Carnage & Murder Crew

by Kaidan

7. Breaking Bad - Part 2 Sweetie


“In the presence of the moon nobody sees the stars” ― Amit Kalantri


* * * * *

Sweetie and Apple Bloom reached Carousel boutique and barely made it through the front door when Rarity popped out from behind the front door. “Oh, Sweetie, I’m glad you’re okay. Listen, I’ve got to go meet up with some of the towns ponies who are concerned about Diamond and Silver. I see you brought Apple Bloom with you which is wonderful, from now on I’d appreciate if you continue to walk home with a friend.”

Rarity started to push her way past the two fillies to get out the door, and Sweetie stopped her. “If Apple Bloom walks me home, who will walk her home?”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll figure something out darling, I’ll talk to you tonight about the new rules of the house for your stay here while mom and dad are out of town.” Rarity smiled to the two fillies.

“What? New rules!”

“You didn’t do anything wrong, but I’m sure if somepony had paid more attention to their daughter, she wouldn’t have gone missing. Honestly, I can’t fathom what is going through Diamond’s mind right now. Now, take care!” Without giving the fillies a chance to respond, Rarity trotted off towards town hall.

Sweetie closed the door and sighed, “I guess I’m making my own dinner tonight, and taking care of that stupid cat…”

Apple Bloom started to walk with her towards Sweetie’s room. “You mentioned the cat earlier, I thought it was Rarity’s cat?”

“Yeah, but Rarity has had less and less time for it, so now whenever I have to come over the cat is all over me for attention since it can’t get any from Rarity.” She opened the door to her room and went in, setting her saddlebags down at her desk. “It’s annoying and pathetic is what it is… if she doesn’t have time for the cat she should get rid of it.”

“So, why don’t you do something about it?” Apple Bloom asked. “I mean, it’d probably be something stupid like trying to feed it chocolate, when you could just take care of it once and for all.”

Sweetie looked around to make sure they were alone before coming face to face with her friend. “I’m not killing that stupid worthless cat! And I’m not happy about what happened either.”

Apple Bloom nodded dismissively, Babs had explained to her last night she’d react this way. “You and I aren’t different, you’re just passive whereas I finally figured out it’s so much easier to just do something. When I heard my sis talking to Rarity about her missing the shipment to Hoity Toity that was you wasn’t it? Did it feel good just to wait two weeks to upset her? And what happens when Hoity tells her he left a message with you? You’ll get caught.”

She bit her lip and huffed, “What then, so I should have killed Hoity instead?”

“Oh, I doubt you’d overcome a full grown stallion, can’t really do anything about that and it was cute and all… but some annoying little cat? You could grip it in your magic and it’d be dead in less than a minute. Then you could practice some of that fancy medicine you love so much on it, like stitching cuts closed and stuff.”

Sweetie shook her head and went back to her desk, levitating the books out she’d need to get started on her homework. “I don’t particularly like what you’re getting at, and even if I was curious what the inside of a pony looked like I wouldn’t just go kill one to cut it open.”

Apple Bloom came over and sat on a nearby stool that was on the side of the desk. “Oh, I am not saying you are… but how long until Opal is back in here pestering you? And what better way to get even with Rarity and teach her a lesson than to get rid of her cat? She can’t trace it to you, and trust me, you’ll feel better.”

The homework for today was already laid out on the desk and Sweetie had levitated a pen to start working on it, though she couldn’t focus. Her mind was full of images of Diamond and Silver, not to mention Winona, Lucky, and Angel. “This is getting out of hoof Apple Bloom.”

“So, what’s one more cat? You’re part of it whether you like it or not and I’ll help ya take care of that annoying critter.”

There was a meowing sound and Sweetie looked down to see Opal coming out from under her bed and beginning to weave in and out of the legs of the chair she sat in. She wanted some attention from the fillies and stopped to give a long stretch, not realizing that they were talking about her up until now.

Sweetie stifled a moan of disappointment, “I’ve known you years Apple Bloom you’re my best friend… if I did it, you have to promise me no more ponies get hurt.”

Apple Bloom smiled, “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Besides, that was self-defense… I only ever hurt animals.” She looked down to Opalescence, who seemed to notice the predatory look in her eyes and backed up under the chair. The two continued to start at each other, neither breaking eye contact.

“I’m not sure but you’re my friend and you said it’d make me feel better…” She said a silent prayer to Celestia she wouldn’t regret this as she got off the chair and looked under it at Opal, who promptly hissed at her and Apple Bloom.

Sweetie’s horn lit up and she noticed the pain of the magical overload from earlier had faded, and in its place her magic seemed more stable than it had before. With little effort she was able to wrap an invisible string around Opal’s throat and pulled it tight.

Opal could feel something thin and tight circle her neck and cinch it like a vice, immediately trying to howl and run under the bed. Her claws scratched at the wooden floor and she began to bend and flex in ways no pony could. The panicked cat went so far as to start rolling around before finally calming down as she clawed at her own neck, expecting some physical and tangible string to be there blocking her airway.

