My Little Pony Equestria Girls

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 7: Helping Alice Win the Crown

The next day:

Everyone is eating at the cafeteria and are talking and having fun with spirit week.

Alice's are in the cafeteria too and are dressed in clothes that represent who they are and have a mark on the boys' shirts and the girls' skirts. Twilight and her friends are there too and they are also getting in on the act to help Alice with some support. The boys are also at the front middle of the cafeteria with their instrument to play along. Joseph plays the guitar, Max plays the bass, and Jerry plays the drums. The girls also has the the instrumental version of the song because they are going to sing it themselves and change it a little to inspire them to vote for Alice

Once the girls sit in different parts to the cafeteria they starts to put on their pony ears and tails.

After that they all start clapping and banging their hands and cups on the table. That catches everyone's attention.

With that Max turns on the stereo and music starts to play.

After that Amy and the others get into position and starts to sing and dance along to the song.

Hey, hey, everybody

We've got something to say

We may seem as different

As the night is from day

But you look a little deeper

And you will see

That I'm just like you

And you're just like me.


Hey, hey, everybody

We're here to shout

That the magic of friendship

Is what it's all about


We thought we were different

As the night is from the day

Until our friend Alice

Helped us see another way

So get up get down

If you're gonna come around

We can work together

Helping Alice win the crown

So get up get down

'Cause it's gonna make a sound

If we work together

Helping our friend Alice

Win the crown!

Pinkie Pie:

Hey, hey hands up now,

We're sending a message

To the crowd

Hands wave up

Then come down

We party together

All around


Generous, honesty,


Laughter, kindness, loyalty


Alice helped us each to see

Rainbow Dash:

All that we can be!

Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, Clarissa and Amy:

So get up get down

If you're gonna come around

We can work together

Helping Alice win the crown

So get up get down

'Cause it's gonna make a sound

If we work together

Helping our friend Alice

Win the crown!

Just then, Alice come through the doors and looks very happy.


I'm gonna be myself

No matter what I do

And if we're different yeah

I want you to be true to you

Just then Joseph strums his guitar to match the music.

If you follow me

We'll put our differences aside

We'll stick together and

Start working on that school pride!

Then Alice starts to Dance with her friends and they are having so much fun, and everyone is getting excited to see the performance.

All students:

Jump up make a sound


Stomp your hooves turn around

Start now, make a change,

Gonna come around

Jump up make a sound


Stomp your hooves turn around

Canterlot Wondercolts

Help her win the crown!

Joseph, Max, and Jerry starts to play their instruments and that causes everyone to get excited. Then the girls started to throw pony ears and tails all over the place. Every one starts to put them on to bring their school spirit.

Jump up make a sound


Stomp your hooves turn around

Start now, make a change,

Gonna come around

Jump up make a sound


Stomp your hooves turn around

Canterlot Wondercolts

Help her win the crown!

Jump up make a sound


Stomp your hooves turn around

Start now, make a change,

Gonna come around

Jump up make a sound


Stomp your hooves turn around


Wit that, everyone starts to dance and have so much fun that they can't contain themselves to not be part of the fun. Things are going very well and Alice and her friends are sure that this will help bring everyone their school spirit and help her win Twilight's crown for sure.

Outside the cafeteria:

Jessica can see that Alice and her friends are giving everyone a dance performance and she is looking very upset and believes that Alice will with the crown for sure.

She turned to see her friends wearing the same ears and tails like everyone else and dancing to the music.

Jessica gets very angry and screams, "Take those things off!"

Hearing Jessica screaming angrily at them, Sabrina and Raichel takes off the ears and tail and blush with embarrassment.

With her friends attention. Jessica tells them their next order. Jessica angrily says, "There's something I need you two to do."

Then Jessica makes an evil look on her face and she is confident that her plan cannot fail.

After class:

Everyone are walking the halls wearing the pony ears and tails from earlier. Everyone really feels like they got their spirit up.

Alice and her friends are walking in the halls and are pleased that everyone is happy with their ears and tails.

"Don't they look nice with these ears?" Clarissa says proudfully.

"Yeah. Rarity really helped us to bring everyone's school spirit," Alice says with a smile.

Things are going very well, but then Joseph looks surprised at something she is seeing.

Joesph can see Jessica and her friend and they look happy for some reason or another.

Joseph looks serious and asks, "Don't know why she's smiling about? Alice is the one who is going to win the crown."

Everyone can see that jessica and her friends are walking down the halls. Jessica and her friends looks at alice with a smile on their faces. Of course, Alice and her friend are not sure what is that all about, so they continues to head to class.

Jessica knocks the door and someone answers. The person answers is a woman named Jade Won the school's Vice Principal. She has pale white skin, green eyes, black hair. She is wearing dark blue suit jacket and skirt, with a white shirt under it and black heel shoes.

Jessica then starts to act innocent and sadly says, "Vice Principal Jade you need to come to the gym quickly."

