Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom


While Rainbow and Indominus were enjoying their time in Las Pegasus, back in Ponyville, Scootaloo was having a great time with her new family. Tyrannosaurus, Blue and her girls were caring for the little filly, just like they had promised Indominus. They played with her, gave her all the attention she never had before, and provided for Scootaloo to the best of their abilities. When it came to food, they asked the others for help because there was no way they could give carved meat to a pony. They even tagged along with her and the CMC on their adventures now that they had earned their marks.

Helping other ponies figure out their talents was so confusing to the dinosaurs, they had no clue how they could help. So it was good that the Crusaders were able to show them the way. Charlie helped a little colt with navigating an obstacle course after Applebloom showed her the ropes. That colt ended up getting his cutie mark in acrobatics after he went through the course with tremendous agility. Charlie had messed up halfway through, but was glad she could help the pony find his purpose.

Delta and Echo had great delight in joining Sweetie Belle and helping a filly in excavating. Their claws helped in the tunneling, and the sister raptors helped the pony dig up an ancient skeleton in a sandbox. Seeing the filly so overjoyed at getting her mark, which was a pair of bones with a shovel resting beside them, showed the raptors just how much getting their marks meant to the ponies.

"See girls, a cutie mark is one of the best moments in a pony's life."

"Now I can see why you girls were so excited to get yours," said Delta.

Tyrannosaurus and Blue were assisting Scootaloo with a young pegasus that was trying to earn her mark in flying. They could see she had plenty of potential in her, just like Scootaloo had when Rainbow had taught her how to make use of her wing power. However, the poor thing was so nervous about falling out of the sky that she didn't have the confidence to try hard enough. So Blue and Scootaloo decided to try and build some confidence in her with a race.

"But, what if I fall and get hurt?"

"That won't happen," Tyrannosaurus reassured her. "I'll be flying right underneath you so that you'll land on my back if you think you're gonna hit the ground."

If there was one thing Tyrannosaurus was really good at, it was getting ponies to put their trust and faith in him. He never went back on his word before, and he would always live up to it. Once the filly took flight and Tyrannosaurus had positioned himself underneath her, she felt more confident and secure. So Scootaloo and Blue took her on a race through a little air course, and the pony began to show her speed and skill. She was weaving easily around obstacles and pulling ahead of the raptor and Scootaloo, Tyrannosaurus still kept going after her, not wanting to risk her getting hurt. She was showing the speed and agility of a trained flyer, and enjoying the adrenaline from the race.

Once the filly finished the race, a glow happened on her flank. She was amazed to see that her mark was a pair of blue lightning bolts crossing over each other like an X. It warmed Scootaloo's heart to see the filly so overjoyed, and no longer afraid of flight. Blue and Tyrannosaurus were equally as happy to see the pony so ecstatic. They were slowly getting an understanding for how important cutie marks were to the young ones.

After the Crusaders had helped out their share of ponies for the day, they returned to the clubhouse to discuss their progress. While the raptors were discussing their time with each of the fillies they had helped, Scootaloo seemed rather distant and distracted from the other Crusaders. Tyrannosaurus noticed from outside and saw that she was just staring out the window and into the sky. He knew what this meant: she was missing her new parents while they were away. So T-Rex moved in front of the window and it got her attention.

"You miss them, don't you Scootaloo?" Scootaloo sighed, there was no way she could hide her emotions from T-Rex. He knew her so well after spending so much time with the filly over the year.

"Yeah, I do miss them. I'd just like to spend some time with them while they're away."

"Well, they did give you permission to visit if you truly miss them that much. So what's holding you back?"

"I keep thinking that it would be selfish of me to intrude on their time together." Upon hearing this, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle stopped their conversations and went over to their friend.

"Scootaloo, there is nothing selfish about wanting to spend time with your new family," said Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, it's taken so much for ya to get the family you've always wanted, and now yer sayin' that you don't want to interfere with Rainbow and Indominus's time together? They love ya to the end of Equestria Scootaloo, heck they promised to become yer new parents. If ya want to see them that badly, then go for it girl."

"We'd be glad to fly you on over to Las Pegasus, Scootaloo. After all, we're a family now and we promised we'd be there for you and Rainbow," said Blue.

Scootaloo pulled her friends into a hug, and the raptors joined in the warm embrace.

"Thank you girls."

"Don't mention it Scootaloo, it's what we do." The group broke apart and Scootaloo flew out the window to hug the dinosaur that had gotten her to talk in the first place.