“See? They’re animals, they’re not even pony. Barely intelligent, we let them be our pets,  we want the companionship…” Apple Bloom paused as she looked at Opal, feeling a sense of pride inside of her. “Opal is supposed to make you feel better when your sister ignores you, to comfort you at night, like… like Lucky did. You’re too good for her.”

Sweetie’s eyes narrowed as she focused her magic, not used to using it for this long and focused into such a small area. “I… I think you’re right. Opal, you’ve annoyed me, but Rarity ignores me too! It’s not my fault she’s a horrible sister! So why are you always in here bugging me?!”

Opal struggled to breathe, and much to her detriment, was able to get a little air which kept her alive to suffer a little longer. She’d stopped flailing wildly and instead was pinned to the ground on her back by her neck. She looked up to Sweetie and Apple Bloom, and pointed to the open door.

“Heh, Rarity won’t be back for you Opal.” Apple Bloom went over and closed the door anyway, before coming back and kneeling down next to her. “See how her face is turning red, eyes watering?” She pointed with a hoof for Sweetie to see. “Opal doesn’t have long left. She’ll start to struggle again soon, before surrendering to you and begging to live… and then dying.”

Sweetie knelt down next to Opal and bit her lip as she tightened the magic collaring her neck. “It’s okay Opal, it’ll be over soon… I… I don’t enjoy this… or do I? Rarity does have to be taught a lesson.” She smiled slightly, “Besides, Apple Bloom here killed Lucky and Angel, I’m sure she’d have killed you if I hadn’t Opal. Yes, I think this is a mercy…”

Opal looked between the two of them, realizing at this point there was no more doubt of their intentions. She managed a weak hiss as she began to claw and twisted the lower half of her body so her claws could dig into the wood and try to get traction. She used up the last of her air gouging her claws into the floor, leaving several deep marks. Though she knew her life was over, Opal had enough loyalty left in her for Rarity to die hoping her absence, and the claw marks, would be noticed. Maybe through Opal’s death, she’d be able to get Sweetie the help she needed. And with her final ounce of strength depleted, Opalescence went limp, never to annoy the Belle family again.

* * * * *

Apple Bloom and Sweetie walked down the trail towards the forest. On their backs were their saddle bags from school, though if one looked closely Sweetie’s was lopsided where a small cat had been stuffed into it.

“I guess it does feel kind of liberating…” Sweetie mused to herself.

“Exactly.” Bloom was still picturing in her mind the way Opal had panicked right up until the end. It was a blind panic, legs flailing every direction until she died. “I wasn’t sure how to explain it but I think you understand now. You’re my friend and I was worried if I did it for you, you’d never understand me.”

She nodded and sighed, looking around. “Well, I guess I can understand objectively an animal’s life isn’t worth that of a ponies. You did what you had to, and I don’t understand why you enjoy it… but I know you’re a good pony. As for her, I’m still not sure… but I won’t tell anypony. You’ve been there for me more than Rarity ever was.”

Bloom saw something in the distance and looked up, noticing Dash flying down in a Wonderbolts costume towards them. “Looks like we’ve got company.”

Dash landed nearby and trotted over to them, “Hey Crusaders! I was hoping to find Scootaloo, have you seen her?”

Sweetie smiled, “Hi Dash! Oh, she was headed home last I saw her.”

“I was just at her house, she hasn’t made it home yet… and Roseluck told me about Diamond and Silver going missing. I figured Scootaloo was with you but if she’s out there alone looking for those two… I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to her.” Dash looked around and began to shift uneasily.

Bloom wouldn’t say it, but it was clear that the adults were starting to assume the worst. What they didn’t realize yet was that the worst was true. Two fillies were dead, and the last thing Apple Bloom needed was Dash zooming around in a panic looking for Scootaloo. “Babs was with her, I’m sure she’s fine. Maybe they headed to the club house?”

“But she said she was going home,” Sweetie corrected.

Apple Bloom shot her a nasty look, “Crusader business I guess! I’m just trying to tell Dash there’s no need to panic

Sweetie smiled, “oh right! I almost forgot.” She opened up one of her saddle bags, causing Bloom to tense, before pulling out the gold cloth of Rarity’s that had been fashioned into a new cape. “We have to give Babs her new cape, Scootaloo’s probably cleaning up the clubhouse.”

Dash sighed and her tense muscles relaxed, causing her to seem a couple inches shorter. “Whew, thanks girls. If anypony hurt Scootaloo, I’d kill them.”

“Hurt Scootaloo?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I… uh… mean, if Scootaloo went missing, I wouldn’t stop until I found her. Diamond and Silver are just… running away from home or something.”

“You’re really bad at this,” Sweetie observed. “The two fillies of the richest families in Ponyville don’t simply vanish, I wish for once the adults would be honest with us for a change.”

Dash tilted her head and looked at her, before looking around to see if anypony else was watching. “I guess you’re right, I’ve never been good at being subtle anyway…” She walked up closer to the girls, who had been at a stop in the middle of the path since she landed. “Look, when a pony goes missing if they’re not found in the first twenty-four hours, then it’s a like ninety-percent chance they’re dead or never found.”

