Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Fun Time in Las Pegasus

Rainbow and Indominus managed to stop themselves right at the banquet hall. their little race had almost resulted in them smashing through the doors. They caught their breath, made themselves look cleaned up, and went in for some food. Even though they had only been there for a day, everypony in the hotel still treated them with the best of respect. It was so comforting for Indominus that none of these ponies were like the stuck up ones in Canterlot. After filling their plates with food and getting a table, they had just begun eating when they were joined by Goldenrod and two of his staff members.

"Morning Rainbow Dash and Indominus Rex, did you two enjoy the dancing last night?"

"It was so amazing, we really blew each other's minds last night."

"Plus we got to spend quality time together, and dance in each other's embrace, whether it was sappy or not," Rainbow said as she and Indominus stuffed their faces. "Today, we get to spend our afternoon in Las Pegasus, I can't wait to try out everything."

"Oh, that reminds me, you two are going to need these."

Goldenrod and one of his staff levitated two light green bands over to Rainbow and Indominus. They strapped the bands onto Indominus's right arm and Rainbow's right front hoof.

"There, those bands will give you both unlimited access to every ride in Las Pegasus for your entire stay. Unfortunately, they can't cover any of the games or food."

"That's ok Goldenrod, I came prepared for that little detail." Indominus showed them the coin pouch that was bulging at the seems from all the bits inside. Goldenrod and his staff had bulged eyes at the size of the coin pouch, Indominus clarified for them after seeing their faces. "Saving Equestria from a homicidal dragon did have the perk of getting a hefty sum for our efforts. Since none of the other dinosaurs wanted their share, I got all of the bits."

"Wellll now, that sure is enough money to cover anything in Equestria."

"It's not all that important to me Goldenrod, I've only used it for living with Rainbow Dash. The only time I've used it for anything else, was when I picked out my wife's wedding ring."

In the daylight the staff could get a better view of the Arkenstone ring. Its light still danced in the same brilliant way as the first time Indominus had seen it.

"It definitely is a ring worthy of anypony that should be married to you Indominus."

"Yeah, and I happen to be that lucky somepony," said Rainbow while admiring the ring herself. "Now Indominus, it's time for us to head to Las Pegasus. Thanks for breakfast Mr. Goldenrod, we'll be back for dinner later tonight."

"I'll make sure to have another feast ready for both of you, and Indominus, the chefs have agreed to whip up another roasted boar for you."

"I look forward to feasting on it, we'll catch you later Goldenrod."

The couple bid their farewells after their meals had been finished, took flight outside of the hotel and began making their way to Las Pegasus. Given that Las Pegasus was a floating city just like Cloudsdale, it wasn't that hard to spot. Rainbow and Indominus were able to easily spot the floating vacation spot by the numerous buildings and the rides. The ponies below spotted them and started cheering wildly, none of them expected to see Indominus at such a great place. All of them made way as the couple made their infamous landing at Las Pegasus, leaving plenty of ponies squealing in delight.

This time however, there weren't any staff to keep the ponies away from the couple, so Indominus had to increase his size briefly to silence the vacationers.

"Calm down everypony, I'm simply here to spend a fun afternoon with my wife, Rainbow Dash." Rainbow floated down in front of the crowds and the ponies all awed at the Arkenstone. She felt that she had to do Indominus justice with his choice.

"That's right, this scaly stud picked out this grand ring for me, and presented it in an awesome and touching fashion at the Grand Galloping Gala." Indominus knelt down beside his girl.

"Guilty as charged. Now me and Rainbow have a long day ahead of us, but all of you will be able to see us around. Catch you ponies later."

Indominus stuck close to Rainbow Dash as she led him around the floating city. It was her turn to show her husband around, even though Rainbow had only seen Las Pegasus once. There was so much to take in and so many places to try things out that Rainbow didn't know where to go first. So she decided that they would spend their time trying out everything in Las Pegasus. They headed inside a brown red resort to see what they had to offer.

The minute they stepped inside however, eager eyes were on them once more. Thankfully, the ponies didn't come swarming in this time and they let Indominus and Rainbow stroll through the resort. The couple went throughout the resort, taking in everything they saw. There were ticket sales for exciting shows and performances, but none of them seemed to interest Indominus or Rainbow. She was looking for a particular room, one where she and Indominus could have some competitive fun. When they were strolling through a hallway, Rainbow looked to her right and found the room she had been searching for: an arcade room.

