Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Dancing, Serenading and a Beautiful Night

After they had dined and feasted on their fabulous dinner, Indominus and Rainbow were relaxing in their hotel room until it was time to head down to the ball room. Rainbow chilaxed on one of the fancy chairs while Indominus lounged on the couch, they stared happily at each other with their stomachs full of amazing food.

"I've gotta hand it to you Indominus, you were right about the food. It was really tasty."

"For your first time trying meat, I'd say you did rather well in handling it Rainbow Dash. With some hunting experience, you might make a pretty good carnivore."

"Heh heh, here we are on our honeymoon and you still find ways to try and flatter me," Rainbow said while getting off the chair, walking over to the couch and climbing on top of Indominus. "Yet every time, you always manage to win me over. I don't know whether to tease you or kiss you smack on the scales. Oh, who am I kidding? I know exactly what to do for all your charming compliments."

Rainbow slowly wrapped her hooves around Indominus's neck and began kissing him. The hybrid returned her affection by wrapping his arms around Rainbow and gently holding her while he kissed his wife back. They had kissed so many times over the year, but every time felt as amazing as the first time when they had kissed on the battlefield after killing Black Death. Rainbow and Indominus simply loved each other too much to not show their feelings for each other. Rainbow's tail coiled itself around Indominus's in a loving embrace as the pair broke their kiss for a breath.

"How is it possible for a dinosaur like you to win my heart over, treat me like a goddess, and give me some of the best happiness I've felt in the longest time," Rainbow said while playfully tracing her hoof on Indominus's chest.

"Well let's see, we fought together against a pair of abusive excuses for ponies, brought down a dragon death machine with our family. Me and Tyrannosaurus shared the power that had been created out of yours and Scootaloo's love for us. We got to spend an incredible first date together, and had a wild afternoon. I proposed to you at the Gala, sang and danced with you and kissed you in the full light of the moon. You and Scootaloo brought us back from the dead, shall I continue? We were meant to be married my Dashie, because we're too good together," Indominus said as he gently ran his claws through Rainbow's mane.

The feeling of Indominus's claws running through her mane was so soothing that Rainbow just laid her head down on his chest and allowed the dinosaur to continue. From his perspective Rainbow looked so peaceful, and after everything she and Scootaloo had gone through to get the happiness they deserved, it was good to see his girl so content. However, he really wanted to make her feel special on the dance floor too, but still had to wait a while. So the couple just laid on the couch in peace, resting on top of each other and playfully teasing themselves.

After forty five minutes had passed, Indominus decided that it was a good time for them to start getting ready. Rainbow agreed, despite being so comfortable resting on her husband's scaly belly. Indominus was surprised when he opened the suitcase and found the suit that Rarity had put together for him. It was a sleek black, complete with bright glowing red lines along the sleeves, possibly as a gesture to his power. Indominus decided to put on the suit in the bathroom, but found that getting it on was tougher than he thought.

"Need a hand with the tux, Indominus?" The hybrid was shocked when he heard a voice that hadn't come from Rainbow Dash. He looked in the mirror and found Discord standing behind him.

"What in the devil are you doing here Discord? I thought you and the monsters were calling it a night."

"Oh we were, I simply wanted to wait until it was time for you to bust a move so I could get you into your suit, and give some friendly advice."

"What kind of advice did you have in mind for me Discord," Indominus said while the Lord of Chaos helped him into his suit.

"I just wanted to wish you good luck out there, and be more bold than you've ever been. T-Rex mentioned that you were planning on serenading Rainbow, so put your best foot out there and make her feel like the most special pony in the world."

"Discord, you wouldn't happen to be giving the same kind of advice that you've used during your time with Fluttershy, are you?" Indominus' sly remark caused a blush from Discord.

"What? Oh no no no no no no, I've just seen how much you care for Rainbow Dash. While she and I haven't quite gotten along with each other, I've never seen any pony make her smile the way you can. Do everything in your power to make Rainbow Dash feel like the most important pony ever, so that by the end of the night she'll be all over you and never want to leave your side."

