(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Part 6 - Resolutions: Act XXVII - Time Does Not Heal All Wounds

Part 6: Resolutions (Acts 27-30)

Act XXVII - Time Does Not Heal All Wounds

David walked back from his lunch date with a silly grin on his face and a little sway in his walk. He was happy, that much was obvious, but what couldn’t be seen was the internal discussion he was having with himself over the future of his relationships.

‘Wow. Just wow. Celestia really did a one-eighty on me. Last night was so… dry, but she blossomed today. I’m sure Luna would be glad to hear that, but I don’t know if I should be the one to tell her. I think Celestia deserves privacy in that matter, and that seems like a line the sisters should cross themselves. Hopefully, Luna won’t be disappointed with the lack of details.’

David approached his room and noticed a shadow was still present.

‘Hmm, she really must have been tired to sleep this long,’ he thought.

“Thank you,” David said, then opened the door and entered.

Luna was laying on his bed staring a few sheets of paper strewn around her with a strained look on her face.

“Good afternoon, Luna, what are you reading?”

“Afternoon, love. It is thy English primer. ‘Twas about time we learned thy language,” Luna said dryly, not even bothering to look up from her work.

David smirked at how she had slipped back into her archaic speech. “How is it going?” he asked, taking a seat at the foot of the bed.

“We are stupefied that something so familiar as the spoken word can be written so differently!”

David chuckled. “That’s exactly how I feel about Equis. I’m also sorry to say that most humans think English is complex compared to other languages, and that it has many conflicting rules.”

Luna finally pulled her nose out of the papers to face him. “Truly? We are so delighted to hear that.”

David shrugged.

Pushing the papers aside, she crossed her hooves in front of her. “So, my dear, how was thy—” She shook her head. “—your day?” she asked, wearing a small grin.

David scratched the back of his head. “I haven’t had much of a day yet, but it’s been good so far, I suppose.”

Luna raised a brow. ‘Hmm. Should I press him for more? I am eager to know if his lunch date went well or not. Perhaps a little push is in order.’

Luna turned her head attempting to feign disinterest. “I am glad. And your lunch? Did all go well there?”

“Oh. Yeah, it was fine. She was a little late due to court, but we actually got some extra time thanks to that, which was nice.”

“Mmm,” she mumbled. “Is that all?”

David looked away. “I suppose. I just don’t feel comfortable discussing it yet. I mean, I haven’t asked Celestia if it was okay to share and I don’t want to pressure her like that.”

“Perhaps that is best; though we all must be more open about this in time.

David nodded, smiling. “I agree. It also may be good for you to ask her directly.”

“You are correct, though I too will give her some time. This is uncharted territory, after all.”

“Thanks, Luna.” David then stood up and moved over to the chair at the vanity. “I hope you don’t mind, but I think I’ll update my journal a bit.”

“Journal?” she asked.

“Yes. I’ve been writing about my days here since the first night. It helps me sort my thoughts and will be a good record for the future.”

“Is it private, like a diary?”

“I suppose so.”

“That is fine; it was not a request. I do not want to intrude; I too have a similar diary.”

David pulled out his papers and began to write, while Luna went back to her studies.

Journal of David Marshall
Wednesday, Day 11 in Equestria, Afternoon
Current mood: Happy

I’ve just gotten back from my second date with Princess Celestia. It was quite different from last night; I can tell she really tried to be open—and wanted to enjoy it.

I tried to lighten up the mood a bit. I even made her take off her regalia before we started lunch. It was a gamble, much like last night’s chase in the garden, but again it seems I’ve come out on top.

I may have overstepped a bit, though. We started to get really casual and close—lying down to talk and eat lunch—but as I reached over to hug her, I couldn’t help but stroke her amazingly soft chest fur. I could tell she liked it—those sounds were no lie—but she asked me to stop, so I did. I’m just glad I didn’t ruin it completely.

I’m sure about that, too; it definitely didn’t go bad. In the end, she left me reeling. I was feeling a little amorous, so I helped re-shoe her, and when I finished, she showed her gratitude. That kiss, though… I don’t know if the lip-licking was intentional, but it really got my motor running.

I’m feeling a bit guilty about not sharing with Luna, though. I just feel like either they should do it, or I need to have a good, long conversation with Celestia before I can discuss how it’s going with her. Hopefully, tonight I can get Celestia to open up again and all will go well—but nothing sensual yet—she seems to have a line she doesn’t want us to cross. I hope she’ll let me know how she feels about that.

“Gah! I cannot comprehend anymore!” Luna grumbled.

“Are you okay?” David asked, pulling himself out of his journal.

Luna shuffled her papers into a stack. “Yes, I simply do not have the talent for language that my sister has. I think I will go pester young Cherry for a snack; it is still a few hours before dinner, and I am quite peckish.”

“Have you eaten today?”

Luna stood up on the bed and stretched. “No. I only awoke a short while before your arrival.”

“Do you want me to go with you?”

