(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XXIX - The Calm Before the Storm

Act XXIX - The Calm Before the Storm

Celestia dragged herself into the solarium. Having crossed the threshold, she gave the door a sloppy kick, closing it behind her. The room was mostly empty, containing only her overly-large pillow and a tray prepared with her lunch. As she walked toward her plush destination, she kicked off her shoes, sending them skidding to the edges of the room. She flopped down on her pillow, grunting softly as she landed.

Eyes closed and brow furrowed, she lay still for a moment, then shook her head lightly until her crown dislodged and it fell to her side on the cushion.


Celestia lifted her head and re-opened her eyes.

To her left, her lunch sat untouched, a tray of fresh veggies with a side of hummus, grilled eggplant and portabella mushroom caps, and a small green salad.

“Hmm,” she mumbled. ‘I do not feel the need.’

She laid her head on her forehooves and glanced outside at the castle’s ponies going about their day.

‘Court was abysmal… I failed to concentrate on the issues or my subject’s presentations. What good is it if I do not focus on my responsibilities? No, it was not that I did not, I could not. I am back to where I was before—broken. This state of mind is a temporary one—right? It would have been better to recuse myself today and have their rumors and scorn for the cancellation rather than fail them.

‘What am I doing?’

Celestia’s eyes followed the few passersby. Their natural cadence paraded them by her gaze from above, all unknown to her presence.

‘He is always in my thoughts. Is that natural? Is this what I want? Will it pass, or is this my new reality?’ Celestia smiled. ‘No, I will not follow those thoughts. I know this infatuation is normal and will lessen as I become more comfortable with the outcome—whatever that happens to be.

‘But, what is the outcome I want? I am interested, that much is obvious. I want to explore, to learn, to grow. I desire more. Does that cement my position? The fears I have: intimacy, jealousy, loneliness… are they true or only self-inflicted, due to long-passed experiences? Luna would have me think I am crazy, that I am overthinking everything. Perhaps she is correct, and she is the sane one.’


‘Oh, Luna. You are so lucky! So honest with yourself and sure of your emotions!

‘Even her desires are plain to her, from the very start she only wished to be near him. Do I want what she has or something else? Hmm. I want something for myself. Is David what I want? For now, I can say “yes.” But I also want more. I want to be able to express myself freely, to let David know how I feel. I want to hear how he feels about me too. I want to relax and relish in his presence. I want him to want me.

‘But, what is he to me?

‘Currently he is a friend, one who is interested in me. He said so himself! Though I should not think of his friendship now, I have already been blessed by that gift. So, as a lover, does he have what I desire?

‘He is tall, handsome and strong. I can easily say that his physical characteristics are appealing, but what more about him do I know, do I want to connect with? He has shown that he is loyal to Luna and is caring and compassionate with her, and even with me. He has quite an intellectual mind, able to converse, to analyze and imagine. He is firm in his moral constitution and acts quite proper, yet can relax enough to joke with all of us—I do enjoy his sense of humor. He has such a stately, gallant presence, one that makes me want to rely on him. And that reminds me of how confident he seems… I remember that first night, after recognizing who we were, he boldly, yet politely spoke to us—he did not shy away. Having been either feared, revered, or disrespected in most meetings, it was a refreshing change to make his acquaintance.

‘But my fears… they still plague me.

‘I have to be strong. I am so used to being strong or at least showing strength to my little ponies, but for myself—I have done little. I must look beyond my past to a possible future. These worries, they need not be reality. I can take control of my destiny! I am learned, intelligent, loyal, kind, and patient. Can I also become passionate, loving, confident, and adventurous?


‘And what about David? Do I fit with him as a partner? I think so. He has adapted so well already, it is as if he reads our minds. Even in doing so, is he someone that complements or mirrors me? I do not know. He feels so… different. How can someone so different live with us? How would David, Luna, and I work?’

Celestia rolled on her side, staring at the sun with one squinted eye.

‘How would that work? He currently sleeps with her, stays in her bed. Not today, though, he is in his room. Though what is the difference? It is as if they are already wed!

‘Calm. Be calm, Celestia.

‘The lives of ponies today are quite different. This is normal now. But our future… would we all share a bed? Would we trade off? Would there be days where I could not see him or Lulu? What if I want, or need to see them?

