(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XXXIV-A - An Act of Love

Act XXXIV-A - An Act of Love

I couldn’t help but hover around the dining room, thinking to myself while all the other ponies talked and prepared the room for the coming dinner. Cherry and her staff worked with the others, moving the table, adding leaves to extend it and pulling up extra chairs for the larger party. Shortly after, Fluttershy flew up to me as I was doing laps around the ceiling and tapped me to get my attention.


“Oh, um. Will you be joining us for dinner tonight? I can make a spot for you next to me on the bench, if you’d like that.”

‘I would like that, but unfortunately, not tonight.’

“How sweet of you, dear! And as much as I’d like to sit and shoot the breeze, I’m feeling a bit restless tonight. Perhaps I’ll just stay up here unless I’m needed.”

“Oh.” She looked positively crushed. “That’s okay,” she said quietly as she floated back down to the floor.

‘Sorry, Fluttershy. I’ve got things on my mind right now. Things that can’t wait.’

Please understand, when presented with a challenge, I can’t help but stop everything to figure it out, and David’s little conundrum was a doozy. Mind you, I was just curious, that’s all. I hadn’t gone soft for the human just yet.

Shortly after the staff finished the preparations and retreated to the prep room, the doors to the royal apartments opened up, and David was escorted, or rather, assisted into the room by Luna. Seeing him enter, the other ponies came to help, but they didn’t guide him to his usual place on the bench. Instead, they had him sit in a separate chair at the head, with both Luna and Celestia’s chairs flanking him.

Once the man of the hour was seated, Luna took her place next to him, and the rest took their seats around the table as well. All except for Celestia, who was still in the palace proper, supposedly checking up on the affairs of state.

It wasn’t long before the doors to the palace opened widely to allow Celestia’s passage. She stopped to look at the new configuration of the table, and spotting her chair, walked over and joined the group.

There was little chatter and some concerned faces, but that ceased as the bell was rung for dinner to begin.

As usual, the parade of ponies came out, a bit longer than before, no doubt due to the larger party, and deposited their trays, plates, and whatnot, all in a somewhat choreographed nature, then returned like clockwork. Cherry then stood by the head of the table and addressed them before returning herself.

Forgive the lack of detail… I did say that my mind was otherwise occupied.

‘So David has three stores of magical energy in his body and a fourth that was yet unfilled. It’s almost like David himself is a puzzle. Coming from a land without magic, did he possess these vessels then too or did he suffer some magical mishap that changed him? I suppose the crossing of dimensions could’ve done it or simply being introduced into a world filled with magical energies, at that. Though, perhaps it was his interactions with the ponies that did it… Never mind, that line of thoughts is endless and unproductive.’

“…David told her that saddles in his world are for humans to ride equines!” Luna said, interrupting my thoughts, only to have them completely smashed from the group’s laughter in return.

‘It sounds like they are having fun. I suppose that much is fair, too much stress is bad for you. Now where was I? Three, no four vessels. All completely separate and forming pressure. The magic accumulation would stop if the connections were severed but truthfully, I think that would end David as well. My balloon metaphor was appropriate for explaining the pressure he felt, but I neglected to mention that the release of pressure would be just as accurate. Moving on.

‘His magical pool has been growing like a seed, expanding to fill his body… That should be a good thing, right? All things are both physical and magical, having a field that is synonymous with their corporeal self. Well, myself somewhat excluded. I am chaos, after all. And now David’s magical field, his pool, has finally come to resemble his physical body. Does that indicate it is near its maturation? If so, why does it cause him so much discomfort? Surely it is due to the battle royal—forgive me—of magic within him.

‘I am starting to believe Twilight may be right, that only with harmony restored within him—possibly from the elements themselves—that he may be able to rest peacefully. The last vessel, though, may still hold the key. If that really is for Princess Cadance, we will know soon.’

Seeming like my thoughts could conjure reality—well, sometimes they can—the doors to the palace opened again, and Princess Cadance and Shining Armor hastily trotted through without a word of introduction.

Twilight was fast to abandon her seat to greet the two, though slowed as she approached the princess. She performed a short bow and greeting, and it was reciprocated in kind.