Sweetie regretted her comment as she started to over-analyze her reactions. She knew exactly where Diamond was, and now she had no idea what to say. Should I offer condolences? Say I’m sure she’s okay?

Apple Bloom had more practice and gave a nonchalant reply. “Oh, you better get searching then. Which part of town did you volunteer for?”

Dash looked back to the orange filly. “The Everfree, not many ponies brave enough to explore for them there. After all, if they were foolish enough to go into the Everfree we’re probably just going to find tufts of hair and bone… promise me you two will stay out of the forest.”

Sweetie laughed nervously, drawing attention to herself. “Oh, I mean we’d have to be pretty dense to go poking around the Everfree alone.”

“Alright then, you two take care of yourselves. Oh, and tell Rarity hi for me.” Dash gave them a salute with her wingtips and took off, vanishing in a flash towards the Apple family farm.

Apple Bloom resumed walking towards the forest, “Come on, we’ve got some crusading to do.”

Sweetie looked at the lump in her saddle bag. To an onlooker it looked like a book or two had been shoved in sideways, but to a guilty conscience, it looked like the most poorly disguised hiding place possible. “Yeah, sooner we bury this the better. Where are we going to go anyway? I doubt the grown ups are going to appreciate us wandering into the Everfree right now.”

“Hmm, you’re right, but the shortcut shouldn’t be too bad we can just say we wanted to save some time and promise not to go again.” She stopped as she crossed the line that separated Ponyville from the Everfree. The bright green grass slowly faded and withered, replaced by a darker brown dirt. Small weeds and brambles lined either side of the path. “Besides, it’s not like your idea to bury her in Rarity’s garden was any better. Too many neighbors around.”

She quickened her pace as they hurried into the forest together. “Yeah, but I mean everypony knows this shortcut they just don’t use it, wouldn’t it make more sense to find a more secret place to do this stuff?”

“Well, what do you have in mind?”

Sweetie paused, the clearing they’d buried Diamond in only a hundred or so yards away. “Well, there is a spell that might be handy…” She lit up her horn and tried to use the gem finding spell Rarity loved so much. Sweetie wasn’t as well-versed in the spell, and knew it usually resulted in helping her sense which direction rocks were in. While she knew rocks weren’t useful, a large enough cluster of rocks usually meant a cave.

Apple Bloom watched and then followed Sweetie down a narrow offshoot deeper into the forest. “You know what you’re doing, right?”

She continued silently until they couldn’t see the path behind them, before turning next to a small stream, and approaching an outcropping of rocks. “Here, this can be where you and Babs take care of your business. The last thing I want is somepony finding the trail of bodies you’re leaving behind you and getting us all grounded.”

Apple Bloom chuckled, “Oh we’re long past grounded at this point but thanks. I’m glad I can trust you Sweetie… but what do you think of Scootaloo?”

Sweetie poked her head inside the cave, looking around. It was just big enough for an adult to crouch and crawl inside, which made it easy for a filly to enter. “Scootaloo? What do you mean?”

“Babs said she’s gonna snitch, and I’m worried what Babs could do to her,” Apple Bloom admitted.

“What? Scootaloo is our friend! She didn’t ask you two to drag her into it, but… well, I know Scootaloo and she wouldn’t do anything to hurt her friends! She’s terrified we’d leave her.”

“Whew, yeah that’s what Babs said too. We can use that against her,” Bloom stated.

Sweetie frowned, lacing her words with some venom. “Listen to you, you’re starting to sound like her! Look, you’re my friend Apple Bloom… but Babs… there’s something wrong with her. And mark my words, she’ll be the end of us if we let her do whatever she wants all the time!”

“Hey!” Apple Bloom put her hoof out to try and calm her down. “You haven’t heard the things her dad would do to her… she’s just, different because of all the bad stuff that happened. She’s an apple, and in the apple family we can always count on each other.”

“Promise me you won’t put Babs before Scootaloo and me.” Sweetie stared right at her, not looking away.

“What? Fine!” Apple Bloom sighed. “You’re all my friends, and she’s my sister, I’m not going to put any of you ahead of the others. Besides, you’re in this too now, we all are. You killed Opal, and Scootaloo…”

“What?” Sweetie raised her voice. “Scootaloo what?”

Sighing, she admitted the plan. “Babs wanted to be alone with Scootaloo, we needed a little extra leverage…”

“If you hurt her, I’ll…” Sweetie took a step forward towards Bloom.

“Hey! No, it’s just… well, if something happened to Tank, Scootaloo would have to hide this all from Rainbow Dash. We’re just trying to make sure she’s not the weak link!”

“I can’t believe this!” Sweetie shouted. She used her magic to open her saddlebag and dumped the corpse of Opal into the damp dirt. “You can bury her, I’m going to make sure Scootaloo is okay!”

Apple Bloom sighed, finding a flat rock nearby that was a good size to be used as a shovel. “Oh sure, leave me alone in the middle of the forest, real mature Sweetie.”

With a frustrated huff, Sweetie continued down the narrow path towards the trail leaving her friend to bury the body.