‘I am scared.’

Celestia rolled over and sat up, panting. Her mild panic attack quickly subsided as she stared into the sky, watching as a pegasus weather team slowly filled the expanse with rain-laden clouds.

‘That is right, it will rain tonight. I love the rain; it keeps me centered.

‘I need not be afraid of the future. Luna has told me she will be there for me. She is my constant friend, my sister. Oh, how I missed her so.

‘The questions I have will be answered in time. I am sure even David and Luna have similar, unanswered questions.’

Celestia leaned over to the tray and grabbed a long carrot stick. She dipped it in the hummus and munched on it quietly as she lay down again.

‘Mmm. Spicy.’

She looked outside to the castle grounds. Two ponies walked side-by-side, a mare and a stallion, both castle staff. They stopped and looked around. Finally, thinking nopony could see them, they turned and kissed. The kiss was polite, yet became extended. Celestia blushed as she watched the private exchange, then turned away.

‘Could that be me? Walking through the garden, the halls, sitting at dinner… together? They looked happy.’

Celestia turned back to see the couple had broken their kiss but leaned into each other as they stood.

‘What would it be like if it was the three of us?’


Celestia lay on the grass in the rose garden, asleep. Her wings lay sprawled out to her sides, primaries lightly brushing the grass below as her barrel rose and fell with her breaths. The sun shone down this beautiful spring day, its light refracting through her mane creating a cascading rainbow at her side.

Somepony came close and wrapped their arms around her neck from the rear, imprisoning her. The attack jolted her awake, but the aggressor held tight and wrestled her to her side. Celestia looked back to see David lying still, his face buried in her coat. He shifted his head and met her gaze. All her fears subsided as the love in his eyes warmed her heart. It stirred something within her.


Celestia gasped as she awakened from her daydream.

‘The time!?’

Frantic, she looked around, then to the sun. It had only been a few moments since she spied the lovers walking below.


‘There are still several hours of court left… should I adjourn early?’

Celestia looked down at her hooves in contemplation. There she saw the black hoof-band on her right hoof.

‘I still have not taken it off. Does this mean something to me?’

She played with the band for a moment, turning it around her pastern like a bracelet.


‘All those thoughts, all those fears. How would I counsel somepony else in this matter?

‘ “Patience. Think positively. Rely on your heart. Talk with those you trust.”

‘I can do the same. I know I like him, I may have even fallen for him. Perhaps, I may come to love him. Am I already that far gone?’

Celestia rolled over causing a familiar clink as her crown fell to the floor. She looked at it, but let it be. Laying on her back with her legs and hooves pulled to her chest she stared at the sky again. She squirmed a bit, freeing her wings and stretching them out to her sides.


‘Twilight and David. They did… that, together.’

Celestia shook her head.

‘She needed help, it was my fault she felt it necessary.

‘But he lay with her, as he does with Luna. As he might do with me.

She squirmed again and refolded her wings, then rolled to her side. A gentle warmth grew in her belly as her core heated up.

‘—No. Not now.’

She closed her eyes and focused her breathing, calming herself as she had taught Cadance to do so long ago.

Celestia’s mind was a blank canvas. Soon, she imagined the stone floor of the castle’s barracks, smooth and gray. On it was David, laying on a clean, white sheet. He was wet, cold unconscious—and naked. Celestia and Luna looked on with surprise. Suddenly, he was awake and smiled at them warmly.


Celestia’s eyes snapped open widely.

‘No. More. Daydreams!’

Celestia had enough. She stood up from her pillow and raised her head high, almost indignantly. She glanced at her crown as it lay on the floor and picked it up with her magic and placed it back where it belonged on her head.

‘Heart… you have done enough speaking for now. I hear you and your intentions. There is still more yet to discuss, but you will have to be silent.’

Once again, she sat on the pillow but did not lay down. She sat tall, her regal nature showing as if she were perched on the seat of Equestria, her throne.

‘I know now what my heart wants of me. What I seek to know now is how my ponies, how Equestria would react to him… to “our David.”

