(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XXXIV-B - An Act of Friendship

Act XXXIV-B - An Act of Friendship

After Cadance’s magical intervention and the fallout thereof, it was a long but thankfully, uneventful evening.

With watching over David as their highest priority, the ponies took two-hour, slightly overlapping shifts in pairs throughout the night. Luna, though, spent the whole of it next to her beloved; it was her room after all. First on-duty were Applejack and Pinkie Pie, then Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, followed by Rarity and Twilight. After them, Cadance and Shining took a turn after resting, and finally, Celestia and Luna took the last shift before the dawn.

Surprisingly, David slept peacefully well into the early hours of the next day. It was roughly four-thirty when he stirred during Celestia and Luna’s shift, and they were quick to approach him.

After a quick chat, they called out to me as I was resting near the starry ceiling.

“Discord, he is awake. Please come down and examine him,” Luna requested.

I floated down with my pillow and discarded it on the bed. I then stepped up to the man and cast my magic over him before inquiring how he was faring. “So, David, how do you feel?” I asked, knowing full well he looked positively awful.

“Ugh. More of… the same; pressure, some pain, a little nausea.”

His answer did not console the princesses.

We surveyed his otherworldly condition; not much had changed there either. Four vessels, four connections, even with two stretching out of the door to nearby rooms. Cadance’s vessel had filled up again and even swelled. How it grew to such a size is beyond me, as surely Cadance had not made any extra efforts. Perhaps that mystery lies within David and not the mares in question. Regardless, her portion was nearing the size of the others, and the entirety of the pool was throbbing against its physical boundaries again.

“Is it interfering with your sleep, Dear?” Luna asked.

“Right now, no. I guess I’m lucky.”

“Rest as much as you can,” Celestia advised.

“We’ll see, but I’m not that tired,” the man replied.

“Try,” she encouraged. “It is still a few more hours till sunrise.”

“I will, but first I’d like to write a bit. It may even calm me down,” he said.

Celestia turned to Luna, both looking a bit confused.

“Of course, Love. Let me get you some paper and a tray,” Luna responded.

Celestia helped David sit upright, and I fetched a few pillows as support for his back. Quite soon, Luna returned with a tray, paper, quill and an inkwell.

Now situated, David stretched his arms a bit and put on a smile. “Thanks. I almost feel a bit normal right now,” he said, though nopony believed him.

He took a sheet of paper and prepared to start, but all eyes were still transfixed on him, making the air uneasy. I was the first to walk away and up the wall; I took a seat on a rafter. Taking the hint, Luna lay back down, and Celestia retreated to her chair and resumed reading. Finally, with some peace and privacy, David began to put ink to paper.

The gentle scritch-scratch of the nib continued for some time as David penned his latest thoughts and words on the paper and the peaceful sounds did almost make it seem like a normal night. The quill did eventually stop, though, and David read over his work while the ink dried before folding it in thirds.

“Celestia?” he called out with noticeable mirth, causing the elder to rise and approach. “Would you mind please adding this to my journal? It’s in my vanity drawer.” He handed her the letter, which she stuffed under her wing before leaving.

Luna casually looked up from her position, noting the exchange with indifference. As her sister left, though, she raised her head and took a vigilant stance.

“Is there anything more I can get you?” she asked.

“Hmm. Maybe a kiss or two?” he asked playfully.

Luna balked a little. “Even with him in attendance?” She gestured to the ceiling with her muzzle.

“He’s seen more, and you’ve been quite reserved with everyone else around.”

“True.” She nodded, then crept close to him.

David pushed the tray away and leaned over to meet her. They kissed tenderly, though with no less emotion than they ever had. David wrapped her in his arms and pulled her close to him, giving her a thrill of excitement as she was forced to her side on his lap. He stroked her sides and moved down to her exposed tummy, gently mussing the short, soft fur he found there. His gentle touch earned a quiet coo and brought a smile to both their faces.

A soft snort announced the elder sister’s arrival back from her errand. She gently closed the doors behind her with her hind hoof, then trotted over to the bed with her head held high in contempt.

“Send me off, then take time for yourselves… I see, now.”

David looked up at her, smiling. “Now, Celestia, I love you as well. Come here to me,” he said with his right hand outstretched.

It didn’t take her long to shed her vestments, and she paid no mind to me as well. Now disrobed, she boldly climbed onto the bed and straddled his legs, pinning them beneath her as she plopped down in the only spot available to her.