"Alright Mr. Shipping Adviser. I'll make Rainbow feel wonderful tonight. By the way, I have to commend Rarity on her knack for making suits, because I look pretty darn good." Indominus admired his reflection and loved how his suit reminded him of the power that lurked within his soul. "Thanks for helping me in this Discord, it's nice to have a friend like you around."

"You're welcome Indominus, just don't let slip of me helping you like this, or Twilight and her friends will think I'm going too soft."

"My lips are sealed," said Indominus as he and Discord bumped fists. The Lord of Chaos snapped his fingers and disappeared as Rainbow began knocking on the door.

"Hey Indominus, what's taking ya so long in there? Did you have trouble putting on the suit, or did you decide to take a bathroom break?"

"No, I just needed a little more time to put the suit on. So tell me Rainbow, what do you think of it?"

Rainbow's eyes went wide once Indominus walked out of the bathroom, he looked so stunning in one of Rarity's suits. Rainbow was struggling to keep the blush on her face from being noticed, but she couldn't hide it from Indominus' keen eyesight.

"You like seeing me in a suit, don't you? Don't even try to deny it, I can see the blush spreading across your face."

"Ok ok, I think you look stunning in a suit," Rainbow said as she ran her hoof along Indominus' arm. "Rarity really outdid herself with those red marks, she must've used your transformed state for inspiration."

"That's exactly what I thought when I looked at this outfit, so now that I'm all ready to go, shall I wait for you?"

"Nah, you head on down to the dance floor, I want it to be a surprise for you and to see the look on your face when I show up."

"Very well my Dashie," Indominus said as he gave Rainbow a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be waiting for you on the dance floor."

Rainbow took the suitcase into the bathroom with her to try out her dress. While she was in there, Indominus decided to slid the window to their room open just a crack. He had his own idea for making the night magical once all the dancing was over, but for now he made his way out the door, towards the elevator and down to the main floor. When he got to the ballroom, Goldenrod was waiting at the entrance in a fancy suit himself. He was amazed at how well Indominus could pull off wearing a suit of his own.

"Wow Indominus, you clean up pretty good in a suit."

"Yeah, my friends did a great job putting this outfit together for me. Now, time for me to bust a move tonight."

"Actually, I've got a special entrance for you and Rainbow Dash. Speaking of which, where is she?"

"She told me to go ahead and that she would surprise me on the dance floor." Goldenrod's eyes lit up when he heard Indominus.

"That will actually make this even more special. Follow me Indominus, I'll let the staff notify me when Rainbow gets here."

Goldenrod led Indominus through the entrance to the ballroom and the hybrid dinosaur found himself swarmed by hundreds of guests. The staff formed a barrier around Indominus and forced the crowds to disperse. Goldenrod made his way to the main stage and grabbed a microphone to get the crowd's attention.

"Everypony, please give Indominus some space. We don't need him to be overwhelmed on his first night here." The ponies all parted away from Indominus and it gave him room to breathe. "That's better, now everypony it is my pleasure to welcome our honorary guests tonight, Indominus Rex and Rainbow Dash, who will be joining us shortly. Today was their wedding and the Princesses chose to book them a room at our lovely hotel for the next two weeks. So please everypony, make them feel welcome and accepted in our corner of excitement."

The ponies began applauding Indominus and he felt almost embarrassed from receiving so much acceptance from the guests. He distracted himself by taking in the ballroom. It was nice and spacious, had light up floors, a discoball hanging overhead and spotlights over most of the ceiling. This would be a great place for him and Rainbow to dance. He barely took one step forward when Goldenrod spoke on the mic again.

"Good news everypony, Rainbow Dash has arrived and will be entering from the other side of the ballroom. Make sure to give her plenty of space and start the music."