Rainbow Dash wanted to teach Indominus how to play the many different games, so they could compete against each other without having to train or fight. Indominus didn't know what to make of the countless machines, flashing lights and eager ponies playing them. He had never seen an arcade room before, so Rainbow took it upon herself to teach him. She paid for a clawful of tokens and went for one of the simplest games for Indominus to play. Indominus was stumped when Rainbow brought him to a whack a mole game, he didn't know what to think of it.

"Uh, Rainbow, what is this?"

"It's a game Indominus, and an easy one to learn, all you have to do is whack the moles when they pop up until the timer runs out."

"So I have to smash this little creatures into the dirt to win?"

"Oh no no, nothing like that. None of them are real, and don't use a great deal of strength, we don't want to break this machine on our first day. Just hit them lightly and you'll win tickets for prizes."

"Well ok, I'll give it a shot."

Rainbow put two tokens in and the game started up, she backed up a little to see how Indominus would handle it. There was a hammer for the smacking, but Indominus's hands were decent enough hammers already. Indominus scanned the holes for any sign of movement, and the moment the first mole popped up, he went nuts. He started slamming his clawed hands down, smacking every mole that appeared. Despite how wildly he was going at it, Indominus was courteous enough to hold back his strength, to avoid damaging the machine.

The ponies in the room stopped the games they were playing and watched with open mouths as Indominus continued to smack and bash at the moles. Tickets were pouring out of the machine, and even Rainbow was fascinated by how quickly Indominus was winning. He was getting a huge smile on his face the more he smacked each mole. The hybrid dinosaur was enjoying something other than hunting or fighting an opponent. When the game ended after just thirty seconds, Indominus was overjoyed at the pile of tickets he had earned from smacking the moles.

He had earned himself one hundred and fifty tickets and a total of 50,736 points on his first try. The machine was completely intact when Indominus was done, he hadn't even laid a scratch on it. The ponies were amazed at the high score, some of them tried to beat Indominus's score while he and Rainbow moved on to the other games.

"Alright Indominus, let's see how you handle the others."

They moved on to the ball throwing games, which Rainbow specialized at. She still emphasized how important it was for Indominus to not use any of his real strength, but the dinosaur understood. Rainbow joined him on her own machine and the two of them were going at it, chucking balls and scoring points. Indominus's size gave him a small advantage and allowed him to score on the holes that were more difficult to reach. By the time they had used up all the balls, Indominus had 70,000 points while Rainbow only had 55,000.

Normally, Rainbow couldn't stand losing to anypony, but there was no way she could be mad at Indominus. Her love for him was far more important than winning a little game. Indominus decided to use the tickets they had won to pick out a prize for Rainbow Dash. At the prize counter, Indominus debated on what to get Rainbow Dash. Together they had over 600 tickets, so the choices were endless. Then Indominus spotted a medium sized plush dragon for 200 tickets, and picked it for Rainbow Dash.

She was touched when Indominus handed the dragon to her.

"Oh Indominus, that's sweet of you, but this is yours. You won the games and earned most of the tickets."

"I may have won Rainbow Dash, but the prize is yours to keep. I only won those games so I could give you the prize." The other ponies 'awwed' at the touching sight. Winning wasn't all that important to Indominus, unless it involved Rainbow Dash.

"Ok Indominus, if that's the case, then I've got to get you a prize as well."

Rainbow scoured the prize counter for something that Indominus might like. However, she had no idea what kind of prize would be suitable for a hybrid dinosaur. Indominus didn't need a plush like the dragon, because he got to hold Rainbow Dash every night. Rainbow was worried she wouldn't be able to find anything good enough, when she spotted a gold symbol in the glass display. It was a copy of the symbol that was used for the Wonderbolts, and at only one hundred tickets. Rainbow purchased the symbol, walked back to Indominus, and placed it on his arm.

"What kind of symbol is this, Rainbow Dash?"

"It's the official logo for the Wonderbolts, I thought it would look good on you."

"Thanks Rainbow, but I'm not a Wonderbolt."

"No you aren't, but with how great a flyer you've become, I think you would make a pretty decent Wonderbolt regardless."

"Aww, now you're pulling the flattery on me," Indominus said as he and Rainbow hugged each other.