“Thank you, dearest, but I will also be doing some preparatory work in the government offices. It would be inappropriate for you to join me at this point.”

“I understand. Oh, that reminds me. Have you and Celestia talked about when I can be introduced to the public so I can get a bit more exposure?”

Luna stopped putting on her shoes and let her head droop. “Honestly, no. The last week has been far too busy, we have hardly had a word together recently that you have not been present for.”

“Oh. I’m not causing trouble am I?”

“Hardly. At least not the kind of trouble I dislike. But since you have brought this up, I will remember to start the discussion. Perhaps Twilight and Cadence should be involved as well.”

“That sounds good. Thanks, Luna.”

“Think nothing of it, my love. I too am eager to have the world see you and to see their faces as you stand by my side. Give it time, though, as there are many things to plan and important ponies to meet before a public announcement can occur.”

“Of course.”

“Good.” Luna walked over to David and kissed him on the cheek. “I am off then. Something sweet and invigorating awaits me in the kitchen!”


Luna walked through the empty kitchen, looking for the head chef.

‘It is hard to believe that I had never once set hoof in this grand kitchen before David appeared. The few times I had relied on Cherry, I had summoned her instead. Now, I am more inclined to seek her out not only for nourishment or treats but perhaps for casual chatter as well.’

Luna walked to the door of the only bedroom near the kitchen. She stood tall, wearing a neutral expression that emanated her royal presence, then knocked sharply on the door.

Knock, knock, knock.

A rustling of hooves on stone could be heard beyond the oaken door. “Just a minute, David. I… I’ll be right there, gosh!”

‘David?’ Luna thought.

Cherry hastily opened the door only to let out an “eep!” before she shrank back to the floor in an awkward bow. “Princess! I… I didn’t expect you, I’m sorry!”

“Cherry, arise. You have done nothing wrong. Let me inquire, though, for what reason did you think my David would be here, at your quarters?”

“I meant nothing by it, Princess Luna. It’s just he’s come by asking for favors a lot lately and is probably the only one that has knocked on my door like that.”

“Ahh. I understand. I too have come to ask for your assistance. I am in need of sustenance. Come, let us go to the kitchen!”

“Right away, Princess. Let me just get my coat.”

“As you wish.”


Luna and Cherry walked into the middle of the kitchen. Luna bellied up to the opposite side of the workstation Cherry happened to stop at as if it were the counter of a local hayburger establishment then looked at the young mare expectantly.

“So, Princess… what can I do for you today?” Cherry asked cheerily.

“I have slept through this morning’s breakfast and lunch. It has left me quite empty,” Luna said.

“Oh, yes. I’m sorry you missed breakfast, I prepared David’s French toast!”

“Did you?! I am truly unfortunate then,” Luna hung her head.

“Would you… like some?”

Luna’s ears perked, but she otherwise kept her gloomy composure. “No, I do not require a full meal before dinner. Please, do not go to such lengths.”

Sensing Luna’s displeasure, Cherry’s own mood dampened. She fought to keep her spirits up and smiled half-heartedly. “I could just make a small bit. I have everything already prepared because only Princess Celestia showed this morning.”

Luna lifted her gaze to meet Cherry’s. “Well, if it would not be a bother…”

“Of course!” Cherry smiled as she gave a quick bow.

Cherry went over to the refrigerator and grabbed a container filled with the mystery custard she would use to prepare the meal. She quickly got the rest of the ingredients assembled and started preparing the dish at a nearby counter.

Luna walked over to Cherry where she was soaking the bread slices.

“So, Miss Cherry, David has been bothering you during your off-hours?”

“Oh, no. It was no bother. He just wanted to use the kitchen for this or that.”

“I see, as he did for the outing and my dinner with him. Yesterday, he was creating dinner for my sister, and again today he was to meet her for lunch. Did he request your assistance again?”

Cherry paused. “Um. Not today. My staff and I prepared the meal, but it was delivered to the solarium.”

“Oh.” Luna walked over and stood behind Cherry as she cooked. “That is all you know of it then?”

“Yes?” Cherry said, unsure of Luna’s intent.

Luna drew a bit closer to Cherry, staring over her shoulder. She smiled widely. “Surely you have a bit more knowledge than you share. Perhaps you can be convinced to dish it out if I offer a bit of lubrication.”

“Pardon, Princess?”

Luna turned away and paced slowly through the kitchen as Cherry cooked. “Hmm. Perhaps I should give you David for a day. I am sure two good friends such as you are would find interesting ways to pass the time.”

Cherry froze. “Princess, I’m not so sure…” she said hesitantly.

Luna stopped and hung her head again. “I understand. That would not be fair to David. Please forget I mentioned it.”

Cherry paused. “Hmm… Maybe not…” Cherry started. “He does owe me an open IOU.”

Luna smirked. “Really…? Perhaps we can play a bit with him then.”

Cherry smiled. “Whatever you want, Princess. But until then, please go sit down, the dish is almost finished. I’ll meet you in the dining room.”