‘To them, he would be a stranger, something new and unknown. If he were to be announced as Luna’s suitor, there would be murmurs and concerns, but it would pass. But if he were introduced as Our suitor… I dare not think of the outcries, and our words would have little weight behind them. It would fall on Cadance and Twilight to assuage their fears. Mostly, though, it would be the lesser royals, dignitaries, politicians, and socialites to deal with. I dare say the common ponyfolk, like those in Twilight’s Ponyville, can be quite accepting. Regardless, I do not believe it wise to make a public announcement of any relationships before both Twilight and Cadance have had time to plan for it. Let us hope that it continues to stay private until then.

‘But would the relationship ever be accepted? If announced for one of us it would be fine, that much is certain, but both?

‘I cannot be sure. Perhaps this relationship is folly after all.’


They will understand with time. I will not let that deter me. It cannot ruin this great land, even if they forsook us. But I do want them to understand, to accept him. Though only time can soothe this strife, I wonder how long it will last.’

Celestia’s face softened, though her eyes showed a growing unrest. ‘How long? How long will David even be here?

‘I promised to find a way to return him home, but I do not want him to go! What if we find a way to send him home? What if we fail? If he is here for the rest of his life, would that cause him pain?

‘Wait. He is mortal. He will die. I have seen countless ponies come and go. Many—too many to count—have I cared for, only to watch them wither away or be stolen from life’s grasp early. Am I willing to suffer his loss?’

A single tear dropped from her muzzle.

‘I will. He may go, or I may watch him die; he may even turn away from me and become my enemy. Luna has thrust herself forward to embrace him and all that he is… I will do the same. Even if it turns out unfavorably, I am sure I will be grateful, as he said before, and be “glad we gave it a chance.” ’

Her respite was over, it was time for duty. She stood once again and stretched lightly, then grabbed one more bite to eat before she went to recover her golden shoes.

Finally, with a stalk of celery between her lips, she faced the door. She smiled and pulled it open swiftly, then walked out into the hall singlemindedly, not even closing the door behind.


Across the castle, David sat alone in his room. He had managed to take a small nap after reading Twilight’s letter, and now the afternoon was steadily approaching. Having missed lunch, he got up and looked to his previously-hot tray of breakfast.

“Uhh, hmm.”

He grabbed the last two multi-grain bars and some of the leftover fruit. The cold oatmeal was not even acknowledged.

Munching on his snacks, he resumed his introspection—thinking of the coming night’s possibilities.

‘Before, we were overwhelmed with emotion, and with both of us hurting, neither could think straight. So… tonight. With some space between us, I know she is going to put that whole, magnificent brain of hers into figuring it out; I just hope she doesn’t let the possibilities get to her. Hopefully, she’ll have an answer to what she wants, and with that, I can make an appropriate decision myself. I can’t say for sure if it will turn out how she desires—life just isn’t that simple.

‘I do feel kind of guilty, though. Tonight I’m coming in blind, and I’m not planning, cooking, or doing anything special. Tonight is all about what she wants. If she knows what she wants, the date itself should go okay. Well, that is if we don’t start fighting after we present our decisions.


‘Okay. I’m going to get pretty nervous if I keep thinking about this. I’ve only got a couple of hours before it’s time. Maybe I’ll take a walk.’


David strolled through the halls of the royal wing. He wasn’t sure of his destination, but walking aimlessly wasn’t helping his growing anxiety. He continued moving, though, until he found himself staring at the prep room door in the dining room.


He raised his hand to knock on the door but thought twice about it. Instead, he reached down and opened the door and walked in.

Inside, the room came to a standstill. David stood amongst three unknown chef mares, all stone-faced with surprise.

David wore a sheepish grin and scratched the back of his head absentmindedly. “Oops, sorry to intrude. I was hoping to talk to Cherry.”


Finally, the click of the door closing behind him broke the tension.

“In there…” One of the mares shakily pointed to the kitchen doors.

“Ahh, thanks. Again, sorry to intrude.” David gave a short bow, then quickly made his way to the kitchen.


“David? What are you doing in here!?” Cherry yelled from behind a workstation.

“Sorry, Cherry. I was a little distracted and walked in on your staff.”

Cherry blinked in surprise. “Uh, are they okay?”

“Yeah. I guess so?” David shrugged.

“Just a second,” Cherry said as she passed him and left for the prep room.

