(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XXX - Hat Trick*

Act XXX - Hat Trick*

The grand golden doors beckoned David to approach. For the first time in ages, the gateway to the celestial ruler’s room stood alone and unguarded, though their reputation continued to instill a sense of trepidation to any who might be nearby.

For David, it was no different. He stared at them, now naked without their armored-guard compliment, and wondered to himself.

‘This is it.’ He swallowed roughly. ‘I didn’t mean to be, but I’m a few minutes late. I hope she doesn’t mind too much. Also, it’s a little unnerving without the guards here; I guess I should knock.’

David walked up to the doors and stood tall, then rapped three times.

Knock, knock, knock.

The huge doors barely made a noise against his onslaught, but fortunately, the message was received.

A lilting voice called to him from within, “Come in, David.” Celestia’s voice rang clear as if there was nothing between them at all.

Reacting more out of instinct than higher thought, David opened the door and walked in.

The room was softly lit by the gas lamps on her walls, casting shadows on the furniture around the room. Upon entering, Celestia was not immediately visible but again called out from behind the bathroom door.

“Sorry, David. I will be right out. Please feel free to take a seat at the table.”

David looked around for said table and finally spotted it in the lounge area by the balcony.

It was a medium-sized square table, covered with a plain lace tablecloth and set with fine white china dishes rimmed with gold. Dinner had already been served, as there was a covered entree and a giant salad placed beside it, just waiting for the dinner party to enjoy. In the middle of all of this, a few small tea candles were lit to add to the ambiance.

As David sat down, he sniffed at the air, noting a familiar scent.


Just then, the mare of the evening made her appearance.

Celestia exited the bathroom and walked over towards David sporting a shy, reserved smile.

About halfway to the table, she rounded the bed and finally came into view. David stood up from his seat, seemingly from his good manners, but shock and surprise were written on his face.

Celestia stopped short of the table. What stood there was not just the grand co-ruler of the land, the princess of the sun, but a mare dressed to the nines for her date, hoping to make a good impression. She did not disappoint.

Celestia was not wearing her normal regal accoutrements, not her crown, nor peytral, nor shiny, golden shoes. Instead, she was sporting a beautiful, sheer, pink chiffon dress with gold trim that hugged her figure and glittered in the gentle light. Her mane was braided carefully, separating the many colors into vibrant bands and interlaced with a golden ribbon. It was unusually still, and it lay just off her shoulders, framing her face in a delightful way. Her tail was not styled, but instead was wrapped and tied at the dock with another golden ribbon, neatly finished with a bow. On her face, she wore no makeup or fake lashes, and yet it was an extremely beautiful sight. Her countenance was demure, quiet and shy and she blushed rosily as she noticed the man in front of her staring.

“David?” she asked tentatively.

“I… You look beautiful, Celestia,” he stammered, then finally shut his maw.

Celestia’s blush redoubled, and she turned away. “Thank you. You look quite handsome as well.”

David shook his head. “I… uh, thanks. Come, please, let’s sit.” He motioned to her seat.

Celestia collected herself and finally made her way over to the table. Though she had set it herself, she looked it over, as if she was expecting something to be different. After a moment, she stopped, then stepped into her her seat.

David waited for her to get settled, then sat down across from her. Even after being seated, though, David was still awestruck, and so he stared, wide-eyed and grinning at his dinner partner.

“Sorry, Celestia, but I’ve just got to say again… you look so beautiful tonight.”

Celestia inspected the hem of her outfit. “I am glad you like it. It is so rare to be able to dress in any fashion other than my regal trappings. Even at the balls and galas, my clothes are chosen by planners and designers. Here, I have been able to finally dress myself.”

David smiled and caught her eye. “I… I’ve never heard you speak like that… I’d love to hear more.”

Celestia smiled. “I would love to indulge you, and we do have the whole night, but shall we start dinner?”

He chuckled and looked down at his empty plate. “Oh! Sure. I see it’s already here.”

“Indeed. I requested a favorite meal of mine that I hope you will enjoy as well. It is quite plain, though; does that disappoint you?”

David shook his head. “No, I don’t think disappointment is possible tonight. Let’s eat.”

“Thank you. Well, since there is no silver bell to ring, would you mind serving us?” she asked.

“Oh, yes. Of course.” David turned to the entree and removed the cover. Inside he found a pleasant surprise. Lasagna.

“Lasagna?” he asked, somewhat surprised.

“Yes. As I said, it is one of my favorites. It is made with mushrooms, spinach and zucchini and lots of creamy ricotta and stringy mozzarella.”

David took a knife and cut a generous portion, then with the provided spatula, he lifted it up and set it gracefully on Celestia’s plate.

“Would you like some salad as well?” he asked.

“Yes, please.”

David shook the cruet and then lightly dressed the salad. After giving it a good toss, he gave her a portion, then placed some on his own plate. He also took a similar portion of the lasagna, then sat back down.

David looked at the glasses on the table. “Forgive me, but do we have something to drink?”

“Oh, I almost forgot. Could you please go over to my dresser? I had the castle sommelier pull up a nice fruity red that should go wonderfully with the meal.”

“Sure.” David rose from his seat and walked over to the dresser. There he found a decorative glass decanter of red wine, already prepared. He returned swiftly, pulled the stopper, and gave it a gentle swirl to allow it to breathe.

He took a small sniff from the opening. “It smells wonderful,” he said, pouring a glass for his partner and then for himself.

“It is not the oldest, but again, one of my favorites,” Celestia commented.

“Do you drink wine often?”

“No, not so much anymore. Luna somewhat dislikes alcohol as well, and I believe she secretly judges me whenever I partake.”

David retook his seat, smirking at Celestia’s comment. “Now, I doubt she judges you like that, but I did notice that she doesn’t seem to like drinking. I also don’t drink much, but there are some meals in which it’s most appropriate.”

Celestia cocked her head. “Only meals, never socially?”

“Yes, that’s my policy,” David replied.

“Hmm. That is a fine resolution. One that many should adopt.”

“Thank you. What about yourself?” he asked.

“Oh, mostly with meals, but there are times of quiet reflection or relaxation in which I do prefer a glass or two of something.”

“Never to excess?” he asked.

Celestia chuckled. “Oh my, no. Not in several hundred years. Depression was mostly the catalyst for it in those times, but I finally decided that it was not medicinal or therapeutic, so I refrained from the practice.”

David smiled. “Good. I’ve seen drink do horrible things to people I’ve known in my life.”

“Yes. The same can be seen here as well.”

David put on a smile. “Well, let’s not get sullen now! Your food is getting cold, why don’t you give it a try?”

Celestia smiled, then looked down at her meal. She grabbed the fork in her lips, then brought it to her hoof.

As David watched, he noticed a somewhat glittery black band around her right hoof. ‘Is that the… Oh, she’s decorated it.’

Around Celestia’s right hoof was the same black hoof-band as before, but now it sported some decorative additions. Almost completely covering the surface were little jewels and designs.

“Celestia, “ he said, catching her attention. “Did you decorate your hoof-band?”

After wedging in her utensil, she lifted her hoof and offered it to the man. “Yes. I felt it was somewhat lacking appeal, so I fashioned a few charms of things I hold dear.”

Around the black rubber were several golden trinkets: a small sun flanked by a six-pointed star and a crescent moon and also a shield and heart molded together, all separated by tiny gems.

‘Well I never would have thought it before, but Celestia’s a bit girly after all,’ he thought. “That’s really pretty. Did you design it yourself?”

Celestia had the bright smile of a child. “Yes, and I decorated it just today. I found myself quite distracted while at court, so I drew up some designs in my mind. As soon as court finished, though, I ran back and started working on it. It is why I was a little late in getting prepared.”

David slapped the table excitedly, startling his date. “I had no idea you were a crafter!”

Celestia’s eyes were wide from his outburst. “Yes, well, with quite a lot of time behind me, I have found several arts and hobbies that I enjoy. Most of them I am rarely active in, but I would not mind talking about them later.”

“Later?” David questioned.

“Yes. I know we are only at the dinner portion right now, but after, I believe we have very important matters to discuss. Perhaps at a later time, we can talk more freely about our pastimes.”

“Oh, yes. Of course. I’m sorry if I’ve kept you from your meal as well. Please, how is it?”

Celestia deftly cut a portion of her meal and quickly ate it. If her expression was faithful, the food was exactly what she expected from one of her favorites. In response, her mouth contorted into one of the most honest grins, and she closed her eyes as she reveled in the taste.

David could not help but smile as he watched her enjoyment but was brought back to his senses as his own tummy groaned in protest. He too cut a bite and swiftly ate it.

‘Wow, this is pretty good. I consider myself a “meat and potatoes” kind of guy, but I could get used to eating like this.’

When David reopened his own eyes, he found Celestia staring back inquisitively.

“Well?” she asked expectantly.

David swallowed audibly. “It’s really good. I think I like the zucchini best.”

“I would agree. I think the tastiest combination comes from the brightness of the tomato sauce and the zucchini, coupled with the mozzarella. In fact, I could eat just that in a dish and be happy.”

“Hmm,” David mused. “How do you feel about okra?”

“Okra? It is not something we often use, but I do not find it unpleasant.”

