//------------------------------// // Come hell and high water // Story: Stir Crazy // by Fordsie //------------------------------// After the visit from that weather pony I was feeling a bit better about my situation. Maybe it won’t be so bad, there must be something I could do. I looked out the window. “Maybe I could take some pictures, this kind of weather doesn’t come around often” I said to myself. I wandered upstairs to grab my camera. This house doesn’t actually belong to me, well… it sort of does. My house mate Kindle Spark left for Manehatten a few days ago for business. I really missed having her around. She provided welcome company for me. Thinking about her deep red mane relaxed me. For a moment I forgot where I was, what my situation was. I imagined I was in Canterlot with my all my friends. At the donut shop, laughing, smiling. I opened my eyes, I was halfway up the stairs. Once again, I crashed back to reality. My heart sunk, I had really convinced myself that I was somewhere completely different. That’s another thing I’m really good at. It’s a blessing and a curse I suppose. I finally made it to the top of the stairs and moved towards my study. Pushing down on the handle produced a loud groan as the door opened. This didn’t help me feel any less anxious. I headed into the cold dark room. Since the door had been closed, none of the hot air had made it inside. I could see my breath all of a sudden. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. There on the desk the glint of a camera lens caught my eye. “Found you” I said. I grabbed my camera and returned down the stairs towards the front window which was just next to the front door. I pulled the curtain and gazed out into the street to observe the damage. It was nothing too bad, but the water was about a quarter up some pony’s doors. There was no leaving. I only wish that I was a unicorn or a pegasus. That way I could either just teleport between houses until I got to someone I knew. Or fly there instead. I suppose I could just wade my way through the water. Earth ponies are blessed with glorious strength, I can be thankful for that at least. But even then, if I opened the door there would be no possibility of closing it. The water had only risen further since my close call earlier. It was difficult enough then, it would be down-right impossible now. The raw power of the flowing water would be too much. I stood there for at least an hour just snapping away. It was a good way to kill time. That’s one hour down, 23 until the weather pony returns. I’d already forgotten her name, I have awful short term memory. Maybe I could convince her to stay, or is that too far? Would she mind? Seeing those rhinestone eyes again would provide me an enormous amount of comfort. Now I just sound creepy. I barely know this mare, I can’t even remember her name and here I am fantasising about her presence. “I really am going mad. That didn’t take long. No, I shouldn’t talk like that. It will only make me worse.” I said to myself. I started pacing around the room, thinking about what else I could do the occupy my time. Maybe I should read a book. Princess Twilight loves books, and if they’re good enough for her then they’re good enough for me. I walked over to the bookshelf that was attached to the stairs. Whoever designed this house had quite an eye for interior design. I hoofed through a few books until I found something that peaked my interest. ‘Lights of Manehatten’ written by Nightowl. I wish I knew this was here, I could have given it to Kindle before she left. It would have made for a fitting farewell present. Thoughts of her face start to flood my memory again, I let them come. I remember the time we first met at the university in Canterlot. We hit it off almost immediately. We remained friends for 2 years. It was at the end of my studies that I was kicked out of my apartment for not paying rent. I tried to charm my way out of it but it didn’t work out so I left. I was talking to Kindle about it when she told me that her parents bought her a big house in Ponyville for her to live in after she finished school. She invited me to move in, I was amazed by her kindness. Within a week I was settled in. I was unaware of the history that certain Ponyville residents had. Until a giant castle sprung up from the ground one day. That was… odd. Granted it was probably the best thing that happened all day since my soul had been sucked out of me by a giant centaur. That whole day was just one big blur. Either way, no harm done. I got my soul back and Twilight Sparkle got a new house. Good for her.  I snapped back to reality. I got lost in my thoughts for a bit there. I sat down with my book and started reading. Reading about Manehatten was making me want to go. The descriptions of towering skyscrapers dotted with squares of light coming from the rooms on each floor sounded beautiful. Anything would be better than this. In fact couch-surfing doesn’t sound too bad if it meant I didn’t need to spend all day inside, alone like I am right now. Upper East Manehatten sounded somewhat similar to Canterlot. Rich upper class trotting around like they owned the place. I was born into wealth, just as many other ponies in Canterlot were. But my parents made me work for everything that I wanted. At the time I was annoyed that they wouldn’t just buy me anything I wanted like my friends parents would. But now that I’ve aged, I understand why they did what they did and I thank them for it. Kindle was brought up the opposite of how I was. She was showered with expensive luxury items whenever she wanted. Looking back, I am amazed at how she wasn’t completely corrupted with greed. I remember a few months after we first met, we started talking about our parents. She said she felt like she had it too easy and wishes that her parents had taught her how to work hard and not just give her everything she wanted. I never fully understood that mindset, but I can see how an upbringing like that could bite you in the ass as you get older. I think a large reason of how we became friends was our pure fascination of how different we both were in how we worked and studied. To anypony outside of our circle, this would seem like a weird reason to be friends. But it just worked. Lost in thought, once again. It’s amazing how distracted we can get when we’re thinking about things. Jumping from one subject to another without an obvious connection between the two topics. Shaking my head, I stopped myself from falling back into deep thought. I was tired, maybe I just needed to sleep. It had been a long, stressful day and I was spent. I rose to my hooves and grabbed the book from the small table next to my chair. As I moved towards the bookshelf, I heard a whisper. Just for a moment. Quiet, but noticeable enough to hear. I glanced around in search of the source of the sound. Nothing. I’m just tired I thought to myself. I placed the book back where I found it on the bookshelf. I put out the fire that I had lit earlier and headed upstairs to my room. My bed was still a mess. I never got around to making it when I got up. I normally did it after I had breakfast, but I completely forgot. With good reason I suppose. I slid under the sheets and pulled them up to my chin. I was freezing but I knew that within a few minutes I would be warm so it didn’t matter too much. Staring at the ceiling, vision blurring, mind clouding. All my worries left my mind like a bucket being dropped off a bridge and being carried off by the stream below.