"There's an old saying hot stuff, turnabout is fair play. Now how about a round of air hockey, and then we break for lunch?"

"Sounds good to me."

Playing air hockey was easy enough for anypony to understand, even a dinosaur. Indominus got the hang of it so quickly that in a matter of minutes, he and Rainbow were knocking the puck back and forth so fast that ponies were gathering to watch. The dinosaur might've been a fast learner, but Rainbow had more experience in playing the game. She was scoring points just as quickly as Indominus, and she was outdoing him at the same time.

"One more point, and I win big boy."

Indominus tried his best to keep up with Rainbow, but she proved to be too good for him. She hit the puck at just the right angle and it zoomed past Indominus's hand and into his goal.

"Game over Indominus. I'm the air hockey champion," Rainbow started going into a celebratory dance, but stopped herself before she got too carried away. "You still put up a decent fight against me."

"It's alright Rainbow, you're entitled to have some glory to yourself. Winning isn't a big deal to me unless we're fighting for Equestria, ourselves, or our family."

After all the time they had been together, Rainbow was still amazed at how great Indominus's sportsponyship was. He was so competitive when he got into the mood, but whether he won or lost it didn't matter as much to him. All that mattered was seeing Rainbow happy and having a great time with him. The ponies that had watched the game were equally amazed at the bond that Rainbow and Indominus shared. Love and respect of this magnitude had rarely been seen in Equestria before, and seeing it was a wonderful sight to behold.

Indominus decided to give away the remainder of his tickets to the spectators since he felt there was nothing else he could get for Rainbow Dash. They were on their way out when two ponies that had gotten some of the tickets stopped them. A light blue unicorn mare and her dark green stallion had a request for the lovers.

"Wait Indominus. Before you two leave, we were wondering if you two could show us some of your dance moves on one of the games."

"Dancing moves? There's a game for that?"

"Sure, we'll show you."

The pair led the couple back into the arcade and in front of a pair of machines that had arrows on the floor and ponies actually dancing on them. The arrows would show up on two screens with songs playing over speakers and the arrows would light up on each stage. The ponies on each were trying to move to each arrow and the beat that played along. Indominus was stunned that there truly was a game for dancing as he watched the ponies play, and the more he watched, the more he understood the idea behind the machines.

"Is there a game for everything in this world?"

"Just about babe, so what do you think of it?"

"Well, it's rather strange, but I think I've got the idea behind it. Just move in pace with the songs that play, and hit the arrows as they light up, right?"

"Exactly! You've definitely got a lot of smarts in that brain of yours."

"I owe that to having Velociraptors as being part of my DNA. Looks like it's our turn next."

The pair on the stage had just finished and it was time for Rainbow and Indominus to have their fun. The ponies that had requested them to try the dancing machine out graciously covered the tokens for them.

"Now just choose your songs and show us what you can do."

Indominus and Rainbow scrolled through the list of songs the machine had to offer until they decided to do the same song together.

The moment the beat started up and the arrows started showing up on display, Indominus and Rainbow got right into the beat. For Indominus it would've been tough had he not learned dancing lessons way before his marriage to Rainbow. The two of them were dancing perfectly in sync with the beat and with each other. Their movements hit every arrow that lit up, and not once did either of them break the rhythm. The ponies that were watching couldn't believe how well Rainbow and Indominus were dancing like they had become one united body and soul. It was the same kind of synchronization that the pegasus and dinosaur had displayed during the brawl against Spoiled Rotten and Sheer Cold.

Indominus kept glancing between the arrows that showed up on screen and over at Rainbow Dash. He continued to move and dance with her pace without breaking his concentration. She would do the same and give him one of her seductive stares, but it didn't break his focus. All the while they landed on every arrow that lit up and didn't miss a beat on the tunes.

"I gotta say Indominus, for a dinosaur you've got quite the rhythm going."

"I took a lot of lessons, my dear Rainbow Dash," Indominus said without missing a beat on his movements. The ponies were baffled as he flattered his girl while still dancing as if it was a casual chat. "I learned plenty of dance moves so I could sweep you off your hooves when this time came."