"I need to give an especially good thanks to you Rexy, for getting me to speak up," Scootaloo said before placing a kiss on the dinosaur's cheek. T-Rex rumbled softly and nuzzled his girl.

"I'm just doing my part and looking out for you Scootaloo. The same way that Rainbow and Indominus would've done, I'm just trying to follow their examples since they know better about caring for somepony."

"Oh I wouldn't say that," said Scootaloo as she nuzzled against T-Rex. "You, Blue and her girls have done a pretty good job of looking after me like a real family should. I'd say you're doing very well for a first time."

Applejack and Rarity were walking by to check on their sisters and caught sight of the cute display.

"You two keep this up, and ya'll be loving each other just like Rainbow and Indominus in no time." Scootaloo was a little embarrassed by Applejack's comment, but knew that she was just giving her honest opinion.

"So, how did your crusading go today," asked Rarity as Sweetie Belle ran over to greet her sister.

"We've been helping a lot of ponies, and the dinosaurs are becoming fast learners in assisting us."

"It's true, we didn't realize just how much these little marks mean to everypony," said Echo. "I've never seen ponies get so excited since these amazing girls got their marks over a year ago."

"A cutie mark signifies what a pony's destiny is, darling. It's what drives us forward each day, and inspires us to try more."

"Oh, Applejack, Ah was wondering if we could all take a trip to Las Pegasus sometime soon?"

"Why in the world would you want to go all the way to Las Pegasus, Applebloom? It's just one big party, and always noisy."

"Well, it's not really for us, but more for Scootaloo." Applejack took a minute to ponder what her sister had said, and realized what she meant after taking another look at the ultimate family. So she walked over to Scootaloo for confirmation,

"Ya miss Rainbow Dash, don't ya Scootaloo."

"Uh huh, without her here in Ponyville, things just feel a little empty in my life. I'd like to see her for just a day, just so I can be near her again."

"Ah understand, she and Indominus promised to be yer parents and you want ta see yer new mom and dad again." Scootaloo nodded her head silently, and Applejack lifted her head up with a hoof.

"There's no shame in wanting to spend time with Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo. It doesn't make you look weak or sad in front of anypony. It shows that you love your new family and want to be with them. So, if ya really want to see Rainbow, Ah think we can arrange a day to head on over there."

Scootaloo's face lit up in delight at the promise of getting to see Rainbow Dash again.

"Rarity, would you and Sweetie Belle be up for joining us on a trip to Las Pegasus?"

"Why of course darling, I'd love to know how Rainbow's been enjoying her time with Indominus."

"Then it's settled. Our only issue is that we have no idea when or how long they're going to stay in Las Pegasus."

T-Rex suddenly felt somepony sitting on top of his head, and it wasn't Scootaloo or any of the raptors. He lifted his gaze up when he heard an all too familiar voice.

"My my, the newly weds are gone for a few days and they're still a hot topic." Delta flew onto T-Rex's back to chat with their new friend.

"Discord, what are you doing here at this hour?" The draconequess levitated himself off Tyrannosaurus's head and floated in the middle of the crowd so everypony could see him.

"What, I can't see if anypony is curious about catching up with my friend and his wife?"

"You wouldn't happen to know how they're doing, would ya Discord?"

"Oh Applejack, the last time I saw them, I was helping Indominus get ready for his big dance with Rainbow Dash."

This took Applejack and Rarity by surprise, they never thought that Discord would willingly help somepony without throwing some chaos into the mix. Then again, he and Indominus had bonded quite a bit over the last year, so it was possible the hybrid's influence had changed a lot in Discord.

"You helped him get ready for a dance?"

"Why of course Rarity, he needed help getting the suit on that you made for him. I simply helped him with putting it on and gave him some friendly advice for the night."

"What kind of advice," asked Applejack.

"Oh you know, just advice to help him make Rainbow Dash feel special is all, but that's beside the point. I heard you ponies want to pay them a visit, well I know the perfect day for that." Discord snapped his claws and a calendar decorated with pictures of himself appeared.

The ponies and dinosaurs all gathered to see what day Discord had in mind. They saw that he had circled Saturday and labeled it 'big event.'

"What's going on in Las Pegasus on Saturday, Discord?"

"You see Applejack, I thought I'd check up on the couple and see how they were doing. I just happened to overhear a group of tourist ponies talk about a singing competition that would take place in three days. Rainbow and Indominus sounded so eager for it and agreed that they would participate. If you ponies were planning on paying them a visit, I think that visiting them on the day of the competition would be great timing."

