Coltland Chronicles 5: Return of a Villain

by RomanceWriter1

The Gift

The Gift

Moonlight sat down on her couch with Sunshine sitting beside her, nibbling on a chocolate cookie and playing with a stuffed bear toy that was given to her on the day she was born.

“Mummy, when are my new friends going to be here?” Sunshine asked with the cookie still in her mouth.

“They'll be here in some minutes, Starshine is probably getting Strawberry all dressed up and groomed. She can be like that at times, probably gets it from her mum, Svetlana,” Moonlight said with a smile and she rolled her bright green eyes a little. “I'll be getting some cake made in the kitchen, you stay here and if anypony comes to the door, make sure it's somepony you know and you can open the door.” Moonlight got off the couch and walked to the kitchen where she got some eggs, flour and milk for the cake.

“Hello, Mr Cuddly, would you like to have some coffee?” Sunshine said as she used her magic to make her teddy bear's head nod. “You would? Here, let me give it to you.” She used her magic to levitate a cup of coffee that Moonlight was drinking earlier. She only got it floating a little until it fell onto the edge of the table and spilled onto the white carpet. Sunshine looked around nervously for some tissues to wipe the stain so it wasn't so visible.

A knock was heard on the door and Sunshine crawled over and pressed her ear against the hard wood.

“Who is it?” Sunshine asked with curiousity.

“It's Bubble!” Bubble called from the other side and Sunshine gave a big grin then opened the door with her magic. Bubble flew in, clutching a light red filly with yellow hair and gold eyes and a pink colt with black hair who also had gold eyes. “Alright, you two, you better behave and be nice. I'll pick you two up in a few hours, okay?”

“Yes, Mummy.” the two foals said at the same time as they got set down on the floor. Bubble then closed the door and the three foals stared at each other for a moment.

“So... what's your names?” Sunshine asked with a small smile.

“I'm Rose Petal and this is my twin brother, Bumblebee. We hope to fly!” the light red filly said with excitement and she tried to lift herself off the ground but couldn't manage.

“I want to go fast, faster than fast, quicker than quick!” Bumblebee shouted and he gave a confident look. The twins grinned at each other and gave each other a high hoof, Sunshine gave a giggle and shook her head.

“Well, I would be around to make somepony's day, bright and shiny.” Sunshine responded with a big smile.

Another knock happened at the door and Sunshine opened the door to find Starshine holding a white filly with an orange curled mane and tail and purple eyes. She looked very similar to her mum except her fur colour and hair colour. The filly was wearing a purple ribbon in her mane.

“Alright, Strawberry, I'll pick you up in a few hours which will be a little after my gig, okay?” Starshine said with a smile and the filly nodded a little. She got set down on the floor and Starshine closed the door with her magic.

Strawberry turned to look at the three foals that were staring at her and she didn't give them a smile nor did it look like she wanted to talk.

“Hi, what's your name?” Rose Petal asked sweetly and Strawberry gave her a slight look.

“Straw... Straw... Strawberry.” the white filly responded shyly and she looked down.

“We're Rose Petal, Bumblebee and Sunshine.” Sunshine said with a smile.

Ten minutes later, the knock happened at the door and Poppy walked in with a light blue colt that had orange hair and dark green eyes.

“Hello there, Rose Petal and Bumblebee, here's your cousin, Pumpkin,” Poppy said as she set down the colt. “Well, since that's all of you here, I'll be with Sunshine's mum in the kitchen. Don't get into trouble.” She walked into the kitchen and the two friends could be heard laughing.

“Pumpkin!” the twins squealed and they galloped up to give him a big hug. The hug was so tight that Pumpkin could barely breathe. They let go of him and turned him to Strawberry and Sunshine and introduced them.

“What should we do?” Strawberry asked shyly and she gave a slight glance to Pumpkin.

“How about we play with the teddy bears that I have? We can have tea parties or just talk about what our favourite ones are!” Sunshine squealed and she jumped a little.

“Or how about we race and see who wins?” Bumblebee responded with excitement and he flew a little.

“But I can't really walk yet.” Strawberry responded with sadness and she looked down.

“Me too, I hope to try and walk and to get my cutie mark.” Sunshine responded with the same tone as Strawberry's.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Moonlight and Poppy were sitting at one of the tables with slices of cake on their plates that Moonlight had made.

“So, how has Pumpkin been?” Moonlight asked as she cut her slice of cake a little.

“He's been good, can't believe he's the oldest of his new friends there. I hope it doesn't bother them and make them feel vulnerable.” Poppy replied with a smile and she took a bite of her slice.

When Moonlight was putting away her plate into the dishwasher, something flashed before her eyes. Bright green eyes flashed in front of her and she heard a deep evil laugh, her plate fell to the floor and smashed to pieces.

“Moonlight, what's the matter?”

“I... I... don't know, all I saw were bright green eyes and heard a laugh but I don't know why. Is it a vision? If it is, why do I get it and no pony else does?” Moonlight responded in a panic.

“Why don't you go and ask somepony like Colette or the queen?” Poppy replied with a worried voice.