Indominus immediately turned his head as soon as he heard the door open. The spotlight instantly went on Rainbow as she walked into the ballroom, and Indominus felt his heart pounding a thousand miles an hour and swore he saw parts of his red power escaping his body just from seeing his wife. Rainbow was dressed in a light to dark purple dress complete with silver lacing, dark purple slippers and metallic light blue lightning bolts.

The music began starting up as Rainbow stopped in the center of the dance floor, while Indominus was so paralyzed by the look she was giving him. She was tapping her hind foot and shaking her flank to the beat while giving Indominus the most seductive stare he had ever seen. It was like Rainbow was putting on a truly stunning show for Indominus and she was turning on the charm to make herself as attractive and hot as possible.

Indominus' and every stallion's jaw in the room dropped at the sight of the rainbow mare before them. Rainbow gestured with her wing for Indominus to join her, and as he walked over to his wife, the dinosaur thought to himself, "I'm so lucky tonight."

Rainbow Dash began singing a really upbeat and loving tune to her hybrid dinosaur, who had joined her on the dance floor. Everypony danced on the sidelines as the new husband and wife began their amazing night.

Do you remember that day (that sunny day)
When we had our first date
I said no one could take your place
And if you get hurt (if you get hurt)
By the little things they say
I will put that smile back on your face

And it's alright and it's coming along
We gotta get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We gotta get right back to where started from

Indominus wrapped his arms around Rainbow's neck and stood behind her as he sang alongside his wife.

A love like ours
Can never fade away
You know it's only just begun, yeah baby
You give me your love (give me your love)
I just can't stay away no,
You know you are the only one

And it's alright and it's coming along
We gotta get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We gotta get right back to where started from

Indominus was really getting into the groove and dancing on all fours with Rainbow Dash. He kept gazing into her eyes and found that she was still giving him the seductive stare. It was so alluring that Indominus couldn't pull himself away, in fact, it made him draw closer to Rainbow until they were dancing side by side. Indominus was completely at the mercy of his wife's seductive charm and she used the opportunity to steal a kiss from him while he was still gazing at her. The ponies that were dancing cheered Rainbow on as they witnessed the kiss. When Rainbow pulled away she whispered into Indominus' ear.

"That was for all those times you stole a kiss from me today, my dinosaur stud. I'm going to rock your world by the end of the night."

"Great minds think alike my daring Dashie. We'll be wrapped in each other's embrace once this is over, and be making love until the break of dawn."

And it's alright and it's coming along
We gotta get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We gotta get right back to where started from

And it's alright and it's coming along
We gotta get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We gotta get right back to where started from

Once the song ended, the guests and staff erupted in applause and cheers for the new couple. Goldenrod handed the mic over to Rainbow so she could say a few words.

"Thank you so much everypony. Honestly, I never imagined that I'd ever be in a great place like this or having the greatest time of my life. But on that night over a year and a half ago, when Indominus and I first met, everything changed. Our time together since then has grown so much and now we are a married couple at last."

"Indeed we are Rainbow, and I wouldn't have it any other way. This pony captured my heart when I saw her doing so much to protect her sister, and now our daughter, Scootaloo. They showed me that there is a greater kindness in this world than I thought, and I want to repay this amazing pegasus for it. Which is why I'm going to sing a song of my own, and serenade my wife tonight."

The guests awwed at Indominus' request and the staff put on a soothing tune. Indominus didn't need the mic so he passed it back to Goldenrod. Indominus wasn't aware of it at the time, but Discord and the monsters were helping by providing backup vocals on the chorus line. He turned to face Rainbow Dash, held one hoof in his left hand while the other held her face and began singing to her in a deep and soft voice.

Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I want to take ya
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego, Rainbow we can tango, Jamaica
Off the Florida Keys, there's a place called Kokomo
That's where I'll take you so we'll get away from it all
Bodies in the sand, tropical drink melting in our hands
We'll be falling in love to the rhythm of a steel drum band
I will be yours for life

Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I want to take you to
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego, Rainbow we can tango
Down to Kokomo,
We'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow
That's where we want to go, way down in Kokomo

Martinique, that Montserrat mystique

We'll go out to sea and perfect our chemistry
By and by we'll defy a little bit of gravity
Afternoon delight, huge feasts and moonlit nights
That dreamy look in your eye, under Equestria's starlit sky
I'll never break your heart

Rainbow was so overtaken by Indominus serenading her that she hugged him and buried her face in his scales, while he continued to sing the song gently in her ears. The guests were so moved by how romantic Indominus was being that a few of them felt themselves tearing up over the beautiful sight. Rainbow was shedding tears of her own as the dinosaur's moving voice touched her soul and spoke to her heart. She was in such heavenly bliss from hearing Indominus singing such sweet things about her. When the song was over, she stared into her husband's eyes with tears in hers.

"You are so amazing Indominus," Rainbow said tearfully as she kissed him. "You truly are meant to be with me, so now I get my chance to serenade you."

"Make me feel just as special, as I have made you feel this evening my lovely Dashie."

Rainbow Dash wiped the tears from her eyes and motioned for the mic back from Goldenrod. He tossed it over and she caught it with her wing. Then a very touching and techno beat started as Rainbow took her turn to serenade Indominus.

I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dreams
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why
Without you it's hard to survive
'Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling
And every time we kiss I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last
Need you by my side
'Cause every time we touch, I feel the static
And every time we kiss I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so I can't let you go
Want you in my life

Rainbow put a hoof to Indominus' face and he held it with his claws. She then took her left wing and began to stroke his face while she took her turn to tell him sweet things.

"I'm so glad you and I got to meet each other on that night."

"Me too, Dashie. I loved that time we spent bonding while defending Scootaloo.

The couple then slowly went airborne while Rainbow serenaded Indominus.

"You are the most incredible lover I've ever met. Nopony in all of Equestria can compare to the love and devotion you've shown me. I will forever love you Indominus Rex."

Rainbow put her face alongside Indominus' as he began to shed happy tears of his own. They were melting each other's hearts with their loving words, and enjoying every moment of it. The guests were overflowing with emotions of their own, they had never witnessed such a beautiful and strong pair before. Rainbow continued her song once she and her hybrid dinosaur had touched down.

Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky
They wipe away tears that I cry
The good and the bad times we've been through them all
You make me rise when I fall
'Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling
And every time we kiss I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last
Need you by my side
'Cause every time we touch, I feel the static
And every time we kiss I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so I can't let you go
Want you in my life

The ponies were cheering with great energy, they were so moved by how much love Rainbow and Indominus had for each other. The serenading that was being exchanged between them was just too good and far too emotional for anypony to resist. The Golden Pony staff and Goldenrod himself were so grateful that they got to witness such a beautiful sight. Romance this powerful didn't happen in Equestria all that often. Rainbow and Indominus both had tears in their eyes as Rainbow finished her song and Indominus joined in on the final verse.

'Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling
And every time we kiss I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last
Need you by my side

They finished with a warm hug after the song had ended. The ponies were still cheering for them and many were giving praises to both of them for the great love that was shown between them. Indominus decided that he needed to give himself and his wife some air after all the excitement. So he thanked all the ponies for their support and led Rainbow Dash out to the garden where they could have some alone time. The music in the ballroom continued long into the night while the couple got some time to themselves.

Out in the garden it was much more peaceful and Indominus finally had time to talk with Rainbow. They chose to sit down on a bench underneath a gazebo and catch their breath after all the singing and dancing. Rainbow laid her wing down on Indominus' hand and stared into his crimson eyes.

"That was so wild Indominus, and it sure was lovely to hear what you said to me."

"Sure was and what a great song you chose to sing to me."

"Indominus, I hope that we can have moments like these more often like with our love sessions. I really love the time that we spend together."

"Why of course Dashie, you just have to ask me and I'll see to it that it happens. I'll do anything I can to make you feel special."

Rainbow brought Indominus' face in front of hers before she spoke again.