"That actually sounds like a good idea Discord, and very generous of ya to let us know."

"It's no trouble my dear ponies, Indominus is the first companion I've ever met who I can truly relate and bond with on an equal level. Ever now and then I've got to do a little favor for him, and his new family." He floated over to Scootaloo and T-Rex and whispered to them, "if he asks for me to show up during the contest, the boys and I will be waiting."

Tyrannosaurus gave Discord a solid wink and Scootaloo replied, "I'm sure there will be a song that he'll want you to be present for."

So Discord bid his farewells and disappeared in a flash, leaving the ponies to plan for their trip to Las Pegasus.

Over the course of the next three days, Rarity and Applejack started packing things for the trip. They would be staying at a resort for the night, but Tyrannosaurus had agreed that he and the raptors would fly them to and from Las Pegasus. It was their way of contributing and saving the ponies the cost of paying for the trip. The raptors could hardly wait to find out how much fun Indominus would've experienced by the time they arrived. Meanwhile the Crusaders had something special they needed to take care of.

Since Discord had filled them in and notified them ahead of time, the Crusaders felt it was only fair to bring along the one pony he held above all others. The Crusaders stopped by Fluttershy's cottage and asked her if she wanted to join them on the trip to Las Pegasus.

"I don't know girls, Las Pegasus is full of wild ponies, endless crowds and so much noise. I'm not sure I'd be up for going."

"What if I told you that with Tyrannosaurus and the raptors there, you wouldn't have to worry about crowds? Plus, you'll get to catch up with Rainbow Dash, and I heard that Discord might be singing with them." Scootaloo was trying to tempt Fluttershy, and it seemed to be working. The yellow pegasus thought it over and decided that as long as the dinosaurs could keep the crowds away, she would join them on the trip.

On the day of the singing contest, the group left early in the morning. They made sure to bring plenty of fritters for the trip, so the dinosaurs wouldn't have to make any hunting stops. The Crusaders were so tired that they slept the whole way to Las Pegasus in the comfort of the dinosaurs' arms. Rarity rode on Echo's back, Applejack took Charlie while Fluttershy was snuggled next to Scootaloo in T-Rex's arms.

While the Crusaders slept and Fluttershy tried to avoid looking at the ground, the others took in the great sights.

"Does Equestria always look this good from up here," asked Rarity.

"Sometimes, though we prefer to be on the ground," said Echo.

"How much further til we get to Las Pegasus, Tyrannosaurus?"

"I'd give it another twenty five minutes Applejack."

"Then we'd better wake the girls."

Applejack dug into the bags of fritters and passed one off to Rarity and Fluttershy, who woke the girls from their slumber with the food. Applejack passed a few fritters to the dinosaurs so they could eat as she woke up Applebloom. With everypony awake, they decided to chow down a bit before they reached their destination. The dinosaurs gorged on their fritters as they continued onward, and once the bags had been cleaned out, the ponies heard Tyrannosaurus call out.

"There it is everypony, Las Pegasus!"

Everypony could see the floating city and its decorative lights on display. The Crusaders could hardly wait to touch down, but as they drew closer the group could see ponies already gathering to greet them. The dinosaurs touched down on Las Pegasus and Tyrannosaurus was expecting the tourists to come running towards them any second. However, to his and everypony else's surprise, the tourist ponies all approached calmly and slowly. Fluttershy didn't feel as nervous anymore upon seeing the display and flew down alongside Applejack and Rarity.

"I can't believe it."

"All of the Guardians are here in Las Pegasus."

"We're honored to be here, but I'm surprised that all of you aren't swarming us for autographs," said Tyrannosaurus.

"Well, after we met Indominus Rex, we know better than to overwhelm you guys. We ponies need to be more respectful of you amazing dinosaurs."

"I'm glad Indominus put in such a good word for us," said Blue.

"Speaking of Indominus, we're tryin' ta find him and Rainbow Dash. Does anypony know where they might be?"

"They're taking part in the annual singing competition being held at the Ancient Stallion." The tourists all gestured their hooves to the giant pony building across from the group.

"Oh my, that certainly looks like a very lovely place to hold a contest. Alright girls, let's see if we can find them." Tyrannosaurus was about to follow when he noticed that some of the tourists were getting out pens and booklets.