Then the two youngest princesses smiled widely and broke into their usual sing-song and dance, only to wrap each other up in a hug after they finished.

“Oh, Cadance, Shining, I’m so glad you’re here!” Twilight said emphatically, breaking her embrace with Cadance to hug her brother.

“Of course, Twily. I’m just sorry I couldn’t come earlier,” Shining remarked, tousling her mane.

“Thanks, BBBFF. I wish you could’ve come under better circumstances too, but you’re here now. That’s what matters.”

Luna too walked up to meet the newcomers, with a few of the ponies behind her.

“Thank you for coming, Cadance. Forgive us for putting such a burden on you,” Luna said, then bowed.

Cadance waved it off. “It’s no trouble,” she said, then stopped to look around at those that had gathered. Her attention seemed to be drawn to three individuals in particular: the man, her aunt still sitting beside him and the orange farm mare.

If somepony looked hard enough, they would notice that Cadance’s smile shifted somewhat into a sly smirk as she assessed the room, but to the casual observer, there was no change whatsoever.

Cadance greeted a few more personally, then made her way over to greet Celestia and David with Shining Armor in tow.

She stopped short of David, wearing a bittersweet smile. “Good to see you again, David. Sorry we couldn’t come earlier.”

“That’s okay. Is that your husband, Shining Armor?”

The stallion in question stepped up and raised his hoof. “Yes. Nice to meet you. I’m Shining Armor, Cadance’s husband and Twilight’s big brother.” Shining introduced himself while Cadance left to greet Celestia.

“Oh.” David shook his hoof. “It’s a pleasure to meet you… Prince Shining Armor. My name is David Marshall, forgive me for not standing.”

He chuckled. “That’s okay. Also, you can drop the title; it’s decorative only. Call me ‘Shining’…”

David nodded. “Just ‘David.’”

“Thanks, David. So, looks like you’ve collected all the important mares of the kingdom! Hope you aren’t trying to take over or anything!” Shining chuckled nervously.

David smiled and laughed. “I wouldn’t worry about that.”

“Good to hear. Sorry, that wasn’t nice. I guess it comes from being the former captain of the Royal Guard. From what I’ve heard, you’re a great guy, David… as long as you don’t get Twily in any trouble.” Shining said with all seriousness.

David’s complexion seemed to blanch until Shining dropped the act and laughed.

“Sorry, former guard but still a big brother!” Shining added, smiling.

‘Crap,’ David remarked internally.

Over on his opposite side, Cadance and Celestia were talking in hushed voices.

“What can I do?” Cadance asked quietly.

“Honestly, we are not yet sure if you have a part to play in this, but it is possible that David needs your magic as well.”

“I see. Well, I’ll do anything I can to help.”

“Thank you, Cadance. I also ask for your patience, mine has been worn thin in all of this.”

Cadance shook her head. “It’s understandable. Especially considering how you must feel.”

Celestia’s eyes grew wide. She should’ve known that would be plainly evident to the master of love.

“Cadance, I—”

“We can talk about that later. Is it…”

Celestia nodded. “We three.”

Cadance squee’d a bit in delight. “Okay, definitely later. So, what’s Discord doing here?”

Celestia’s smile faltered. “Actually, he’s been of some help, though there have been some issues…”


“Apparently, he’s been secretly watching us all since David arrived.”

“Like, all the time?”

Celestia nodded solemnly, eliciting a shiver from Cadance.

Again, nopony needed to know. I only answered because they asked!

About this time, Luna came around to address the group. “Now that dinner is finished, and we have greeted our friends, would any object to moving to a more appropriate location for Cadance to examine and ponder on David’s current condition?”

Nopony seemed to object.

“Thank you, let us all return to my quarters, as it is much more spacious than David’s room. Please follow.”

Now that Cadance was here, I decided it would be best to vamoose. With a quiet snap of my talons, I disappeared from my resting place among the rafters with none the wiser.


Now I said I disappeared, not that I had left completely, mind you.

It took a while for all to assemble in the Night Princess’ room and for many, it was their first time allowed into such a secluded and restricted place.