“Good. One of my favorite comfort foods is a vegetarian dish my mother used to call ‘okra gumbo,’ though it has nothing to do with a real gumbo.”

“Oh? What is it then?”

“It’s a simple stew of okra, tomatoes, and onion. We thicken it a bit sometimes with small chunks of bread, but it isn’t necessary. I also like to eat it with a spicy red-pepper sauce called Tabasco, named after the peppers it is made with, but I doubt you have that here.”

“Ta-ba-sco? No, I have not heard of it, but there are many spicy peppers you can choose from. Perhaps Cherry can help you recreate this hot sauce for your use.”

“I bet you’re right, but that is also for later. I just happened to think about it when you were talking about how much you liked the tomatoes and zucchini.”

“You know, David… I believe we are all quite impressed with your culinary capabilities. I cannot help but wonder why you did not pursue it as your profession.”

“That’s a long story. To put it simply, at one time, I did want to pursue it, but it didn’t work out. Culinary school is expensive, and I had to choose between a full-fledged university education or going to culinary school. Also, I used to have quite a bit of trouble controlling my eating habits. That always bothered me, and I somewhat used that as an excuse not to go into the culinary arts program.”

“A shame, but I feel I do understand somewhat. Are you pleased with your decision?”

“I am, at least now. There are a lot of things in my life that I would like to have done differently, but that simply wasn’t who I was at the time. The decisions that were made didn’t lead to the absolute best outcome, but they all helped me grow in one way or another.”

Celestia shied away. “I am sorry. I did not mean to bring up such a serious topic.”

“It’s okay, don’t worry. I’ve learned a lot in my life and am happy as I am. That, and I’m here with you tonight. That alone is good enough for me.”

“Such flattery.”

David shrugged. “Sometimes!?”

Celestia laughed merrily at David’s joke.

It was a picturesque moment, one where they were able to laugh and converse together, finally at peace.


In between stories and jokes, the two managed to finish off the whole dish of lasagna and most of the salad. Surprisingly, Celestia and David only had one glass of wine each between them. However, as soon as the meal was finished, the conversation quickly lulled, and the two looked nervously at each other for what was to come next.

“So…” Celestia started. “If you have not noticed, there is quite a storm brewing outside, tonight.”

“Oh, yeah. I remember hearing some thunder earlier, but I can’t hear a thing right now.”

“Ah, that is because of the specially-enchanted balcony doors. They are designed to block all sound from the outside.”


Celestia turned to David, once again looking quite shy. “Actually, I quite enjoy listening to the rain. Would you… like to sit with me and talk while we watch the storm?”

This was the moment each participant had been dreading. It was time to put aside the niceties and move on to the formalities.

David put up a brave front. He smiled somewhat ingeniously, and thankfully, she did not see through it. “Yes. I think that would be nice,” he replied.

Celestia, likewise, felt the tension grow. “Please, come have a seat next to me.” She then left her chair and moved to a chaise lounge near the balcony doors.

David rose from his seat as his partner did, showing his respects. He then followed her over and stood next to a large wingback chair while Celestia got comfortable on the chaise.

“Would you like me to open the doors?” he asked.

“Yes. Thank you, David.”

David walked over to the balcony with some trepidation in his steps. He could feel her eyes upon him, and it caused a palpable amount of stress in his body.

Upon opening the doors, the crisp outside air and gentle sounds from the growing storm flooded the room, breaking his tension. He stood there in the breeze for a moment, letting it flow over him and somewhat chill his body.

David let out a tired sigh, then turned and walked back to his chair. He sat and turned slightly to face Celestia. “So, would it be okay to begin?”

Celestia looked to her hooves as if expecting them to answer for her. “Yes. Let us talk.”

David cleared his throat. “Forgive me, Celestia,” His first words brought a pained expression to her face. “No, wait. I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just, I know this has all been quite… complicated. I didn’t want that, it just happened.”

Celestia let out the stinging breath she held. “The sentiment is mutual, David. I did not intend to be so… unpredictable and somewhat disagreeable in our encounters. I have since come to a point of resolution and clarity.”

David smiled genuinely and leaned over on the armrest, propping his head up with his hand. “Please, tell me.”

Celestia closed her eyes and took in a big breath. Now prepared, she opened them and affixed her gaze with David’s and put on quite a serious expression. “Ahem. I, Princess Celestia of Equestria, wish to enter into a romantic relationship with you, Sir David Marshall of Earth, with the added companionship of your current paramour, my sister, Princess Luna of Equestria, in an equal partnership shared amongst us as lovers. Should you accept, I would recognise you as an official royal suitor and be pleased to enter into your courtship.”

David sat looking somewhat shocked. It took a moment for his glazed-over eyes to refocus, and then he sat up straight and… laughed.

“David!” Celestia pleaded.

“I’m sorry, Celestia. You just said it so… so… officially!” he said between chuckles. ‘That’s so like her, and Luna!’

Celestia gasped. “You said before that our emotions had clouded the sincerity of it, so I wanted to make it plain!”

“I did, I did. And you achieved that and more,” David replied.

“Then why did you laugh!?”

“I’m sorry, I really am. It just took me by surprise. Let me say that I have heard your quite sober words and am eager to hear more. Feel free to put a bit of emotion into it, if you so desire,” he joked.

Celestia huffed and turned her head. “I cannot help but feel a bit offended at all of this.”

“Come now, Celestia. I’m sorry. I can tell you’ve put a lot of time and thought behind this and I want to hear it through. Can you please tell me why you feel this way?”

Celestia opened one eye to him, yet still faced away. “I suppose so. I did spend most of the night and day thinking about this after all. Let me continue.”

Celestia politely cleared her throat. “David, over the last day, I have found my thoughts completely consumed by you and by the thoughts of a possible relationship. Honestly, it was quite a shock, as I do not ever believe I have been so utterly taken over with emotion by anypony else in my long life. I am certain of what I feel for you, and my heart leaps with joy of the possibility of you sharing that sentiment with me. Even now, I find it hard to suppress both my anxiety and happiness of being near you.

“In short, my heart has spoken, and I have listened to it. The only dissenting thoughts I have are in my mind. Would you be willing to hear them as well?”

“Of course, Celestia. What is bothering you?”

Celestia took a moment to collect herself, then turned to face David. “David, I am quite fearful of what my little ponies’ reaction to our combined relationship would be. While most of the common ponyfolk would likely support our royal throuple, higher society, politicians, and the elite are less likely to do so, mostly out of either fear or stubbornness.”

“Fear?” David balked.  “I didn’t expect that.”

“Yes. You pose the dual threat of being an outsider from an unknown origin as well as being able to possibly subvert the governance through royal privilege or subterfuge. Consequently, they will also believe our power as the Royal Sisters is diminished by our shared relationship. It would not be so if it were with only one of us.”

“So you’re saying that ponies would trust you less because you’re both in a relationship with me?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes. That is it precisely.”

“Hmm. I hadn’t thought about that. What does Luna think?”

“I have spoken only a bit to her on the matter, but she somewhat agrees. The stubbornness of those with power can be quite extreme, but in this case, I feel it is somewhat understandable.”

“How so?”

“Well, let us put it this way. How would you feel if the whole governing body of your land was to announce that it had entered into an agreement with a separate, unknown entity—one that would have unfettered access to said government?”

“I guess it would kind of feel like aliens had taken over.”

Celestia cocked her head. “Aliens?”

“For us, it means sapient beings from beyond our planet.”

“Oh, so perhaps you fall into that category for us as well?”

“Yup. I’m definitely alien here.”

“Well, then the question remains… would it be wise to enter into such a relationship, one with you, Luna and me, knowing that it would brew trouble with the population—most likely for many years to come?”

David smiled. “Celestia, I can’t answer that question. I’m not the ruler of this land or any other. What I want to know is if you want to enter into such a relationship.”

“That is true, and yes, I do. I just have fears for what it may cause when it is announced. I can’t help but imagine that some of the repercussions would be reduced if you had been introduced before the courtship began.”

“So, do you want to wait before we start dating each other?”

Celestia looked somewhat surprised by his words. “You would want to wait?”

“No, that’s not what I asked. I want to know if you want to wait.”

“I… do not. I cannot help but feel the pangs of my heart, urging me toward you. I feel I would go mad if I tried to deny them further. You saw how well that worked in the beginning.”

David shook his head. “Let’s forget about that. I know it’s quite confusing when the heart contradicts the mind.”

 “Luna did not have such an experience,” Celestia scoffed.

“Not in the same way, no. But she is neither of us, and everyone is different. I believe her only moment of indecisiveness was when she heard you cry out and found that I was taking her magic. Apparently, it didn’t take long for her to recover, though.”

“Yes, I am honestly quite envious of how bold and sure my sister is of her feelings.”

“I don’t know, Celestia. I’m glad you’re you, and Luna is herself. You’re both wonderful in your own way.”

“Now, now, David. Flattery may get you anywhere.”

“I thought Luna said you didn’t like flattery.”

“Normally, I do not. For you, though…” She smiled.

David returned the grin but turned away awkwardly. “Ah. Well, I think we’ve gotten off-track. So you said you are worried about how the ponies of Equestria would take the news of both you and Luna dating me, and you don’t want to wait before starting our relationship. Is there anything else we can do to ease their tensions?”

