A Bartender in Equestria

by SilentAuthor

Chapter Eight: Boinking and Self Servicing

AUTHORS NOTE: TOP O' THE MORNING TO YOU LADDIES THIS IS JA- Wait I mean Silent Author with a warning of the sexiest caliber. This chapter is sexy folks and if you don't want hot sweaty room wrecking sexy times then... why the feck are you reading my story? Jesus folks if you don't want sex there is a TLDR at the end of the chapter summarizing the non sexy elements of this chapter. Gonna be a bit shorter than usual because it's a short scene meant to bridge the sexy gap from here to the train. Enjoy anyways you filthy animals

You know why you're here.

"You're poking me." Maire cheekily said again as she looked me up from my hips to my face.

I was holding the mare on my lap, her waterworks rescinding for a more sultry expression. Her hooves pressed gently on my chest as I felt her tail curl against my left thigh.

This is south command we are ready to deliver the payload will the president confirm?

Her soft eyes were staring into my soul as she opened her mouth to lick her lips. The motions of that long soft muscle seemed to make my own throat go dry. Hell I'd stop drinking for the rest of my life if she would just keep doing that. I may have been watching those soft lips do wonders just by being there but the thing that suddenly captured my attention the most were here damned eyes. Deliriously deep shades of blue greeted me as her left ear flicked against my breath. If I wasn't roarin' and ready to go when she had pecked my cheek I sure as hell was now. My body had long since given into South Wings usurping of the central command and my left arm went under the mares flank as my right braced across her soft back.

Gods I was about to do this.

"Killian?" She said with a surprised gasp as I stood and pulled her into the air. The blush on her cheeks and the surprise drew a deep growl from deep in me.

I held her close and felt my cheeks grow hot as any remnant of doubt or anxiety left me. I kissed the damn mare right on her lips. Words to describe the experience? Soft, full, silken, slightly furry.

"K-Killian!" Maire whimpered softly as I pressed my lips to the underside of her snout with a gentle nibble.

Gods above the moment when a lass breaks the charade of full control and confidence? Pure leprechaun gold.

My legs had carried us across the room towards the opposite wall and with a satisfied smack I planted the quivering unicorn against it. The inner predator in me growled. I had her against a wall with my arms around her and there would be no escape. Her soft white fur parted under my fingers as I breathed deeply. The scent of sweat, coffee beans, and something indescribable filled my mind. It was as intoxicating as the scent of the darkest porter or the finest harbor morn'.


I snapped out of my primal state and looked at Maire. Her mane was a mess, her eyes fogged over and her snout scrunched in the way that made her extremely adorable. It was a scrunch not out of annoyance but... nerves?

"Are you... I m-mean d-do you?" Her words were cut short as I brought my lips near hers again as I looked deeply into her windows to her soul.

"Shut the hell up before I pin ye to the ground." I huskily growled to earn a high pitched whimper from her.

Her mane found its way into my right hand and I wrapped my fingers into a large tuft before pulling backwards, forcing her head up leaving her long neck open for my exploration. One would think having a tuft of fur in your mouth might make ya gag or at least pick bits of fur off yer tongue but that wasn't the case for Maire oh no. Her fur parted as my tongue darted and left a wet trail from the base of her barrel to her left ear which I gave a light nibble.

Boys we have to load the shells in and prepare for launch! Prep that chute!

Never had I respected my bodies wishes so fast. From wall to table I had the quivering mare on her back with her front hooves guarding the thing that I suddenly desperately wanted.

"Killian... stop for a minute." Maire pleaded as I stopped on top of her.

Did I scare here? Oh feck well this is a right time to stop and smell the daisies.

"I think we need to s-slow down and maybe find a... more..."

Her pause made me raise an eyebrow before I realized her alluring stare wasn't on my face but my-

Oh she likes the goods then?

"Oh? Is there something yer tryin' to say there lass?"

Her eyes shot back to mine and a half smile crept across her face. We maintained the stare for what seemed like an eternity before she took a breath and removed a hoof to brush her mane from her eyes.

"What do you see when you look at me?" She asked with a glance away from me.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked as I rolled my eyes. "You're a fine lookin lass and you can clearly see I like what I'm seeing!"

She looked down with a blush then back to me with a pout.

"I'm serious Killian, I just... Want to know how I measure up to your race."

Feckin Christ she's self conscious. I might just eat her right here.

"Well you're not tall, your arse is huge and you have no breasts," I whispered as my hand pressed against her chest and trailed down to her navel.

"But feck it all if you're not the sexiest thing I've laid eyes on in a damn long time."

Her eyes closed and a groan escaped her throat as the hoof covering herself shook violently. Finally she opened her eyes and with a scowl she grabbed the collar of my shirt with her free hoof.

"Oh buck all of this. I'm going to rut you until you can't see straight so let's see how much magic you can take there big guy"

I blinked and found her pulling me down on top of her where her lips found mine again and that sweet muscle of a tongue prodded, pushed, beat against the entrance that was my mouth with the ferocity of a wild animal. I growled into her and held myself up on one arm as my hand gripped the tables edge in a white knuckle hold.