Rarity, for instance, was simply beside herself. She tittered on the way over, barely able to contain her giddiness. Now on the inside, despite the somewhat somber mood, she couldn’t help but trot around the inside looking at the various small tapestries and elegant furniture.

Surprisingly, Pinkie Pie also held some of her normal enthusiasm toward the princess’ chambers. After her experience with the Castle of the Two Sisters, she peppered Luna with questions on the way over about secret passages and potential traps that could lay in wait. As Luna was not at all forthcoming, Pinkie too, zipped around the room upon her arrival, testing and tweaking odd bits to explore the potential of the royal’s room.

The others were subdued when entering the room, with the exception of a quip from Rainbow Dash about how she was “not impressed,” even though Rarity was doing her best to convince her otherwise. Fluttershy was her normal, reserved self. However, Applejack’s demeanor had changed quite a bit since last night. Since then, she’d position herself next to Luna in every possible situation. Here, she sat just aside and behind Luna as she took care of depositing David into her bed. I dare say that the farm mare has taken to the role of being a vassal for the princess, but only time will tell if I am right.

Finally, all were calm. David and Luna lay beside each other on the bed with Applejack sitting on the floor aside Luna. Twilight stood a bit away, facing the foot of the bed, with her brother and Cadance on one side, and her friends on the other. Interestingly enough, Celestia sat somewhat apart from the group, nearer to David’s side of the bed, but with a hefty distance between them. She seemed pensive and quiet but took a keen interest in examining David’s every breath as she waited for Cadance to approach and make her analysis.

Cadance and Twilight chatted for a moment, then Cadance finally made her way over to the man. She looked to Luna and Celestia, who gave her the signal to begin.

The princess of love took a few moments to herself. Apparently, she was quite nervous. As per the ritual, she calmed herself by taking in breaths and letting them out in her practiced manner until she smiled brightly and was ready to begin.

After nodding to David, she put power into her horn, letting it build slowly, all the while watching the man carefully. With the spell completed, she aimed it true and fired, once again exposing David’s magical inner-workings to all around.

David did not react to the magic and all looked as it did before, prompting Celestia to let out a sigh— The breath she did not manage to hide alerted the group and Twilight turned to glance at her, catching one eye. Twilight frowned at her former mentor, seeming to know the real reason behind such an utterance. Her feelings conveyed, Twilight turned her attention back to David.

Again, David’s pool and connections looked to be no different from the night before when I examined him. Three filled pools, three connections, three princesses.

Twilight approached the bedside and reviewed what they discussed in part in the dining room. Cadance looked at the exposed magic and furrowed her brow, trying to determine how to help as she listened to Twilight’s dissertation.

“So, that’s what we think. I wish I had more concrete facts and a proper analysis, but it seems much too dangerous for any of us that hold active connections to do such research now. What do you think we should do, Cadance?” Twilight concluded.

Cadance looked back and forth from all the concerned faces but stopped at David. “David, I’ll be honest… I’m not sure exactly what is best to do here.” She smiled kindly. “It seems that this fourth vessel is there for a purpose. I’m not sure if I’m the pony intended to fill it, but Twilight’s logic dictates it’s a good possibility that I am. What’s more important to me, though, is what you want.”

David smiled. “I trust you all. I even trust what Discord has said, so far. Cadance, I think this is your part to play, so let’s give it a try. If we leave it as it is, I’m pretty sure I’m going to die.”

His words toppled the carefully stacked bricks of Luna’s mental and emotional fortifications, and she shook visibly as a result. Crushed, she turned away and buried her head into her pillow, not wanting to hear her lover voice any more acceptance of his impending death.

Celestia too, in her own way, started to grieve. Her normally placid expression hardened, and her eyes became glassy and unemotional as she fought back the pain within her mind. Few who knew her would be able to read her in this state but to them, it was obvious she was in pain.

Cadance and Twilight, however, each put on bittersweet smiles for David. They were not willing to give in to those morose thoughts just yet. There were things left that they could try.

“I hate to admit it, but I think that we’re going to go with Discord’s analysis,” Twilight said.