Celestia paused. “Perhaps, but it may all be folly. We could try to prevent knowledge of our… arrangement until a bit after your introduction, but if it were to leak out, the damage would be much worse.”

“I can see that as well.”

“I suppose the only thing we can do to stem the tide is to have Cadance and Twilight prepare to make both your introduction and the announcement as soon as possible; then we shall take some time introducing you directly to the populous.”

“Wow, that sounds like a lot of work.”

“Yes. I imagine it would be. It could afford us some benefits, though. Your charming personality has a lot of power behind it, and I believe ponies will come to know and accept you if they could only meet you.”

David smiled. “If you think so.”

Celestia smiled warmly. “I am sure of it, David.”

“So, is there anything more you would like to discuss?” he asked.

“No, I believe that is all that needs to be addressed at the moment. There are a few minor questions in my mind, but they only can be resolved in time. If anything, I wish to hear how you feel about me.”

‘It’s now or never. After hearing her feelings, thoughts and fears, am I truly ready to commit to this relationship?’

“Celestia, as you have said, there are more than a few issues concerning a relationship between us. Some of them concern me greatly, especially now that I’ve heard how it might affect your people and how they view the legitimacy of the princesses. While I know little of your politics, the possibility of my involvement negatively affecting you or Luna greatly bothers me. I also feel more than a little trepidation in entering into a relationship with you both. I don’t know how to behave or what’s expected of me, as well as how to properly show my affection to each of you. It’s made me more than a little nervous.”

“I see. I am sorry to have placed you in such an awkward situation.”

“No, don’t be. It was my decision.”

“So, David, have you come to any conclusions? How do you want to proceed?” Celestia asked earnestly.

David put on a neutral expression. His change in demeanor seemed to shock Celestia, and she reflexively pulled away.

“Celestia, I love Luna and am loyal to her. I know for certain that her companionship is more than enough for me and that much will not change. The one thing that has changed is that I have opened my heart to you as well, and I can see that you have done the same. That being said, I will announce now that I wish to enter into a romantic relationship with you if you would have me. I never would have thought that I would meet two lovers so close together in my life, but it seems that fate had more in store for me. Celestia,” David knelt down from his chair. “will you accept me?”

Celestia sat frozen in her chair; her mind was lost in a fog. Even as words and actions did not form, her body shivered in anticipation, physically representing her thundering heartbeat. David sat patiently below her on bended knee, studying her features and waiting. Finally, a single tear escaped Celestia’s left eye, and she blinked. The movement set off a cascade of emotion inside her, and she leapt from her chair, throwing her body against her new beau and pinning him to the ground.

David was caught by surprise; that was sure. Being thrown backward to the floor, the pink-clad princess tackled him and threw her forelegs around his shoulders and pressed her head and neck close against his. Finally, David wrapped his arms around his new lover as they embraced. Her warmth seeped into his body, and he relaxed.

Celestia was overjoyed, and tears streamed down her face and soaked into David’s collar. Her sobs grew louder as the dam inside her heart had finally broken and her feelings overflowed. Now, those great waters had a new home, one that welcomed and would care for them.

David lovingly stroked his mare’s head and neck with one hand while keeping her held tightly to his body with the other. It didn’t matter to him how long they were to be sprawled out on the floor, only that she had finally found what she wanted, and was comfortable in sharing it with him. He lovingly cooed words of support and care into her ears, hoping to center and calm his lover’s feelings. After a few moments, her tears dried up, and she stopped her sobbing, now replaced with calm breaths and gentle nuzzles against his ears.

David stilled his hands and let them fall to the side. His action, or lack thereof, caused Celestia to finally pull away and stare at her man.

‘He… he is so caring and warm. No, Celestia, do not cry again, this is a happy time!’

Staring into her tear-filled eyes, David too felt his eyes moisten at the touching display of love.

‘Oooh! You are going to make him cry as well! Stop, you are not a filly anymore, you can—’

David broke her concentration when he lifted his head and met her lips for the first time as a couple. David wiped her tears away, and she followed him back down, lip-locked and breathless, to the cold floor.

Their first kiss together was a long but chaste one. Neither party dared move, and when they finally broke apart, it was only to fill their lungs and catch their breath.

“That was…” Celestia started.


“Yes.” She smiled. “Thank you so much, David.”

“I have just as much to thank you for, Celestia. But…”


David smiled. “If I might make a suggestion, shall we move to somewhere a bit warmer? Sitting in front of this balcony has chilled me to the bone.” He chuckled.

“Oh! Oh, of course!” Celestia giggled while finding her footing, then stood, towering above him. “The storm is just about to get interesting, though, would you care to lie together with a blanket? I promise to keep you quite warm.” She smiled lasciviously.

“Celestia, are you making a move on me?” David teased.

“Oh my, no. Not yet, anyway.” She blushed and turned away. “I just… it was really nice being next to you.”

“I feel the same. Hopefully, you will be able to put up with my jokes. I know I can be quite a character.”

“It is one of the many things I truly enjoy; I assure you. Come now, would you be so kind as to retrieve my pillow from next to the fireplace and the blanket we used last night? They are where we left them.”

David hopped to his feet, full of energy. He quickly pulled the large cushion over to the balcony doors, then went to retrieve the blanket. While he did so, Celestia lay down on the pillow and straightened her mane and dress, then waited for her man to return with eager anticipation written on her face.

Soon after, David came over, kicked off his shoes and then threw the blanket over the princess. It settled down slowly, like a fresh dusting of snow. She pulled it up over her shoulders and tucked it in a bit. However, David did not sit down yet, he walked back to the table and brought over their wine glasses and the decanter. Setting them down carefully in front of them, he was finally ready to join with his new marefriend.

“Would you like a little more?” he asked while pouring himself a drink.

“Thank you. I believe that might be good. It may help me relax a bit.”

“So much for ‘only at meals,’ right?” he said, taking a few sips.

“Tonight is a special case. That, and we barely touched it at dinner, so you should be willing to make an exception.”

“Sounds good to me.”

David poured a glass for her, then pulled back the cover and crawled in underneath. He took a moment to get comfortable on his side, making sure he could keep eye contact with Celestia.

Celestia stared deeply into his gaze but behind her bright, twinkling eyes, a desire— a question came to mind. She broke his gaze, then took a big gulp from her glass. After savoring the bold drink, she licked her lips, then turned back to David.

“David… would it be too much to ask for you to hold me, as you did last night?”

“Of course not. Come here.” He opened his arms and beckoned for her to join him. Celestia’s face lit up, and she inched closer to him, only to surprise him with a kiss instead of joining in his arms.

“Gotcha!” she said merrily, then rolled over to meet his embrace and nestled close against his frame, pressing as much of her body against him as she could. David smiled at her little joke and pulled her tightly to his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. Celestia rested her head in the crook of his neck, being careful to point her horn in a safe direction.

‘How does Luna nuzzle him without spearing him?’ She thought. ‘I can barely keep him out of harm’s way!’

Celestia chose to rest her horn along his jawline, running it back towards his ear. Even though they were sisters, their horns were quite different; hers being much longer but also a bit thinner than Luna’s.

David felt it pressing against him, and he unconsciously rubbed it against his flesh. That bit of movement earned him a low, throaty moan from his new lover—which was quite a surprise indeed.

In reaction, David stopped his movement to reassess the situation. Celestia must have realized her emanation, as she stopped moving as well.

“Sorry, David. You took me quite unaware.”

“I didn’t mean to. I’m still not very used to horns; they seem quite sensitive.”

“Yes, but do not be afraid, your touch can only bring pleasure.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Just then, a peal of thunder and a bright flash filled the sky, shocking the two.

Celestia gasped at the display. She felt her fur bristle under her dress as the latent static electricity filled the air. She then snuggled deeply against David’s body to dispel the disturbance.

‘She’s so cute!’ David squeed internally.

David tightened his grip around Celestia. “Wow. Where I’m from, I rarely get to see a good storm; I really like them, though.”

“As do I. A good storm is quite cathartic. While the pegasus teams do an excellent job in creating and managing the weather, storms still have the wildness of nature in them. The pegasi have long looked to craft that energy, to make it into usable science or art, but it remains elusive.”

“Oh. I had wondered about that; about how much control they can exert over the weather.”

“Creating and shaping clouds is what they do best; their architecture bears witness to that. A storm is a different beast, though. It has an energy all of its own, and it feeds on nature’s bounty around it. After it forms, it will take its time before diminishing, that is, unless they choose to disperse it early.”


“Quite. But what I really enjoy about a storm, besides its wild nature, is how it makes me feel.”

“How is that?”

Celestia craned her neck to meet his gaze. “Alive.” She then nuzzled back into under his neck and pulled his arm close to her chest.


David and Celestia rested together, watching the storm roll across the mountain city. Occasionally, the peace would be shattered by a loud clap or a flash of lightning, but that only added to each of their own growing excitement. Apparently, relaxation was not on the menu.

One particularly loud thunderclap caused Celestia to shout in excitement.


David turned to her with concern, but still wearing a smile. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, though I do not seem to be able to settle down tonight. Are you able to relax?”