Luna shook her head. “That will not be necessary. Would you instead join me for more conversation in your staff’s break room?”

“If that’s what you’d like, Princess. I’d be glad to.”


Quite a while later, Luna knocked on David’s door.

“Come in!” he answered.

Luna entered. “Hello, dear. It is almost time for the exchange, we should go and meet my sister.”

David was still sitting at the vanity with his English primer and the foal’s book on Equis. “Oh, I guess I lost track of time.”

“Well, the prompting has not come yet, so I suppose we do have a few moments.” Luna jumped up on the bed and settled at the foot. “Are you working on your Equis?”

“Yes. When I saw you studying, it got me in the mood as well. I haven’t been at it the whole time, though, I did take a small nap.”

“That is good. Too much study will tire your mind.” Luna shifted in the bed. “So, Cherry apparently made your French toast this morning. She was nice enough to prepare a small sample for me to try.”

“Ah, yes. I heard about that from her before lunch and from Celestia as well. I’m glad you had some. Did you enjoy it?”

“It was wonderful. I think I prefer mine with syrup and blackberries. The tart-sweet contrast is divine!”

“Good. I’m happy you liked it. Do you not like super-sweet foods?”

“Oh, perish the thought. I adore sweet things, but it all requires balance.”


Luna shifted a bit on the bed, looking away from David and out the window. “So, I convinced Cherry to sit and talk with me while I ate. Actually, it started much more comically than that. When I first arrived at her door, she was under the impression you had come calling!”


“Yes. She said you had sought her frequently and were the only one to knock in such a way that she just assumed. I can understand her mistake, though. I too had only called for her via the staff. But after the confusion had cleared, and my snack was prepared, we shared quite a bit of time before I had to depart.”

“Did you have fun?”

“I believe so, but I admit, I must confess something to you as well.”

“What is that?” David asked.

“I tried to coax, though perhaps 'bribe' is a better word…" she trailed off. "I tried to get her to divulge what she knew of your date with my sister,” Luna spit out hurriedly.


“It was wrong, and I am quite upset at my own inability to be patient and honest with you.”

“So, what did you learn from her?” he asked with a neutral face.

“Nothing of import. She said you did not prepare the meal and it was delivered to the solarium.”

“That’s it?”

“Yes, but it is not the details that are important. I was not honest with you or myself and tried to invade your privacy. I am truly sorry.”

“Oh, Luna.” David’s face softened. “Thank you for telling me. I know you’ve been interested in how things are going between Celestia and me, but I’m not too sure of it myself. We’ve only had the two dates, and they were as different as night and day. Forgive the expression.”

Luna nodded.

“I still think it’s important for you to ask her for any details, but I can at least tell you how I feel. I suppose the most I can say is that Celestia does stir some powerful feelings in me, similar to how I felt when we first met. I’m going off of those feelings now, but Celestia and I haven’t gotten a chance to sit down and really talk, like we first did, and without that, I don’t know how compatible we are. Do you understand?”

“Of course, my dear. I am just sorry that I am being such a foal about this.”

David smiled. “I think you’re doing quite well, actually. This has to be a complicated issue for everyone involved. It just takes a bit of time.”

“Thank you. Among the populace, this would most likely be much easier… I have heard that the dominant mare comes to the dates with the others for a while, forming a bond with them as much as with the stallion. Perhaps it is both our sisterly and royal nature that has formed such a complicated set of circumstances.”

David laughed. “I have no doubt about that.”

A familiar tingle made David shiver and notified him that time was short.

Luna stood on the bed and looked down at David, now a bit taller than he. “I will do my best to be more patient, dear, for your love is not something I wish to take for granted.”

She pursed her lips and closed her eyes, requesting the confirmation of her last statement. David took haste and cupped her cheeks in his hands, which Luna nuzzled into lovingly. He then brought his lips to hers and gave her a long kiss, his tongue gently playing with hers.

Parting, they looked into each other’s eyes. Thoughts continued to swirl in both their minds, but only time would provide the answers to them.

“I love you, Luna.”

“And I, you, David. Let us go, together to meet my sister. The night must come on-time.”

The two then left, side-by-side, and walked through the halls in silence.


Reaching the grand doors to Celestia’s chambers, David and Luna halted.

“Good evening, Princess Luna, Sir David. Princess Celestia will see you now,” one of the guards said, then they parted to allow access.

“Thank you,” Luna replied.

David assumed his duty and proceeded before her, opening the door as Luna approached.

“Good evening, Lulu,” Celestia greeted. “Oh, and Sir David too.”

After Luna and David passed the threshold, the guards quickly closed the doors behind them.

Luna cocked her head. “Sir David, Sister?”

“Yes, I just wanted to show a bit more formality in light of the guards.” Celestia looked at David with a coy smile. “You did not take offense, did you, David?”

“No, that’s fine by me.”