“Ooph!” David muttered under the new pressure.

“Are you alright?” Celestia asked, inches from his face.

David stifled a laugh, then kissed her. “I suppose. Though, if you wanted a place to sit, we could’ve moved.”

Celestia blushed, then lay her head on his chest. “I already have the best seat. I won’t ask for more.”

There they were, the two eldest, most powerful alicorns of the land, curled up on top of and alongside this one mysterious man. Would any that hear my tale of this ever believe my words? Surely they could not, as they came from me, the spirit of chaos, and this outlandish story was too far-fetched for any to believe. Or so it would seem. Only time would tell.


Time passed quickly for the sisters and their man, and soon the exchange was at hand. Honestly, it was somewhat of a miracle that somepony didn’t enter to find their princesses intertwined with David; it would’ve made a prized memory for the likes of Cadance, Shining, or even Twilight. Though I think ‘prize fight’ might be a more apt term for the latter two. Even so, nopony intruded, and Celestia and Luna were able to withdraw themselves with dignity.

Celestia then went to gather the rest, with the exceptions of Cadance, who deserved her rest, and Shining, who would not leave her side. With all but the exceptions assembled, Celestia informed them of the coming day and how they could be of assistance. As she finished, the clockwork prompting of magic came from the celestial bodies and rang true through the sisters and David, who shivered noticeably, as usual.

Twilight and her friends were set to watch over David while Celestia and Luna proceeded to Celestia’s balcony to make the exchange. It seemed as though the royal sisters were not yet ready to divulge Luna’s secret weakness during a one-pony exchange.

Twilight sat on Luna’s balcony as a potential messenger should anything go wrong, while the rest crowded around David for support. Applejack even dared to crawl up next to him on the bed and hold his hand in her hoof, the love-struck dear, much to the surprise of her sporty blue friend.

As the magic ended the night and started the day, David gripped the orange hoof tightly and groaned, his eyes shut tightly at the intense sensation, while the others sat breathlessly watching. The event did not last long, and as it passed, David relaxed and started to breathe normally again, much to everypony’s relief.

Soon after, the princesses returned and were dutifully notified of David’s reactions. The news didn’t seem to faze them much.

With that hurdle over with, the elders dismissed everyone for breakfast and asked that they return when finished. Twilight understood and took her friends to the dining hall, regardless of their opinions to do otherwise.

It was only a short while later that a knock came at the door. After feeding the lot, Cherry brought portions of breakfast for Celestia, Luna, and especially, David. Being ushered in, she pushed a small serving cart ahead of her filled with the usual scrumptious bits and bites she was so well-known for.

She stopped at the bedside to greet the group. “Good morning, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, David. I sure hope you are feeling better today!”

David smiled and nodded, but elected to say nothing.

She grinned in response, then turned toward her wares. “What can I get for you all? It’s important to eat to keep up your strength!” She emphasized strength, rearing up a bit in a playful way.

“Thank you, Cherry. You are most kind. While I do not feel like much, perhaps some fruit… I do hope David will acquiesce and enjoy himself,” Luna said.

David smiled and cracked his parched lips. “Oatmeal, please, and some milk,” he said.

“Good choice!” Cherry replied, still full of energy. “How about some of those bars I made? I think you’ll like em!”

David nodded politely. “Sure, let’s do that instead of the oatmeal and add some fresh fruit as well.”

“As you wish,” Cherry said, bowed, then turned to the elder princess who was sitting nearby. “How about you, Princess Celestia?”

“Oh, I am not quite hungry yet, thank you.”

Luna turned to her sister. “You really should eat something, Tia. We need to keep up our strength.”

Celestia huffed. “Fine. What else do you have?”

“If you’re looking for something different, I have a lot of pastries and some coffee cake.”

Celestia shook her head. “On second thought, I will take it all. The pastries, the cake, and some tea with milk please.”

Cherry looked a bit shocked at the change of pace. “Of course, Your Highness. Let me set up a tray.”

“Thank you, but that won’t be necessary, Cherry. Just leave the cart as-is. It is less work for us all that way.”

“Okay,” Cherry replied.

It was at that moment that David was forced to reject the lovely breakfast he had taken in, again. Cherry wheeled around in shock as David politely turned his head as his body emptied what little he had eaten into a napkin in his hand. Luna stood on the bed and helped him clean up and disposed of the waste quietly.

