having Indominus with us," said the CMC.

"I'd like to have Indominus close to me again," said Rainbow. That was all Indominus needed to hear in order to know the girls were fine with him being there.

The next thing the ponies saw was Indominus climbing onto the wall and sitting beside Discord on the wall. If it wasn't for the lightweight spell Twilight had given him, Indominus would've already destroyed the wall from even attempting to climb it.

"So I take it this is you getting me back for having you sing to Fluttershy?"

"This makes us even my friend. Now we don't owe each other for helping with impressing and wowing our girls. I'm just trying to give you as much time with your girl, think of it as my way of saying thanks for being such a good friend."

Indominus and Discord shared a fist bump and the hybrid dinosaur gave the Lord of Chaos a friendly wink before he climbed over the wall and slid into the water. Discord went back on his side and he, T-Rex and the monsters all tried to hear exactly what Indominus and Rainbow were doing. They could hear Rainbow's delighted laugh as Indominus swam up to her and held her close to his body. Her friends and the raptors were all smiling in delight upon seeing how much happiness was written on Rainbow's face.

"Go on Rainbow, kiss him. Show him how much you love him," said Rarity.

"Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him." The CMC were chanting the same words that the lovers had heard countless times before.

So Rainbow increased her size to match Indominus, and they held each other close in the water.

"So Indominus, shall we show them how much we love each other," Rainbow said in a sweet and delightful tone.

"I'm ready to continue our passionate loving babe, so let's do it."

Indominus held Rainbow in his claws and began lightly twirling her body through the water. He had one hand placed behind her head so he could look into her eyes. Rainbow kept giggling softly as Indominus held her so delicately and moved in for a kiss. Their lips met and from there it was the same passionate kissing that they had experienced every single time. The ponies all had blushes forming on their faces, they knew Indominus and Rainbow were being intimate, but the amount of love they were showing each other through the kisses was so adorable.

Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack all smiled for the couple, now that they were seeing the proof of their love for each other, there was no doubt in their feelings. The CMC were applauded the couple for their strong love, T-Rex, Discord and the monsters were giving cheers from their side and the raptors gave happy cheers. Indominus and Rainbow were almost so lost in each other's embrace and kissing that they didn't hear the applause. They broke out of their passionate kissing long enough to look at their friends.

:Now do you believe that we love each other beyond the shadow of a doubt?"

"We never doubted you for a second darling, this shows how deeply you and Indominus love each other and that nothing will separate you two."

"We'll never be torn apart Rarity," said Indominus. "I'll never turn my back on my girl," before he went back to kissing his amazing wife.

Later on after the bath had ended, Discord and the monsters went back to their dimension. Tyrannosaurus and the raptors had escorted Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack and CMC back to their hotel in Las Pegasus, but not before Scootaloo and Rainbow got to share some heartfelt hugs. Rainbow reminded her daughter that they would always be a family, no matter where she and Indominus were. The lovers slept that night with plenty of love in their hearts and the golden trophy sitting by the plush dragon in their room.

Unfortunately, as with honeymoons, all good things must come to an end. For in the future was a challenge that would shake Indominus's relationship with Rainbow Dash, and stir up the most bitter rage that would drive Indominus over the edge.