Lyra's Changeling

by ExMedal

Chapter 4 Communication

A lot has happened since the lie dictator. The library was blown up, Twilight got a new castle and various other events that have become common place around Ponyvill nowadays. Lyra, Bon Bon and the Changeling where all sitting at the table with board expressions on there faces.

Lyra looked up at empty space "is the flashback over now coz that took forever"

Bon Bon raised her head "yeah seriously three chapters is a lot for a retelling of past events"

Look the audience would want to know what the heck is going on in the story!

"Do you really think anyone is going to believe any of this is cannon"

Look this is just a fun little fan fiction for people to read and enjoy! Now stop braking the forth wall and let me do my job please!


Lyra patted her friends shoulder with her hoof "that was a well put statement buddy"

Bon Bon sat up "thank you Lyra, now then..." She turned to face the Changeling "back to our guest problem"

Lyra scratched her head "what was the problem again. Errrrrr OH RIGHT his visit to the wedding right!"

Bon Bon looked at the Changeling "this might be off topic but has he gotten smarter since then?"

Lyra thought about the past couple of days. The Changeling has been more responsive than it was the first day he arrived, he even did stuff like clean up and do the dishes, it even started making its own meals. " this about that time you used that black thing with antenna on him wile our backs where turned?"

Bon Bon looked at her speechless.

"I was listening to the story during the flashback"

Bon Bon hung her head in shame and brought the device out "I was only looking out for you"

"I know you where Bon Bon"

Smiling in relief, Bon Bon pointed the device at the Changeling and waited for the results. [evolution level 005] she put the device down and put a hoof to her chin. "He's risen by two levels since yesterday"

Lyra looked at her friends worried expression "is that bad?"

"Not necessarily, I did some research on Changeling's and Queen Chrysalis's Hive with the information from S.M.I.L.E and it seems there are four levels in there hierarchy. The Queen is on a level on her own obviously. The generals who where the armour are second and command the army's for the queen. The drowns who do all the work. And then there's his group..." Bon Bon said as she pointed to the Changeling opposite to her "he is at the lowest level of the hierarchy, the weak, sick, old or mentally different, out of all the Changeling's in the hive his group gets the smallest amount of love. It has been discovered though examinations of previous attacks from his hive that a large number of his level of Changeling's are left behind to die to thin out the heard as it's kind of sad really"

Lyra stared at the Changeling in silence. She couldn't images what it would be like to be just thrown away by your own kind. "So I guess that's why you aren't to keen to go back to Chrysalis..."


The Changeling had stuck out his tong and pfff'd when she said the name. Lyra pondered for a moment.



Lyra giggled "Chrysalis Chrysalis Chrysalis"

"Pffffff Pffffff Pffffff"

Lyra whispered "Chrysalis"


Lyra laughed and Bon Bon wondered if she was a bad example on him. "It's a shame he's not evolved enough to talk or we could actually understand him a little more"

Lyra wiped her eyes "how evolved does he need to be?"

"Well a typical drown is a level 15 to 16, a general is 50 or so...I would say 25 to 30 tops."

"But he understands us, he knows what we say, he even reads like a pro"

"Maybe but that..." Bon Bon stopped and looked at her "he can read!"

"Yeah he's been reading Daring Doo story's all month, he's already at..."

"Stop right there! I just had an idea!"

Bon Bon rushed outside of site. There was the sound of rummaging before she came back to the table with a pencil and a small stack of paper.

"If he can read..." she said with excitement in her voice "then maybe he can write!"

The Changeling looked at the pare and then down at the paper. Carefully he took the pencil in his mouth and started scrawling on the paper. However it was having trouble controlling it and was only able to write scribbles. Lyra with a look of curiosity took the pencil out of the Changeling's mouth, took his right hoof and placed the pencil on top.

"Try like this"

The Changeling held the pencil in his hoof for a moment, rocking it in his grip experimentally. The it picked up one of the sheets and wrote one it. He then passed the page over to the two waiting ponies.


Bon Bon grinned "Yes! I mean, yes"

Lyra beamed "this is fantastic! Now we can know what he wants, what he's thinking and..." Lyra stopped like she just thought of something important. She turned her head to the Changeling "Waite you are a boy right?"

Bon Bon looked at her "you didn't know!?"

"Well I just assumed that he was a guy"

"Well..." Bon Bon looked the Changeling up and down "actually I can't tell either...are you a boy?"

The Changeling wrote on another sheet


The two ponies looked at each other and then back to the Changeling. "What do you mean technically speaking?" Lyra said.

There was more writing and he brought up a page saying


Lyra looked at the page for a moment. He was defiantly smart there was no mistake about that.
"So how do you go to the bathroom?"

The Changeling's cheeks turned bright sky blue, it seemed his kind had a different blush colour then ponies. Looking at the two ponies for a moment he took a page and wrote with the face of somepony who had wanted to ask this for days.


He trailed off in thought but Lyra could see what he was going to ask.

"Nooooooo, no no no, HELL NO! EVERYPONY THINKS THAT AND THE ANSWER IS NO! WHY DOES EVERYPONY THINK THAT! SHE HAS A COLTFRIEND IN THE ROYAL GUARD AND I AM AS STRATE AS AN ARROW!!!" Lyra fell back on her char and humped, all that could be herd was an angry muttering "mutter mutter slike saying rainbow dash is gay coz of her hair mutter mutter"

The Changeling turned to Bon Bon who was blushing violently, she knew what was on his mind. "Oh, errrr, don't worry, my errr coltfrend is stationed in Counterlot so you don't have to worry about getting in trouble or anything"

The Changeling then turned to Lyra who had her head wrapped in her hoofs and passed on a new note.


Lyra wiped her eyes and slowly grinned at him. "No I'm sorry, it's just something that happens a lot to me, I didn't mean to snap"

Bon Bon pulled away from the table and walked in between the two.

"Well now that that's been all settled I better get going to the shop, just remember no more going outside, we don't want the whole place panicking over another invasion"

Bon Bon stopped as she realised something "sooooo now that we can talk I got to know, what IS your name?"

Lyra's eyes opened "hay yeah, we never did ask that did we!"

The Changeling wrote and gave them a new note.


The pare looked at each other again "no your name not your...number"

The Changeling tapped the page. Lyra's mouth opened in shock "you don't have a name!"
Bon Bon shrugged "guess Chrysalis doesn't care enough to name her subjects, although after the first 100 I think I would run out of names myself"

Lyra looked at the Changeling numbered 586 "so what would you like to be called"

Number 586 rubbed his chin and began writing, but stopped after the first letter


Something beginning with k Lyra though, then it hit her.


The pare looked at her. "Why Kevin?" Bon Bon asked

"Don't know, it just seemed right?"

Bon Bon smiled and left the pare. She was still a little worried but she had a feeling that those two where a perfect Mach for each other. Bon Bon felt even more worried after she thought that last part, she guessed it was good that she didn't tell Lyra the last part of her research. But that would never happen, not between a Pony and a Changeling right, it would like a Pony and a Dragon or...she passed Rarity with Spike helping her shopping on the way to her shop.

Oh Celestia help her.