“David…” Cherry whispered.

He coughed a little, then faced her. “Sorry, Cherry. The food was great, but my body isn’t ready for it yet. I guess I’m still a little sick.”

Cherry’s ears flattened against her head. “Oh, okay. I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything else I can do?”

David shook his head. “No, not right now. But come here, I want to thank you.”

Cherry walked over slowly. As she reached the bedside, David reached out with his arms and Cherry reared up to meet him. He pulled her up and off her hooves into a big hug.

“Thanks, Cherry. I know it’s not easy seeing a friend sick like this,” he said; the stench from his breath made her eyes water.

She pressed her head into his neck and nuzzled him tenderly before he relaxed his grip and she slid off the bed and onto the floor.

“Thanks, David. I think I needed that,” Cherry said sheepishly.

“Heh, we both did,” he replied. “Now go see the others, I’m sure they’re hungry too.”

Even though that particular task was already taken care of, she smiled somewhat then turned to leave. At the door, she looked back one more time, winked and then left.

“Surely her staff has taken care of the others,” Luna said.

“Yes, but what he did was appropriate. If things change, I will call for her. Would that be okay, David?” Celestia asked.

David nodded silently in reply.


A bit later, all the ponies had gathered around again. While most were keeping David entertained and cared for, Twilight was busy explaining plans she had made during the night to the other princesses—it was obvious that she didn’t get any sleep.

Even through all her experience and aptitude with magic, she could only come back to one thing—the elements. She argued over and over about her faith in the magic of friendship and how it was their last chance, at least that she could think of. She was so distraught, so completely overwhelmed by David’s plight that she could barely hold herself together. Seeing this, Cadance and the other princesses attempted to console her.

“Twilight, you must calm down. Even if the magic of friendship can help him, and I too believe it might, you must be ready and able to use it,” Celestia said soothingly.

“Sister is right. We know you have done all you can, we all have, but to continue forward, we must be strong enough for when that moment comes. Please, sit and rest for a bit.”

Twilight shook her head. “I know you’re right, I do, really. It’s just, this is too much! Forget about me, you two must be suffering as well, and I can’t do anything to help you!”

Celestia smiled and nuzzled her former student. “My dear Twilight, you have done wonders for us just by being here. There is sometimes little more anypony can do in these situations other than stand side-by-side. For that, I thank you.”

Cadance didn’t have any words to say, she just snuggled up close to her sister-in-law and nuzzled her gently, letting her warmth and love be shared openly.

Twilight sighed. “I’m sorry.” She started to sniffle. “I… I’m just worried he won’t survive much longer. Surely I’m not the only one?”

The other mares closed in and rested their heads together, sharing in their combined sorrows.

With a hushed voice, Luna laid her heart bare. “Twilight, listen to me.  I want to believe this will work, and I too, think that this may be his only chance. Once, I was saved by the power of the elements—no, the power of friendship. So, prepare yourself; prepare your friends. The time has surely come. What do you say, Sister?”

“I am ready if you say so, Lulu. Twilight, we will wait until you are ready.”

“Sorry to intrude, but I have a word to say here as well,” I interrupted, appearing close behind them.

Celestia turned to me with a look of contempt. “Yes, Discord?”

“Let’s not shoot the messenger, shall we? I too have been doing quite a bit to ensure David’s survival, and I can’t help but cautiously voice a dissenting opinion.”

“Why?” Twilight whined.

“Come now, surely you all can see it. I admit it is sad to think about, but as it is, David will most likely not survive the day. However, he will almost assuredly perish if Twilight here uses the magic of friendship on him. It would be akin to setting him off like a firecracker with so much magical energy pouring into his body. I simply cannot see that as being a good thing.”

Twilight quickly offered a rebuttal. “That might be true if it was my magic alone, but the magic of friendship acts differently. Its power is separate from my own; it comes from the combination of the love and friendship we have for each other. Even after Tirek had taken all of my natural magic, it still resided within me, within us all. I think that will make a difference.”

I shrugged. “Suit yourself. I was just doing my due diligence, that’s all. Please don’t get upset on my account.”

“No, I won’t. I can tell you didn’t mean any harm, Discord. I think I can thank you for that.” Twilight forced a cracked smile; it almost broke my heart.

