Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

First day of their lives together, and enjoying a hot bath

The morning sun had risen on the first day of Rainbow and Indominus' lives together as husband and wife. The night before had been a true blast that had left them both tired and worn out. The lovers were still sleeping soundly in each other's embrace as the sun tried to make its way through the curtains. its light slowly worked its way into the room and near Rainbow Dash. Indominus' face was shielded by the curtains from the bed, so he still slept soundly as Rainbow began to stir from her slumber.

Rainbow fluttered her eyes open and the first thing she saw was Indominus' face, looking so peaceful and relaxed while he was sleeping. She was still in his arms but his hold on her had loosened over the night and Rainbow had been able to snuggle against his body. She carefully wrapped her hooves around Indominus' body and snuggled against him again.

Mmmm, my Indominus, Rainbow thought to herself as she laid against his scaly body. Then she slowly worked her way towards Indominus' face without waking him, and brought her face closer to his.

"We never did get to fully love each other last night after all the dancing. I'm sure he won't mind if I show more of my love for him now," Rainbow said softly. She leaned forward and began giving soft kisses on Indominus' face.

She was giving kisses all over Indominus and the hybrid only moved slightly from the feeling. Rainbow felt slightly nervous about being so affectionate to him while he was sleeping, because she didn't want to disturb Indominus while he was sleeping so peacefully. Yet she couldn't help how much she enjoyed getting to show Indominus how much he meant to her. Then Rainbow decided to take it up a notch by gently singing to her hybrid dinosaur, as she got close and looked down on his face.

Baby, you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms,
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven

Rainbow got so daring that she did something that she had never done before. She bent forward and licked Indominus' face in a loving display of affection. It felt so strange to her and yet it also felt so right to show her affection to Indominus in such a manner. Her loving displays of affection were beginning to rouse Indominus from his slumber, and he barely opened one eye to see Rainbow showering him in love and kisses.

The hybrid decided to pretend that he was still sleeping while listening to Rainbow softly serenading him again. He couldn't resist hearing his wife giving her heart and soul to him in such an amazing way. He waited patiently for the right moment to join his wife on her serenading.

Oh, thinkin' about all our greater years,
There is only you and me,
We are young and wild and free
Now nothin' can take you away from me
We've been down that road before
But that's over now,
You keep me comin' back for more
Baby, you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms,
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need,
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven
(We're in heaven)

Just as Rainbow moved in for another kiss, Indominus saw his chance to surprise her. He moved his head up in time and met her lips head on. Rainbow was surprised at first, but relaxed when she saw that Indominus had known about her loving affections. He pulled her in close and began to sing as well while he and his amazing pegasus stared into each other's eyes.

Now nothin' could change what you mean to me uh,
There's a lot that I could say
But just hold me now,
'Cause our love will light the way

Baby you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms,
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need,
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven
Now our dreams are comin' true,
Through the good times and the bad,
I'll be standin' there by you
We're in heaven

Indominus placed his hand on Rainbow's chest while she placed her hoof on his. They were placed over each other's hearts as the serenading came to a close.

And love is all that I need,
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven
We're in heaven

"Morning, good looking and scaly."

"Morning my sweet, bold and flirtatious pegasus. You've definitely gotten more daring since our first date, Dashie."

"Well, you opened my eyes to somepony that can match my awesomeness, and win my heart all at once. I can't hold back my feelings too much when I'm around you," Rainbow said as she slowly ran her hoof along the dinosaur's body.

Indominus reached out and held the Arkenstone ring in his hand. It was hard to believe that over a year ago he had found that ring in Canterlot, had proposed with it to Rainbow at the Gala, and she agreed to be his wife. Now it was official, they were husband and wife, and the ring was a sign of Indominus' endless devotion and love to Rainbow Dash.

"You realize this ring has more meaning now, right?"

"Yeah, it's a reminder that you, Indominus, are forever a part of my life. You are somepony I can love forever, and that we are surrogate parents to Scootaloo when we return to Ponyville." Rainbow then started to get a little devious, she still wanted to rock Indominus' world, and felt that they could do it before their day began. "You know Indominus, we never did get to fulfill our promises from last night."

