//------------------------------// // Chapter 12: Home Again // Story: My Little Pony Equestria Girls // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// After the dance, Twilight, Alice, and their friends are give their last group hug and Alice gives the picture they taken to remember them by. Alice and her friends are going to miss Twilight and her friends when they go back to Equestria. Sunset Shimmer is back at the school entrance and wishes she made friends along time ago and follows Princess Celestia's advice. She knows it's going to take some time for her to make amends to the problems she caused in this world. Sunset also knows that with her new friends by her side she'll be able to start all over again. After the group hug. Twilight and her friends are getting ready to head back to the portal back to Equestria before it closed. Twilight asks, "You'll look after her, won't you?" "Of course we will," Alice replies. "But it might take her some time for her to make up for what happened," Clarissa says feeling a bit concern for Sunset's well being. Then Alice calmly says, "I think she'll do fine and Jessica and her friends are going to hand out a lot of apologies." "You can say that again," Max says happily. The group of friend are happy to have such a great time, but Twilight and her friends know that is time for them to go back home. Spike taps Twilight on the leg and says, "We better get going." Twilight and her friends nod their head in agreement. Twilight face Alice and her friends with a sad like smile and says, "I know we only been friends for a short while but we're going to miss you so much, but we're going to miss you too." "We'll miss you too," Alice says. Then they all give each other a hug wishing them goodbye and wish they have a good time back home. Then Twilight and her friends make their way to the portal to go back home and are glad to be back to their normal selves again. As Twilight and her friends are heading toward the portal, the group of friends say, "Bye." "Bye," Alice and her says while waving goodbye. As they are walking to the portal Spike says, "That is a very good job you did 'Princess Twilight.'" Twilight then starts to think that she did a good job along with her friends of course. Then Twilight happily says, "You know I'm starting to get used to have this crown on." "What about the wings?" Fluttershy asks. "We spend a few days walking on two legs and picking things up with these," Twilight replies while showing them the legs and hands she has now. Then, Twilight says, "Wings. I'm thrill I'll only be dealing with it back in Equestria." With that, Twilight and her friends go through the portal and are back in Equestria now. Once they go through the portal, the moon reaches the center of the sky and like magic the portal closed and Alice and her friends changed back to their normal selves again. Alice starts to get sad and says, "I guess that's that." Alice and her friends stare at the portal know it will be a long time before they can see them again, but for now they need to help their new friend with everything she is going to need. Back in the Crystal Empire: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Shining Armor are in the room where the portal is waiting for Twilight and the others to return. Just then, Twilight and her friends come through the portal and excluding Spike the girls are standing on their back legs. The girls fall over and scream, "Woah!" and they all hit the ground with their front legs hitting the ground first. In doing so Twilight drops the picture that Alice and her friends give to them earlier and floats to the ground in front of the princesses. The princesses and Shining Armor can see that Twilight and the others has returned Shining Armor come to Twilight to hug her and says. "Twily are you all okay?" Shining helps her up on her legs again. Then, Twilight answers, "We're fine," "We got her crown back," Rainbow says with pride. "I knew we can do it," Pinkie replies with glee. "I'm glad we're able to be back on hooves again," Applejack says happily waving her hooves. Then, Princess Celestia comes to the girls and Spike with a worried look on her face and asks, "Sunset Shimmer, is she alright?" Twilight looks at the portal with a smile on her face and answers, "I think she's going to be fine. We left her in good hands." The princesses and Shining Armor looks at Twilight with confused look on their faces and have no idea what their talking about, "Um, what are hands?" Cadence asks confusedly. As thing are getting a little confusing, princess Celestia notice some photographs on the ground and use her magic to pick them up. When Celestia looks at the photos she can see Twilight and her friend along with some strange creatures with them Princess Celestia turns to the group of friends and asks, "What this?" "That's a picture we got from our friends in the other world and helped us get the crown back," Rarity answers. "And helped Twilight built up her confidence of being a princess," Spike adds. Just then Twilight starts to yawn a little and says, "We would love to tell you all about it, but we so tired of putting up posters, clothes making, cleaning a gym, and dancing." "Wow! Sounds like you all were busy," Shining replies. "Yes, but we're glad to have good friends and I wish we can see them someday," Twilight says. "Me too!" The girls and Spike say agreeing with Twilight with smiles on their faces. Twilight and her friends are glad to have met Alice and her friends and wish they can see them when the portal opens again. A few days later in the Human World: Alice and her friends, along with Sunset Shimmer is at the front of having some lunch. Principal Oak said that Sunset is not going to be in huge trouble, but she need to help fix the school entrance that she completely destroyed due to her magical outburst. Alice and her friend agree to help and think it will be one of the good ways to spend time with Sunset. "Okay Sunset you are officially going to school with us," Joseph says. "And my mom doesn't mind have some extra hands in the house," Alice replies happily. "Yes, I'm glad too," Sunset replies happily. Sunset starts to get sad and says, "Again, sorry for all the trouble I've caused." "No worries, but the principal is still making you fix the school building, but he said we can help as well," Max responses. "And don't worry, we'll make sure you'll feel right at home," Amy says with glee. As things are going good with their lunch break. They can see Jessica, Sabrina and Racheal are walking by getting some fresh air and stuff. Alice calls out to them and says, "Hey Jessica. Sabrina. Racheal." Jessica and her friends hear Alice calling them. The girls decide to walk towards Alice and the others to say hi and see what they are doing. "Hi guys," Racheal says. "Hi," The group of friends say. "So, what are you guys doing?" Sabrina asks. "We're taking a lunch break and then we're going to fix up the school entrance," Clarissa answers. The girls can see that they did manage to get half of it done, but know it's going to take some time. Jessica asks, "Need some help?" "Yes please," Amy replies happily. After Alice and the others finish eating their lunch. Alice, Sunset, Jessica and their friends start to get the school entrance fixed up and know it's going to take less time knowing that there are more working on it now, As they are working on the wall, Jessica turns to Alice and says, "You know maybe if Sunset and the others had come sooner, maybe I would have the courage to tell you how I really felt." "Well, better late than never," Alice says with glee. Then Alice turns to see where the portal used to be and says, "I hope we can all be good friends with Twilight and the others, forever and ever." "Yeah," The group of friends says calmly feeling very glad and wish to see their new friends someday. Then the friends continue to work on the wall and are glad that things work out for everyone, even though it might take some time to be calm about the crazy event from the fall dance and glad that they know that magic and a different dimension exist and wish that they can learn more about magic. The End