Cadance nodded in agreement, then turned to the elder princesses. “Aunty? Luna?”

Celestia turned to face her, then solemnly nodded her head with closed eyes.

Luna extricated herself from her downy panic room and turned to Twilight. “Twilight, Cadance, can we be sure that this will not hasten his… I mean, exacerbate his condition?”

Twilight frowned and dropped her head, breaking eye contact with Luna. “No, we can’t. It’s pretty plainly obvious to me that adding more magic into the system will cause an increase in pressure. We can only hope that adding Cadance’s magic is the key to normalising the situation.” She turned to David. “Are you sure you want to try this?”

“I am. I feel stronger than I did before. I can survive this, I promise. If it doesn’t work, I may have some added pain, but I’m sure it’s not the worst I’ve seen in my life.”

Cadance smiled again at David. “David, do you know what we’re planning to do here?”

He shook his head. “Not exactly.”

She laughed. “Me either, to be honest. What I need to do is to form a connection and fill the last magical vessel inside you. The problem I see is that we don’t have a lot of time to wait, as the longer it takes, the more magic you’re going to absorb from the other connections. I have an idea, though. I’m going to use a method Twilight used when we were first trying to understand the nature of the links. It may be a bit forceful, but it should work.”

David furrowed his brow. “Hmm. Okay, I trust you.”

“Thanks. Give me a minute. I’ll be right back.”

Cadance then walked over to Shining Armor and chatted with him very quietly, but in an animated way. It must not have gone as planned, as she seemed a bit upset with his part and even stomped her forehoof in exasperation. The conversation stopped, then she and Shining walked off to the bathroom and shut the door.

After a few minutes had passed the door opened again, and the pair returned. Cadance was smiling, but Shining hung his head and looked a bit ragged.

Seeing his downtrodden and disheveled look, Twilight spun around and met Cadance with a skeptical look. “What did you do to my brother?”

Cadance balked, looking a bit surprised. “Oh! Sorry, I just needed a bit of a warm-up.” She then turned to David on the bed. “You ready?”

David cast a hesitant look to her, yet nodded in compliance all the same.

“Good. Don’t worry, David.” Cadance then walked over to Luna’s side of the bed and kicked off her shoes. She then locked eyes with Luna and waited for her signal.

Luna nodded, kissed David to reassure him, then stood from her place and left the bed.

Now given permission, Cadance removed her tiara and necklace and put them on the bedside table, then climbed up. She lay down and crawled up next to David, keeping her gaze locked with his and reassuring him with kind words.

Finally reaching the man, she rested against him before rolling onto her back, hooves in the air and her head precariously perched on his chest.

“Comfy?” she asked.

“Uhh… sure?” he answered cautiously.

“Mmm. Good. Could you… pet me?” Cadance asked timidly.

Stunned, David looked up to the faces of his marefriends for confirmation. Luna nodded in consent, Celestia turned her head and shied away. David managed to catch Twilight’s eye as well; she looked perturbed.

With the somewhat complicit agreement, David reached down with his left hand and ran it tentatively across Cadance’s exposed neck and shoulder. With pleasure washing over her, Cadance nuzzled up against him, squirming to get closer and expose more of her body to his caresses.

As David’s hand made it down to her shoulder once again, Cadance made a bold move and grabbed it between her forehooves. Now in her grasp, she pulled it ever lower and placed it on her slightly distended belly and waited for the man to stop struggling before letting him go. She looked up at him with a pout and her best puppy-dog eyes, pleading for him to continue.

David could not resist, but that was not his fault; it was a rare pony indeed that could resist that face from the Princess of Love.

The man continued to stroke and massage the pink princess as she so desired. As he did so, he found himself smiling at two new discoveries.

‘I knew these ponies were soft, but I didn’t think there were more surprises,’ he inwardly remarked. ‘Cadance is sooo fluffy! And, her stomach is… is she?’

David couldn’t help but smile as he played with her belly floof while Cadance cooed in appreciation.

After a few minutes of belly rubs and casual massages, Cadance shifted and rolled over to her stomach. She smiled gratefully at David, then moved to embrace him in a hug, which David kindly returned.