David shook his head. “Nope, I don’t think that’s going to happen with you around.”

Celestia paused, mulling over her thoughts. “Well, while it is good to have some excitement, I feel it would benefit us both to reduce our energy levels a bit.”

“Do you have something in mind?”

“I do, but I feel it may be unfair to you. All I have done is ask for favors so far.”

“Don’t let that bother you. I’m more than pleased to tend to you. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

Celestia pulled away to face him. “Okay, but do not let me push you around. You are my partner now, not my servant.”

David smiled at her choice of words. “Thank you for your concern, but I will be as I choose to. Now, what can I do for you, my lady.” David leaned down and kissed her hoof.

Celestia blushed, hard. ‘He too easily plays with my heart!’

“Let us close the doors on this storm and retire back to the fireplace. It is much warmer and more comfortable there. That, and I was wondering if I could ask you for a massage.”

David smirked. “Is that all? Of course, I’d be glad to give you a massage. What made you think that was an unreasonable request?”

“Well, as I said, only I have been requesting things. Even with a massage, I am afraid I would be inadequate if asked to return the gesture.”

David shrugged. “I don’t really ask for much. For me, service to others has always given back much more than I’ve put in. I guess it’s more about both being able to help and the gratitude others show in return.”

“You have a noble soul, David. Do not let it go.”

“Thank you, Celestia. It’s very nice to hear such praise from you.”

“It is only the truth. It is one of your many attributes that I find so attractive.”

David leaned over, then kissed her on the tip of her nose. Without a pause, he pulled back, then stood up. After closing the doors, he set the wine and glasses back on the table, then whipped around and pulled off Celestia’s blanket in a flourish, somewhat startling her.

She looked up at him, wondering what he was going to do next.

He bent down and extended his hand, offering it to her. Celestia righted herself, placed her hoof in his hand, then stood as he gently pulled her up. She wobbled a bit, not having a perfect footing on the cushion and with the added complexity of standing on only three legs.

“Sorry,” he said. “I suppose that works better for bipeds.”

“It was a fine gesture. I appreciate it,” she replied. Celestia then walked over and pressed her body into David’s side, craning her neck to look him in the eyes.

This action was not new to him, and he instinctively bent down to offer his lips to her.

They connected with passion, and Celestia was the first to invite him in for a deeper kiss. The invitation was accepted quickly, and David and Celestia finally explored each other as only lovers do.

Too soon for them both, they broke apart but continued to stare into each other's eyes.

“So much for relaxation,” David said.

“True. Come with me to the fire. We will see if the night improves upon that.”

They strolled over to the warm hearth with its roaring fire warming the new lovers. David set the pillow down, then looked to the princess for instruction.

Celestia turned her back to him. “David, if you would be so kind, I must remove this dress before you can perform any massage. Along the back, there is a fine string laced into the dress, holding it together. Please untie and unlace it so I may step out.”

David nodded to her instruction and bent over her. His gaze traveled down from her neck and her intricately braided mane, across her withers and down to her banded and tied dock.

‘Oops, too far!’ he mentally corrected himself.

He returned his gaze upwards, to the back of her dress, where he found the laces she had spoken of at the top, hidden under a bit of frill at her collar. Gently, he reached down and grabbed the free ends and pulled them slightly, causing Celestia to gasp. A quick tug later, and the bow at the end came undone, and the dress began to loosen. He worked his fingers through the laced string, slowly releasing his mare from her confines. Finally, he reached the bottom, and the dress barely clung to her features.

“Ohhh, good, David. Now, if you would please free my wings, I can do the rest.”

David reached into the bodice and slid his hands down from her withers to find her wings. His gentle caresses sent shivers down Celestia’s spine, and she shook her head wildly trying to endure. He reached her left wing and gently lifted it, then moved the fabric around, allowing it to be free once again. Having finished the left, the right side became much easier, and he quickly freed it from its confines, then stood up straight.

Celestia bent her head low and let the collar of her dress fall off her head, then shook it a bit to make it past her horn. Now with only her legs still clothed, she was able to step her forelegs out easily, then her hindlegs followed.

David bent down and collected the beautiful pink fabric in his arms. As he brought it up to his body, he casually sniffed the article, which did not go unnoticed by his lover.

“David!?” she gasped.

“What?” he replied simply, as if he was doing the most normal thing in the world.

“You should not do that; it is improper!”

“Celestia, it smells like you. I like it. Is that so wrong?”


“Do you find my odor offensive?” he asked.

“I… I do not know,” she said, lifting her muzzle indignantly.”

“Oh. Well then. Come lay down and I’ll give you that massage you asked for. I’ll be sure to make it worth your time.”

Celestia stopped pouting and opened her eyes again. David was busy straightening the dress and laying it over one of the chairs near her bed.

“Is it okay if I leave it here?” he asked.

Celestia walked over to the cushion and sat down. “Yes, thank you. I am sorry if I said too much.”

“Not at all. I hope I didn’t bother you.”

“Surprised, maybe. I am just not used to all of this, yet.”

“Take your time. Now, let’s get you relaxed, okay?”


Celestia lay down on the pillow and David knelt by her side. He gently rubbed his hands over her back, feeling for knots of tension and looking at her face for any pain or discomfort.

“Is there anything specific you would like? Or sensitive areas you would prefer I not massage?”

“Nothing too… ohhhh, specific. I am quite used to massages at a special spa here in Canterlot. They have been thoroughly vetted and appointed as the only spa available to the royal family. Are you… ohhh, familiar… with massage?”

David leaned down and whispered in her ear. “You tell me, Celestia.”

He continued to work his hands over her back, stretching and kneading out her tension.

Celestia gritted her teeth. “You… are a master… I can tell,” she said breathily.

David worked up to her withers and neck and gently rolled the flesh between his palms and fingers.

“Ohhh, David!!” Celestia gasped and pressed her neck back into his hands.

“I’m not surprised, but you carry a lot of tension with you, Celestia. I think you should try to relax more often.”

“Mmmm, I do try. Recently, there has been quite a troublesome issue I have had to come to terms with. Something to do with a recent arrival here in the castle, a new friend, as it were.”

“Oh, so I’ve been troublesome, have I?”

“I mean it only in jest, mostly. It has put me under a great deal of stress, you know. I was on pins and needles until only a while ago when you said ‘yes.’ ”

“I’m sorry about that. I’ve been a bit stressed about it myself, as I’m sure you know. There’s a lot going on, but it seems I’ve already been blessed by receiving the best of it.”


“As often as I can get away with it!”

Celestia grunted a bit as David worked his way down her shoulders and forelegs, finding a few tight spots here and there.

“You know, you’re quite vocal, not that there’s anything wrong with that,” he commented.

“I am, ugh, usually quite restrained at the spa, this is definitely not the usual; I can assure you.”

“Am I being too rough?” David stopped and asked.

“No, please continue.”

David did as he was directed and continued his massage, though now he had a wide grin on his face as he worked.

Celestia was putty in his hands. She was somewhat stretched out, with her forelegs sprawled in front, even though her hind legs were still tucked tightly underneath.

David worked his way up from her forehooves and returned to her back.

“How about your wings? Do they need a little attention?”

“Do you know how to care for wings?”

“I do. I promise to be very gentle.”

“Please proceed; I trust you.”

David looked at the massive wings. Just one of them fully extended would dwarf a regular pony and even put Luna in the shadows. He worked cautiously, tenderly massaging one wing joint from above. Then, as the muscles began to loosen, he lifted and extended her wing, supporting it with one hand while he carefully massaged the joint from the underside. After she had fully relaxed the appendage, David worked across the wing, stroking and gently stretching it to its fullest.

“Wow,” he muttered.


“It’s just that your wings are so long and lovely. I’ve never seen them quite this close.”

“While I appreciate the compliment, I assure you that their size is more a hindrance than you might believe.”

“No, I think I understand a bit. I’ve received a special lesson on alicorn wing anatomy from Luna. It takes a lot of care to keep wings in good shape. I can only imagine how long it would take to preen just one of your wings!”

“It is a chore, yes. I find it much better to avoid getting my feathers ruffled, but it does happen from time to time.”

David nodded silently and carefully folded her wing back at her side. He then stood up and moved to the other side to have a better vantage point to work on the other.

“Did I do okay?” he asked.

“Hmm?” Celestia drowsily responded.

“With your wing. I hope I was not too rough.”

“No, you were excellent. I can tell you were taught properly.”

“Thanks, I know they can be quite sensitive, so I’ve skipped over some of the more detailed massage points this time.”


“Yes. This was supposed be for relaxation, and that’s my goal. Please let me know if something doesn’t feel quite right.”

“You are doing wonderfully,” she purred. “If we were not dating, I would have you conscripted to be my personal masseuse.”

‘Definitely sisters.’ “I’ll keep that in mind. It never hurts to have a job lined up.”

“Mmmm, yes. A job,” she said dreamily.

David finally finished up with her other wing and placed it back at her side. Looking her over, there was only her haunches and hindquarters that needed attention. He was sure she was carrying tension there, as it seemed most natural to have more tension at the base of the spine and in the largest muscles. He just wasn’t sure if she wanted him to continue.


“Yes, David?”

“Do you want me to continue?”