"We know you dinosaurs want to catch up with Indominus and Rainbow Dash, but if its not too much trouble-"

"It's alright, I know where this is going. We'll autograph your books, that's ok, right girls?"

"I'm perfectly fine with it," said Blue.

"Me neither," said Delta.

"It won't kill us to give out a few autographs," Echo added.

"Besides, Indominus doesn't even know we're here. We can kill some time," said Charlie.

So Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and the Crusaders ended up having to wait while the dinosaurs took the time to sign a few autographs. After the signing was done, the group made their way over to the Ancient Stallion. They thought that it wouldn't be too hard to find Rainbow and Indominus in the building, but when they got inside, it was a whole different story. The inside of the Ancient Stallion was far bigger than the outside and seemed to stretch on for miles. There were food stands, games of all sorts being played, halls that went everywhere and tons of shops for ponies to browse. It was enough to overwhelm everypony, especially the dinosaurs.

"I don't see how we're going to find Indominus in a building like this."

"Ah have to agree with ya T-Rex, those two could be anywhere in here."

"How are we supposed to know where the competition is being held," asked Scootaloo. Just then a green stallion overheard her question and walked over to answer.

"If you're looking for the singing contest, just walk down this hallway and take a right at the second intersection. The contest is being held in the main parlor of the building so everypony can watch."

"Thank you kind sir," said Rarity as the group followed the stallion's directions.

The dinosaurs could hear music coming from the intersection as they got closer. Once they rounded the corner and could hear the music perfectly, the group caught sight of the area where the contest was being held. An enormous stage was placed in the center of the parlor decked out in strobe lights, lasers and disco balls. A large curtain was hung over it, to possibly keep the contestants from getting stage fright at the enormous crowds. Ponies were gathering around the stage to listen to the singers, and those that couldn't could watch the performances from the higher levels. In front of the stage were three judge ponies, and they would give score on each song and performance. On the stage itself was a huge boombox stereo and music station, run by DJ Pon-3 herself. An announcer walked onto the stage to address the crowd.

"Hey everypony! Are all of ya enjoying the competition so far?" He was greeted with thunderous cheers and applause. "That's what I like to hear, now we've gone through the first three rounds of our contest. We've seen some great ponies and heard plenty of wonderful songs, but there are still two rounds to go. We've just finished our latest pairing, and now it's time for a couple that a lot of ya really like to hear sing."

As the group watched the contest from behind a corner, so Fluttershy wouldn't get scared to death, Scootaloo was wondering where her sister and hybrid savior were. She couldn't see them amongst all the ponies, and couldn't spot any of the remaining performers.

"What if they didn't make to this round? What if they've been eliminated from the contest already?"

"Oh come on Scootaloo, give Rainbow more credit than that. She's got a great voice and I'm sure Indominus can cover with his own."

"Alright everypony, put your hooves together for the newest couple in Equestria, and a fan favorite among most of you, Rainbow Dash and Indominus Rex!"

Scootaloo's eyes shot back to the stage as the curtain parted away and the two lovebirds walked onto the stage. Her eyes widened at seeing her sister again, even though it had only been a few days. She and Indominus looked so happy together, and she even had her wing resting in his hand. Indominus was holding it so gently in his hand, like he was cradling a fragile diamond. DJ Pon-3 started the song that they had chosen, and Scootaloo watched in awe as her sister and savior sang another perfect duet.

I thought love was
Only true in fairy tales

Meant for somepony else
But not for me

Love was out to get to me
That's the way it seems

Disappointment haunted
All my dreams

And then I saw her face
And then I saw his face

Now I'm a believer
Not a trace
Of doubt in my mind
I'm in love
I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her
I couldn't leave him
If I tried

I thought love was
More or less a given thing

But the more I gave the less
I got, oh yeah

What's the use in trying
All you get is pain

When I wanted sunshine
I got rain

And then I saw her face
And then I saw his face

Now I'm a believer
Not a trace
Of doubt in my mind
I'm in love
I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her
I couldn't leave him
If I tried

Ponies were cheering wildly and waving their hooves in the air. Scootaloo was giving out loud cheers, despite all the noise and the volume of the song.

"Way to go Rainbow Dash! Knock em' dead Indominus!"

What's the use in trying
All you get is pain
When I wanted sunshine
I got rain

And then I saw her face
And then I saw his face
Now I'm a believer
Not a trace
Of doubt in my mind
I'm in love
I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her
I couldn't leave him
If I tried

The dinosaur and pegasus shared a kiss before continuing, which brought even wilder cheers from the crowd.