"What promises would those be Dashie?"

"Where I said that I would rock your world, and you told me that we would be in each other's embrace and making love til the break of dawn. Well, how about we take care of that now? I've kinda been wanting to ever since we got here."

Indominus let go of the ring and towered over Rainbow Dash. He bent forward slightly and spoke gently to her.

"I want to hear you tell me what you want to do with me. Let your heart speak for itself Dashie, and tell me what you're feeling deep inside."

Rainbow swallowed her fear and spoke with complete confidence and sincerity in her voice.

"I want to mate with you again, Indominus Rex. I want to try to recreate the first time that we spent being one." Indominus leaned forward and licked Rainbow's face.

"That's what I wanted to hear, I'd be more than happy to make it so. But since we don't have a forest, cave, or mountains of gold to work with, how about we spend it in our bath?" Rainbow's eyes widened at the idea.

"I'll go get the water started. I'll call for you when everything is set up." Rainbow kissed Indominus on the cheek before disappearing into the bathroom and shutting the door behind her.

Indominus rolled over so that he was facing the door and just listened to the sounds of the bath water running, and mostly, Rainbow giggling in excitement for what was going to happen. The dinosaur was eager himself, now that he and Rainbow were married, they could have moments like these far more often. He couldn't help but imagine what sort of saucy idea Rainbow was planning while getting their bath set up. Then he heard the water turn off, and also heard Rainbow call out in a voice that sounded like she was trying to entice and seduce Indominus all at once.

"Bath's ready, get on in here so I can have you all to myself and rock your world with sheer pleasure, my Indominus."

The dinosaur felt steam escaping his nostrils upon hearing Rainbow's seductive voice. He was baffled how she had such a side to her, and it made his heart go wild each time. Indominus got up, walked over to the bathroom and opened the door. What he saw was enough to raise his heart rate to the moon.

Rainbow was sitting in the corner of the golden bathtub, which had been filled with bubbles. There were rose petals scattered all over the water, and there was even music playing on a sound speaker. It was a stunning sight, but Rainbow was far more stunning that everything in the bath. She was giving Indominus the same seductive stare from last night, had soaked her body and let her mane go down to make herself even more appealing. Indominus once again, felt himself being at the mercy of Rainbow's charm as he climbed into the tub and she swam over to him. Rainbow laid her body on top of Indominus and the seductive look she was giving him was threatening to make him pass out.

"If you thought I was daring in the bed, I'll show you just how daring I'm willing to be now," she said in a very seducing voice.

Indominus had no response, he could only watch as Rainbow took a bar of soap, lathered it on her body and began to rub herself on him. The dinosaur felt every sensation running through his scales. the touch of Rainbow's fur rubbing against him and her hooves spreading the lather on his neck. Rainbow was giving Indominus the ultimate treatment and holding nothing back. She then upped the anti big time by crawling up Indominus' body until she was at his face.

"I told you I would rock your world, and I always make good on my word. You're about to be loved like never before, Indominus."

The dinosaur felt his whole body tingle as Rainbow Dash began rubbing her face on his. Having his girl so close and rubbing him was making Indominus' heart go wild. Rainbow Dash was indeed being more daring than he'd ever seen, and she was caressing his body so much that the joy was just as overwhelming. Indominus could only wrap his arms around Rainbow's body as she continued to rub herself against him and massage his scales. Then Rainbow did something that sent a heat wave coursing through Indominus.

She lowered her head, poured water on him to wash the soap away and Indominus felt the undeniable sensation of her tongue licking his neck. Indominus could see steam flowing out of his mouth, for Rainbow was laying her love out for him and she intended to show just how much she loved Indominus. The sensation was so overpowering, Indominus couldn't budge because of how much Rainbow was licking and kissing him. She moved between kissing him on the neck and licking his face, and Indominus was at her mercy. Finally she grabbed his head, pulled him over to the other side of the tub and said some of the most amazing words ever.

"Come here you amazing dinosaur. You make my heart soar so high, I want you all the time."