When Jessica show what happened to the gym, she can see that the gym is completely destroyed, streams on the ground, food and beverages are spilled everywhere, and some of the supplies are messed up. Jade looks surprised to see the dance is trashed.

"I know this is terrible. Why would Alice do such a terrible thing?" Jessica says putting on a sad liek act feeling bad for the gym being messed up.

Jade turns to Jessica and asks, "Why would you think Alice would do something like this?"

"I found theses," Jessica says giving a folder.

Jessica then starts to make a smirk on her face because this folder has contain something that is sure Alice is out of the picture for the dance, or in the picture is more like it.

In a different part of the hallway:

There is a boy with dark brown skin, short dark brown hair, brown eyes. He is wearing a T-shirt with the Raider's symbol on it, black paints, and black converse. The boy's name is Tori Andrews. He is a good boy and athletic and good at playing an electric guitar. In fact Tori is actually Alice's secret crush.

Tori is about to head back to one of his class rooms, until he is stopped but Sunset Shimmer,

Sunset shimmer looks at Tori with a serious look on her face and says, "Hello."

"Hi, what are you doing?" Tori says nicely.

Just then, Sunset shimmer gives Tori a folder and in the photo is something very important.

Sunset says, "I need to give you these and you'll find something in the trash can in the library. After that give these to your vice principal."

"Okay," Tori says then takes the folder and puts it in his backpack.

"And you need to hurry before Alice is blamed for something she didn't do," Sunset Shimmer says. Then she decides to leave the scene before anyone else sees her.

After Sunset leaves, tori decides to look inside the folder to understand what Sunset is talking about. When he look inside the photos he makes a serious face. Then he rushed over to Vice Principal Jade's office before it's too late.

In the Vice Principal's office:

Vice principal Jade calls Alice into her office to talk to her about the incident with the gym. When Jade explains to her about the gym being a wrecked and she has photos that shows Alice doing it. Alice becomes shocked and wonder if Jessica would go this far to get the crown and if so, she needs to tell her that she didn't do it.

Alice sounds very upset and says, "But Vice Principal Jade, I was with my friends the entire time and I would never wrecked the gym, especially since Jerry and the planning committee worked so hard on putting it together."

Vice Principal Looks at Alice seriously and can tell that even with these photos Alice isn't the type to do these things and wonder if Jessica is lying about the photos.

Vice Principal Jade turns to Alice and says, "I know I just wanted to make sure because even with these photos I know you will never do something like this, but I'm afraid it might be safe for you to compete because of the photos."

Alice starts to get very upset because if she can't compete then the crown can't be returned to Twilight and something terrible will happen to Jessica even if she is a jerk to her she didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

Just then Tori comes into the office and looks very serious and sure about something. Alice and Jade can tell he is carrying some photos.

Tori walks over to Jade and says. "Vice Principal Jade, I found these in the trash can in the library and thought you should see them."

Then he hands the photos to Jade. Jade looks over the photos to see that the photos that Jessica gave to her was cut and print photos from the photos of Alice playing soccer with her friends in a soccer game.

Then Tori says, "Someone obviously combine these photos to make it look like Alice trashed the gym."

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention Tori," Vice Principal Jade says.

Then she walks toward to Alice who is still sitting down on the chair.

"Looks like we have more proof to confirm that you can still compete for the princess crown," Jade says to Alice meaning that alice can still compete for Twilight's crown.

Alice starts to feel better that and says, "Thank you Vice Principal Jade."

Then she turns to Tori and says, "And thank you Tori for proving my innocence."

"Hey it's no problem. I know you will never do something like this," tori replies with a smile.

Then Tori brings out some more photos from his backpack and hands it over to Jade. Tor says, "Also Jessica and her friends are the ones who trashed the gym and someone wanted me to give you these photos as proof."

Jade can see that someone has taken picture of Jessica and her friends trashing the gym and were trying to make it look like Alice did.

Jade looks very serious and says, "I see."

Then Vice Principal Jade says, "But, I'm afraid that with the gym a mess that we will have to propose the dance until tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow!" Alice says in horror.

"I'm afraid so," Vice Principal Jade says sadly.

Then Vice Principal Jade decides to leave her office. As she leaves she says, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to let Principal Oak know about this predicament."

After that, tori can tell that something is very wrong with alice.

Tori asks," Are you okay?"

Alice hears Tori is talking to her and starts to turn red like a tomato.

Alice looks very embarrassed and says, "Oh there's nothing wrong. I need to get going okay."

Then alice leaves the office very fast and she looks very upset about it.

"Okay, bye," Tori says as Alice is running.

Tori then starts to get sad because he wants to ask Alice to the dance on a date, but he hasn't gotten a chance to.

Alice continue to run through the halls and she has a scared and worried look on her face.

Alice scardly says, "This is not good this is not good at all!"