Then I saw her face
Then I saw his face
Now I'm a believer
Not a trace
Of doubt in my mind
Now I'm a believer
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm a believer
I'm a believer
I'm a believer

All the ponies in the plaza were cheering their heads off after the song was over. It was clear that Rainbow and Indominus were going to make it to the next round. Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy were amazed at how well Rainbow and Indominus could sing together.

"Wow! What a duet, I think we can all agree that Rainbow and her dinosaur husband are moving on to the final round, right judges?"

The other judge ponies agreed and gave the couple the top score. Indominus and Rainbow bowed to the ponies and went behind the curtain to wait for their shot at the trophy. Their competition for the final round was against the couple that had told them about it in the first place, Light Field and Solid Muscle.

"Good luck you guys," said Rainbow Dash.

"Thanks Rainbow, and by the way, you two have quite the voices," said Light Field.

"Oh my voice isn't that great at singing."

"Now don't be so modest Dashie, you're a natural singer. That's saying a lot considering I needed to have lessons from Fluttershy to be this good."

The two couples shared hoof and claw bumps with each other as Light Field and Solid Muscle were called back onto the stage. Indominus and Rainbow got a chance to relax in the lounge chairs that had been provided for them. They were so relaxed that they didn't notice T-Rex and the group slowly sneaking up behind them.

"Seems like an excellent honeymoon you're having, isn't it brother." Indominus spun right around in his seat and was astounded to see Tyrannosaurus, Blue and her girls standing behind him.

Rainbow was equally as surprised when she spotted Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. Her heart however, simply melted when Scootaloo came flying over to her. Rainbow met her halfway and held the filly in a loving embrace.

"Rainbow Dash! I'm so happy to see you again."

"It's great to see you too, Scootaloo. I'm glad you haven't forgotten about us on our trip, sis, or should I say, daughter." Scootaloo looked into Rainbow's eyes and found a serene look staring back at her.

"We agreed to be your parents before we left," said Indominus while he was being hugged and nuzzled by his brother and sisters. "We became your mother and father from that point on, you didn't have to wait for us to come back for it to be official. Regardless, we're really glad all of you decided to pay us a visit."

"Well, Scootaloo couldn't stop thinking about ya and wanted to see ya'll again."

"Speaking of which, is it alright if I get a hug from my dad as well, T-Rex?"

"I suppose you're right Scootaloo," said T-Rex as he and the raptors parted away so Indominus could greet Scootaloo.

The pegasi increased themselves to Indominus's size after they touched down, and they all shared a warm hug. Indominus felt so alive to have both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo in his embrace, he now had a purpose in life, in addition to being a guardian.

"How did you girls even know we were going to be here, and on the day of the contest too?"

"Actually, we owe that to Discord." said Sweetie Belle.


"Yeah, he somehow knew you two were goin' to be partakin' in this here contest, and told us about it. He figured he owed Indominus for being such a great friend to him."

"Really now."

"Oh, that reminds me. He also told me to relay something to you Indominus." Scootaloo told Indominus everything that Discord had told her prior to arranging the departure. The dinosaur's eyes widened when he heard Scootaloo's news.

"He said that. did he? Well, if we win this competition, I'll be sure to invite him over," said Indominus as the crowd erupted in applause from beyond the curtain. That meant that he and Rainbow were almost up, so their song had to be a good one.

"So Indominus." Rainbow said after they broke away from their hug. "What kind of song are we going to use for the final round?"

"I have the perfect song in mind, and everypony here can actually sing it with us."

"Are you sure darling? If we don't know the song, how can we be part of your performance?"

Rarity's question was immediately answered as Indominus set up a mind link with her and the others and began putting the music and lyrics into their minds. He was mentally feeding them the lyrics, the type of song, everything, so that they would all know it. When the ponies all nodded their heads afterwards, Indominus knew that they had gotten the song. All of them heard the announcer call out their names.

"Alright, Rainbow Dash and Indominus, time for your final song."

"Alright everypony, when Rainbow and I get to the chorus, all of you make your way onto the stage and join in on the song. The ponies will love our family performance."

Rainbow and Indominus walked back out onto the stage and the ponies once again, cheered loudly at the sight of them.

"Alright you two, this last round will be determined by the crowd's reaction. Light Field and Solid Muscle had a pretty good song that got quite a lot of ponies cheering. You two must get a bigger reaction and you will win the competition, if not, then they will be the winners."