As she retreated, Cadance stared longingly into David’s eyes, searching his face for something.

Unsure, David seemed to be taken aback by her close proximity and did not share the same expression. In fact, he tried to look anywhere but in her eyes, which led to an unfortunate encounter.

David’s eyes met with Shining’s. It was obvious, as Shining was already transfixed on his wife’s position and actions on the bed, and when David’s glance met his, the stallion bristled and pulled his head up, staring daggers at him. David’s stomach sank, and a bit of panic showed on his face as they shared a silent conversation. Then, somewhat unexpectedly, Shining’s attitude softened and he turned away breaking the gaze, then dropped his head to the floor.

David then made another mistake. He turned his attention back to Cadance, who was still locked into him, looking for answers. When his eyes met hers and he opened his mouth to speak, he was preemptively silenced as she took him in a kiss.

The non-royal mares of the room let out a collective gasp at her bold act.

David, to his credit, tried to pull back, but there was little room between him and the headboard and Cadance even met his retreat with a push forward. David stretched his arms out wide in protest and shock. This did little to help but did allow Cadance to use her magic to pull said arms around her back and neck and squeeze her tightly to him with his own appendages. She hummed into his lips in appreciation.

Cadance was not done yet, though, and she fought to take the kiss deeper. With her eyes closed and mouth open, she gently pressed against his teeth with her tongue and tickled his lips and gums, asking for permission.

The smacking sound of Cadance doing her best resounded, causing reactions from all who watched. Twilight blushed fiercely, and Celestia still did not dare turn to watch. The most interesting expression came from Applejack, who, now stationed by Luna, sat and glared angrily while biting her lip. She then looked up and whispered to her princess, “Is there a reason we gotta watch?” To which Luna simply answered by gently laying a wing over her back.

On the bed, only seconds into the kiss, David was losing the battle of breath as Cadance’s master-level lips worked him over. Finally, David gasped and opened his mouth slightly, which was just the weakness Cadance needed to proceed.

As his sealed mouth now joined his airway, she let him breathe but kept her place in his mouth. She lovingly searched and played with his tongue and soon, David could not help but be complicit in the act. His arms went slack, his eyes closed, and his brow furrowed as he began to enjoy her forceful play.

Cadance once again hummed in appreciation as David gave in. Slowly, she started putting power into her horn, plainly evident to those watching, as the light-blue aura increased in intensity. As her magic grew stronger, her lips redoubled their efforts as well, now working in concert with David’s own. In a small breach of their kiss, light-blue magic could be seen between them, glowing around their moistened lips before they sealed the gap again. Another break confirmed the transaction, as well as Cadance’s expertise—her tongue was clearly visible as it worked in David’s gaping cavern.

It was not over yet, though. Cadance sealed her lips over his and pressed David even further into the pillows behind him, causing him to struggle somewhat under the pressure. She squealed in delight and opened her eyes, filled white with power for a moment only to fade to normal. She broke the kiss, gasping, a thin strand of saliva pulled between them. She smiled at David, then collapsed on his heaving chest.

Luna rushed to her side. “Cadance, are you alright?” She stopped to look at the stunned man and cocked her head.

“Mmmmm, yess,” Cadance slurred. She smirked, her eyes still closed. “Aunty, you sure are lucky… he’s a good kisser.”

Feeling a bit more energy return, Cadance nuzzled into David’s chest, wiping off some of her drool on the sheet. She then cautiously picked up her head to determine David’s condition. “I’ve given you a lot of my magic. Now we have to see what happens.” She pulled herself off of him and sat to the side. There, she struggled to power her horn, deep concentration showing on her face.

David showed the telltale signs of his magical sensitivity, though Luna paid it no mind. Cadance finished the spell and let it loose, once again exposing David’s magical inner workings. She then collapsed back to the bed and listed on her side.

“Cadance!” Shining called out, and he and Twilight came rushing over to her side.

“It’s okay, I’m just a little dizzy. It took a lot out of me,” she answered their concerns.

Looking back at David, there was a notable difference from the exchange. The pool of magic throbbed against its imperfect boundaries and was filled to the brim with four magical vessels.