“If you say so, my sweet,” Luna said. “So, Sister, I wish to apologise for being absent this morning without notice. It was not appropriate or kind, and I want you to know that I am sorry.”

“Oh, Lulu. I do not hold it against you. I have performed that duty for so long, I am accustomed to it. But I do appreciate your feelings and concern and am always glad to have you here.”

“Thank you, Tia. Now, I believe it is time for us to rely on you again if you would honor us.”

“If that is what you desire.”

Celestia rose from her seat and proceeded to the balcony. There, she used her magic to move the heavens, sending the sun to sleep and the raising the moon to watch over the land. After her work was done, she reentered the room and walked over to comfort her sister with a loving nuzzle.

David took a step away, allowing the sisters some time alone.

“Lulu, it pains me to see you so. We should renew our efforts to resolve David’s condition so that you do not need to suffer.”

“Tia, I will echo your words from earlier. I appreciate your feelings and concern, but I am accepting of this position for as long as necessary, especially if it spares David from harm.”

“Yes, and I want you to know that I am grateful for your willingness to help him. If only I had the forethought to teach you how to manipulate the sun as well, then perhaps I could take some of this burden from you.”

“All will come in time. I look forward to the moment when this is all resolved; when we can bond as sisters again, and you can teach me how to start the day.”

“That sounds wonderful, Lulu. I hope it comes soon.”

David leaned against Celestia’s bed frame, watching the two mares converse. He seemed lost to the both of them, but that didn’t seem to bother him much.

‘Am I coming between these two wonderful sisters? I suppose my existence is, though not necessarily me personally. But the latter might be true as well… Luna probably didn’t go to the exchange this morning because of me. Because I was there. I have hope, though, hope that Luna shares— that we can all be together. I think she misses her sister, and I don’t want them to miss each other either.’

“David?” Luna said.

“Oh, sorry, Luna. What was that?”

Luna smirked and parted from her sister. She walked over to David and rubbed up against him in a somewhat cat-like manner, squeezing her head under his arm to nuzzle his chest.

She looked up at him, and in return, he leaned down and gave her a little peck on her nose.

Luna giggled, then pressed further into his side and chest. “Tia and I were having a bit of a moment, but I didn’t want you to feel left out.”

“Oh, that’s okay. You should spend some time together, you know, without me. I’m sure you miss that.”

“Nonsense!” Luna replied. “While sometimes I do miss my sister; when we reunite, there is no reason for you not to be present as well.”

David glanced up from his lover. ‘Though she says that, Celestia is over there, keeping her distance from us.’

“Celestia, how do you feel about it?” David asked.


“I’m just curious how you feel about me getting between you and your sister. Surely you would like some time with Luna alone?”

“It may not be fair to say so, but perhaps sometimes I do desire it. Nothing against you, of course, David.”

“Of course. See, Luna. Sometimes, three’s a crowd.”

Luna let out a quiet snort. “As you say. Let us put such talk behind, though, it is time for dinner for the three of us. Sister?”

“Yes, Luna, I will follow.”

“Good. To dinner!”


The party sat down at their usual places and settled in for dinner. Celestia didn’t ask David to start the meal, but instead sat in silence, seeming somewhat lost and out-of-touch.

“Excuse me, Celestia, do you want me to ring for Cherry?” David asked.

“Oh, um, yes. Thank you, David.”

David reached for the bell while Luna looked at her sister curiously. The gentle bell ringing finally pulled Luna’s attention away from her sister and back to David.

The prep room door swung open as usual and grabbed both David and Celestia’s attention. Luna’s eyes stayed with David, though, and as Cherry and her staff came out, she watched David shift his gaze to Celestia.

‘Something bothers my sister, and she has grasped David’s attention as well. I do hope everything is alright between them. Until either feels comfortable confiding in me, I am able to do little and will know even less.’

“Good evening, Princesses, David,” Cherry said. “I hope the day has treated you all well.”

Neither Celestia nor David spoke up, so Luna chose to address Cherry. “Thank you, Cherry. I believe we have all had a decent day. Though some of our days have been shorter than others.”

“That’s good to hear, Princess. Is there anything else I can get for you all tonight?”

Luna looked to her sister, who stared and the food on the table, then turned to David, who was doing likewise.

“David, Sister, what say you?”

“Pardon, Lulu?”

“Cherry asked if you require anything more.”

“Oh. I am fine, thank you.”

“I’m good too, Luna,” David answered.

“It is as they say. The dinner looks marvelous as usual. Cherry, would you do me one favor? Could you bring me a hoof-band for dinner?”

“Certainly. Princess Celestia, do you need one as well?”

“Oh. No, thank you, Cherry. I have mine with me,” Celestia replied, then removed her shoe and waggled her hoof for all to see.

“Okay. One moment, Princess Luna. I’ll be right back.”

Cherry quickly fetched a band for Luna, then left the party to eat in peace.

“David, dear, would you please serve me some soup?” Luna asked after she fastened the band around her hoof.

David carefully ladled a portion for her. He then turned to Celestia. “Would you like some as well, Celestia?”