A few moments later she returned, shaking her head.

“Everything okay?”

“Just a bunch of giggling school-fillies, the lot of ‘em. Yeah, they’ll get over it. So what’s brought you by?”

“I just needed a friend. I understand if you’re busy, though.”

“It’s okay. While I am busy preparing for tonight, why don’t you pull up a seat and we’ll chat? It’s not too much of an inconvenience.”

“Thanks, Cherry. That means a lot to me.”

Cherry smiled at him. “I told you I was going to try to be a good friend. It’s the least I can do.”

David pulled over a stool and settled in. Meanwhile, Cherry worked and waited patiently for David to begin, even as the silence started to become uncomfortable.

“So!” David started. “What are you making for tonight?”

Cherry paused for a moment. “Well, I know you have another dinner planned with Princess Celestia… so I’m busy preparing two different dinners. One for Princess Luna and the other for your—”

“Meeting. Right,” David interrupted. “Sorry to be such a hassle.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble. Now, you said you needed me. What’s up?”

David hung his head. “Just some stress. I want to vent, but I… can’t.”

“Oh. Sorry. Do you… want something to snack on?”

David crossed his arms and shook his head. “I shouldn’t, it’s a bad habit of mine.”

Cherry smiled knowingly. “Mine too. If I get stressed, I tend to eat without thinking.”

“Yeah. A few years ago, back at home, I worked really hard to break it.”

Cherry chuckled. “You’re better than me, I don’t think I can help it much—and I work in a kitchen.”

David let out a half-hearted laugh. “Yeah. I used to joke that if I ever worked in the food industry, it might kill me.”

“Well, it’s a terrible shame, you’ve got great skills.”

“Thanks. Ya know, I think I would like a little something sweet if you have it.”

Cherry paused again. “You sure? I don’t want you to feel bad afterward.”

“Yeah. Let me at it.”

“Okay, I’ll let you into my personal stash. Just don’t tell anypony!” She leaned in over the table, and David drew close to her as well. “Go over to the cooler. In the back, behind the second vegetable storage shelf is a false panel. Grab the container inside and come on back,” Cherry whispered.

Returning from his mission, David carried a small tub container with a tight-fitting lid. “This it?”

“Yeah. Come over here. You gotta share.”

David palmed the container, feeling its heft. “I’m not going to eat all of this, trust me.”

Cherry smiled and reached out with her hooves. “Say that after you’ve had one.”

With the tub finally in its owner’s grasp, the lid was unceremoniously removed and tossed onto the table. Finally able to see inside, David saw several small, dark-colored balls.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Here.” Cherry reached in and scooped up a few in the sole of her hoof. She popped one in her mouth, then presented the rest to David.

David sniffed the treats carefully. It looked like chocolate. He carefully placed one in his mouth and chewed it, following Cherry’s actions.

‘Dark chocolate… oats… sugar… and a cherry.’ It was basically oatmeal cookie dough with cherries, covered in chocolate.

“Mmmm,“ David mumbled.

“Right?” Cherry agreed through her full mouth. She swallowed. “ ‘Cherry bombs,’ I call ‘em”

“Nice name. It’s kinda like raw cookie dough.”

“That’s ‘cause it is!” she said, beaming.

David’s posture deflated. “I’m totally going to get fat.”

“No chance. I already told you that the princesses and I would take care of that. Princess Luna more than anypony.”

“Right. I forgot.”

“Cherry bombs can do that to a pony… or a man I guess.”

“Indeed,” David said, grabbing a few more from the tub.

Cherry pushed the tub towards David, a bit out of her reach. “So I figure the mind-numbing effect is also good for therapy… What’s bothering you?” she asked, going back to work.

“I… uh. I was just a bit panicked earlier. Tonight marks an important point in my life, that’s all.”

“Hmm. You have a decision to make?”

David looked confused. “What?”

“Important points in our lives are often due to decisions we make, or other ponies make. Do you have one on your mind?”

“One of each, actually.”

“Oh. So have you come to a conclusion?”

“Yes and no.”

“Oh brother, you’re one of those…”

“Yeah, sorry. I’ve made a plan, so that counts as a ‘yes.’ But, also ‘no,’ because I’m leaving the final outcome to be decided on how I perceive the other partner.”