A blush formed on Rainbow's cheeks as she took Indominus's compliment. Then they took the dancing a step further by standing on their legs and moving in different rhythms. Indominus swayed his body with the tune and still was able to get all the arrows without the assistance of his hands. Rainbow did little jumps in between her movements so she was able to land on her set of arrows with just her back hooves. She then started to twirl her body like she was a talented dancer and it got Indominus's attention. Seeing Rainbow moving so gracefully on her back legs and twirling so her mane and tail flowed about in a rather hot fashion, showed Indominus that she wasn't afraid to show off for him.

"Way to go!"

"You two are awesome!"

As the song reached the end of the beat and the last of the arrows showed up, Indominus and Rainbow did spinning jumps and their bodies glided over each other. Right as the last arrows lit up on the stages, the lovers touched down on each of them in a superhero style landing. The spectators cheered wildly and clapped their hooves like crazy, while Rainbow and Indominus held each other to catch their breaths. The dinosaur wasn't quite used to dancing for so long and at such a fast pace. As they stepped off the stages so other ponies could take their turn, the two ponies that had requested them to dance came over.

"That was incredible. You two are quite the team," the light green unicorn said.

"We've had a great deal of bonding over the last year. Oh, not to be rude or anything, but what are your names? My friends taught me to always show courtesy around others."

"Of course, my name is Light Field and this is my fiance, Solid Muscle. We've been admirers of you two ever since we hear about your family defeating Black Death."

"When we heard you two were going to be spending your honeymoon in Applewood and visiting Las Pegasus, we just had to meet you," said Solid Muscle.

"That's nice of you ponies, and did you enjoy our performance?"

Light Field said,"it was spectacular and so well done. How did you two become so tight together?"

"Well we had a year of bonding to get to know one another, and we grew to love each other the more time we spent together.

"Plus, being brought back from the dead by this pony's love really shows how much she cares. Also we danced and sang together at the Gala."

"He proposed to me in the most amazing way, and we kissed in the full light of the moon," Rainbow finished. "We've been through enough to know that our bonds can't be broken."

The unicorn pair was awwed at how much Indominus and Rainbow loved each other.

"Wow, you two really are as close as can be. We're really glad we got to meet you, and could we get your autographs?"

"Why of course." Light Field gave a pen to Rainbow and Indominus and they signed a notebook that Solid Muscle was carrying. They bid their farewells to the lovers and were about to take off when Solid Muscle remembered something.

"I almost forgot, we also wanted to see if you two wanted to participate in Las Pegasus's annual singing competition."

"A singing competition? We're both good singers Rainbow, doesn't that sound interesting?"

"Hmm, are there any rules or papers that explain the rules?"

Solid Muscle handed them a flier to show them the rules for the competition. It was held in the giant pony shaped building known as the Ancient Stallion. The rules were rather simple: it was a duet with both singers having to perform in each song. Songs that were chosen had to be appropriate and not too vulgar. There were five rounds, and the winner would be crowned champion, get their photo put up in the Hall of Glory and walk away with a golden trophy. The competition was scheduled to begin in three days at noon.

"Now this sounds like a good time, count us in."

"Splendid! We'll be competing as well, see you lovebirds later."

After the lovers had bid farewell to their new fans, they went to get some lunch at last. Indominus filled his plate with as much food as possible and they ate in the dining area. No pony in the room dared to question Indominus and his eating habits, they respected the hybrid dinosaur and his wife too much. The lovers ate in peace until they had their fill, Indominus had to go back for three more plates before his appetite was satisfied. Once lunch was over, the couple left the resort to explore the rest of Las Pegasus.

The rest of their day was spent trying out all of the rides and attractions in Las Pegasus. Indominus wasn't very comfortable about being in a cramped seat on the Ferris wheel, even with his decreased size. Rainbow sat in his lap the whole time and it helped relieve some of the stress. They took a tour of a giant castle, which came with a giant, curving rainbow slide for the ponies to enjoy. Indominus had a blast sliding on his chest and gliding down after Rainbow and having the wind in his face.

They even took part in a live event that was held inside a pyramid at the edge of Las Pegasus. Indominus had to restrain himself from attacking many of the stunts that surprised them during the event. He nearly chomped down on a handful of performers dressed as mummies, and would've disintegrated a fake boulder that chased them through most of the pyramid. When it came to the final performance at the end, which involved the participants trying to stop the beast at the last leg of the event, Indominus got the guilty pleasure of having the spotlight.

