Hard Court Press

by Hillbe

The H W Story

The H W Story

Spike laid flat on the floor the foals gathered around. Not a word was spoken not one made a sound.

The pop corn was popped with the utmost of care but stinky burnt morsels their smell filled the air.

The buckets passed out by magic and hooves. Holding the munchies they had nothing to lose.

Spike cleared his throat with a snort and a giggle. She topped off his drink a lot not a little.

With flurry and style his story did start by coming up short with some little foals fart.


Was the night of Hearth Warming and all through the town all eyes were staring at a mare and her clown.

He was dapper and dashing good looking all around and her dress was quite smashing a Rarity gown.

The couple was trotting, I set down my bottle. She was the mare trotting the drake had a waddle.

To the castle they traveled with speed to the door seeing it locked they looked once more,

the door mat, the rock, their pockets and floor. They had an idea to knock on the door.

Hoof steps could be heard from inside the keep. The chirping of birds and bleating of sheep.

The gate cracked open just enough for a peek, showing an eye greeting them both with a peep.

"I'm sorry for bothering if you two don't mind? If that's okay. I'm busy just a little. Oh I hope you're not too worried".

They looked a bit puzzled the shy one did speak, They strolled down the hallway. A bit late so they hurried.


A squealing erupted in uncle Spikeys rendition a tinkle was needing a quick intermission.

He hefted his charge a draconian foal the tike pointing for daddy on the right way to go.

The noise and the clatter started to grow with bid guy now gone the foals took over the show.

A pink blur shot through the group the silence was dandy all of their mouths now stuffed with candy.

To them that returned the story went on. Some words were spoken some parts had a song.


The drake and the mare hurried to supper. They greeted the guests and bowed to each other.

The table was festive the bounty galore a room full good tidings good will and much more,

At the head was the Princess to her side was her stud to the left of her was a pony of mud.

Across from those two was a prismatic flyer out of her mind filled up with cider.

Eat like a pig the menu did fall out came a cannon. She blew out a wall the pink one did stand and said with a scream


She sat with a smile the shy one had said "Hey hey hey You can come by and visit, But stay out of my shed".

So this little greeting once a year is now said "I'm back from Hearth Warming I need a long rest!"


Rarity stood looking over her minions "It's time for the feast lets go to the kitchen".

The end of the story. A feast and a lecture it took and Spikey the drake got his gift ... A book.