Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Job hunting

Chapter 6

Dear Princess Celestia,
I am writing to tell you that a new pony has arrived in Ponyville. He is a strange Pegasus, with stripes and evil looking eyes. He also claims to be a retired Royal Guard, which I think isn't true. I think he's hiding something. Please do something about him.
The best flier in Equestria, Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash smirked. Nopony breaks her heart and gets away with it. This letter should get rid of him. Because if she can't have him, nopony can.

Now, to just find Spike and get him to send this letter


Peace. Finally I have some peace and quiet. I knew going to the outside of town and laying on a cloud would be relaxing.

This place may be fun, but it puts a person under a lot of pressure. 

One of the main things I need to figure out is how to make money. If I'm going to live here and own my own place, I'm going to need a steady income of cash, or bits as it's called here.

I wonder what jobs they have here. I think I can do almost any job this place has to offer. Just not making cupcakes, I draw the line there.

I sat up and looked towards Ponyville. There must be plenty of job opportunities down there. It's going to take a while, but I think it's going to be worth it once I have enough cash to buy a place of my own.

Time to start job hunting. I jumped off the cloud and glided towards the town. A few minutes later, I was standing in the middle of town.

I think I should ask around, that way I can find a job easier. 

I asked around town and came up with a few jobs. As of this moment, there are only four places that are accepting employees. Sugar Cube Corner, Sweet Apple Acres, the Café down the street, and the Carousel Boutique. I can easily rule out two, Sugar Cube Corner and the Carousel Boutique. I can't cook and Pinkie Pie scares me, and I hate the idea of making clothes. 

So that leaves Sweet Apple Acres and the Café. Well, I can't work at the farm, because of my grandparents and the fact that I'm not that strong. So, I guess I could work at the restaurant.

Yeah, sounds easy enough. 

I walked down to the Café and I walked inside and straight to the front desk.

The mare behind the counter looked up at me and smiled, "Yes? How may I help you?"

"I came here looking for a job. Are you hiring?"

She turned and walked into a back room. Moments later, a gray stallion walked out, "So, I hear you're looking to work for my establishment. Is that true."

"Yes, I would like to work here. Are there any openings?"

He looked down at a notebook and flipped through a few pages, "Ahhh, yes. We have an opening for a waiter. How does that sound?"

Hmmm, a waiter. I don't know, it seems kinda low. "Sounds interesting. May I ask what the pay is?"

"The pay is twenty bits an hour, plus tips. How does that sound?"

Twenty bits! That's a lot of cash. "Twenty bits an hour huh? Sounds good, when do I start?"

He smiled and closed the notebook, "You haven't gotten the job yet my good sir. First, you need to be interviewed. Please, follow me." He turned and walked into the back room.

I followed him inside. He was sitting behind a desk with books and files around him. 

He waved his hoof at a chair in front of his desk, "Please, take a seat."

I sat down in the chair.

He picked up a notebook and looked at me, "Do you have any experience in being a waiter?"

Well, there was that one time my mom made me work for Sonic, so I guess that counts, "Yes, I've done work as a waitress before."

He flipped the page over, "Any previous jobs?"

"Yes, I was in the Royal Guard."

He looked up at me, "The Royal Guard? You mean for the princesses?"

"Yes, I retired the other day and moved here to Ponyville."

He nodded and looked back to the notebook, "Okay, last question. How's your attitude towards other ponies?"

What? "I'm a pretty nice Pegasus, despite my looks. So, I would say great."

He nodded again. Then he reached into a drawer and pulled out a sheet of paper. "Here, fill this out and we'll hire you." He put it in front of me and put a pen next to it.

Do I use my mouth or hoof? I'll just do what they do in the show. I reached down and took the pen in my mouth, then looked to paper over. It was just basic questions, like my name and personality. I filled it out easily and nudged it towards him.

He looked it over and smiled, "Well Mister Girokon, your résumé looks good. Your hired."

Yes! This was easier than I thought it would be. "Great. When do I start?"

"Today if you would like, but there's only two hours left till we close, so you'll only make forty bits. Is that okay?"

