My Little Pony Equestria Girls

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 10: Friendship is Truly Magic

After that scary and magical transformation, Sunset opens her eyes and to see she is very powerful. Sunset looks herself with glee and is amazed by the magical transformation she had.

Alice and everyone gasps in horrors to see what Sunset Shimmer has become, even Jessica and her friends are shocked and they are very afraid to know what is going on right now.

Sunset Shimmer decides to use her magic for a test run and use the magic on Jessie and her friends. When the magic hit them, they been turned into magical servants. The group of friends are shocked with horrors to see what has become of the girls and now they are in trouble now.

Alice turns to the others and screams, "Everyone! Back inside the school!"

With that everyone starts to run towards the school and the other students get back to the school where they think it will be safe, but Sunset gets can see that they are trying to escape so she gets in front of the school to confront everyone that are inside.

When she is in front to the school, Sunset says, "I had to jump so many hopes just to get my hands on this crown and it really should have been mine all along."

Everyone in the building are shocked and scared to see Sunset and turned into a monstrous creature and she is very angry and determine right now.

Sunset decides to calm herself down and says,"But there is no hard feeling right. I'm your princess now and you will be loyal… to me!"

With that she use her magic to break the entrance of the school and move them out of the way to reach everyone inside. Everyone tries to run away, but Sunset use her magic to cast a spell on everyone in order to make everyone obey her. When the magic is on them, everyone's eyes turn into a pale teal color and act like zombies.

Sunset Shimmer is very pleased with her work and now her plans can begin.

Sunset turns to Jessica and her friends who are turned into creatures and says, "Round everyone up and bring them to the portal."

Jessica and the girls obey her order and round as much people as they can find and bring them to the front of the school.

When Sunset get to the front of the school she can see Twilight and her friends at the front yard and they are now determine to stop Sunset from whatever plans she has.

Sunset holds a smug on her face and says, Spoiler alert I was the one who helped Alice win the crown. Thank to you and your friends I can rule Equestria... and with my new teenage army by my side, I'm going to get it."

The girls can see that Sunset is planning on using innocent people in her plans and now their home world is endangered to.

"No. you're not Sunset," Twilight says with anger.

Sunset starts to laugh at Twilight manically and says, "Oh please, what are you going to do to stop me. I have magic and you have nothing!"

As things are not looking good for Twilight and her friends, Alice and her friends know they need to help them.

Alice says, "She has us."

Twilight and her friends are glad to have good friends like Alice and the others to help them. Sunset however, is very angry about this. Alice and her friends run over to them and hoping to help them. Alice is with Twilight, Joseph is with Rainbow, Amy is with Fluttershy, Max is with Applejack, Jerry is with Pinkie, and finally, Clarisa is with Rarity.

"Aw, that is so sweet of you," Sunset says and acting like she is mocking them.

Sunset then use her magic to create an energy ball and the magic is growing very powerful. Sunset evilly yells with anger, "Now step aside, Twilight and her friends have spoiled my plans one to many time already!"

"They need to be doubt with," Sunset adds evilly.

Then throws the giant energy ball right at them. Alice in her friends use themselves as a shield to save Twilight and her friends and the ball hit directly at them.

Sunset laughs manically thinking she has defeated them.

When she what has really happened she looks wvery shocked by what she is seeing.

Sunset surprisingly screams, "What?!"

When Twilight, Alice, and their friends open their eyes after the hit from the energy ball, they can see that Alice and their friends are glowing and from the color the elements of harmony represents. Alice and Twilight are glowing magenta, Amy and Fluttershy glowing pink, Clarisa and Rarity are glowing purple, Jerry and Pinkie are glowing light blue, Max and Applejack are glowing orange, and Joseph and Rainbow Dash are glowing red.

"What's happening?" Max asks looking at himself.

"Why are we all glowing?" Amy asks surprisingly.

Alice then turns to the others and suggests, "I think the crown is doing it."