I remember wondering, ‘Where does he have room for all of this!’

The three primary vessels still overshadowed the fourth light-blue colored vessel, but that could somewhat be expected, considering how long the others had been growing. Along with the newly filled section came a small powder-blue line going from David to Cadance.

Twilight looked to the display. “Wow, you filled him up! David, how do you feel?”

David held his head. “Ugh. Kind of dizzy, a little tingly, I guess.”

Cadance smiled and crawled to the edge of the bed to nuzzle her stallion. “Shining feels the same sometimes. It should pass.”

David’s body did not agree, though, as he lurched and proceeded to vomit all over the bed.

“Or… not.”

Luna jumped onto the bed to get closer to her lover. “David, are you alright?” She held his head next to her own.

David sputtered a bit. “Well, I wasn’t before, but now… Give me a minute, I’m not sure yet. It… it hasn’t gotten better, but it’s not—” Then David doubled over and yelled, negating his intended answer.

Twilight turned from her sister. “Oh no; we’ve made it worse! Curse you, Discord!”

‘She didn’t have to blame me. I did say it might not help.’

Celestia joined the group at the bedside and looked at the magical pool, then back to David. She nuzzled him through his mess and smiled comfortingly. “Perhaps it was just too much magic to take at once. It may pass.”

Seeming against all positive notions, David threw his head back again in pain, startling Celestia, who withdrew quickly.

Luna looked on worriedly.

“Discord!? Discord, I know you are here somewhere, show yourself! We need you!” Twilight yelled.

I snapped my talons and reappeared outside the doors, only to come face-to-face with the business end of a pair of lances emanating from the shadows. “Ah!”

“Let him in!” Luna shouted, and the shadows immediately retreated, allowing me to enter.

“I’m here,” I called out.

Twilight came forward to meet me. “We tried to infuse him with Cadance’s magic. She gave a lot, but now it’s hurting him. I know you may not be able to do much, but please take a look!”

Her pleading, tear-filled eyes even started to win me over. “Of course. I’ll do what I can.”

I pushed her aside and walked over to the bed, making my way between the elder rulers and faced David.

Celestia stared at me, the fire in her eyes somewhat subdued as tears pooled around them.

I turned back to David. He was a mess, though I knew that already. I donned a mask and gown then snapped on a pair of gloves. Now prepared, I jumped, shrunk down to an appropriate size and dove in head first, barely causing a ripple. Unfortunately, nopony could see my form at that size, but whatever.

I swam and looked around. ‘No, that can’t be right.’

Finished with my inspection, I oozed out of the pool and shook myself off before regaining my original appearance. “It is too much for him. He needs to release the pressure,” I reported.

Luna turned away and began to pace. Celestia soon followed.

After helping Cadance off the bed, Twilight and her friends worked to clean David and change the linens. Rarity came with a wet towel and sponged David off, causing him some distress.

“Now, now. This is no trouble, you just rest. Everypony gets sick from time to time,” she said, smiling.

David returned the smile, only to double over in pain again.

While the others tended to David, Luna and Celestia had made their way to the balcony and were now in a heated discussion.

“Sister, though I do not wish for you to be upset by this, it is the best conclusion I can derive under these circumstances!”

“No, Luna. This path is madness. I will not see you do such destructive things in an effort to heal him! What if something went wrong!? Even if you helped him in the short term, what if something happened to you?”

“Hah! I am no mere foal. I know of my limits here; tried and tested in battle! I would gladly even give a limb if it meant to save him!”

“As would I, but to suggest inflicting such a potentially mortal wound on yourself to spur him into action? I do not think he would agree with this plan!” Celestia argued.

Luna snorted in frustration. “As is the reason we are discussing it here, without him. Nopony in their right mind would consent.”

“Do you hear yourself!? Even you do not think this is proper! Please, Lulu, there must be some other way!”

“Was it not you, yourself that said it would be too dangerous for him to attempt casting magic by strength of mind alone? I know you are worried that his inexperience and pain might cause him to lose control, to conjure dark forces, involuntarily hurting himself or others. I only wish to provide the impetus for him to channel his will into the proper school of magic!”