“Yes, thank you,” she replied quietly.

As with Luna before, David gave Celestia some soup, then turned to his own seat.

Now served, an awkward silence settled into the group as they ate their meal.

Luna finished her current bite and turned toward her sister. “So, Tia, how was court today? Did anything of interest happen?”

Celestia also took a moment to swallow her current bite. “It was good. There was a bit of a kerfuffle earlier. Oh, what was it again…?”

David speared a bite of food. “Was it the zoning dispute?”

“Yes, thank you. Before lunch, a few of the upper-crust of Manehattan were petitioning for me to overrule the city planning committee on some of the newly developed area’s zoning rules.”

Luna furrowed her brow. “Hmm, that seems quite superfluous.”

“A bit. It wasn’t so much that they took it to a higher power that caused an issue. However, after I explained it to them how their local government shouldn’t be overruled in this sort of case, they pressed onward, forcing court to stretch into my allotted lunch break.”

“Ahh. I hope the delay was not too long,” Luna replied.

“No, but as an added benefit, clearing them before court adjourned, I was able to free up more time for my lunch… meeting.”

Luna scoffed. “Oh, Sister, you do not have to hide it. It was a date. A lunch date.”

“Yes, well…”

Another awkward pause settled in.

Luna spoke first. “I will not press. I am glad to hear it did not negatively affect your schedule.”

Celestia looked as if she mulled over her words before they came out. “It did cause a bit of discomfort for me, but David was more than accommodating.”

“Oh… I would expect nothing less of him.” Luna turned to him and smiled brightly.

David set down his cup. “Thank you, Luna, Celestia, for your compliments.”

Luna had done all she could. The conversation waned again, and the awkward atmosphere continued through the rest of the meal. Even Cherry’s warm cherry tarts and ice cream could not revive the party. Finally, the meal was over.

“Well, that was a wonderful dessert!” Luna chimed. “However scrumptious it was, my royal responsibilities are calling, so I must bid you all goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Lulu,” Celestia parroted.

Luna excused herself from the table and joined Celestia for a loving hug and nuzzle near her sister’s chair, then made her way to the doors where David was waiting. “Will you be in my room or yours tonight?” she asked.

David shook his head. “I don’t know. I sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable entering your room without you. Where do you want to meet?”

“It would be a pleasure to have you in my bed tonight. Is that too much of a request?”

David shook his head. “Not at all. I'll see you after court. And don’t worry about waking me.”

“Later then, my love.”

David and Luna shared a small kiss, one watched in interest by the elder sister across the room. After they had parted, Luna headed off to her court, while David made his way across to Celestia, who was now standing by the doors to the royal wing.

“Sorry about that. Do you still want to talk tonight?” he asked.

Celestia turned her head to face him and feigned ignorance of what transpired. “Oh, I suppose I still have it in me. Shall we resign to somewhere a bit more comfortable?”

“Sure. Lead the way.”


David and Princess Celestia approached the grand, golden doors to her chambers. As usual, it was flanked by two stalwart royal guards. When they approached with the princess in the lead, the guards simultaneously bowed and opened her doors, allowing her to pass. As she did, Celestia nodded politely in acknowledgement of their service, saying nothing. David proceeded to follow her close behind and caught the sidelong gaze of one of the bowing guards as he passed them.

‘Was he glaring at me?’

Having entered, the doors closed behind David, and he shivered a little at the unease he felt. He shook his head to clear it from his mind and focus on the present.

David looked around the room. It was as he had seen it before dinner and all the times before. Celestia’s chambers were clean and ornately decorated with ancient wooden furniture and trinkets of an unimaginably long life. Even with all the finery, the room felt cozy. It truly represented a lived-in room.

While David still stood at the door, Celestia was busy moving things around past her bed—she had the edge of a large pillow clenched in her mouth and was dragging it over to the fireplace, where a cozy fire had already been prepared.

“Oh, let me help with that,” David called out and rushed to her side.

Celestia dropped the pillow as she heard him walk over and let out a sigh. “Thank you, David. I am just not used to doing things without magic.”

“Glad to be of service. Where do you want this?” he asked, holding up the mattress-sized cushion.

“A bit in front of the fire would be nice. I am glad the staff had one lit for me before we arrived.”

“Oh? It doesn’t seem too cold in here, though. Do you get chilled easily?” David set the pillow down near the hearth.

“No, not at all actually. It is related to somewhat of a peculiar habit of mine, though, give me a moment and I will share it with you.”

Celestia walked over to the balcony and opened the doors, letting the night air mingle through the room.

David looked on curiously as Celestia turned around to watch his reaction.

The chill hit him, and the effect was immediate. David shivered and wrapped his arms around his chest.

“Whoa. It’s pretty cold tonight!”

“Indeed; it is the mountain air. Though lower altitudes are warming quickly, Canterlot can still be quite chilly.” Celestia said as she walked over to the fire. “That happens to satisfy this particular quirk of mine, though; there simply is nothing like sitting by a fire in the cold of the night. Oh, I almost forgot.”