"Oh don't worry, we have the perfect song in mind for this round. It's going to have everypony in the whole plaza cheering for us."

"Alright, let's see what you two have got."

Rainbow gestured her hoof to DJ Pon-3 and the pony got the song on her boombox. It was a far different song than any of the others they had done. Instead of pop and light songs, this tune was more rock and heavy metal.

Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Hallelujah!

The saints are crippled
On this sinners' night
Lost are the lambs with no guiding light

The walls come down like thunder
The rocks about to roll
It's The Arockalypse
Now bare your soul

Tyrannosaurus and the raptor squad began making their way out from behind the curtain. Applejack and the others followed suite and stood alongside Rainbow Dash while Applebloom and Sweetie Belle joined Scootaloo. Ponies all around were getting wide eyes at seeing all of the Guardians together. The audience was about to have their minds blown away completely as the entire group began to sing in perfect sync with each other.

Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
In God's creation supernatural high

The entire plaza exploded in cheers with ponies going crazy from the song. The dinosaurs, Mane 4 and CMC sang their hearts out to the crowd.

Dinosaurs: The true believers
Thou shall be saved
Brothers and sisters keep strong in the faith

AJ/RD/Rarity/FS/CMC: On the day of Rockoning
It's who dares, wins
You will see the jokers soon'll be the new kings

All we need is lightning
With power and might
Striking down the prophets of false
As the moon is rising
Give us the sign
Now let us rise up in awe

Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
In God's creation supernatural high

The Family of a Lifetime tapped into a little of their power and the dinosaurs began unfurling their wings.

Dinosaurs/RD/Scootaloo: Wings on my back
I got horns on my head
My fangs are sharp
And my eyes are red
Not quite an angel
Or the one that fell
Now choose to join us or go straight to Hell

Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Yeah!

Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
In God's creation supernatural high

Hard Rock Hallelujah!

Every pony in the plaza was cheering and screaming their heads off in excitement after the song had ended. The Family of a Lifetime took a minute to catch their breath, and Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy were so overwhelmed by the excitement.

"That was, a truly amazing song darlings," said Rarity over the roar of the crowds.

"Yeah, it really blew their minds all the way to Appleloosa and back."

"I told them it would get everypony cheering, and the song sure worked," said Indominus while he was in a group nuzzle with his family.

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom went back to their sisters, who were covering Fluttershy's ears so she didn't get overcome by the noise. Even the judges were blown away as well, the announcer couldn't find his voice for a while. He made his way back on stage and took a minute to find it again.

"Well, I've gotta hand it you Indominus, you weren't kidding about the song."

"It definitely worked, they haven't been able to stop cheering yet."

"They'll have to so we can announce a winner."

"We've got that covered. Rexy, let's get the crowd's attention."


The two carnivores took a deep breath, and bellowed two thunderous roars over the crowd. Their roars silenced all the ponies rather quickly, and then they let the announcer take over.

"Thank you boys, now everypony that was quite an amazing song and a stunning performance. It is such a rare treat to have all of the Guardians of Equestria, here in Las Pegasus. Normally, we don't allow last minute additions, but given that the whole family is here, how can we turn them down? Now it's time for you the audience to declare the winner of the competition."

Light Field and Solid Muscle went back on stage, completely surprised and excited to see all the dinosaurs. It was turning out to be the best trip to Las Pegasus that anypony had ever taken.

"Based on the audience's response, the winner of the competition is," the announcer gestured to Solid Muscle and Light Field. A good chunk of the ponies in the plaza were cheering for them, but when the announcer moved his hoof over to Rainbow and Indominus, the whole plaza erupted. Every pony in the area was yelling, applauding and squealing like crazy.

"RAINBOW DASH AND INDOMINUS REX ARE THE WINNERS!!" The pegasus and dinosaur were so overjoyed that they had won. The whole group started sharing hugs amongst themselves, and the couple thanked Light Field and Solid Muscle for giving them such a wonderful experience. They weren't upset about losing the contest, for getting to compete against the Guardians of Equestria and meeting them was worth much more.

While Rainbow and Indominus received their gold trophy from the judge ponies and announcer, the Guardians took the time to meet their newest fans. Rainbow couldn't help but laugh at how giddy Light Field was with meeting T-Rex and the raptor squad. She and Indominus each held the trophy while photographers took their picture for future competitors. They then turned to face the audience.

"Shall we do it Indominus?"

"Let's do it Rainbow."