“Oh, so this all hinges on another party?”

David nodded. “Basically, yes.”

“And that makes you nervous?”

“That, and the possibilities of what comes after. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll adapt to whatever comes next, I just prefer to have a bit more certainty of how things will turn out.”

“David, even though you seem confident, nopony likes feeling out of control.”


Cherry smiled. “So, anything I can do?”

David shrugged. “Stock up on cherry bombs, I guess.”

“I guess I’ll have to. I’ll even go ahead and give you free rein to raid it whenever. Just don’t get too greedy! I need at least five of them to mellow me out if something gets to me. I don’t mind making more, even while eating them to calm the beast within, but I can’t be caught without them.”

“Roger that. Always leave five in the bucket.”

“You’re a good man, David Marshall. I’m glad to have you around.”

“Likewise, Cherry Topping. I’m tempted to call you ‘Bomber’ now, though.”

Cherry scowled and shook a wooden spoon at him. “Don’t make me take back my offer!”

“Come on Bomber,” David said suggestively.

“Nope, you suck at nicknames,” Cherry huffed.

“Okay, okay. I give up.”

“That’s wise. So are you feeling a bit better?”

“Maybe? You’ve successfully distracted me and filled my belly with treats. I’m still a bit nervous, but I’m not sure what more you can do.”

“Give me a second, I’m almost done here. I’m not all sweets and talk you know.”

David looked at her with a confused expression. “Okay.”


David waited patiently for Cherry to finish up what she was doing, all while occasionally having a bomb or two. In just a few minutes, she finished, and placed whatever she was prepping back into the cooler room, then washed her hooves and came back over.

“Follow me,” she said, walking out of the kitchen door to the nearby hallway.

David picked up the tub and put the lid back on. He hastily put it back in the cooler, then followed Cherry into the hallway and to the door of her room.

“David, don’t think much about this, but I think you should come inside and just relax a bit. Oh, and sorry for the mess.”

She then opened her door and walked into the room with David following behind.

Cherry’s room was a just bit bigger than David’s first room in the castle. Inside, he found most of the same amenities: a fireplace, separate bathroom, small closet and a dresser and vanity, but that was not all. In addition to the basics, the longest wall was taken up by a large bookcase and a small work area which was strewn with notes and various pictures. David took a quick glance at them and sure enough, they were all about food. She also had an unusually large bed which sat against the exterior wall, next to a solitary window. Outside, David could see a small grass courtyard that, not surprisingly, was fully encircled by the castle walls. What did surprise him, though, was the somewhat dark sky that loomed above.

“Looks like rain,” he said.

“Yup. That’s the schedule for tonight.”

Cherry closed the door and straightened up something on her vanity across from the bed. She then went over and gently stoked the coals in the fireplace before turning to the man who was inspecting her belongings.

“Don’t snoop too much,” she cautioned.

David turned around to see her smiling back. “Sorry, I won’t, just curious.”

“Well, you won’t find anything damning over there anyway. Why don’t you sit down on the bed and get comfy,” she suggested.


“Come on, David. You know you can trust me. I only want what’s best for you, and what’s best is a little relaxation. Sit. Down.”

David sat down on the bed promptly, somewhat surprised by how direct Cherry spoke.

She smiled. “Good.” She then sat down on her haunches and undid her chef’s coat and placed it on the vanity chair. Next, she reached back with her hooves to fool with her mane. Soon she found a pin in her bun and pulled it out, then shook her mane loose. Her long, cherry-colored locks fell across her neck and shoulders, framing her face.

“Wow, your hair, I mean mane, is pretty long!”

“Yeah, can’t cut it too short or I can’t tie it up.” Cherry then reached back to her tail and undid her braid there as well. “Ahh, that’s better. It’s not fun to have it tied up all the time.”

“Why do you?” David asked.

“I don’t really like wearing a hat, net or a bonnet when I cook. The others don’t get a choice; it’s in their uniform. Not having to wear it was an awesome perk of getting promoted, that’s for sure.”


Cherry then walked over to the bed and put her forehooves on it. Her expression softened a bit as she looked at David.