“Mmhmm. Please.”

David smiled and continued down her frame. Her lower back was smooth and well-toned, but just as David had thought, it was tight with stress.

He worked diligently on her haunches and croup, a difficult area to massage, but managed to relieve some palpable tension. His only visible cue was her tail. Before the massage, it lay rather stiffly behind her; now, it was limp and slowly swished side-to-side as David performed his work.

Finally, he moved on to the largest muscle group—the hindquarters. He took a moment to look her over, a field of white only to be interrupted by a blazing sun. He reached down and traced the outline of her cutie mark. It was the largest he had seen by far. Even Luna’s lone crescent moon was tiny in comparison. As he finished the outline, he felt the gentle caress of her tail against his hand. It had unintentionally swatted at him, the human fly, for daring to touch the sun. David smiled a bit at the humorous thought, then shoved it aside as he started his work.

And work it was. Celestia’s muscles were rigid and tight with stress. Unlike with Luna, David had a hard time just getting the muscles to stop contracting as he put pressure into them. But as he continued to fight, a new idea popped into his head.

Celestia was almost completely at peace. She drifted in and out of consciousness as David’s expert massage relaxed her body and her mind. Even his rather rough treatment of her hindquarters did little to deter from her mood. That was the case, until David put his new plan into action.

Kneeling at her right side, David stroked down her hind leg, past her hock and to her cannon. There, he grasped her long, slender leg with his hand and gently pulled it outward, away from under her body. This extension allowed the muscles in her buttock and thigh to relax and gave him more room to work, but it also left Celestia a little off-balance.

She shifted to her left, giving David the opportunity to work her right leg as he pleased.

David didn’t have to be told. He noticed her change in posture and began to work in earnest. He gently gripped the leg with both hands on either side of her thigh, massaging the long muscles up and down the exterior of her leg. This elicited a long moan from the ruler, as his warm hands removed mounds of tension and granted extreme pleasure in return.

‘I think she likes it.’

After working on her thigh, he moved the leg slowly, stretching the joints both up, outward and back. He massaged her hip, then her stifle, then moved down to her hock. After all the major joints had been limbered, he tested her leg’s movement and saw little to no tension in it at all. The last move he used was to stretch the leg out behind her, something that was probably not all that common, and he sensed a bit of tension as he did so.

Celestia was stretched to her maximum. From hoof-to-hoof, she was quite a bit longer than David was tall. And David, wide-eyed, seemed to notice that as well and paused to look over her form carefully before continuing with his massage.

Now, it was time for the other leg. Her left leg proceeded similarly to the right. The only difference was in how Celestia was forced to carry herself as David tended to it.

Since David had chosen to leave her right leg extended out back, she was forced to lay directly on her chest and tummy, something that wasn’t all that comfortable.

‘I will bear with it, as it is already the most luxurious and enjoyable massage I can remember. I only hope to receive it again soon!’

David finished with the left leg and was now seated behind her, both of her rear hooves laid in his lap. He gently stroked and massaged them, flexing the tendons just so as to stretch them, then provide a wonderful release. He gently rubbed her hooves’ soles and massaged the coronet band of each hoof, bringing total relaxation to the mare.

As he finished up, he couldn’t help but look at the tightly bound dock of her tail. Quite unusually, her tail was somewhat quiet, or rather it was reserved that night, even though it still shimmered and moved on its own.

‘It’s so pretty like that, and a bit sexy too, all tied up with a bow. I wonder, though, if it puts any stress on her. Most ladies I knew would want to take their hair down as soon as possible. A lot of them cursed fashion for promoting headaches and stress migraines just from the up-dos they wore.’

Deciding it was best to loosen it, David sat up and reached for the bow tied at her dock. As soon as he made contact with the lacy, golden ribbon, Celestia’s head shot up and turned to look back at him.

He stood still, like a baby caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

“Uhhh. I thought you would prefer to undo it,” he stammered.

Celestia’s look of surprise relaxed and instead became a smile.

“Go ahead.”

“Are you sure? I mean, it looks beautiful as it is. I just thought you’d be more comfortable without it.”

“Thank you for the compliment. I did it for you, and I am glad you find it attractive, but you are correct, it will tire in time, and I must remove it before sleep, so you have my permission.”


David lightly grasped her tail with his left hand to support it underneath, something that made Celestia blush bright red. He then took his right hand, and pulled on the ribbon, undoing the fancy bow and loosening the wrap all at the same time.

Celestia sighed at the release. David then moved both hands methodically, gently unwrapping the binds she had so carefully made on her tail. As David removed it, he noticed a bit of sweat under the ribbon—it had definitely been a sacrifice for fashion.

As the last of the ribbon was removed, Celestia shook her tail, freeing it and returning the blood flow that had been previously denied, then gave a mighty sigh.

“Thank you, David. You have given me a wonderful gift tonight. I only wish there was a way to repay it to you.”

“Oh, that’s alright, I didn’t do it to be paid. I did it to please you.”

“And so you have. I do have one thing that might give you rest. Would you like to hear?”

David’s eyes lit up expectantly. He didn’t have a clue what it could be, but he could use some relaxation about now. Massages are hard work!

“What is it?” he asked.

“Well, I happen to have something that most ponies will never see. A true indulgence I do not share, not even with my sister.”


“Please, be calm and keep an open mind.”

‘What is she saying?’ He asked internally.

She continued, “You see, in my life, I’ve found one other thing that truly can help me unwind. Long ago, in a faraway land, I was introduced to the practice of bathing in a hot spring. It can be both relaxing and revitalizing, especially after a good massage. And while Equestria does not have many natural hot springs, I have constructed a large bath with a magical heating system that can simulate such an experience. Would you… like to try it with me?”

David looked stunned. “A hot spring—”


“In your bathroom?”

“Indeed it is.”

“And even though you won’t share it with Luna, you’re inviting me?”

“Correct. Does this trouble you?”

“I… Nope!” David stood up quickly and stretched his legs. “That sounds amazing! I love a good, hot bath, but they are so hard to take!”

Celestia smiled at his animated response and gently collected herself before standing as well. Her legs, though, had other ideas, and she wobbled on her hooves.

David rushed to her side and wrapped his arms around her. “Careful there. I’d hate for you to fall.”

“Thank you, but I am quite alright. Please, follow me into the bath chambers.”


David did as he was told, and followed as Celestia slowly led him into her grand bathroom.

It was huge.

Easily the size of her bedroom, the sheer elegance of her bathroom dwarfed anything David had seen so far in comparison. Almost every fixture was gilded and shone brightly against the gas-lit chandeliers in the ceiling.

“Wow,” he muttered.

“Impressed? A lady of my age tends to splurge a bit for creature comforts. Please do not think of me too poorly.”

“No. I would never! You are a princess, after all; I think a little extravagance is a necessity.”

David looked around the room. At the far back of the room, in the center, was an area with short walls. It looked as if it was designed to help divide the room into several sections. Along the left wall, there was a row of vanities and sinks and a storage area that butted up against the walls of the center section. On the right of the center was a large section of shower heads and shower wands with a few benches to sit on. On the right wall, was a series of three doors. The first was wooden and looked to be a sauna. The second was a smaller door—this was probably the actual bathroom. And the third, near the corner, was open and lead to an equally extravagant walk-in closet, or at least a small room that had been dedicated to house her wardrobe. Nearest to him, along the common wall to her bedroom, was a small, intimate tub, probably barely able to contain the princess herself, and it was situated below a wall decorated with pictures of her close friends, all easily recognizable, and also sported many hangers for robes and towels.

Celestia turned back to look at David from the far side of the room. “Are you coming?”

“Yes, sorry.”

Celestia led him further in, past the wall of mirrors and sinks until they reached the first wall of the enclosed area. Peeking inside, it contained a somewhat large pool of steaming, milky water surrounded by green plants and a few benches. Celestia entered the walled section, then took a seat next to one of the benches.

“Please, come in. I want you to be able to enjoy this, if it pleases you.”

David walked silently into the walled-off area. It felt a bit hot and stuffy, with plenty of steam.

“Wow, it’s pretty hot in here.”

“Yes, the water is much warmer than most ponies are accustomed to, but knowing your body is also quite warm, I believe you will be able to adapt to the heat.”

“So, uhh…”

“Oh, please do not mind me. I will go ahead and enter if that is alright with you.”

“Sure, please do.”

Celestia smiled at David, then turned to the pool. She circled half-way around to a set of small steps inlaid in the pool’s foundation, and carefully lowered herself into the waters. It seemed that the water was actually quite deep, as it reached her shoulders even while standing. She then proceeded to the opposite side of the pool and then lay on a submerged bench there, keeping only her head above the water line.

‘Well, I guess there’s no point in backing down. I’ll just go in with my boxers.’

Having made up his mind, David worked to undo the buttons on his shirt, then removed it and set it on the bench. He then slipped his hands into the waistband of his pants and slid them down to his ankles in one swift motion.

Celestia might not have been facing him directly, but she was still keeping a keen eye trained on her new man. ‘Oh. So that is how it is done, it is no wonder Luna and I had so much trouble removing them that first night. She continued to watch, looking over his form. He is even more toned and muscular than I remember at the lake! Oh, how I wished I could have abandoned my station and played in the cool waters like everypony else.’