This time it was me that forced the brakes.

Her eyes went wide and a look of hurt and need flashed across her as she opened her mouth in an almost comical,

"What the buck Killian!"

South Command postpone that launch momentarily.

"Maire. I just wanna make sure I don't... take too much, I can't control what's going on-"

A flick of her glowing horn and my shirt was ripped almost completely off. Like legitimately ripped to near shreds. Those shows where a guy flexes and his clothes just seem to evaporate? Yeah like that.

Her hoof was to my intact tie and she pulled me down with a growl that rivaled my own.

"Rut me now. Right now."


"Oh yeah, now you're looking more like the Maire I've been having to deal with." I teased as my tongue licked across my teeth.

"Take those clothes off Killian I'm sick of bucking waiting for you to get ready like a mare before the gala."

I frowned and felt my blood start to boil as the mane still in my hand pulled her head back so she could only see me from her lower peripherals.

Oh I'm gonna do everything I can to make this mare crawl to the train.

Her hoof guarding the obviously wet part of her anatomy began to raise and I felt myself lick my lips in anticipation. One serving of pony was coming up and I was starving. Right as the hoof revealed the slightest sliver of pink I leaned down to kiss her neck before going in for the kill.

Then the feckin door opened to the cafe.

"Excuse me Killian, Ms. Maire are you two quite ready to-" Came the almost mothering voice of Princess mother feckin Celestia.

Her regal white head poked in the door with a stare as wide as mine. Here I was with a shirt in shreds, a blushing mare under me, and my hands just pulling the waistband of my trousers down. There was absolutely no way we were gonna be able to cover this up. At the point I was at however I really, really didn't want to stop.

"Celestia I'm only gonna say this once. Turn around and come back in about an hour, you can stand right there for all I feckin care but I'm about to plow some very fertile ground so make up yer damn mind and make it fast." I growled.

Maire stared at me then the princess then back to me.

"I can't rut while she's watching!" She whispered as she covered herself with the damn hoof again.

"Why not? She's not bad lookin' and I'm pretty sure she'd outright enjoy it!" I hissed back as I fought the urge to gag her.

"She's a princess! I'm not going to just lay back while she's watching like a molester."

Celestia cleared her throat and covered her maw with a gilded hoof.

"As much as I might consider such a display from one of my own ponies and such a strange specimen I must insist that we make way. The train leaving for Frost Vale is departing soon and you two have been in here for quite some time."

I'm pent the feck up and you want me to put my pants on and whistle a merry tune? FECK ALL THAT SHITE.

I looked down at Maire with pleading eyes. I was about to have the best feck of my entire life after two months of damned celibacy and some sun horse was gonna take it away from me. Maires' face however showed me clearly that the moment had definitely passed. She leaned up and nibbled at my neck and kissed me gently on the lips with a blazing red face

"We'll have time on the train." She whispered as I felt her tail bump a very anxious part of my body.

Celestia walked behind me and I suddenly felt dwarfed under her fiery gaze.

"Oh? Killian if you need release then perhaps a mare of my age and experience will do." She began as her snout went to my shoulders and hot breath played over my sensitive flesh.

"I uh... really appreciate the thought your higness but I kind of might have this thing for Maire. Who is here. On the table. WHILE YOU'RE TEASING MY BACK YE FECKIN BEAST!" I yelled as I felt a tongue softer than all of creation trace down my spine.

Her soft laugh did not ease the situation as Maire stared wide eyed and slack jawed.

"Fear not, this will surely be an experience that will help you rest easy." The princes whispered into my ear.

A flash of light, blinding pain, and the sound of heavy metal striking flesh was the last thing I remember.

Maire stared as the human fell in a unconscious heap on top of her revealing a smiling princess with her tongue poking out mockingly between her lips. In her magic grasp was a frying pan with the slight indentation of Killians' face.

"Did y-you kill him?" Maire screamed as she looked at the dumb struck look on her "would be" lovers face.

Celestia shrugged and let out a tiny giggle.

"Oh I merely said it would be a restful experience and he's resting is he not?"

Maire could only stare in pure shock.


Celestia had to focus all of her will to not laugh even more.

"Oh he will be fine, oh Bishop could you come grab Killian please!"

Maire looked to the door and watched as Bishop lumbered in with the faintest smile on his battle worn face. In Maires' mind she was furious, embarrassed, and also curious as to why Bishop was actually smiling all of a sudden.

"Oh. Oh! You were watching the whole time!" She screamed as she pointed accusingly at Celestia and Bishop.

Celestia pretended to faint and smiled at the shaking unicorn.

"Oh of course not I had just arrived when Bishop informed me you two were taking your time."

Maire glared once again and sighed as she trotted out of the coffee shop beside Bishop who was smiling the whole time.

"Did you enjoy the show you bucking bastard?" She hissed as she tried to hide her blush.

Bishop laughed and patted the passed out man on his back.

"Your ministrations were found to be lacking. but his however..." He began as he looked down at the now red unicorn.

"He's MINE." Maire hissed as she stomped her foot into the ground with a snort.

Bishop merely laughed.

"We shall see."