“Look, David. I’m going to crawl up there and snuggle a bit with you, and I don’t want you to get freaked out. I’m only doing this because I think you need it, and it should help you relax if you just take it as it is and don’t read any more into it, okay?”

Her concerned look spoke to him more than her words and caused him to relax from his previously stiffened state.

“Okay, Cherry.” He smiled at her and stretched out on the bed, doing his best to unwind.

Cherry smiled and hopped on up. For the first time, she towered above him, and she took advantage of her new perspective to look him over.

‘He’s huge! I mean, I knew he was much bigger than I am and even taller than the princesses, but it’s like he’s a landscape of his own! Settle down, Cherry. This isn’t for your enjoyment—mostly. You’re here to see if you can calm him down, old-school style. Nothing beats a bit of caring contact!’

Cherry slowly crept up on David while he watched. David had laced his fingers and set his hands down on his upper chest, keeping his hands bound and away from the approaching mare. This left a perfect, little-pony-sized space next to his chest that Cherry could fit into. She eventually sat and lay down on his right side as close to his arms and chest as she could, while leaving a little room, then shifted so that she was pressed against him. She then looked into his eyes and smiled as she slowly lowered her head down to his belly and rested there.

“You okay?” she asked.


She nuzzled a bit into his stomach, then stopped moving and closed her eyes.

David did his best calm his nerves. He wasn’t exactly sure why he was there, or why Cherry was lying next to him, but as long as things didn’t look like they would escalate, he was determined to see it through.

Cherry sighed a bit and snuggled up to him more. She didn’t say anything or even look at him, she just lay there, quiet and peaceful. Eventually, David closed his eyes as well.

Moments passed, and David’s tension started to unravel. His body’s posture showed the improvement as his hands separated and his arms fell to his side and slid off his chest. As they did so, his right hand landed squarely on Cherry’s forelegs where she lay against his side. Recognizing the sensation of fur, his fingers twitched a bit at it, causing Cherry to flinch in turn. Another few seconds later with his hand on her leg and she lifted it, causing David’s hand to fall again, then she pinned it down, and clutched it to her chest.

David wasn’t asleep, his face showed that all too well. With his eyes still closed he smiled widely at Cherry’s actions. The same couldn’t be said of Cherry, though. She was much closer to dreamland than the man. As she drifted in and out of consciousness, she would occasionally nuzzle him, lick her lips, or even chew at his shirt.

‘Well, I’m glad she’s relaxed. And… I guess I am too. I’m a little surprised, actually. This is really nice. I would’ve thought that I’d only be able to relax like this with Luna, but… I guess I was wrong—friends count too.’

David opened his eyes and tried to spy at the mare below. She lay there, peaceful and unmoving except for the rise and fall of her chest or David’s. Cherry’s mane was strewn across David’s belly, forming deep red streaks against his blue shirt. He reached up with his left hand to touch it.

‘These ponies are all so soft!’

As he played with her mane, he became a bit more forward and gently stroked the back of her head and neck. On the third pass, Cherry unconsciously pressed into his hand and nuzzled into his belly.

‘So cute when she’s quiet.’

On about the fifth pass, though, Cherry’s eyes snapped open as she realized what David was doing. She tilted her head up to meet his gaze.

“As nice as that is, you probably shouldn’t do that,” she said with a frown.


“Sharing warmth and all is fine, but if you start stroking me, my mind is not going to relax, it’s going to get interested.”

“Oh,” David said, crestfallen. “I didn’t mean to… you know.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s just not all that easy for me since I already kind of like you.”

David pulled his hand away from her mane, and she released the one she had unintentionally grabbed.

“Better?” he asked with a half-hearted smile.

“Yup! Just fine. I just don’t want things to get out of hand. If you did something I took the wrong way, I don’t know if I would stop before… Well, let’s just not.”

“Sure. Thanks, Cherry.”

“Don’t worry, David. Did you get to relax at all or did I just screw it all up?”

“No. I mean, I did get to relax.”

Cherry nuzzled into his soft flesh again. “Good. I had hoped so.”

They continued to lay there for a bit longer until a soft thunderclap roused them both.

Cherry opened one eye. “Oh, is it that time already?” she said, looking at the clock.

David turned to it as well. It was almost seven. Another quick look at the window made him realize that the exchange was almost due. Then, just like clockwork, the tingle of magic appeared in the back of his head.