"You've always made me feel special Indominus. There isn't a moment we've shared where you haven't made me feel special. I always feel so alive and my life feels complete when you're around. Just promise you won't tell any of our friends about this, I wouldn't want them to know how I act when I'm around you."

Indominus put his hand on Rainbow's face and spoke softly.

"I won't breathe a word of what happens while we're here Rainbow Dash. Whatever happens between us on this trip, doesn't leave the hotel. It will be solely between you and me."

Just then, they heard a strange music coming from somewhere in the garden.

The pair spotted a piano and violin orchestra playing a slow and soft tune for them. Indominus saw that they were giving him and Rainbow a chance to have another slow dance. Indominus took the initiative and got down on one knee in front of Rainbow, who was stunned by his bold behavior.

"I know the others have told me how you feel about slow dances, but may I have this dance with you, my lovely and loyal Dashie?" Rainbow felt a powerful blush on her cheeks and gently placed her hoof in Indominus' hand.

"I've said it before, I'll say it again. With any other stallion I would say no, but you are the only exception I'll make. I'd love to dance with you Indominus Rex."

Indominus walked with Rainbow out from under the gazebo, stood in the center of the garden and the pair began to slow dance under the moonlight. Indominus gently wrapped his arms around Rainbow's body and held her close. She did the same with her hooves and they began to slow dance in perfect harmony with each other. Indominus increased his size slightly now that he had more room, and Rainbow followed suit. Both pegasus and dinosaur were so light and fluid with their movements, just like during the first fight they had fought in, the lovers were a united body and soul. The few ponies that were in the garden watched in silence from afar, so as to not interrupt the moment between the lovers.

The moonlight from above illuminated the dancing lovers, glimmering on them, dancing with their movements and strangely staying solely on Rainbow and Indominus. Every pony in the garden could see the moonlight shining on Rainbow and Indominus, lighting up their scales and fur. Both of them looked so mesmerizing and just so at peace in their little piece of heaven. The dinosaur had a pretty good idea of who was making the moment more beautiful for him and Rainbow Dash. Without disturbing the dance, Indominus glanced up at the moon where he could swear he saw glowing eyes, a mouth and a flowing mane staring back at him.

"Thank you Luna," Indominus said silently under his breath so Rainbow wouldn't be disturbed. She was resting her head against his body with a content and loving smile on her face.

Indominus watched as the face in the moon gave him a wink and saw the mouth move and whisper "you're welcome Indominus," before it faded.

Indominus then decided to tease Rainbow a little, now that they had their perfect peace.


"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash looked up from her comfort into Indominus' eyes.

"Before you met me, did you ever believe in love at first sight?"

"Before I met you, I would've never even considered love. I didn't think it would ever be an important part in my life. When I met you however, I think that I was slowly becoming a believer. So yes, I do believe in love at first sight, now that you are part of my life." Rainbow went back to resting her head on Indominus' shoulder, and he could see that she was starting to get tired.

Indominus thanked the orchestra for giving them such a beautiful soundtrack to dance to, and took flight towards the penthouse window. He held Rainbow Dash in a princess cradle as he flew up to the window that he had slid open slightly in anticipation for their night of dancing. He pushed open the window with one arm, then closed it behind him after they got inside. Indominus gently laid Rainbow down on the golden bed and helped her take the dress off. After it was hung up, Indominus put Rainbow Dash into the bed first and pulled the covers over her. He then took his suit off and got into bed next to her.

Rainbow snuggled closer to Indominus and they shared another loving kiss. When they parted, Rainbow still had a few kind words left to say to her husband.

"I love you Indominus. I love you more than anything I could've ever received in my life."

The hybrid dinosaur laid his arm across Rainbow's body as he took one more turn.

"I will always love you with all my heart and soul Rainbow Dash. Promise you won't leave my side tonight?"

"Turn off the lights and I'll fall asleep in your embrace."

Indominus reached toward the light switch with his tail and pulled Rainbow right beside his body as the lights were turned off.

"Goodnight, my beautiful Dashie."

"Goodnight, my strong and lovely hybrid dinosaur."