I nodded, then retreated to the rafters again. Better not to overstay my welcome.

Twilight turned back to her elders. “Okay, it’s time. Let's talk to David.”

The princesses slowly walked over to the bedside, politely interrupting the casual conversation taking place there. Once they had everypony’s attention, Twilight cleared her throat and began to speak.

“David, we’re all really concerned for you, and honestly we’re running out of options on how to help. I have an idea, it’s a long shot, but I think it’s worth trying. Celestia, Luna, and Cadance have agreed to it, and I’d like to hear you opinion too.”

David nodded. “Okay, Twilight. I trust you, what is it?”

Twilight took in a big breath. “I know I mentioned this before but I think it’s time that we use the elements,” she shook her head. “Sorry, I keep saying that wrong. The elements are gone; I want us to use the magic of friendship to heal you.” Tears began to form, and her voice began to crack as she continued, “There’s a chance, a chance it can cure you— that it can help you like it helped Luna, and how it helped clear the minds of my confused friends. It’s… it’s all I can do! I need to know what you think. I need your permission. It may actually be very painful for you since I will be using powerful magic, but I still think there’s a chance. David, what do you want me to do?”

David was silent. He put his hand on her head and pulled her close to his chest, slowly running his hand through her mane. Twilight silently fought back against her tears and growing anxiety.

A thin, raspy voice came out. “Let’s do it. Can you take me outside?” he said.

Twilight raised her head and looked at him through her tear-laden eyes. “Sure.”


The garden outside the observatory was beautiful that morning. The air was crisp, and the sky was bright, clear, and blue.

David was hauled out from the castle on a makeshift stretcher made out of his sheets. Celestia and Luna held the leading corners in their teeth and stood tall, using their considerable power to keep David aloft and safe. The two earth ponies, Applejack and Pinkie Pie, brought up the rear, with Shining Armor keeping David steady with his magic. The procession through the halls caused quite a disturbance, though, as neither Celestia or Luna paid any attention to the guards as they passed by, leaving Cadance and Twilight to quell their concerns.

They took David out to the grass and set him down gingerly.

Seeing a moment to be useful, I snapped my claws and manifested a nice, large rock behind David that would do well as a backrest. Surprisingly, Twilight turned and smiled at me in response.

Applejack, Celestia, and Luna propped David up into a seated position while Rarity came up from behind holding pillows in her magic. After Rarity had stuffed the gap behind him, the others eased him back to rest. He was finally set.

David raised his head to the sky, seeming to stare out into the blue abyss. I couldn’t help but read his mind one more time as he sat there.

‘Blue… so blue. A slight breeze; the scent of a meadow. Cool grass below, so cold.’

Cadance finally walked through the door with Cherry behind her. We were all assembled.

David looked around at his friends. He reached out toward Celestia and Luna, and they met his embrace. Crying and soft words could be heard but not understood as they spent tender moments together.

David raised his voice. “Don’t worry, Twilight has a way of finding the answer. You’ll see.”

He then turned to Luna and kissed her tenderly. She pushed into it, both passion and sadness fueling her desire for closeness as she practically crawled into his lap.

David broke the kiss; breathless, he coughed for air. He then whispered something in her ear.

Luna nodded and wiped her tears away with her foreleg, then stood and joined the group.

David turned to Celestia and wrapped his arms around her. She turned away, resisting. He would have none of it, though, and pulled her head back toward him with his hand. Once locked in his gaze, she could not turn away again. David darted forward with what strength he had and took her lips. With her defenses broken, she pushed him back into the rock and met his passion with her own.

The sudden reveal of the truth was met by gasps from the crowd and a somewhat knowing titter from Cadance. The princess’ secret was no more.

Celestia melted into the kiss as David stroked her mane and held her close. Finally parting, she rested her head on his chest, weeping silently. He kissed her forehead and scratched her ears trying to revive her.

With one last burst of energy, Celestia raised her head again and met him with another passionate embrace that would be remembered for years. Though, that too had a limit. She soon broke contact, walked through the group and sat down behind them, facing away.

Twilight followed her former mentor. She approached her tentatively but said nothing. Instead, she turned around, then sat down with her back against Celestia’s.

David regained his composure and addressed the group. “So, anypony else want a hug?” He reached out with his arms wide open.