The couple bellowed a united, victory roar to the crowd and the ponies went wild. Some of them even started chanting a word the couple had heard all too often.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

The dinosaur and pegasus were used to it, they had had ponies ask them to kiss so many times on their vacation that it was no big deal. Besides, the lovers liked getting to display their feelings for ponies to see. So Rainbow and Indominus faced each other, and kissed with their hand and hoof on the trophy. Dozens of ponies awwed at the sight and many more were taking pictures of the amazing couple. Rarity and Applejack had to admire how Rainbow had gotten so bold and wasn't afraid to show her feelings to her husband.

"She really has changed, hasn't she darling?"

"Ah've gotta agree with ya Rarity, Rainbow has become much more daring in the last year."

Indominus and Rainbow separated from their kiss and the announcer walked over to them.

"Congratulations you two, your performance was simply amazing. I can say without a doubt that having your family in the performance and using heavy metal, was a great combination. The crowd is still loving how well you two did, and since you've won the competition, what would you two say to a little encore?"

"Encore! Encore Encore!"

Indominus thought about it and the message that Scootaloo had told him came to the front of his mind. This would be the perfect opportunity for him to bring his friend along, and they could sing to both of their girls, even if she didn't know it.

"I'm up for an encore, but this one will be me and my friends singing to our girls, if that's ok with you Rainbow Dash."

"I'm ok with you singing to me, but who else is going to be singing with you and to whom?"

"Watch this babe."

Everypony watched as Indominus stood up and called to the roof of the Ancient Stallion.

"Discord! I believe now would be a good time for you to show up, just like Scootaloo told me!"

A flash of light came out of nowhere, and when it faded, Discord, Armored Lizard, Swamp Battleguard and King of Yamimakai were standing on the stage too. The ponies were about to panic, but Indominus calmed them down, explaining that Discord and the monsters were his friends.

"So, Scootaloo told me you and the boys would be ready at my beckoning call."

"Yes, I was simply jumping at the chance to do a performance with our boys."

"In that case, we're going to sing to a few special ponies in the plaza."

"Well I already know that you've got Rainbow Dash, but who am I going to sing to?"

"Just look behind you Discord," Indominus said smugly. Discord looked behind him and saw Fluttershy who was staring back at him in surprise. The Lord of Chaos became incredibly nervous at the thought of singing in front of the pony he cared most about.

"Y-you want me to s-sing, in front of Fluttershy?"

"Hey, I'll be right beside you, and we'll both be singing to our girls. Besides, I think you need to let Fluttershy know what you think of her." Indominus then whispered the song he had in mind and Discord instantly conjured it up on a record. He then took the music and put it into the monsters' heads, along with the knowledge of how to play the instruments for each song.

"Alright everypony, get ready for an encore unlike anything you've seen before." Discord levitated the record over to DJ Pon-3 and conjured up instruments for the monsters. Swamp Battleguard got the drums, while King of Yamimakai and Armored Lizard were given bass and electric guitars. DJ Pon-3 started playing the record and the song began.

The dinosaurs stood alongside Indominus, Discord and their band of monsters to provide backup vocals. Discord conjured up three mics, two for the guitarists and one for himself. The Mane 4 and CMC all gathered in front of the stage, eager to see what kind of song Indominus had in mind, and it made Discord nervous.

"This encore is for two special ponies that Discord and I care about quite a lot. You all can guess that my girl is Rainbow Dash, but Discord's special girl is the Element of Kindness herself, Fluttershy."

The yellow pegasus felt so nervous with all the ponies suddenly eyeing her, thankfully her friends were able to shield her from the crowd. The ponies diverted their attention back to the stage when they heard the guitars playing, meaning the singing was getting close.

"This song will allow us to convey our feelings to our girls, and let them know how we feel." Indominus then whispered to Discord, "you've given me advice on serenading Rainbow Dash, now I'm returning the favor. You're doing this for Fluttershy, just be bold and confident, and use that to sing your heart out."

"You realize that I'm going to get you back one day for taking my own advice and using it against me," said Discord as the music got louder.

"You know I'm right, you've told me how you feel about her yourself. I'll take your best later on."

Discord took a deep breath and readied himself for when the singing started. The lasers, and strobe lights were flashing all over the stage, making the encore almost more exciting than the last performance. Fluttershy was getting anxious herself, part of her had wanted to hear Discord sing, since he had never done it in front of her before. She was about to find out as Indominus and Discord began to sing to her and Rainbow Dash.