‘That’s almost a good alarm, but it looks like the storm beat you this time.’

“I guess I should be going. I still have to get cleaned up,” he said.

Cherry righted herself and let out a yawn. Her mane was somewhat frazzled, and she had a sleepy look in her eyes.

“Yeah, I’ve got to make sure everything is ready for dinner as well. Are you okay to go back by yourself? It will take me a few moments to make myself presentable.”

‘Hmm. Caught leaving Cherry’s place alone or having them see us together?’ David thought.

“Well, I can’t help but think about how your staff will see it. Either I leave here alone or with you. Which is better?” he asked.

That seemed to make Cherry a bit more alert. “I… I don’t know. I can handle them afterward, but I suppose it would be better for me to be with you from the start.”

“Okay. If it’s not too much, I’ll wait for you.”

Cherry stood up on the bed and stretched. “Sounds fine. I’ll be just a few.”

David sat up on the bed and watched as Cherry went over to her vanity and strapped a brush on her hoof. She carefully went over her mane and tail, working out the kinks and knots until it sat straight. She then went into the bathroom and closed the door.

‘Oops. I didn’t think about that. I hope I didn’t impose.’

A few moments later, Cherry re-emerged with her mane and tail done-up in buns in her normal style and went over to her vanity. She then put on her chef’s coat and turned to David.

“Do I look okay?”

David checked her ensemble. “Yup, right as rain.”

“Great, let’s go then!”


A short time later, David and Cherry had made their way through the very active kitchen and to the royal dining room. It had only taken about five minutes for Cherry to calm, and then subsequently beat-down any of her staff that looked to steal time away from David.

Cherry closed the prep room door behind her. “Sorry about that. I told you before that they were curious. I just wished we had been able to plan your meeting them ahead of time.”

“It’s okay. It’s my fault after all.”

“Bah. Don’t worry! We will have to do a formal introduction later, though. I’ll ask Princess Luna about it and let her know of the situation. Do you mind if I tell her about our ‘relaxation time’ as well?”

“Not at all. Are you okay with it?”

“Oh yeah, it’ll be fine. You better go, though.”

Just as she said those words, a distinct chill ran down David’s spine causing him to shudder.

“You okay, David?”

“Yeah. Just the change of the sun and moon. Gets me every time.”

Cherry forced a smile. “Okay. Try to relax and have a good night.”

“Thanks, Cherry. You too.”


David had spent the last bit of his remaining time washing, shaving, plucking, primping and preening, and finally dressing before his big date. Now with his last few minutes, he stood in front of his vanity mirror and stared at his reflection, carefully checking his outfit and general appearance.

His outfit was a mixed ensemble, as for tonight, David wanted to wear something that would appeal to Celestia’s tastes, and he found he needed to mix some of his separates to achieve this. Earlier, when he was reviewing his options, he found most were based on a much darker palette. Fortunately, the last gift box from Rarity also included some brighter clothes, and that was what he had settled on for this very special date.

He wore his only long-sleeved shirt; a white and blue, bengal-striped broadcloth dress shirt. Rarity had added a bit of flair, seemingly to match her style, with charcoal-colored, diamond-shaped gems for buttons. And while Rarity had originally paired this with a pair of blue denim pants, David chose to wear a pair of white pants, from another outfit, instead.

‘Looking good, but…’

The image in the mirror looked right, but not perfect, and It took him a moment to figure out what it was.

‘A belt. I have no belts.’


Normally, a belt was a rare accessory for David at home. He did wear them, though, especially when he wanted to look nice. To him, it just looked half-assed to wear a nice button-down shirt without a belt. This time, he had no choice.

David shook his head. “This is no time for something simple like this to throw me off,” he said to nopony.

He checked his face and hair.

David smiled. ‘Not too bad. I managed to shave without any nicks. With a face like mine, that’s more like a miracle.’

Finished checking, he sat down in front of the vanity and tried to relax.

‘It’s almost time. I just can’t shake these nerves, though. It feels more like those first nights here the more I think about it. I’m scared this is it, that she’s going to back away. No, I have to stay confident! I can’t let this go south. I want this, I think she wants this, and Luna wants all of us to be happy together.’
