A Stolen Apple

by HylianWolfMage553

Chapter 3: The Chaos House

(Discord's POV)
I finally get back to my home sweet home in the chaos dimension and I placed my cloaked friend on the spare bedroom Celestia used to sleep in whenever she would stay the night. Sadly I had only two bedrooms and each had one bed in it so I had to make a choice of which bed would Appejack sleep in. Part of me wanted to just dump her on the couch and just call it a day but a part of me felt that would be rude. She was a guest, granted a guest who couldn't leave, but a guest nonetheless. So I did the most strangest thing, I placed Applejack in my bed, tucked her in while putting her hat on the nightstand nearby, and curled up in the covers beside her. As my mind drifted to sleep I felt her body close to my own and I saw that even in my chaos dimension she looked beautiful. I decided to wait until morning to explain everything and just drifted off to sleep.

(Applejack POV)
I woke up from my sleep to find I was not in my bed or even in my own room. I was about to ask if Rarity visted the other night when I felt a griffin's talon on my hoof, I turned over and saw... Discord?! How'd he get free? Could this have something to do with Applebloom's sudden disappearance? I was so confused I did even realize I was crawling towards the side of the bed while screaming like the banshee was in my bed till I fell off the side and onto.. a giant pillow? I forgot Discord could make bend reality like that.

I suddenly felt Discord lift me up and he spoke "you know, you really shouldn't be screaming at seven thirty in the morning, quite rude. I was having a nice dream about cotton candy and chocolate milk untill your screaming woke me up."

Suddenly from across the hall I heard a sound like someone had tried to get off a bed too high for them and then a short "ouch"

Discord also heard the noise and said "see, he heard your screaming as well, I'll go check on him and you wait here" Discord placed me on the pillow and left. As much as part of me fears his wrath another part of me wants to get out of here and back home so I grabbed my pa's hat and headed down the halls looking for the exit to this place.

(Discord's POV)
I looked at the discarded cloak and the bipedal wolf staring annoyed at me like I had turned his office upside down again and flooded it with chocolate milk. He must have discarded the cloak in his panic because it ended up on the other side of the bed from where he landed.

The wolf stared up at me and said "how did you get free? You were sealed in stone a week ago"

I simply said "chaos, Wolfy, chaos"

He glared at me and said "my name is not Wolfy, it's Dr.Wolf"

I replied "whatever, Wolfy" and decide to teleport him back to his home since the last time I wolfnapped him for more than a day his brother nearly killed me via fire breath. I then headed back to my bedroom to find Applejack gone. Figures, she would try and get out while I was away from the room.

I just simply teleported to the entrance, made myself invisible,and waited until Applejack ran to the door before grabbing her and asked "where do you think your going?"

She replied "back home, lots of chores to do, my family could be worried about me, you know, stuff that would probably bore you to tears"

I chuckled and said "you know me so well. Sadly I was freed for a price: I keep you here as a guest, for how long they didn't say, at the shortest a week, at the longest, let's just say you'll spend the rest of your days in this dimension, oh wait..ponies don't age in this dimension so your aging has stopped until you get out of here. Either way your stuck with me until they say otherwise" I placed Applejack on the couch and casted a barrier on the door and windows so even if Applejack tried to escape she couldn't.

I left for the Kitchen to make us both breakfast when I saw Applejack head to the hallway and looked in each door and just said "this isn't the bathroom" I just sighed and facepalmed, I didn't tell her where the bathroom was and now she was trying to find it.

I finally told her "five doors down from the living room, first door on the left,the toilet room is right beside it" I heard hooves pace and a door open and close. I just got done making the Chaos Pancakes when I heard the toilet flush and the sound of the sink being turned on. Applejack was washing her hooves, I must say I may be the lord of chaos but I respect good hygiene, especially after someone empties the plumbing if you get what I mean. I heard her turn off the sink and then open the door and head back to the living room.

I smiled and said "breakfast is ready" and headed to the living room with a plate full of Chaos Pancakes and placed a table in the living room.

Applejack looked at the pancakes and said "thanks, although I'm kinda concerned when it comes to trying new foods, Rarity took me to one of the fancy restaurants and had me try squid which was one of this type of food called meat, it tasted like hey bacon but oh boy, it did the hoedown in my insides and caused what's known as King Sombra's vengeance. So I'll try the pancakes since how could I resist homemade pancakes but just letting you know I'm nervous." She took a bite of the Chaos Pancake and then just wolfed them down after the first bite. She then looked at me as I ate slowly. Call this a weird turn on but I love it when a mare pigs out on my cooking.

I chuckled and said "did you even taste that?" Applejack blushed and then asked a question that made my jaw drop

"Can I have some more?"