
by Rienhardt


Stone began to feel his senses returning to him. A slow process as all the energy slowly made way back into his form. The first thing he notices was a dull ache surrounding his body. He attempted to remember what had happened but he could only gather his thoughts through one flash at a time. A snake,running away,mud,pain. As hid mind began to piece itself together so did his body. As the pain began to subside he'd feel warmth, comfort. He was somewhere soft and warm. Zecora. She'd saved him. The last memory he could pull forth was of her. Stone's eyes began to open and the bright light of day greeted him with a moment of pain. "Ugh...." As soon as he made his pathetic sound he heard a familiar voice. "It would seem you're finally awake. I was beginning to fear that your life was at stake." The zebra made her way over to the resting stallion, staring him directly in the eyes. "I do not know what I'm going to do. You always have me worrying about you." She would shake her head and make way to the large cauldron in the center of her hut. "It seems that there is more medicine to make, lest your pain become more than you can take." Stone raised his head slowly with a groan. "How...long?" The Zebra raised a hoof to him. "Hush now Stone. You must not speak. Right now your body is much too weak. I'll be busy cooking now, A thick and tasty stew. Just relax. I'll take care of you." He wasn't in position to argue, a fact that annoyed him to no end. He hated to admit it but he was in no condition to do things on his own. "And as for the question that you asked me? The number of days you have been asleep is three."

Dawn came quickly for stone. He'd slipped in and out of slumber the entire day and night. When he felt the sun he became more energized. It seemed that the food and medicine offered by the zebra had done the trick. He could feel something beside him and upon inspection he saw the mare, sound asleep...She'd hardly left his side the entire time. And now that he'd shown signs of recovery she finally had the chance to rest herself. She really had been worried about him. Stone began to feel guilt now. He'd put her through an awful lot, he always did. He had to prove to her his appreciation. He set to work gathering the ingredients about the hut, he knew well enough where most things were due to how many times he'd stayed with her, usually due to injure. He set about to the task at hand, making a dish befitting his savior. Eggs, cheese, onion, tomato, and petunia petals. Before long the earth pony managed an omelet.

In the midst of cleaning the mess he'd made he hear the sound of movement and glanced over his shoulder. A pair of teal eyes watching him. "How long were you awake?" The mare offered a smile and crawled out of bed."For as long as you were in my pantry looking. Now tell me. What is it that you have been cooking." She'd take notice to the two plates set aside. "Ah...Well I wanted to do something special for you since you saved my life....again. I wanted to show that I was grateful for everything that you've done." The Zebra made her way over and gave his cheek a nuzzle,which earned an immediate darkening of Stone's cheeks. "This was a gesture most sweet. Come and bring it to the table so we might eat."

The meal was soon finished and the dishes cleaned off. Stone was putting the last of them away when he heard the sound of shuffling paper. Upon the table were several envelopes that Zecora had set down and was sorting through. "Mail came for you while you were away. It seems your sister had much to say." The stallion was curious now, making his way to the table. "Why did they get delivered here? I have a mail box set up in Ponyville." The Zebra shook her head. "When was the last time you gave that old thing a peek? You're never in town so another option she had to seek." It was true...He didn't stay out of the forest very long these days. He was so busy exploring the old world and ruins in the jungle he'd forgotten what wait for him back in civilization.

Looking over the envelopes he couldn't help but smile. Each one had the date upon it, Zecora had even been so kind as to separate them for him from oldest to newest. His sister had been sending a letter every week from the looks of things...and there were more than a dozen letters present. He really had been gone too long. It was going to be quite a task to read them all. There was little else to do but get started.

Each letter was only lightly detailed. She was merely going over certain things about her life each week: Her job at the postal service, her friendships,her daughter, but most importantly, or so the letters stated, she missed Stone. Every one ended the same way: 'I miss you Stone. Hope to see you soon'. Every letter weighed heavily upon him. He felt guilty. Her letters always made him feel guilty about leaving her behind. But what caught his attention the most was the last letter.

Drear Stone

Can you believe how much time has passed? It's been nearly four months since I last saw you.
I'll admit I've been a bit lonely without you around...You must be tired of reading that right?
Life has been going as it always does. I make Dinky breakfast, wake her up before I go for a kiss,
then go to work. I always end up breaking something. I've been better about not breaking things
at work though. My boss is happy about that. I can't afford to lose this job. I think dad would be
disappointed with all he had to do to get me this job. I always start thinking about him again at this
time in the year. You haven't forgotten that my birthday is next week have you? You probably have.
It's okay though! I know you've been busy. I don't mind at all. In fact I'm proud of you! You're doing
things that nopony else can and you're doing it for a good reason. Dad would be proud. Well I'll
put an end to this letter before I start talking about the past again. I miss you, I love you, and I hope
beyond hope that you'll make it to my birthday this year. But I do understand if you can't.

Love: Derpy

"Crap...." Stone glanced out the window. It was already mid day. "It's...not the twenty-fourth today is it?" The stallion glanced to the zebra in curiosity. "Have no fear, and quell your sorrow. Your sisters birthday is not until the morrow." Stone immediately perked up. "Wait...I made it!? I actually made it! By Celestia miracles do happen! Quick! I need quill and parchment! I need to let her know I'll be in town come morning!" Zecora went to work gathering the items he needed. "Hm...Geeze...what do I get her....?" The exotic mare placed the parchment before him. "You ought to know that a gift you need not bring. Being there alone will make her heart sing." With the quill held in his mouth the earth pony began to write. "Yeh yr 'ight'" The zebra simply shook her head. "You sound completely absurd. Spit that out before you say another word."

It didn't take long for him to finish a quick letter telling her he would be in town around noon but another problem made itself apparent. " do I make sure she gets it today...?" It was at that moment a knock came to the door. "Ms. Zecora? I'm here!" It was the voice of someone young. A filly by Stone's guess. "Who...?" Zercora simply smiled to herself. "That his the filly Applebloom. And I am certain that in her saddlebag there will be room." The zebra made way to the door and let her little guest in. "Sweet Applebloom do come in. I currently have another guest as it would so happen. He is a stallion who's name is Stone. Would you be so kind as to deliver a letter for him on your way home?" The young one immediately perked up. "Sure will Ms. Zecora! But first....what're we gonna do today?" The zebra tapped her chin tentatively with a fore-hoof. "I have an idea of what we might do. I'll teach you the herbs for the creation of a numbing brew. It will help those ponies in a large amounts of pain, and may even prove useful if Scootaloo gets another wing sprain." The young one bounced up excitedly. "Oh yes please!" And darted for the door. "Outsourcing your work to fillies now? I know you want that potion for me." The zebra merely let off a shrug. "Her cutie mark she desperately wishes to earn so of potions and herb she wishes to learn. And if in things I genuinely need we train...Then I see it only as a mutual gain." Stone sighed and made way back to the bed as she left. He couldn't argue with the logic of it...And his hind leg was beginning to bother him again. Some more medicine before he left in the morning. It could only be a good thing.