//------------------------------// // The North’s Empire! Alarming News! // Story: AlakaZam ! Majins Dimensions ! // by Zephyr Fiels //------------------------------// As the sun rose on Equestria, starting the second week of cohabitation between the Majins and the Princesses, a lone unicorn came bang on the castle’s door, her eyes filled with tears. Luna, on her way to sleep almost shrugged it off but, shaking her head, she jumped off Zam’s belly; as she got used to lay on the big tummy as she found it rather comfortable... and, she would never admit it but his hands going through her mane were delectable. While Luna left Zam on her tower’s balcony, Celestia, once done with the sun, headed for the castle’s hall. As her golden aura took a hold of the doors, she curved her lips in a soft smile since, with how frantic the door’s knocker was used, the pony waiting for her seemingly distraught by something of great importance and might need to be reassured. Pulling the door to her, the alicorn smiled and welcomed the newcomer, a purple unicorn with light blue mane and tail her blue eyes reddened by the tears that ran down her cheeks. The mare, when she saw Celestia open the door, dropped forward in a respectful reverence, words flowing out her muzzle as if a dam broke in her mind : -”Princess Celestia, i beg you to help my people! Sombra’s gone crazy! He stole the Crystal Heart and hurt Princess Amore! We need you and your sister’s help… please, i BEG you!” Celestia, taken aback by the pony’s tale, took a few seconds staring at the youngling before to softly shushing her by brushing the tip of her wing on her muzzle : “Please my little pony, calm down, we can’t help you if you don’t get a hold of yourself. Although, I promise we will help you.” While the princess tried to calm their guests, Aly appeared out of thin air in the room, Starswirl in tow as they had been experimenting on the Majin’s way of teleportation since the day before. After rubbing his horn to chase the small nausea he got out the experience, Starswirl approached, wondering why this mare came to them. But his question quickly received an answer since Celestia calmed down their guess just enough for her to keep her thoughts coherent enough : “I-i’m Radiant Hope.. y-you sent me an invitation to study under you a week ago...“ Luna entered the room as she finished her phrase before to sit next to her sister, looking at the poor thing and invited her to continue her story with a nod “S-so when we received the letter, i ran to announce the good new to my best friend, since i thought he might be happy for me and we could celebrate it together. But… when i told him, he just... freaked out and ran away…” -”And then your friend ran into that Sombra guy ?” threw Aly as she floated above the group, her arms crossed over her chest, listening too since she hadn’t been able to pick up the whole thing earlier. -”S-Sombra IS my friend…” pausing after she corrected the… “thing” floating above her, the mare, instead of asking what it was, focused on finishing her story “i-i don’t know what changed him but.. When a week ago, the same day as i announced him i’d come here to study, i found him standing next to the Crystal Heart’s altar, a bag across his back as he stared down a black statue… W-when i got closer, i-i couldn’t believe what saw. H-he changed Princess Amore into a statue ! And when i… when i tried to restore her, Sombra taunted me and shattered the statue, sending the shards all around Equestria… That is if his words can still be trusted.. But even i am not sure if my friend is still in there… But i needed to protect the others ! So i came here, hoping you and your sister might be able to help us.” -”At least someone remembered my sister and I work together !” Everyone turned their head as they saw Luna clamp her mouth shut with her hooves, her cheeks getting a bit red as she realized she just snapped at Hope with no reason. But before she could explain herself, or try to flee, Zam appeared behind her and surprising everypony present, scooped her up and hugged her like a big puppy. -”Woona not mad, Woona sad.” said the towering “monster” to his sibling, who simply nodded, pushing Celestia to gloss over the incident to focus on Hope’s problem. The princess, despite her worry for her sister, smiled gently to the unicorn, “So you were saying that you came here right after your “fight” with your friend. Who know what he did during that week.. We need a plan…” Starswirl, rubbing his forehead since Luna’s outburst, finally drew a connection between these bouts of anger and the lingering sensation that pierced through his brain every now and then. As he scrunched his muzzle, the mage wrote himself a mental note to investigate that as soon as they were done with Sombra. -”I’m not sure the Elements would be the best weapon to counter this Sombra, since we don’t know what his power comes from. So maybe should deal with him head-on. Until now the only foes that couldn’t be dealt with that way were the Windigoes and Discord, and i doubt this colt would already be on their level. And even then, my comparison is pretty weak, how could that "Sombra" match the spirit of Chaos and Disharmony or the immaterial entities that fed from hatred ?” stopping there, he then looked at Aly and her brother, still trying to understand where their powers would place them. After he took a deep breath, the old stallion smiled and tilted his head in direction of the Majins “I guess we could take them with us, if not to help, at least to make sure they don’t stay alone or push us to divide our troups.” Radiant Hope stood there as they talked, unsure if she was supposed to participate that debate or just sit back as Luna’s ears perked, kicking the air as she tried to evade the hug she was currently held in. -”WHAT ?! Starswirl ! Are you serious ? You really want to take them with us ? What if they get hurt, or worst impact our mission ?” if Luna’s diatribe has been heard, the mage didn’t show it as he looked up to the blue Majin, smiling gently. -”Aly ? Do you think you and your brother could help us ? We never went to the Crystal Empire so our Transportation Spell won’t work. And simply fly might take a toll on Celestia and Luna. Your way of appearing and disappearing at will doesn’t seem to be limited by such a thing. So, i ask again, can you two help us ?” Aly didn’t even took a second to think, throwing her arms around Celestia and Hope’s barrel. the fact that they suddenly got longer and wrapped around them made the mares, flinch, in Celestia’s case, and yelp, in Hope’s. Zam, who understood the request, move one of his arms from Luna’s belly to Starswirl’s head, resting it on his forehead. And, as if guided by the same mind, the siblings disappeared with the ponies they were touching, leaving the castle’s hall empty.