Celestia walked past David, over to her bedside dressers. There, she carefully took off her vestments and shoes, then proceeded to pull a blanket out of a drawer which she threw over her back before returning to the fireside. She then settled into the giant pillow and looked to David.

“Would you join me? I promise you will not be cold between the fire and the blanket,” she said.

David looked at the pillow. There was more than enough room for him on it, and he was feeling the chill just standing there. David smirked before kicking off his shoes and walking over next to her.

“Thank you, Celestia. Just give me a moment to get comfortable.”

He took his time settling in. While a pony seemed perfectly natural laying on the ground, a pillow, or bed, the human did not seem quite as adept at both getting comfortable and being ready for a night of conversation.

Finally, David decided to lay on his side facing the princess with his head propped up on his hand. It was a somewhat awkward pose, but it would have to do.

Now that he was still, Celestia pulled the blanket off her back and threw it out over the two of them. It was a simple hoof-made, knitted wool blanket, not thick enough to really keep the heat in, but it would suffice when combined with a modest fire.

“Comfy?” she asked.


“Good. So, what should we talk about?”

David looked into her eyes, then got straight to the point. “Well, how do you feel about me?” he asked.

Celestia broke his gaze and blushed. “David, I… it is complicated.”

“I can accept that. Do you have an idea, or is it too soon?”

Celestia stared into the fire. The light flashed across her face, dancing across her features and sparkling in her eyes as she searched the flames for answers.

“It is not too soon. I am interested in you… as more than a friend.”

David’s smile stretched across his face, and he too turned to the face the fire.

“Celestia, I like you. I want to know more about you and get closer to you. I hope you feel the same.”

“I do—but I must warn you—as you know, I am quite old and have experienced much in this long life.”

David turned to her and studied her features. “Tell me.”

“Well, what do you want to know first?”

“Okay. If I may be so bold, how do you feel about herding?”

Celestia chuckled softly into her hoof. “Wasting no time I see. That is okay. Herding might be a touchy subject for many, as the practice has fallen away over the ages. As for myself, I see no problem with herding between ponies that love each other. There might be many circumstances where somepony might have multiple paramours.”

“Okay, but how would you feel about herding, as in being in a relationship with Luna and me.”

“Yes, well. I would have gotten to that eventually. I… am not quite certain yet. I do have feelings for you, and I also want you and Luna to be happy. If we could be happy together, that would be wonderful. But herding may not be the best description of our situation, only one of the most basic definitions.”

“What do you mean?”

“While Luna has the dominant relationship, it may not always be so. We may end up sharing that role, as I hope we eventually will equally share the rule of Equestria.”

“Oh. What about me? What if I want an equal share?”

“Hmm. I had not given it much thought along those lines. Herding dynamics is usually decided between the mares.”

“Sorry, but I imagine I will play a pretty active role in that as well.”

“That does not bother me, nor do I think it will affect Lulu’s feelings either.”

“I’m not so sure about that. Luna really likes to let others know she's in control.”

“Sometimes, perhaps. But she does that only with those outside her family. She prefers to draw a line.”

“Okay, yeah, I see your point.”

“But to think of a stallion taking an equal share in the complexity of a herd… that is still a rather unconventional idea.”

“Luckily, I’m not a stallion.”

“Yes, but this would be a communal family, not a dragon’s harem.”

David shook his head. “I never thought it would be. But let’s stop the talk on that there. Tell me more about yourself, or would you rather hear more about me?”

“I think it would be fair for me to continue to share.”


Celestia straightened up and locked into David’s gaze. “David, I know that my life comes with lifetimes of history, and that may be daunting. If you ever wish for me to stop, please let me know.”

David nodded.

Celestia took a deep breath, calming herself. “Okay. You said before that you wish to care for me, to help shoulder my burdens. I do not want to lay my greatest fears or sufferings on you all at once, but there is something I must get off of my chest before we consider entering into a relationship.”

“I’m listening.”

Celestia sighed and broke her gaze with David. She crossed her forelegs and lay her head on them as she stared into the flames.

“First, I am not my sister. Even before Luna succumbed to the Nightmare, we were quite different, and the things that were expected of us were disparate as well.

“While still young, barely recognized as a princess, I was forced into many royal pairings from the tribes. These relationships were short, for show only, and we generally lived apart, only united by name and title. They had no love or even friendship in them.”

Celestia paused.

David rolled over onto his stomach and set his chin on his hands, mirroring the princess’s posture. “Hmm. I have read of such things in the history of my world as well.”