"Yes, that sounds good. Just tell me what to do."

He stood and reached into a chest. He pulled out a set of clothes, "That is your waiter uniform, just put them on and go to the front counter."

He held out his hoof for me, I extended my hoof and took his and shook it. 

"Also, my name is La Fluky, but you may call me Fluky."

Interesting name, "Okay, Fluky. Also, are you my boss?"

Fluky laughed, "Yes, yes I am. If you want the full two hours, you may want to hurry."

Fluky left the room, leaving me alone. I stripped off my clothes, except the goggles, and laid them in a neat pile next to the chest. I then pulled on the waiter's uniform. It was a button up dress shirt with a bow tie and high collar. It's a good thing I like to get dressed up in suits, or this would be uncomfortable.

I headed out of the room and walked over to the counter. The mare from before looked up and smiled, "So I see you got the job then. Well, you can start by taking that table's order, here take this notebook and pen and take their order."

I picked up the pen and notebook and turned towards the table. A couple, both light blue, was sitting there holding menus. I walked over and placed the notebook on the table, "May I take your order?"

The light blue stallion looked up over his glasses, "I would like the daffodil and daisy sandwich and a glass of water."

I picked the pen up and wrote down his order, "And for you miss?"

The light blue mare smiled, "A hayburger and flower sandwich, also some apple cider." 

After I wrote down her order, I looked up, "Will that be all today?"

The stallion sat back, "Yes, that will be all."

I picked up the notebook and pen and walked back to the counter, "Okay, I have the orders."

The mare behind the counter reached down with her mouth and took the notebook, she then ripped the page out, "Now just wait here, I'll have the order out in a minute."

She walked off towards a set of double doors, probably the kitchen.

About five minutes later, she returned with the food on a big silver plate, "Take that to them. After that, just keep taking orders and giving out the food."

Easy enough. I picked up the plate carefully and carried it to their table, "Here you go madam," I placed her food and drink in front of her. "And here's yours sir." I placed his food and water in front of him.

I turned and went to pick up my notebook. Seven minutes down, just one hundred and twelve more to go.

When it became time to close, I walked out fully dressed in my clothes and forty bits in my saddlebag. That was boring, but worth the cash. Too bad the full time shift for me is five hours. The only good thing is I can choose when to come in, as long as I go at least three times a week.

I walked down the street, the night sky above me clear and beautiful. Not a cloud in the sky. Hard to believe that Princess Luna placed each star individually.

I looked ahead, towards the library. I wonder if Twilight will let me sleep in her bed again? I neared the door and smiled. I opened it and walked in, "Twilight, I'm back. I started working at the Café down the..." I stopped talking and looked in awe at who stood in front of me with Twilight.

Princess Celestia stood tall, at least two feet taller than me. "So you're the new mysterious Pegasus who just arrived here."

I remember what I saw in the show, I bowed, "Yes Princess, I just arrived here."

She looked down at Twilight, "Twilight Sparkle, could you give me and Girokon a few minutes of privacy?"

Twilight looked up at her, "Yes Princess." She left the room and closed the door behind her. 

Princess Celestia walked over to me, "I know who you really are, Girokon, or should I call you by your real name, Lance."

I was dumbfounded. How did she know? "How did you know?"  

She smiled, which shocked me, "Lance, I've known this day was coming for a long time. I knew you were going to arrive here in Equestria from your home, Earth."

What the hell? "But how?"

She winked, "I'll keep that a secret." Then she smirked, "I hear you were you were a retired Royal Guard."

Damn! Shit! "Yes, I'm sorry."

She put a hoof on my shoulder, "It's okay, I'll keep it a secret. And if you would like, I can make you a Royal Guard, that retired. Would you like that?"

She is nice. Those fan fictions I read all made her look and sound like a tyrant. "I would love that. Does that mean I can join the Royal Guard? You know, come out of retirement."

She laughed, "Sadly no, it takes years to train to be a Royal Guard. I think you would be happier here."

She has a point there. "So what are you going to do with me?"