Twilight looks at Sunset to see that the crown is glowing a bright white light and not the dark aura anymore. Twilight believe that in this world Alice and her friends represent the elements of harmony.

Twilight then confronts Sunset and says, "The magic contained in my element was able to connect to Alice and her friends hearts and was also about to connect with us and the other elements that helped create it."

Sunset is not understanding what is going on. Then the crown unleash a white light at Alice, Twilight and their friends and the cause them to be lifted up into the air.

The magic causes Max and Applejack grow pony ears. Applejack grows an extended braided tail and Max and Applejack skin change to orange.

They represent the element of "Honesty!"

Then Fluttershy and Amy skin change to a cream yellow color, grow pony ears, pegasus wings, and extended pony tails.

They represent the element of "Kindness!"

After that, the magic cause Jerry and Pinkie's skin to change to pink, grow pony ears, Pinkie grows and extened ponytail.

They represent the element of "Laughter!"

Then the magic turn Clarisa and Rarity skin pure white, grow pony ears, gain glowing white horns, and extended pony tails. Their clothes sparkles like diamonds.

They represent the element of "Generosity!"

Then Joseph and Rainbow skin turn to a cyan blue color, pegasus wings, and grow pony ears. Rainbow also grows a extended hair at the bottom.

They represent the element of "Loyalty!"

Finally, Twilight and Alice skin turn lavender purple, grow pony ears, glowing purple horns, extended pony tails and alicorn wings on their back.

They represent the element of "Magic!"

Right now they are all together and they have the power that can never be destroyed.

"Together with the crowns they create a power than you can ever imagine, but it is a power you don't have and can not control," Twilight says to Sunset with determination.

Sunset starts to feel the crown's true power and having trouble controlling it and have no idea on how to use the crown now.

"The crown maybe on your head Sunset Shimmer, but you can not wield it because you don't posses the most powerful magic of all," Alice adds.

Twilight, Alice, and their friends take hands of each other to form a big heart of Twelve people.

Alice and Twilight say together with pride, "The Magic of Friendship!"

The magic of both the Friendship they all shared increase the power and the magic cause a magical rainbow to appear that launch it towards Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset starts to get scared and screams, "No!"

Before Sunset has a chance to escape, the rainbow starts to swerve around her and cover her up.

Sunset scaredly asks, "What… is…. Happening?!"

The magic has covered her up and it's making it impossible for Sunset to escape from.

Twilight then says, "Here and in Equestria is the only magic that can truly unite us all."

With that, the friends unleash a magical beam breaking the spell that Sunset put everyone under. Even Jessica and her friends are hit by the beams being reverted to their normal selves again.

Alice then decides to use the magic on Sunset and decides to confront her to see if she can reason with her.

When the magic is fully taking effect, Sunset closes her eyes and screams in agony, "Nooooooo!"

When Sunset opens her eyes again she can see that she is in a white magic vortex and she and Alice are in the vortex standing face. Sunset is not sure why Alice is here and know that she wants something from her, but she doesn't know what that is.

Alice reaches her hand towards Sunset and says, "Take my hand Sunset, let me show you there's another way. I'm sure me and my friends can help you learn how magical friendship can really be."

Sunset is shocked to see that Alice is not only reasoning with her, but is offering her friendship to her. Sunset then looks at herself for a little bit, then realize, what she's been doing, trying to be powerful and strong, is something she doesn't really want. Sunset then starts to think there might be a better way to have love, respect, and attention and it means a lot more.

Sunset then starts to shed tears and give Alice her hand. When she did, the magic from Alice make it's way to Sunset and the magic Sunset is feeling is good, pure, and warm. She believe this is what it really means to have magic.

After that, the magic starts to disappear and when it did, Alice is holding Sunset and gives Sunset a hug and us very happy for it as well. Twilight and the other figure out that Alice is able to get through to Sunset and change her for the better.