“Yes, Lulu, that is what I believe. For those who are not well versed in magic, you know the dangers as well. Their emotions can sway their powers, leading to disastrous effects! And to have that pressure while also feeling physical pain? I dare not imagine. But to do this—”

“No more words, Sister. You and I both know that he has the most experience in using healing magic. This needs to be done before the damage to his own body becomes too great. Now step aside.”

Luna reentered the room from the balcony, with Celestia hot on her heels. The elder sister caught up and rounded on her as Luna approached the bed, leveling her horn at Luna in defiance.

“I will NOT let you do this, Luna!”

Luna snarled and lowered her horn as well, they met with sparks between them as their foreheads clashed together.

The sisters were deadlocked it seemed, pushing each other at the end of the bed while everyone else stood silently in shock.

Twilight was the first to crack and started panicking, with Shining and Cadance quickly trying to calm her. Applejack clenched her teeth and moved aside Luna, unsure of what to do. Rainbow Dash flew up to me and proceeded to tell me how this was all my fault. I didn’t blame her, though, I was somewhat used to it. That, and this really might have been my fault, releasing chaos energy into the cosmos with no consideration for the consequences. However, Fluttershy didn’t feel it was warranted and tried her best to console her fellow pegasus and squeeze between us, even though she was thoroughly overpowered. The last two, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were huddled in a corner. Pinkie was flat-maned and crying, and Rarity was doing her best to soothe her friend. All in all, it was a mess.

“Enough!” came a yell from the bed along with a blue luminescent pulse that overwhelmed us all, silencing the room.

Stunned, Luna and Celestia stopped their aggression and turned to look at David, who was now laying quietly on the bed, unmoving.

They rushed to his side and checked him.

“He’s unconscious, but breathing,” Luna reported with tears streaming down her muzzle inexplicably.

With all gathered round, I waved my paw over David exposing his magic again.

“Well, it wasn’t the best, but it worked,” I said.

The light-blue vessel had shrunken a bit, obviously due to the recent outburst. That wasn’t the biggest change, though— David’s pool looked to have finalized. It was now exactly the same shape as his body and was holding steady!

“It looks… normal?” Twilight pondered out loud. “Perhaps every time David uses magic, his pool grew bigger, more towards what it should be.”

“I suppose that’s not too crazy of an idea,” I added. “It has been growing over time, but I agree, now it looks absolutely normal other than the presence of the vessels. The bigger question is, what happens if the vessels continue to grow?”

“Let’s hope they don’t,” Twilight added.

Cadance stuck her muzzle in further for a closer look. “Oh! Look! My connection is stronger now too! It looks like a cute iron chain! I could even feel him using my magic!”

Sure enough, the minuscule line that was present only a few minutes before had morphed into a light-blue chain with single, forged links.

Luna reaffirmed her statement. “Yes, I could feel your magic as well. In an instant, my mind was filled with the ponies and the man that I love, soothing my anger. Did you feel it, Sister?” Luna asked.

“I did. It was overpowering… The feeling of love we give and receive from others. It quelled my mind and instead stirred my heart. I am sorry, Lulu. I know you only wanted to do what you could for him. Please forgive me.” Celestia bowed her head apologetically.

Luna shook her head and nuzzled her big sister. “You, I will always forgive. I hope you feel the same and will forgive me too.”

“Awww,” Cadance cooed.

“Sorry,” Shining spoke up, chuckling while propping up his wife. “She gets a little love-drunk, even when she’s the one using her magic.”

Everypony smiled and nodded.

“Well! Perhaps we have solved David’s problem, yes?” I interrupted.

“I wish it were that easy,” Twilight said. “Even though his pool looks normal, the magic inside is still separate, and that concerns me. I need to think about this.”

Celestia stepped forward. “We should also see how David feels when he awakens. It is difficult to diagnose him while he is still asleep, but for now, we should let him rest.”

Luna nodded in agreement, smiling at her sister.

Altogether, the ponies made plans for the evening, and for looking after David. It would be a long night for everypony, but eventually, the dawn would come.
