//------------------------------// // Epilogue: Rebuilding The Future // Story: The Great Dictator: Times of Swift Rise // by Time Reaper //------------------------------// It's been a year since the discovery of Swift Rise and his legacy, by this point Cadence decided to let flow all of the discoveries made, from books, to technology and films. Nothing was kept hidden. Cadence spent the coming months investigating everything made by Swift Rise and showing it to everybody around the world. The Changelings started to live with the Crystal Ponies and started to learn how to live like them, once they started to research on the changelings way of love feeding and seeing if they could share the love, it brought a completely new area of investigation in the Crystal Empire. Chrysalis was trialed and sent to jail for years while seeing her changelings no longer relying on her, it was ok for her, she would get to power through other means, she only had to change the tactic that would fulfill her ambitions but, for now, she would have to finish her sentence on jail. The discoveries of deals and diplomatic documents between the Crystal Empire and the other nations made the international community to see the Crystal Empire on new eyes. They no longer saw it as a simple part of Equestria, there was now debate on whether it should be considered as a colony, a state in Equestria or if it should be a independent state as a whole, with the Griffons, Minotaurs and Dragons siding on the idea of the Crystal Empire separating from Equestria. As everything was now being brought up, Cadence had to think on what to do with her Kingdom, should she bring back everything done by her ancestor Swift Rise or stay as she was before the discovery? And if she decided to make the changes, should she do it immideatly or slowly? Her fellow Princess where giving her very different opinions on that with Twilight going for the quick change in development, Luna telling her to take it slowly and Celestia saying that she would know when the time comes and that wasn't even taking into consideration what did her ponies and now changelings wanted. Meanwhile, in a distant house of the Crystal Empire, a young Obsidian Edge has finished reading a book wrote by Swift Rise titled "The Ideal Kingdom in a Sea of Chaos" and was now reflecting on what it said, he knew that most of the things that happened back then were now gone in these times, but he couldn't resist to see to the outside and notice how this new world was starting to catch up with the kingdom he was supposed to live once, all the advancement gone, all the knowledge gone and her princess, not even a queen, was trying to see what to do with the mess of a kingdom she was having. He couldn't resist to see her princess as somepony with a lot of problems, he couldn't resist to think that she needed help, he could't resist the idea of forming a group on his ideal to recover the past, he couldn't resist to think: "I want to see this kingdom, that was taken from me, back".