Despite the actors' best attempts to scare Indominus with their creature, the hybrid dinosaur had the better roar. His voice sent the beast screaming for the hills, and the participating ponies applauded his fierceness, especially Rainbow Dash. Indominus made sure to apologize to the performers after the event was over, he didn't mean to make a few of them soil themselves because of his roar. Thankfully they were understanding, and were glad that Indominus enjoyed himself.

Later in the day as the sun began to set, it was time for Indominus and Rainbow to call it a night. They bid farewell to all the ponies they had met during the day and flew back to the Golden Pony. Goldenrod had whipped up Indominus another fabulous boar just like he had promised. It was even juicier and more tasty than the first one.

"Oh boy Goldenrod, you've really outdone yourself this time," Indominus said as he tore off another chunk of meat.

"Yeah, I had no idea this food was so delicious. All these years I've been missing out," said Rainbow. She was more bold in trying the food this time, and the other patrons didn't mind since they had seen Indominus and Rainbow eating meat last night.

After their meals had been finished, the lovers decided to relax for the rest of the evening. Rainbow relaxed on the bed while Indominus gave her wings another preening and massaged her body. She would never admit it to her friends, but Rainbow just loved feeling Indominus's claws gently scratching all the right spots in her wings. Even his massages felt like they were straight from the spa and were soothing her to sleep.

"Indominus," Rainbow said sleepily as Indominus massaged her wings gently.

"Yes Dashie?"

"Have I told you how much I love having you in my life?"

"You've told me quite a lot, and I never get tired of it. I'm honored to be part of your life."

"I wish I could pay you back for this great treatment."

"Oh, I think you know how to pay me back. Just do what we do best."

"In that case." Rainbow rolled over, tackled Indominus and pinned him on his back. She increased her size til she was as big as Indominus and looked down on him with her seductive eyes. "I'll make you mine until the end of Equestria, you scaly stud."

Rainbow pressed her lips to Indominus' and he returned the warm gesture with great pleasure. Their arms and hooves wrapped around each other as they kissed with passion. Indominus took it further by putting his tongue inside Rainbow's mouth, which surprised her for a moment before she intertwined her tongue with his. They were kissing far more passionately than any of the other times, and Indominus was about to make it even greater before Rainbow stopped him.

"Wait Indominus, we...we can't do it right now. It's too late in the evening, and other ponies might hear us."

"Oh don't worry, Twilight gave me a special spell so that others can't hear us when we want to have our 'fun.'"

Indominus opened his jaws and Rainbow watched a green bubble come out. It expanded over them until it was covering the entire bed, and the lovers were inside.

"Noise cancelling bubble, no noise will escape it. Any ponies outside of the bubble will not hear a sound, so we can be as loving and wild as we want."

"In that case, I hope you rock my world just as hard as this morning,' Rainbow said as she grabbed Indominus's face.

"I find you incredibly hot when you talk like that," Indominus said before he and Rainbow resumed their hardcore kissing.

With the bubble cancelling out all the noise, Indominus no longer had to worry about ponies hearing him. So he flipped Rainbow onto her back and began thrusting inside her again, while licking her neck. After so many times, it was much easier for Indominus to arouse Rainbow and for her to be turned on by his advances.

"Oh yeah. Indominus, light my fire. Make me feel alive again."

Indominus just listened to his girl's pleased voice as he continued to thrust inside her.

"Oh! Oh yeah! Awesome! Keep it up baby!"

Indominus could feel the burst getting close already. He put effort into his thrusts, and just as he felt the feeling inside him about to explode.


Rainbow and Indominus felt their bodies relax after the dinosaur had released inside his wife. He dispersed the bubble now that they didn't have to worry about ponies hearing them. Rainbow had a bright red blush on her face and stared heavenly at Indominus as he disengaged and rested himself on top of her.

"I love, when you bring all this, happiness into my life." Indominus took his right hand and caressed Rainbow's face gently as he brought his face closer and kissed her.

"I love you so much my amazing Dashie, and I'll do everything in my power to keep this happiness. You always sound so adorable and hot when you ask me to make you 'feel alive.'"

Rainbow couldn't help but let out a really adorable squeal at Indominus's touching words.

They turned onto their sides and Rainbow snuggled against Indominus's scales. He held her close to him and stared softly into her eyes as he turned the lights off with his tail.

"I love you Indominus Rex."

"I love you too, Rainbow Dash."

They shared one more kiss before the lights went out and they fell asleep in each other's tender embrace.