Indominus and Rainbow gave into their desires and impulses completely as they dove into a full make-out session. Both pony and dinosaur held each other and just kissed each other on the lips to the full extent. Indominus rubbed his hands along Rainbow's back, she did the same with her hooves and they began to sink under the water. Their kissing didn't cease as the lovers went underwater and all that could be seen was their tails swaying with each other on the edge of the tub. If anypony were to look in the room, they would think that Indominus and Rainbow were mating under the water.

The kissing taking place in the bath was causing so much movement that the water started to spill out. Indominus and Rainbow were having so much pleasure that they could've just mated like that. But unfortunately, there was one need that couldn't be ignored that would end the moment: the need to breathe. Indominus and Rainbow burst from under the water, breathing hard for air and from the amount of kissing that had transpired between them. Rainbow had the brightest shade of red on her face, and Indominus' scales had turned a deep shade of red too. They took a minute to catch their breath before Rainbow spoke up in her seductive voice.

"Ok babe, now that I've made you feel so alive, it's time for you to give me the ultimate love Indominus. I want you to make me feel like the goddess that you keep treating me like every day."

Rainbow swam over to another ledge of the tub, and began shaking her flank and tail back and forth to entice Indominus. The hybrid dinosaur knew exactly how he was going to caress and love Rainbow, for the others had told him about a little trick that all pegasi loved. He walked over to Rainbow, towered over her body, and lowered himself until he was right beside her face. Indominus spoke in a deep and moving voice.

"Alright hot stuff. You wanted my best, and you're about to get it. I hope it's everything you're expecting."

Indominus carefully laid his body on Rainbow's, took her left wing in his claws and began to lick and nibble at the feathers. Rainbow Dash felt a powerful heat sweeping through her body, feeling Indominus rubbing his tongue on all the loose feathers and his claws scratching at the right spots. The dinosaur was very careful in how he went about the cleaning, he didn't want to injure Rainbow's wing.

"Oh, Indominus," Rainbow said as Indominus nailed another sweet spot and got more loose feathers out. "Since when did you know how to preen? Aaahhhh."

"Your friends showed me how to do it a few days before the wedding. They thought I should learn how to do it just in case you needed some soothing care."

"Well, I g-gotta t-t-TELL, you, you h-have the hands of a g-g-god."

"Oh just wait, it gets better from here," Indominus whispered as he moved on to the other wing.

Rainbow couldn't help the soft moans of bliss that escaped from her each time Indominus hit just the right spot. She had never been preened by anypony before, and to have her husband doing it in the best way possible, was so worth it. Indominus could take all the love Rainbow gave him, and return it with just as much splendor. He was so gentle and careful around her feathers and making sure to only go after the loose ones, that she almost forgot that he was supposed to be a carnivore. She found her eyes closing from the bliss created by Indominus' gentle claws, and the hybrid dinosaur took that as his chance to make Rainbow feel truly loved. While Rainbow was distracted by the tender preening, Indominus silently adjusted his body into the right position, ready for when he would make his move.

Alright Dashie, you're about to love me for a thousand lifetimes.

Rainbow Dash was so lost in the heavenly bliss that she couldn't see what Indominus was doing. She had no idea that Indominus was about to instill so much joy and bliss in her that Rainbow would never want it to end. Her eyes suddenly jolted awake when she felt something caressing her ear. Something wet and smooth was going all over her ear, rubbing along the outside and swirling about on the inside. Indominus had gently placed his mouth over Rainbow's ear and was licking it all over with his tongue. Rainbow felt the blush in her face grow even brighter, and her body shivered from the amazing pleasure.

"I-I-I-Indominus, y-y-you are a-a-a true wonder." She could barely speak from the pleasure coursing through her body. Indominus was just enjoying all the soft squeaks and moans coming from Rainbow Dash. He loved seeing this gentle side of his wife, knowing that deep down she had a golden heart that was just waiting to be loved. He ceased the licking so Rainbow could breathe for a minute and brought his face beside hers again.

"I told you that I would give you my best. I'll do everything in my power to make you feel special, Dashie. You've done so much for me already, I just want to prove how much you mean to me, and that I'll always be here for you."