Finally, David was undressed, and all he retained was his boxers. He turned to face Celestia in the pool and smiled. “I figured it might not be proper to go in completely unclothed.”

“Oh, I had not thought of that. Please, do as you feel comfortable,” she replied.


David circled around and entered the pool, just as Celestia had done.

‘Wow, it’s hot!’

“This is pretty hot water, Celestia. It has to be right near my limit.”

“Will you be okay?” she asked, concerned.

“I might turn a bit red, but it’s nothing to be worried about. Just a normal response by my skin trying to cool down.”

David waded a bit further in, the water lapping at his waist at the deepest point.

Celestia lay calmly at the edge of the pool and looked over to David as he adjusted to the temperature. Her eyes traced his form, noting the subtle definition in his chest and arms. She smiled demurely then turned away.

“David, come closer to me. There is another submerged bench here that I believe will accommodate your height.”

He did as she suggested and waded further into the pool. Sure enough, right in front of her was another, shorter ridge—more like a step—and he took a seat on it next to her.

The water now came up to his shoulders, and the full effects of the bath could be felt, as his face started to flush.

“Not too hot, I hope?” she asked.

“No. I think it’s great. I should dissolve here in a few minutes.”

Celestia laughed with mirth. “I certainly hope not. I could only imagine how I would explain that to Lulu.”

David relaxed a bit more—he leaned back and rested his head on Celestia’s submerged chest, just past her shoulder. She looked a bit surprised at the action, but soon her face softened as she watched the man close his eyes and fall into a state of deep relaxation.

‘I cannot help but stare at him—this tall, strong, regal man. He has chosen to share his company with me, and it has set my heart aflame. Oh, Luna, what I fool I was! I cannot praise you enough for this opportunity to allow me to come to know him as well.’

Celestia broke her introspection and moved to get closer… and more familiar with David. She subtly extended and laid her wing over one shoulder while choosing to rest her head against the other. Truth be told, it was not the most comfortable position, but as she was able to have more contact with him, that didn’t matter. David mumbled pleasantly under his breath as he snuggled deeper into her flesh, and Celestia smiled brightly in return.


A few quiet moments later and David opened his eyes to see the lips of the monarch next to his own. Such a tempting treat would not do! He turned to her and snatched a quick kiss, dispelling the peace that had settled upon them both.

Celestia opened her eyes as well and lifted her head.

“Is that all?” she asked.

David pulled his body away and stood up. The temperature difference made him shiver at the perceived chill of the air.

“Do you want more?” he asked mockingly.

Celestia seemed to lose herself in thought for a moment, then turned to the man standing before her. “Yes. I want more.”

David slunk back into the waters, crouching to submerge most of his body. He then quickly sank under the waters and stayed hidden for a moment.

He gasped as his head reached the surface once again, shaking off the excess water. He locked his gaze with hers and said, “Come to me, Celestia.”

Celestia sat up straight, somewhat surprised by his boldness. She inched herself off of the bench, doing her best not to expose any more of her body to the chill of the air.

Slowly she proceeded to wade over to David and stood in front of him, less than two feet between their bodies. With David’s slouched posture, they were able to meet at eye level, and the link they formed in their gaze sparked something deep within them.

David reached out and grasped her around her neck and firmly drew her closer. She first extended her long neck to reach him, her eyes half-lidded. This did not seem to please him, and he leaned back away from her.

Seeing him do this irked the princess and she redoubled her efforts to reach his waiting lips.

David was not above being stubborn, though. He loosed his arms from around her neck and instead placed them on her shoulders, keeping her at arm’s length.

“Why do you tease me so?” she asked.

“I do not mean to be cruel… it’s only sometimes through denial that we learn what is wanted.”

His cryptic answer caused Celestia to pull back her outstretched neck and stand upright.

David smiled as she did so and pulled against her body, forcing her to move to him.

She took a small step forward, and his smile grew. She then suddenly darted forward with her head and stole a quick kiss, now that he was within range.

David’s smile faltered a bit, and he pushed himself away, once again lengthening his arms and keeping her lips just out of reach.

“So eager, Celestia. Where is the legendary patience I’ve heard of?”

“This is a fun game. I doubt you will win it, though,” she replied with a smirk.

“Winning and losing are part of life. Again, I don’t mean to irritate you, if you feel slighted, I’ll stop in an instant. I just want to play a bit.”

Celestia shook her head. “I will not let this sour our mood. Communication is key, is it not? I will let you know far before I become tired with this.”

“Good, then come.”

David once again pulled at her body, urging her to step closer to him. She did so, slowly, painfully, then stopped. Her long neck stretched forward with her eyes closed and lips slightly parted.

“Nu-uh, come,” he chided.

Celestia opened her eyes and stared. “Am I to be a pet?”

“No! I would never debase you like that… unless that is something you want?”

“No, I do not believe that exists within me. Why do you keep insisting that I ‘come?’ ”

“It’s just a game, Celestia. One to help us communicate more freely and understand each other. I think I want what you do just as much, but I want you to understand me as well. So I open my arms to you and wait for your embrace. Will you come to me?”

Celestia took another step forward, causing David’s smile to nearly split his face.

“Never have I been spoken to in such a way before. It is both thrilling, yet maddening when you deny me, yet I only feel my desire for you grow. Do you know why that is?”

“I’m not sure if that is rhetorical or not, but I’m certain I don’t know the answer.”

“It was an honest question. I do not know the answer either. Perhaps in time, we will find it together.”

Celestia took one last, large step forward and pushed her body against his. David, in turn, wrapped her in his arms and pulled her into a tight embrace, only to release his grip to face her.

Celestia looked into his eyes and waited. Her breaths were shallow and ragged, and her eyes pleaded.

David did not disappoint. He met her lips with his and pulled her close, running his hand over her braided mane and down her long, soft neck. She cooed under his embrace, the vibrations of her voice tickling his tongue as he fought an unseen battle with hers.

David leaned back, pulling Celestia with him. With his taller stature, he was able to support her body on top of his while keeping them both submerged in the luxurious warmth of the bath. He moved back slowly until he reached the bench he had perched on before.

Now with the added support, he was able to lean back and pull her body close to him. Celestia wrapped her forehooves around the barrel of his chest and held him tightly, never wanting to let go again.

Sooner than either wanted, though, they broke for breath and stared deep into each other’s eyes. David’s hand traveled down her soft sides and played with her grand wings. He couldn’t reach very far; he struggled to even tickle her flank.

Celestia was already lost to the sensations. Being stroked in such a tender and loving way was far more intoxicating than any of his moves he had used earlier.

Despite the heat of the bath, she felt her core respond to his touch and a new fire announced its presence in her loins.

“Oh, David…” she called out to him.

He met her with another slow, impassioned kiss.

For him the sensation of her body and her fur against his flesh was electrifying. He reveled in her touch—all her warmth seemed to outpace the heat of the bath and became singular and distinct to his nerves. He ached for more of it, seeking to cement their bodies together, even as his own body was reaching the upper limit of his heat tolerance.

“Celestia,” he said with ragged breath. “I don’t think I can take much more of this heat.”

“I understand. I would rather not have you swoon in my bath. I believe it is time we take this… elsewhere.”

She smiled, then kissed him several times in rapid succession, painting his lips and face with her invisible marks. Finally, she withdrew, and moved to step away, leaving him panting on the bench.

Celestia waded slowly to the opposite side and started the painful climb out of the bath. Once on the dry tiles, she stretched her neck, legs, and wings as steam poured off of her body. She looked back to David, who was staring in awe.

“The power of the sun offers a quick method of drying,” she explained.

David shut his mouth.

“David, I have learned to come to you when beckoned. It is time for you to come to me. Follow.”

David stood up in the bath, small wisps of steam emanating from his own body as the moisture condensed in the air. He waded slowly toward Celestia as she requested, only to see her walk away as he made he laborious trek out of the pool.

From just beyond the wall, she tossed him a towel. “Come when you are ready.”

With that, he only heard the soft clop of her hoof falls as she walked out of the room.

David began to dry himself off. As he finished his chest, he looked down to see something he had not noticed before. He was erect.


David quickly finished toweling off but left his boxers intact. Instead, he wrapped the towel around his waist to hopefully dry up the moisture and preserve his modesty. He looked at his clothes on the bench at the side of the pool. Casually, he grabbed them and threw them over his arm, then proceeded to find where his lover had gone.


Stepping into the bedroom again, David noticed that the air was much warmer than in the bathroom. It gently calmed his growing nerves, as the chill had started to tighten his newly-loosened muscles. He looked around for Celestia and found her standing next to her bed, facing away.

Hearing him step closer, she looked back to him. “Your clothes. You will not need them tonight.”

Her bold declaration stopped David in his tracks.

‘Is she… No.’

David resumed his walk over to her side and laid his clothes across the back of the chair. The juxtaposition of his outfit lying next to her elegant dress hit him.

‘She is, isn’t she.’

Celestia seemed to read his mind and walked over. She came within a hair’s breadth of his body and craned her neck up to see him, staring into his eyes again.

“David. I want you to make love to me,” she stated.

