//------------------------------// // 3: Capital Canterlot // Story: Safer in open hooves // by Elemental Fury //------------------------------// I enjoyed the trip to Canterlot in the carriage. I was seated just across from princess Luna, everyone else was lost in conversation among themselves so I stayed quiet at the back though much to my surprise, Luna opened up the path of conversation. “Troy, I have to ask, what’s it like being in another world? Millions and Millions of miles away from your family.” Luna asked and at the mention of family, I winced. I will admit, albeit not aloud, that I put up a mask. That mask had only one word to render the mask useless and Luna had uttered the words that broke the barrier between the real me and the version me I portrayed. “The best thing to ever happen to me.” I said, looking out the back of the carriage. I hear what sounded like a gasp that had been choked back. “Family trouble?” Luna mused, rather nonchalantly. I couldn’t help but smirk at her attitude. “Call it trouble or punishment. Personally, I prefer abuse.” I said quietly. Luna heard me and judging by her reaction, so did Celestia. The princess of the sun and dawn’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped slightly. “What kind of…abuse.” She whispered the word abuse, as the carriage had quietened down and now our conversation would definitely be heard if we were to speak any higher than a whisper. “Simply. Beatings, Neglect and my personal least favourite is the occasional torture shower.” The sarcasm oozed out my voice at the end. Luna seemed ready to say something in reply but never got a chance. “YOUR HIGHNESS, WE HAVE ARRIVED!” I heard one of the guards yell. “Ah good, then we should be landing in but a moment. Get ready for a bit of a wobble everyone.” Something about Celestia was revealed to me in that moment. It was that she was a bit of a jokester. I first felt the carriage touch the floor before the entirety of it was thrown about haphazardly. We flew all over the place in the carriage and over the sounds of everyone screaming, I could hear Celestia chortling all the way. Finally, the carriage stopped and we all crawled out with Celestia still laughing. I swear I saw Fluttershy behind a bush for a moment. “I do apologise about that, my little ponies…and Troy. The opportunity was too much to resist.” Celestia said, smiling all the while. I swear I saw cadence roll her eyes. We enjoyed the walk to the castle in relative silence, though there were a lot of curious and sometimes dirty looks thrown my way. One couple, in particular, put me on edge. The stallion had a grey coat and black hair. His blue eyes hidden behind rounded spectacles. He seemed to be wearing some form of green jacket that looked ridiculous. The mare had an off-yellow coloured coat and the same type of eyes as the stallion. She had a light purple and white mane. She was also wearing a rather stupid jacket that I could not describe as anything but similar to the stallions. The reason I was put on edge was because as we walked to the castle they seemed to be following us. We were getting close to the castle in which I assumed the princesses took residence. We finally got to the entrance to the castle and yet I seemed to be the only one who noticed how uncomfortably the couple had gotten. At first, I had simply assumed they were going in the same direction as us but that was clearly not so. I tapped on Luna’s shoulder as she was closest to me and when she looked at me I simply nodded in the couple’s direction. “Ah, me and my sister’s ears must be getting worse. Cadence, sister, we failed to notice some nobles.” Luna seemed to be mocking them when she said nobles, yet it appeared they failed to notice. The other princesses, as well as the girls, all turned around to face us. “Oh, Jet Set and Uppercrust.” I admit I snickered at her name. “My absolute favourite ponies to deal with(!)” The sarcasm was strong in Celestia’s voice. “Excuse our interrupting, your highnesses but we have to ask, on behalf of the whole the Canterlot nobles. What is that…thing and why are you allowing it into Canterlot?” for a reason still unbeknownst to me I swear Luna’s eyes flashed at their words. I was unsure of how to respond to their hostility but Celestia almost seemed as though she had anticipated it. “That thing is a human. His name is Troy. However considering the display you’ve showed of Canterlot citizens is in such poor taste you may refer to him as Noble Troy. After all, he’s nobler than you.” That shut them up. Well actually in technicality it didn’t as their jaws were hanging wide open. “Why, I quite like this.” A new voice spoke. “You should definitely do as the princess’s request you two.” Both of them suddenly seemed panicked. “Yes. We apologise….N-Noble Troy.” Jet set uttered before both of them rushed off. It was then the owner of the voice from before made himself known. A white stallion with a blue mane in a tuxedo walked up to us. He also had a monocle which I only noticed when he got closer. “Fancy Pants!” Rarity seemed rather gleeful when he saw who she was. Everyone else looked relax. For a couple of seconds, I probably looked really disrespectful as I couldn’t control myself at the name. “TROY!” Rarity admonished and immediately I straightened myself up. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it,” I said, only slightly regretting my actions. “You do seem rather nice, though.” I said in a bid to make up slightly for what I had done. “Oh don’t worry about, I find the name quite humorous myself.” Fancy Pants said with a smile. “If those two give you trouble again and the others aren’t around but I am, don’t be afraid to give me a shout and I’ll gladly deal with them.” “Thank you.” I said, smiling. I have to admit I took quite a liking to Fancy Pants. “We need to go now, Fancy, we will see you later.” Said Celestia and we all bid Fancy Pants farewell. We headed into the castle and after wandering through a few extravagant halls we arrived at the chamber to the main throne room. “Excuse us a moment, everyone. We need to set up the chamber for the test.” Luna said and the princesses walked into the chamber, leaving me and the girls behind. “I wonder what this test is.” Rarity asked. “As long as I don’t have to do any maths, I’m happy to go along with it.” I joked, all the girls except Twilight chuckled who looked slightly miffed about me dissing maths. Suddenly the chamber doors swung open and cadence walked out. “The test is ready.” She stated plainly. “You have to go in alone, I’ll stay with the girls until we can come in.” “Okay.” I said before walking into the throne room. I would never be prepared for what greeted me on the inside.