Celestia’s eyes stayed locked in the fire’s grasp. “That surprises me very little; cultures often have many similarities in the beginning. Anyway, where was I…? In those times, it was normal for nobility to be joined together. I always found it quite interesting that these pairings were never termed as a wedding; instead, they were always a ‘uniting of two groups’ or ‘the establishment of a great era.’ Just as the relationships were a farce, the labels they ascribed to them were just as fallacious. I submitted only because it was what was expected of me. I was the eldest, and the one that symbolized the power, so I took comfort knowing that through my actions, Luna would be spared. Anytime those uncouth, sly, power-hungry fools ever looked her way I was able to use my influence to distract, dissuade, or deter them, and thus protect her from their villainy without her even knowing. And because Lulu and I were very close, the few times she came to me looking for help or protection, I did so with all the fire of the sun.”

Another pause allowed the gravity of her words to seep into David’s mind like the warmth of the flames in front of him. Then, she continued.

“One such time, I had successfully fended off a less-than-suitable suitor of hers, only to find that he was distantly related to my current political attachment. I was not yet aware that many ponies of that level of station were probably somewhat related, but I rarely paid any attention to their familial associations anyway. I was a figurehead, a trophy for them to be associated with, that is all.

“Sorry, I veered off-track again… My counterpart was related to Luna’s wooer, and he heard of how I denied his relative access to my sister. Unbeknownst to me, that did not sit well with him. Soon after, his family had arranged for a flashy vacation getaway for us; it was little more than a round-trip publicity stunt than anything. However, there, in our room at the posh hotel owned by the family, was the first time a stallion forced themselves on me.

“Though I tried to reject him, it only spurred him on. He pinned me to the bed, and since I was young and it was not in my upbringing to strike him down forcibly, I was taken. It also happened to be my first, but I would never let him know it." Celestia shuddered. "Even during his vile act, he tried to make it seem romantic, spewing words of adulation. And to think, in the world of royals… it probably counted. I am only glad that there was no progeny as a result and that his family soon broke political ties and we were no longer involved.”

“Celestia, I’m so—”

“Unfortunately, as I said, there were yet others. Not many more, thankfully, but the conniving nature of some had learned new tactics and eventually used my protective nature of Luna to achieve their lust’s desire. But time passed, and as I grew, and Equestria gained power, I was finally able to lose the shackles that tied me to the other nobility. It was only then that both Luna and I were free and safe.”

David paused this time, waiting and watching her for signs of continuing. As he gazed sidelong at her face, he saw that she still stared deep into the fire’s coals, unflinching, but also that her eyes watered as her tears threatened to break forth.

The room was filled with silence—only the crackling of the fire could be heard. David took in a slow breath to still his nerves, as her haunting story had poured adrenaline on his own internal fire, creating anger toward blank faces and sadness for the suffering she endured.

A short moment later, and David finally let out his breath. It must have been audible, as her ears twitched as he did so. Then, with careful movements, David shifted his body to the left until their sides barely touched.

His contact was met with the rustling of feathers and the slight shiver of surprise. As he rested there against Celestia’s side, she finally yielded to his presence and relaxed.

“I… I am sorry I told you such a thing,” she muttered, her voice cracking under the strain.

“It must have been horrible to endure such things, but I am glad you shared it with me.”

“I have not desired to love another since those times. My experiences have… tainted me. In truth, I must disgust you.”

David’s eyes showed pain at her words. “Why would you think that!” he exclaimed.

“I have been used and violated, and worse… that I have even submitted to their torture willingly—though only in efforts to spare Luna. But my suffering allowed me one of my greatest joys—that she was able to have the choice to be with a beloved.” Celestia forced a smile.

“I cannot truly attempt to comprehend how you feel, Celestia. What I do know is that your past makes you no less, that you are beautiful and pure beyond compare, and that anyone or any pony should be honored to stand next to you. You should never feel ashamed.”

It took a moment, but David’s words seemed to reach her. Celestia picked up her head and closed her eyes, causing tears to stream down her face and drip off her muzzle. As her emotions started to overwhelm her, it became more physically evident in her body as well. Her mane stilled and lay flat against her body, a multi-colored river of blues, green, and pink flowing against her pure white fur. She struggled to keep her composure, but even her breath hitched as her body sided with the aches of her heart.

She laid her head down again on her forelegs but turned to the side to glance at David. In doing so, David took the opportunity to wrap his arms around her neck and pull her close to him in a warm embrace.

This startling sensation, the warmth that he shared, broke the dam she held and flooded her with emotion. She wept bitterly in his arms, one of the few times she had wept for herself in ages, now finally allowing someone to support her needs.

Several moments passed before Celestia’s cathartic break subsided. She stilled herself against David’s body and allowed their heat to dry the remnants of her tears that lingered between them.

Celestia nuzzled against David, then pulled away slowly.

“Thank you, David. Your words have reached me.”

“I’m glad. You may remember a time before when I told you about one of my failed relationships. Though incomparable, it also caused me to avoid forming deep connections with others. It took me quite a while to overcome that impediment, but I finally did and now look forward to more fulfilling relationships, with Luna, and possibly with you. That being said, I don’t want you to feel pressured into entering in a romantic relationship if it's too soon for you. Likewise, any relationship that is established needs to be one with a strong foundation—one of honesty, communication, and mutual caring. Is that okay?”