David’s somewhat permanent smile now faded. “Celestia, isn’t it too soon? I mean, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was tempted, but we just—”

“David, you know of my past. You know how I have forced myself to not love another. At this point, I can say that you are healing those wounds. For the first time, I am willing and able to make this choice myself. Will you lay with me tonight?”

David’s face still held some reservations. He looked into her teary, purple eyes, searching for an answer.

“Please,” she said.

David held back no more. He would not cause her pain. He cared for her, wanted to please her and keep her safe. He was beginning to love her. David leaned down and cupped her cheeks in his hands, then placed a tender kiss on her lips. He quickly followed it up, taking it deeper and forcing his tongue deep within her, tasting and exploring her mouth. He pulled away, leaving a thin strand of saliva between them which broke into a million sparkling droplets.

“Come, Celestia. It’s time I take you to bed.”

Celestia’s heart beat rapidly, threatening to explode inside her immortal chest. Her face flushed and cheeks burned at his words. She felt weak on her legs, and she wobbled slightly, even while still being held in his hands.

David noticed her body’s less than subtle cues. She instantly became warmer as he felt her cheeks redden with embarrassment. She shifted side to side on her back legs nervously, as if she could not stand still. Then there was the most obvious sign. A proud, sparkling mass of blue, teal, purple, and pink flowed high in the air as her tail stood upright, flagging for all—or at least one—to see.

David placed his hand over her withers and slowly walked with her to the edge or the bed.

As they walked, Celestia looked up at him, searching his face for guidance as they approached the culmination of the night.

Stopping short of the bed, David looked down to meet Celestia’s searching eyes. She fidgeted under his gaze, trying to find out what was expected, as although the act was not completely unknown to her, she had never had a healthy experience in many ponies’ lifetimes.

“Wait here,” David said with Celestia facing the bed.

His hand moved down from her withers and adding the other they stroked over her body tenderly, no longer restricted to in their exploration. He leaned over her back, almost pressing his chest against her, and traced her barrel with his hands, gently mussing her fur as he went along.

Celestia’s wings trembled as David played with her, teasing and testing as he went along. They threatened to leap out away from her body, announcing her growing arousal, and she struggled to keep them at her sides. She bit her lip as David’s hands moved under those same appendages, then snaked their way into her feathery limbs, sending tingling sensations through her body.

A quiet whine escaped her lips as her will faltered and her wings sprang to attention. They stood tall and wide, completely hiding the man hunched over her back.

“Feeling okay?” he asked as he kissed along the leading edge of her feathery appendages.

Huff, huff. “David?” she said shakily.

David paused to address her. “Yes, Celestia?”

“I… I am okay. Please, do not stop now.”

David bit down gently on her wing, causing a little squeal to escape her lips.

“As you wish.”

David left her wings and hugged her around her midsection, feeling the sensation of her fur against his chest. He gently massaged her stomach and then ran his hands down to her teats. When he reached the new, sensitive area, Celestia shifted and unconsciously spread her hind legs and arched her back as she felt the weight of David on top of her.

Her reaction brought a smile to his face, and he leaned into her and kissed the small of her back between her wings. This one gesture sparked nature into action, and Celestia unintentionally squirted a thin stream of pre out of her winking labia, marking David’s crotch and the towel he wore.

“Oh, I… I am so sorry!” she lowered her head in shame.

David stroked her head and kissed her forehead. “Shush… it’s okay; this is normal. It’s actually a bit flattering.”

“What?” she questioned.

“I can tell you’re aroused, Celestia. Can’t you see? I am too.”

Celestia looked up at his face and saw a gentle smile, then glanced lower at the wetness she sprayed on his towel. David pulled the fabric away, leaving only his boxers.

“Oh… my.”

David’s cock strained against the fabric, leaving no doubt of his own state of mind. It throbbed as Celestia looked at it wide-eyed and transfixed.

“May I, may I see it?”

David didn’t answer, but instead reached down with one hand into his boxers and grabbed his manhood. He gently massaged along its length, sending himself to an even higher state of arousal. He then reached down with his other hand, and together, they slipped his boxers off and down to his ankles, where he quickly stepped out of them.

‘It. is. massive… I scarcely say it is greater than any that I have seen and even stands with some pictured in the more salacious literature. How it is possible that he carries such a thing hidden behind his clothes!’

Celestia was staring with her mouth agape. While she had seen him naked after his arrival, what presented itself before her now was nothing more than its monstrous twin. Under her piercing gaze, David twitched in anticipation, not knowing what to do next.

Time began to pass as he stood there, and that would not help them in the long run. As usual, David chose action instead of words, and reached down to cup her muzzle and drew it up to face him.

Celestia was still stunned into silence with her lips parted and breath panting. David bent down to seal his lips to hers which finally calmed her mind and body.

Now having her full attention, he circled around behind her and knelt at her rear. Celestia looked between her front legs and could see the man sitting on his legs, and his impressive member lying between them.

Now it was David’s turn to stare. Before him laid a plot of white snow, molded into the cheeks of a goddess. Between them sat a small puckered knot and a long, glistening slit.

“You’re beautiful, Celestia.”

David reached up with both hands and grabbed her hindquarters at her buttocks, fingers gripping into her cutie marks as his thumbs pulled her cheeks apart at the seams.

She gasped at the rough treatment, though her body told a different story. As David’s hands massaged her great plot, her beautiful white slit winked at him, showing a pink interior and a waiting, red-hot clitoris.

David smiled at her display, then moved in to give her a taste.

Celestia’s head rocketed skyward as David’s gentle tongue traced her delicate folds, the first of any who chose to grace her with such tenderness. He continued to lap away at her juices, collecting her sweet emissions on his tongue before finally drinking it down.

‘She is sweet, so sweet! It is like drinking fruit nectar—thick, but somehow light on my tongue.’

David pursed his lips and gave her wet vulva a deep kiss, finally delving into her innermost sanctum. His tongue probed her deeply, and she pressed backwards against him seeking more. As he tended to her, he could feel her contractions growing; she was already close. He wanted her to come, to release all that tension and fear; he would take it all. David released his lips from hers and moved a hair lower. She ground her backside into him, searching for the end and pleading for him to take her there. David waited, and pushed back on her with his hands, barely able to hold her back from smothering him. Her marehood winked incessantly, looking for something to grip, to pull deep inside. On one particularly bright flash of flesh, David darted forward and captured her bundle of nerves between his lips and sucked on it mightily, hoping to push her over the edge.

He got his wish, and Celestia came for the first time not by her own hoof in countless years.

She stamped her hooves and threw her head high, a slight whinny escaping her lips. Her nethers tightened, and her juices fell to the floor, then she stopped convulsing and instead stood on her shaky legs. She was shivering.

‘I don’t understand. What went wrong?’ he thought.

David placed his hand on her croup and felt the gentle quiver of her muscles as she strained to keep control.

‘She’s holding back. Maybe she’s scared?’

David scooted around to her side and caught her eye.

He had a tender look of concern on his face, and he gently stroked her behind her ear.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I… I am fine. It was, very good.”

“Are you sure? You’re trembling.”

Celestia collected herself and stood up straight. “I am. I am just not, used to letting go. It may take me a while to relax.”

“We can stop now if you—”

“NO!  I mean, please, no. I have waited so long, so long for someone to be open with, someone I can trust, and love, and be loved by. I still want you. I am just…”


“A bit, perhaps. I have all these feelings, sensations. They are all so powerful and wonderful. You… you made me see stars, and I want that again. I want you to see my stars as well.”

David sat back and laughed a bit. “I’m not going anywhere, Celestia. You’re stuck with me now.”

She slinked down to lay on her belly. “That is more likely my line.”

As they laughed, the tension somewhat breaking, a certain portion of David’s anatomy once again stole Celestia’s attention, and she unconsciously drew closer to it.

Her warm, wet tongue stopped David’s laughter and threw him back into the moment.

‘She’s playing with it.’

Celestia nuzzled, licked and rubbed her cheeks against his still turgid member. She glanced up from her new toy to see David with his head thrown back and eyes shut tight.

‘I see it is no light estimation of the pleasure he derives from this. How such a simple act can stimulate him so! His taste is musky, even after our long soak together. It is an acquired taste, but one that I will record into stone in my mind as “my man.” ’

Celestia then closed her own eyes as she redoubled her efforts, taking his length deep into her mouth and twisting her tongue across its surface. Though she had never once serviced a stallion, she pulled on what little knowledge she had gained from literature in her goal of pleasing her new lover.

“Ohh, Celestia,” David growled between his clenched teeth. “How are you so good at this?”

She smiled, even with a mouthful of his flesh. After retreating, she said simply, “Books can teach anything.”

Her throaty words vibrated over his sensitive glans causing it to throb. She then quickly re-engulfed his member, only to find David twitching in her grasp, sending a shot of his precum into her waiting maw.

‘Oh my! I was not expecting that.’

To her credit, she did not gag on the unexpected intrusion. Instead, she slowly worked his slick fluids around her mouth with her tongue, examining and tasting this new experience.

David gently patted her head. “Celestia, stop. I’m getting close.”

She heeded his words and stopped her movements. As David began to regain control, she slowly removed herself from his penis, and as the tip left her lips, she gave it a quick kiss, causing it to jump again.