I never knew girls existed like you
But now that I do
I'd really like to get to know you

The girl's too young
She don't need any better
It's all coming back
I can feel it
The girl's too young
She don't know any better
It's all coming back
I can feel it

She is beautiful
She is beautiful
She is beautiful
She is beautiful
The girl is beautiful

Seeing that the girls were beginning to blush, Indominus and Discord continued with more feeling.

You're giving me moves that hit from all sides
and when you are hitting like that you melt my eyes

The girl's too young
She don't need any better
It's all coming back
I can feel it
The girl's too young
She don't know any better
It's all coming back
I can feel it

And though I never knew you
I look at your face.
To tell you that I love you
Don't know what to say
You're everything I got, you beautiful girl
The only thing I live for in the whole wide world

She is beautiful
She is beautiful
She is beautiful
She is beautiful
The girl is beautiful

I ain't got nothing to lose (Nothing to lose)
Going to throw it away
And talk to you
She looks good
She looks good
And it's true
And it's true
The girl is beautiful
She is beautiful

I ain't got nothing to lose (Nothing to lose)
Only living one time
And I want you
She looks good
She looks good
And it's true
And it's true
The girl is beautiful
She is beautiful

Discord and Indominus held out a hand each for their girls to take. Rainbow and Fluttershy let the hybrids pull them onto the stage, and their friends followed after. Applejack, Rarity and the CMC joined in on the singing, and Fluttershy and Rainbow felt like the center of Equestria with their boys singing to them.

She is beautiful
She is beautiful
Na na na na na na na na
She is beautiful
She is beautiful
Na na na na na na na na
The girl is beautiful
She is beautiful
She is beautiful
Na na na na na na na na
She is beautiful
She is beautiful
Na na na na na na na na

I ain't got nothing to lose (Nothing to lose)
Going to throw it away
And talk to you
She looks good
She looks good
And it's true
And it's true
The girl is beautiful
She is beautiful

I ain't got nothing to lose (Nothing to lose)
And I'll never forget
When I saw you
She looks good
She looks good
And it's true
And it's true
The girl is beautiful
She is beautiful

The plaza once again erupted in wild applause at the performance. The monsters all took their bow and waited patiently while Discord and Indominus received their praise. Rainbow and Fluttershy were nuzzling their faces at the incredible song, and the message they had conveyed with it. Discord felt his cheeks turning a bright red from having Fluttershy nuzzling him, it was the most amazing feeling he'd ever experienced.

"That concludes this year's contest, thank you everypony for coming out and we'll see you all again next time," the announcer said before he and the judges started taking down the stage.

The crowds departed once everything had been cleared away, leaving only the Family of a Lifetime, the CMC with their siblings, Discord and his band of monsters.

"That was amazing Discord, you have quite the voice."

"Thank you Fluttershy, I was hoping you would enjoy the song."

"You sure know how to charm a girl, Indominus, and get Discord to come out of his shell."

"I felt he could use a confidence boast of his own. He helped me once and I simply returned the favor."

"Now that the contest is over, how's about we get some grub, I'm starving," said Applejack.

"I agree darling, doing those songs has worked up an appetite in me too," said Rarity.

"Well I guess that's our sign to head back home, come on boys." Discord and the monsters were about to leave when Scootaloo stopped them.

"Wait! Don't leave just yet." Discord was taken aback, nopony had ever wanted him to stick around before. "You went to the trouble of finding out about this event and notifying us so we could see Rainbow and Indominus again. Plus, you just sang for Fluttershy and brought these guys all the way from your home. You can stay for a little longer, can't you?"

Discord had no idea what to make of this, Scootaloo wanted him to stay with them. It was just so new to him that it was almost unheard of.

"Are all of you ok with us sticking around during your time of bonding?"

"Sure Discord, ya did do us a mighty good kindness by tellin' us about the competition. It's the least we could do."

"Why of course darling, everypony deserves a second chance," said Rarity.

"We'd like to have your company, and your monster friends too," said Sweetie Belle.

Discord was so overcome that he hugged all the ponies, and Indominus could see the delight in his eyes. It was such a wonderful feeling to be accepted by others and welcomed into a group of friends. The dinosaurs settled for fist bumps when thanking the monsters rather than hugs. Indominus and Discord shared one of their traditional fist bumps before the group went on their way, with the gold trophy in tow. So the unique group of dinosaurs, ponies, draconequess and monsters began the rest of their time in Las Pegasus.