She patted my back, "Nothing. I've known the time and place you were going to show up, and you're not dangerous. So, I'm going to let you live here."

I smiled brightly at that, "Thank you Princess. But can you do one thing for me?"


"Could you give me a house in Ponyville or Canterlot. Because after Twilight makes me leave, I'm going to need a place to live."

She laughed and shook her head, "I can do that for you, I can get you one in Canterlot. But do you really think Twilight will make you leave her home? She's in love with you, and you're in love with her."

Damn it! How much does she know? Can she actually read my thoughts?

"No Lance, I can't read your thoughts." She said smiling.

"Oh, okay." Wait a minute, she just did, "Wait a second, you just read my mind!"

She laughed yet again, "I know, I just wanted to see your reaction."

A scroll appeared in front of her face and opened. She read over it and frowned, "I'm sorry Lance, but I must go. I'm needed at the palace. I'll send you the dead to your new house soon."

With that, she disappeared in a blinding light.

Twilight ran back into the room, relieved to see me still here. "Giro! What did she want? I thought she was going to take you away!"

Why is she so worried, "Oh, she just came to tell me that I can have a house in Canterlot for being in the Guard."

Twilight looked a little sad, "Oh, you're going to be leaving."

Damn that face of cuteness, "Don't worry, I'm not leaving. I'll stay as long as you allow me to live here."

She smiled brightly, "That's great! You can stay, I don't mind." She ran over and hugged me.

Meh, might as well. Besides, I do like her. I returned her hug, and she nuzzled my neck.

She backed up and smiled, "Are you hungry Giro? I can make something for you."

I smiled back, I had planned for this, "I ate my dinner at the Café, but thanks for offering. But, I do have some food for you." I reached back and pulled a daffodil and daisy sandwich, and placed it on a desk. "Made it myself."

She looked at the sandwich, then to me. A tear in her eye, "Thank you, Giro. That's so sweet of you."

She sat in a chair and levitated it up to her face, "Umm, Giro, could you bring me that book over there? I kinda like to read while I eat."

"Me too. And sure." I walked over and picked up the book, I glanced at the title, 'Love and how it works.' She really does turn to books for all the answers to her problems. I smiled and brought it to her, "Here you go."

She levitated it up in front of her and opened it, "Thank you." She started reading the book and eating, obviously already into the book.

I turned and headed upstairs to do some reading of my own. Once in my room, I pulled out the book 'A complete history of Equestria.' Might as well start learning the history of this place if I'm going to live here. I sat on the bed and opened the book.


Fluttershy walked out of her house smiling, because the duck's eggs had hatched and she had just finished setting up a place for them to stay.

Today had been a great day for her. The animals outside were all playing with each other and doing their daily routine of getting ready for the night ahead. 

She walked over to a rabbit hole where three bunny's were about to go inside their hole. She reached into her saddlebag and dropped some cotton in front of them, "There you go. That will make your beds more comfortable."

One of the bunny's picked up the cotton and brought it inside the hole, while another one walked up to her. The bunny rubbed its nose against Fluttershy's nose. "Awww, you cute little bunny's."

Right then, all the animals behind her started to scatter and make noises. Fluttershy turned around and let out a small scream, then relaxed, "Oh, Rainbow Dash, its just you."

But Rainbow Dash looked mad, "Princess Celestia just let Giro go. She didn't even try to do anything. And she kept calling him Lance for some reason."

Fluttershy looked at her friend, trying to think of a way to work out the situation, "Maybe he really is a retired Royal Guard."

Rainbow Dash looked to be thinking about the idea, "No. From where I was outside the window, he didn't seem to act like a Royal Guard."

"Well, maybe he's different."

Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy, "He is DIFFERENT! He's a weird, dangerous pony. I know he's hiding something, and I'm going to find out what it is." She turned and flew off into the sky.

Fluttershy watched her go. What is wrong with her friend? Maybe she should go talk to Giro. But what if he is dangerous? She looked around at the animals around her, all looking at her. Maybe another time, when she's with everypony else.