Rainbow rested her head against Indominus' with her eyes still closed and spoke softly.

"You've already proven your worth to me a long time ago Indominus. From the time we fought Black Death, I knew we were meant to be together. You have been there for me when I really needed you, and just like our time in this bath, you've always made me feel special. I'm certain now that no other stallion can make me feel loved the way you can. Please, keep up this amazing pleasure. It's lighting my body with such a warm and comforting fire."

"As you wish, my beloved Dashie."

Indominus placed his mouth over the other ear and began licking it just like before. The pleasure was so great that Rainbow had trouble keeping her eyes open. The feeling of Indominus' tongue rubbing on her ear was just too amazing, it made her want to drift off into peaceful sleep again. However, Indominus wasn't done making his girl feel special just yet, he was going to attempt a combination that had never been done before. He grabbed the bar of soap, lathered up his hands, and began caressing Rainbow's body with his hands.

The feeling of having her body massaged by his claws, in addition to Indominus licking her ear so gently was adding to the great pleasure Rainbow was already experiencing. Her body felt like it was being lit inside a furnace, and Indominus was the fire burning in her soul. The pleasure didn't stop there, for Indominus was going to attempt one last part. One that he had agreed that he would give to Rainbow Dash back in the bed. Rainbow's eyes shrunk as she felt something that she hadn't experienced in quite a while: the unmistakable feeling of Indominus thrusting inside her.

He was fulfilling her wish and mating with his wife like he had promised. Indominus was doing the impossible: he was massaging Rainbow's body, while licking her ear and thrusting inside her all at once. Rainbow Dash was being flooded with so much pleasure that her heart was racing wildly, everything was happening so fast, but in her heart it was what she wanted.

"Give it to me Indominus, d-don't hold back this time."

Indominus placed his hands on Rainbow's shoulders and began thrusting harder and faster. All the while he was still licking Rainbow's ears, keeping his breathing at pace with his thrusts. All the pleasure he had experienced was causing his release to approach much faster than before, and Rainbow could feel it inside her. Their hearts were beating so fast from the exhilarating experience that either one of them could pass out at any moment. With so much pleasure and energy flowing through her body, Rainbow felt like she would explode when Indominus released.

Then it finally happened, and Indominus let loose a powerful release within Rainbow Dash. The sensation was so strong that it caused both Rainbow and Indominus to bellow powerful roars and shook the whole bathroom.

Rainbow slumped over the side of the bath, her body steaming from everything she had taken. Indominus dislodged himself and went over to check on his girl.

"You..ok...Rainbow..Dash?" She turned and looked at him, and Indominus could see the same content and happy smile on her face from their first time in the cave.

" That..was even...more amazing...and wonderful...than the first time," Rainbow's body had taken so much pleasure that she was having a tough time catching her breath. Indominus put his head under Rainbow's, so she could rest and catch her breath. After the exhausted lovers had caught their breath, they relaxed in the water afterwards, gave each other a decent scrubbing for all the love they had shared and decided it was time to start the day.

Indominus drained the water from the tub and dried Rainbow off first. After all the joy he had given her, Rainbow was perfectly fine with letting him dry her off. Rainbow took her time drying off Indominus, because she wanted to thank him properly for all the love he had given.

"I had no idea that you could be such a romantic, Indominus. Everything that you did in that bath was so incredible, my treatment didn't even come close to rivaling yours."

"Are you kidding? Because you gave me so much love in that bath, I had to give my best. Plus, I also wanted to fulfill our promises to each other, and I think we did it. We mated again, and this time was much more romantic than the first, but just as magical. Now, how's about we get some breakfast, we've got a day at Las Pegasus ahead of us, right?"

"You're right! Come on, last one down to the lobby pays for lunch!"

"Oh ho, I don't think so!"

The lovers made first to clean up the mess they had made because of their fun before grabbing what they needed and heading down to the lobby. Indominus made sure to take the coin pouch and Rainbow grabbed the room key, before they made a beeline for the elevators. Their first day as husband and wife had only just begun, and it was already off to a fantastic start.