//------------------------------// // A Sound Beating // Story: Treason // by Trevosta //------------------------------// A Sound Beating Rainbow launched herself at the stallion. Her front hooves stretched out before her, ready to pound on Geronimo. Geronimo didn't flinch. Rainbows hooves made contact with the jaw of the stationary pony, dislocating it on impact, and sending him flying. Applejack tried to get Rainbow to stop, but the colorful mare was too enraged, she couldn't hear anything. Geronimo was, once again, blinded by the pain. This time he knew what was going on and was able to keep track of where he was, and what he was doing. Currently he was falling. No, wait, somepony caught him and is carrying him up. Uh oh. He shook his head and blinked hard, trying to get his vision back, and it worked. Just in time to see his captor and him pass through the cloud level. She turned her rage twisted face towards him, and let go. He realized something that she obviously didn't, he was still able to walk on clouds, even without wings. Just as that thought finished, he landed on the cloud. Then he scrambled to his hooves and attempted to plead his case with the violent mare. "Aug, ugh, aaaeeuuughung!" realizing what was wrong he brought his hooves up to his chin and with a sickening 'pop' he relocated his jaw. Rainbow Dash flinched at that and landed on the cloud, taking up a fighting stance. Geronimo was finally able to get out, "Look, Rainbow, if you would allow me to explain, I will tell you the whole story." She looked at him, her eyes full of distrust and hatred. "I don't know..." "Seriously? You don't trust me enough to tell you what happened? You seriously think that I am going to lie about that day?" he said, confusion written on his face. She looked at her hooves slightly ashamed, but still distrusting. "Alright, but I'm taking you to the ground, Applejack can tell if somepony is lying, even in a letter." she said. That gave Geronimo a moment of hesitation as he worried about his point of view, then he had an idea. "Ok I will do it just get me down there." A psychopathic look crossed her face as he realized his poor choice of words. "Uh oh." She kicked the clouds beneath them and they split open, allowing him to fall through. He had experienced this sensation enough times in his dreams, that he didn't yell, scream, or even panic. He tumbled through the sky and writhed into an upright position, spread out his legs, and popped the stumps through the slits in his uniform, slowing himself down significantly. Just as he reached 100 feet, a pair of blue hooves wrapped around his waist and slowed him down to a relatively safe speed, then dropped him again. He hit the ground hard and for the third time that day, experienced immense head pain. "Uuuugh... I'm gonna need to visit a doctor... My head hurts." then he heard galloping coming his direction. "Ya alright sugarcube? Ya took a mighty tumble there." Applejack said with intense worry filling her words. "Ugh. I deserved it, all of that." he said pushing himself up from the ground, just as Rainbow Dash landed beside them. "What on Earth did ya'll do to deserve that?" "You'll see. Oh yeah and Applejack, you are my lie detector, so if anything doesn't check out, let me know." Rainbow said with a sadistic grin. Applejack looked at the two pegasi with confusion. Then Geronimo began. --------------------------------------------------- "Eight years ago, in the Air Force, there was a squadron known as the 51st; they were the four best fliers in Equestria. They consisted of a mare, named Blue Angel, and three stallions named Red Arrow, Geronimo, and the best of all of them, Spectrum Dash. They were the greatest fliers ever, whenever a small inside fighter job was needed they were called in to dispatch it. They took care of dozens of small uprisings in the North. Then one day there was a rather unexciting call. 20 griffons starting an uprising in the mountain range, I forget which one, so they headed out. The four of them took on nineteen of them, it was no problem for soldiers of such high caliber. The last griffon was different, however. He was a golden griffon, the alicorn of the griffon world, bigger, faster, stronger, and still no problem for the four professional fighter, pegasi. This was not an ordinary encounter however, this particular griffon had found a way to enchant his talons, increasing the sharpness of said talons, to a point where they could slice through anything, flesh, wood, metal... Bone..." Tears were flowing freely from his eyes as Geronimo said that last part. He then took a deep breath to calm himself and return to the story. "Anyways, Spectrum had taught all of his best moves to the other three, and Geronimo attempted to use one, known as the Buccaneer Blaze, to get around to the other side of the griffon. Spectrum saw the mistake in using the maneuver; however, and attempted to distract the beast. Before the beast turned on Spectrum it ripped the wings right off of Geronimo's back. Then it turned on Spectrum, ripping his wings off as well. The two fell while the other two dove, attempting to catch them. They caught us and took us to the infirmary, I survived while he died from a loss of blood. I have regretted that decision every day since. But I have wanted to apologize for your loss, I know what it is like, he was like a brother to me." he sighed as he finished up the story. "Now, if you will excuse me, I need to find a place to spend the night." he said as he turned to leave. "Whoa there partner, y'all can stay in the barn if ya don't have a place to sleep tonight." Applejack offered sympathetically. "Thank you, I appreciate it. And now that I do not have to do that, I shall go talk to a doctor about a headache." he said while he was walking off. "Well AJ, I have never felt like more of a jerk in my entire life, what do I do?" Rainbow plead to her honest friend. "Rainbow, Ah would accept his apology, and apologize for being so rude to him. If ya will 'scuse me, ah got ta get back to apple buckin'." the farm pony said before they went their separate ways. --------------------------------------------------- There was a slight rustling in the barn as somepony was putting the finishing touches on her secret plan. "What did he say about surprise parties again? Oh yeah! He loves them! This is going to be perfect."