A small stampede met him, almost bowling him over. They all took turns, caring and sharing their love and well-wishes. Applejack especially, as she snuck in and gave David a quick kiss on his cheek before running back and sitting next to Luna.

After Applejack’s exit, Cherry approached her friend cautiously, feeling self-conscious among the company of heroines and princesses.

“So, um… something big going on?” she asked.

David smiled and nodded. “You know, just causing trouble as usual.”

She broke his gaze and stared at the ground. “You’d better not. I still have an IOU to cash in!” she huffed half-heartedly, pawing at the ground with her hoof.

David chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’m good for it. But, Cherry…” She finally raised her head. “I want you to know how grateful I am to you. You’ve been a good friend, my best friend here. I don’t think I’ve said ‘thank you’ enough.”

Cherry’s eyes filled with tears. “You don’t have to, you know? Every time you smile, that’s thanks enough.”

She then tackled the man and wrapped him in a hug, her tears soaking into his shirt as she sobbed. David wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her while tenderly stroking her neck.

“Shhh. Shhh. It’ll be alright,” he consoled her. “I’m not going anywhere, I’ll be right here.” David gently rocked her in his arms, calming the distraught mare.

After she had stopped crying, David pulled her up and away to look at her face. She was doing her best to stem the tide of tears, but the levee was weak, and she was forced to close her eyelids and turn away to prevent her will from breaking again.

David, too almost cried as he met her gaze. When she turned away, he smiled a bit, and pulled her in for another warm hug, then kissed her cheek tenderly.

Feeling his warmth against her face, she opened her eyes again and started to pull away. Now with space between them, they gazed at each other, both more secure and resolute than before.

Cherry smiled and mouthed some words, which David nodded to in return. She then left him and sat behind the others.


After the last had left, Twilight walked up to David, and Celestia joined Luna.

Twilight turned to him, serious and stone-faced. “Are you ready?” she asked.

“What?” he answered. “You don’t want a hug? I could use one, you know.”

Twilight stifled her tears and practically jumped on him.

“Ooph! I know, Twilight, I know. Thank you.”

Twilight pressed into his neck and nuzzled his ear, then quickly pulled away and gave him some distance.

She faced her friends. “Okay, we all know why we’re here. We all know how we feel. Let’s show David the power of friendship! Let’s make this right, for David!”

Her friends sounded in a mutual cheer and began to line up next to Twilight. She, in turn, lowered her head and began to focus her magic on her horn.

David grimaced under the strain.

The look of pain on David’s face made Twilight wince, but she closed her eyes and continued to concentrate. Soon, light seeped from below her closed eyelids as the power consumed her. A faint aura of light encircled Twilight, and her friends solemnly bowed their heads and closed their eyes. Then, they too began to glow.

A moment later, and a small ribbon of prismatic light extended from Twilight’s chest and flowed from her to each of her friends, uniting the power within them.

Silently feeling her friends connections, Twilight raised her head and opened her eyes.

A bright explosion from Twilight passed over her and extended out to the others, clothing them in the rainbow power of friendship. Each mare’s eyes were white with power, and that power enveloped them, changing them and lifting them from the ground as they focused on their shared goal.

United as one large, multi-colored, swirling ball of power, they poured their magic into David, hoping and praying to save their friend.

The spear of rainbow power struck David, and he was lifted off the grass and forced to stand on his tiptoes, back arched, arms stretched out to the side.

The few not involved shielded their eyes from the intense display; even I stood slack-jawed in awe.

I looked deep into his eyes, into his mind, searching for a glimmer of hope.

‘I… I feel alive, and so at peace! I can’t feel any pain at all, only warmth and love. It’s as if each of them is wrapped around me, holding me tightly in a hug. This must be what Harmony feels like.’

The beam of magic faded from the six, and David slumped down to his knees on the grass, panting and tired from the experience.

As the heavenly glow dissipated from Twilight and her friends, they slowly came out of their trance and peered at David, too scared to speak.

David looked up and smiled. “I think… I think it worked!”

David laughed and the ponies cheered. Celestia and Luna embraced each other.

I couldn’t help but grin as well; David’s smile was infectious. The magic shared with him had left him with a blissful high, and he was slow to recover from it.

Luna walked over, somewhat unsteady on her hooves as she too tried to recover from the emotional rollercoaster. As she reached him, she smiled at David, only for her smile to fall.