“Was that, okay?” she asked.

“It was great, thank you. But I think it’s time we moved on. Are you ready?”

Celestia made a move to stand. First, somewhat unsteadily, but then standing firm and tall.

“I am ready. Come, mount me as your mare.”

David knelt on bended knee in front of her and pulled her left forehoof up off the floor. Surprisingly, Celestia teetered a bit, still not completely steady on her hooves.

He smiled at her physical infirmity and then gently kissed her raised hoof, then returned it to the floor. He stood above her and stroked her from head to tail as he approached her rear with her tail still flagging high.

He grasped her buttocks as before and steered her body to the bed. Her chest was pressed up against the side of the mattress, and she braced herself for the coming pressure.

David sensed her tension and slowed down. He gently stroked over her croup and across her thighs trying to relax her. She was still trembling and shaking on her unsteady hooves.

As she stood still, waiting for the inevitable, David’s deep voice pierced her concentration.

“Celestia, put your hooves and chest on the bed. You won’t make it on your legs alone.”

David then pulled back a bit, giving her some room. As she looked back to check she only saw his gentle smile, and it melted her tension away. Reenergized, Celestia quickly reared up and put her hooves and chest on the bed. She moved forward until most of her body was supported by the mattress, then looked back to her lover again.

David walked up to her rear with painfully slow steps. She watched as his glistening chest muscles twitched as he reached forward to her rump again. Then his fingers traced her labia, gently teasing her arousal. It grew quickly like a stoked fire in her loins. Then the first digit entered her. It pried its way deep within her body, tracing her inner contours and sending sparking signals through her erogenous zones. Just as quickly as one appeared, another joined it, and she felt her marehood stretch to accommodate this new addition. A sultry moan escaped her lips, and she pressed her head and body into the sheets of her bed to stifle her emissions.

David could feel her gyrations, her muscles pulling on his fingers. His manhood raged below with jealousy, having to wait for its turn to enter the new place it would call home. Celestia continued to writhe under David’s expert torture, her tail swishing wildly about as her rump bobbed in the air, attempting to hump back at David’s current offering. But that was all she was going to get from them.

David stopped and withdrew his sopping fingers. Steam billowed off his digits, wet from her insides. He looked at them like tasty treats, then lapped at her nectar until he cleaned his hand of every trace. It was finally time to begin.

Celestia could not tell what was going on, only that the vacancy in her nethers begged to be filled. She twisted and wiggled her rear, attempting to find where her lover had gone. She could not find him. He had left. Only seconds after he pulled out, she gave up her search and stilled all her movement. Internally, she only begged for his swift return.

The man made his arrival known to her by re-latching onto her rump with the slap of both hands hitting her flesh. She jumped at the stinging contact, yet waited patiently for more.

David held her still with his powerful arms and hands. He then lined up his manhood with what would be the third princess he had ventured into.

“Brace yourself,” he whispered.

His penis penetrated her easily, lubricated by her remaining saliva and her copious fluids. He did not make it far through the entrance, though, before the princess’ toned body clenched down on him and gripped him with all its might.

“Oh, David!” her royal voice boomed with pleasure as his hot flesh pierced her inner sanctum and continued to drive even deeper inside.

David, however, gritted his teeth as he struggled to make headway inside her blazing hot marehood. Feeling he was at his end, he pulled out sharply causing both of them to gasp at the sensation. He then gave a quick thrust and regained the territory he had lost, then began to piston into her with short strokes, gaining little by little as he went.

Over half of David’s impressive length was still outside her walls. Though her juices flowed freely, he could not penetrate much deeper as her muscular passage continued to constrict and deny him entry.

David halted his advance to address her. “Celestia, you need to relax. I can’t go any further. Please relax, I promise it will be worth it.”

Her response came between breaths. “I. Will try. So full. Cannot move!”

‘His rod has speared me deep, and yet he wishes to go further? How can I accommodate such an unreasonably-sized phallus? Breathe, Celestia. Trust David. He will not hurt you.’

David could feel her breaths deepen as she attempted to relax her pelvis. Soon her hips dropped and her legs loosened until she was merely held aloft by the attachment to David’s hips.

He felt her grip lessen around him and the cavern spread to his gentle pressure.

“Good, keep it up. You’re doing great, Celestia.”

David began to move again, but slower, with more gentleness in his thrusts. Instead of prying her walls open, he now spread them aside, as if he was casting aside a curtain of silk.

Celestia’s breaths grew deeper, and she shut her eyes in concentration.

David smiled at how hard she worked for this, and hopefully, how much she would enjoy the results.

“Do you feel good? Can you feel me inside you?”

“I do. It is so warm, and I feel so full. We are connected, are we not?”

David pushed a bit deeper and rotated his hips, gently applying pressure to her sensitive tissues.

“Oh, David! Keep doing that!” she squealed.

“As you wish.”

David no longer had to keep a hold of her rear, and instead, he gently stroked her back and massaged her outstretched wings.

“Mmmm,” she cooed.

David moved to press a bit further in, he now only had about an inch remaining before she fully engulfed him. He reached deep within her body, feeling the whole, hot length of her privates against him. Then he slowly withdrew, letting her inner walls grip his tip as he dragged it out of her fleshy pit.

“Ahhh!” she called out as David took a long stroke back inside, meeting the depth he had so recently left.

‘Just a bit more…’

David leaned into her and with a slight jolt, the remaining inch or so popped inside and jolted Celestia from her calm.

The meeting of his waist and her rump gave a loud ‘slap!’ as his flesh introduced itself. Now fully inside, he rested and leaned across her back, feeling her pulse across his member and the gentle contractions she made within.



Celestia was breathless, but she whispered a final plea. “Give me more. Fill me up with your love.”

The words struck him deep, and he twitched inside her, causing a little jump from her frame.

He widened his stance and wrapped his arms around her chest. Now in position, he rocked his hips back, withdrawing from her velvety cave, then quickly returned, slapping his balls forcefully into her waiting clit.

“AHHH! Again!” she cried.

David replied with another powerful thrust.


Again he pounded into her. Long gone was the tension she held, and now she was finally able to enjoy the act of sex.

David plowed into her, using every trick he knew. He varied his thrusts; he shifted his angle; he bit down on his lips until they bled—anything to bring her more pleasure and hold off as long as he could. It was a losing battle for sure.

She cried out his name and shook her head as the pleasure overwhelmed her senses. Never before had she received such a powerful, yet tender, and loving embrace.

David was lost to his own carnal pleasures. His mind blanked; and his body took over. He wanted to reach deep within her and plant his seed to breed his mare.

Celestia’s contractions returned; and she fought to resist choking David’s member to death. She breathed and relaxed, but with each breath, the heady fragrance of their act entered into her mind, sending it swimming, and she almost lost consciousness.

Finally, after what seemed like far too long, the princess’ body reached its peak, and following one more of David’s powerful stabs deep into her quivering need, she toppled over the precipice.

A bright flash of golden light filled the room and shone through the windows of her tower chambers as she came. Her voice pierced the quiet halls, waking the tired and shocking all those awake. The earthen foundation of Canterlot fared no better and rumbled under the deep-seated power it was exposed to as her magic seeped into all things around. As her convulsions continued, her legs flooded with a gush of her juices and they dripped unceremoniously to the floor below.

David too was overwhelmed by her display, and with a few short thrusts, he hilted himself deep inside her and poured his gift within her. This new sensation brought forth another great rumbling from the earth, and a larger display of magical light as spells flew from her horn completely uncontrolled as she came yet another time.

David was spent and collapsed on top of his mare. He didn’t rest there long, as he could feel Celestia’s legs begin to give out on her as she too succumbed to the exhaustion of the act.

He stood up, somewhat shakily, and withdrew his softening member. As he did, his seed leaked out of her marehood and plopped in great puddles on the floor. David reached down for his spent towel and gently cleaned her nethers and his own before wiping the remnants of their act from the tiles below. He then threw the towel into the bathroom to be dealt with later—he had a lover to help.

Celestia was sprawled out, seeming to barely be hanging on to the bed. Her rear legs laid languidly with only her hoof tips touching the floor—she had no life in her limbs.

David leaned over her head and listened. She breathed slowly as sleep had taken her far away. He kissed her forehead below her horn and her nose scrunched up in response.

‘Hehe, she’s pretty cute when she’s sleeping.’

David backed off the bed and looked at her form. “It’s probably not good to sleep like this,” he whispered quietly to himself.

He soon put himself to work and gently collected her rear half into his arms. Having a firm grasp, but being careful not to wake her, he slid the rest of her body into the bed and righted her, setting her on her side.

As soon as he did so, she curled into a ball, pulling her legs and hooves to her chest.

David finally had room to spare in the bed, so he crawled in next to her. With her back facing him, he wrapped her already cocooned body in his arms and legs, gently spooning her. He then leaned forward and whispered, “Rest well, Celestia, my new love.”

Surprisingly, she mumbled something in response. Though her words could not be understood, they warmed David’s heart.

The two, finally united, rested as they basked in the swell of their post-coital bliss and the warmth of their bodies pressed together. However, the night was long, and their rest was only a short intermission; elsewhere in the castle, quiet was not to be found.