Celestia smiled genuinely. “Yes, I agree wholeheartedly. David, though you have only been here a short while, and I have only recently become honest with myself, I know that I want to explore the possibility of a relationship, one with you by my side. Is that also okay?”

David turned to face the fire again. “Of course. That would make me very happy, but…”

Celestia inched closer, doubting what she heard. “But?”

“Tonight has been full of emotions for us. Making and accepting decisions like this needs to be done with a clear head. It deserves for us to give it respect. I’m not going to sugarcoat it, I think this mutual relationship will require a lot more work and dedication from us all than we expect. Mostly, I feel this way because of my involvement; I have no experience or cultural standard to work off of here. I've come to love Luna, and I don’t want to cause her pain. I also have romantic feelings for you as well, but I can’t call them love, yet. I don’t know if that’s even fair to either of you. So, I want you to talk to Luna about how you feel, and I will as well. After doing so, I then want us to have one last date before we decide.” David then finally turned to face her. “Would you agree to this and have dinner with me tomorrow night for our last date?”

Celestia searched his eyes for answers, her mouth hanging open as her mind swam through the morass of thoughts and emotions. Finally, she closed her mouth and nodded, then simply said, “Yes.”

David smiled. “Thank you. I know that’s not a lot of time, but the longer we take, the more complicated this may seem. I'll have my answer for you by tomorrow night, and I hope you'll have one too. Now, I believe it would be best for me to retire for the night, that is, if you will be okay if I take my leave now.”

“Thank you for your consideration, David. This has brought quite a few haunting and painful memories back into my mind, but I assure you, I will be okay.”

David shook his head. “Sorry, Celestia. That's not good enough for me. Would you feel better if I stay for a while then?”

She smiled. “As I have said before, perhaps you read us too well. Yes, I would like it if you would stay. We do not need to talk. Would you… would you just hold me a bit like you did before?”

“Of course.”

David inched over to Celestia and turned on his side, then opened his arms to her, reaching out under the blanket’s cover and giving her space to join him. She smiled at his actions and rolled over to meet his chest. Finally together, David hugged her tightly, then gently relaxed, allowing the two to simply lay together in silence. As she lay next to him, the vibrant colors of her mane slowly returned as her mind became calm once again.

David smiled to himself as he noticed her outward appearance began to change, mirroring the improvement of her psyche.


A bit later, perhaps an hour or so, and the two stirred.

David gently stroked her mane in an effort to quicken her return to consciousness.

“Oh my, did I doze off?” Celestia asked.

“Maybe a little. It hasn’t actually been that long.”

“Perhaps not, but as you said, it is probably time for you to retire.”

“Yes, sorry.”

Celestia shook her head and started to roll away. “Do not be. I appreciate you taking the time to care for me.”

“I’m glad you let me.”

She smiled warmly. “Perhaps, if all goes well, we can explore that another time. Until then, though…”

“Yes, I should go.”

“David, I will do as you asked. I will ponder this and discuss it with Luna. Then, I will have an answer for you tomorrow night. Will you meet me here?”

“I will. Also, I’m sorry, Celestia, but I don’t think I will see you until then. Don't read into it, I just need time alone to think.”

She nodded. “I understand.”

David rolled over and knelt on his knees. He then bent forward and took her right hoof and kissed it lightly before setting it down.

“Goodnight, Celestia.” He stood, then left her lying by the fire.

After the door had clicked shut behind him, Celestia was brought out of her thoughts. “Goodnight, my David.”


Shortly after leaving Princess Celestia’s quarters, David found himself back at Luna’s.

He barely acknowledged the Night Guards standing watch. So, assuming all was well, he entered normally, only to find that the brisk chill of the night had pervaded the room.

‘Crap it’s cold tonight!’

David looked around the room and found the empty fireplace.

‘No fire, huh. Guess they could learn a bit from Celestia’s staff.’

He quickly pushed his thoughts aside and put himself to work at making a fire. With the wood lit, he stood in front of the growing flames to warm himself before doing anything else.

‘Hmm. It’s still quite a bit early. Luna won’t be done with court for a few hours. I suppose she could come by during a recess, but I think it’s unlikely. I guess I’ll just go to bed.’

David was actually tired. Emotional toils had taken his strength and rest was needed. After he was sufficiently warmed, he ventured over to the bed and carefully disrobed, leaving only his boxers on.

He pulled back the sheets and climbed in, only to be shocked by the cold sting the silken fabric had taken from the night air. He gritted his teeth and resigned himself to his position, knowing the only way for him to warm the bed was by being in it.

The cool sheets and the night air did not hold him back long, though. Even before the room had sufficiently warmed and his own body heat had filled the bed, David was long lost to sleep. He slept peacefully, with a small grin on his face and happy dreams in his mind—warm feelings that were not lost to his lover’s perception as she checked up on the dreamworld from her position on the throne at court.
