(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XXVI - …Try, Try Again

Act XXVI - …Try, Try Again

Luna skipped to an unheard beat as she traveled down the halls of the castle, the night court having recently adjourned. If somepony listened carefully, she could be heard humming a merry tune as she proceeded back to the royal wing.

‘David and Tia went on a date… Oh, what a great day! If all goes well, perhaps we shall all be together!’

Finally reaching the door to her room, she stopped and looked to the shadowy corners, silently addressing her guards.

“My princess…” a gruff voice spoke up from the left corner.

“Yes?” Luna replied.

“A message was delivered from your… your…”

“From Sir David,” a feminine voice said from the right.

“Oh? And the message?” Luna asked.

“He said if you need him, he will be in his quarters tonight,” said the feminine voice.

“I see. Is that all?”

“Yes, my princess,” the guards said in unison.

“Thank you,” Luna replied.


The door to David’s chambers opened a mere crack, just enough for an eye to spy within. The interior of the room was dark, except for a few embers in the fireplace and a sliver of moonlight that shone through the window.

For the intruder, keeping the door’s opening as small as possible was important, as the light from the hallway formed a brilliant dagger, one ready to thrust its way in and murder the peaceful sleep of the unsuspecting tenant.

Luna pushed the door gently, slowly prying it open as she pressed her body tightly to the frame. She moved with care and precision, doing her best to make as little noise as possible. Spying her lover in his bed, she smirked to herself, then carefully closed the door.

Her goal was simple: creep into bed and gain the snuggles that she wanted. Achieving the goal, however, required patience and stealth.

Luna stayed close to the door, where her actions would be muffled by the expensive ornamental rugs. There she dealt with her metal trappings, removing them as quietly as possible. Now free of her restraints, she made her way to the foot of the bed.

Her horn poked at the sheets as she made her entry from below, gently tenting the fabric ahead of her muzzle. Behind her, her tail swished slowly, taking the form of a cute little ghost as she crept toward her man.

Finally, the sheets before her lifted and revealed the belly and chest of David, lying on his side. Now somewhat exposed, David shifted away from the chill. Luna was not deterred, though, as she was almost in position. She lay on her side, angling to meet his torso with her back. Clutching her forehooves to her chest and holding her wings tightly to her side, she pushed upward with her legs, aiming her head to fit into that perfect spot below his chin.

David mumbled in his sleep, startling her, and caused her to freeze in place. She was close enough to feel his heat; it soothed her body yet tempted her mind—she was only a hoof’s width away. She waited for him to settle, somewhat holding her breath. Finally, she shuffled back and managed to make contact with his chest at her withers.

Ahh…  It is always so nice to feel him against me. I truly am a lucky mare.

Luna sighed a bit and relaxed, finally having made a connection. She waited like this for a few moments before attempting to get closer, as one point of contact would not sate her tonight. Soon, she began to shift her body, piece by piece, in an effort to plaster skin and fur together. She arched her back, increasing the territory she had invaded. As she moved closer, she intended to mate her rump to his groin but met his knees instead.

Apparently, when David previously shifted, he had somewhat curled up, and his knees were now was barring her way to bliss. Luna paused for only a moment, then nudged David’s knobby knees lightly with her back, trying to get him to relax and extend his legs.

Perhaps she nudged too forcefully, though, as although he did extend his legs, he also started to roll.

Luna had lost precious ground. The previous connection she had made was lost as David rolled away! She felt the air seep in between them, and it left her feeling pained and lost.

She steeled her will. ‘Take advantage of what you have, Luna.’

So, Luna stretched out, now having the room to do so. She was glad not to be curled into a ball anymore; it was uncomfortable, even though she had been able to get close to him that way.

But things didn’t end badly for her. A few moments after Luna resigned herself and stretched, David made another move of his own and rolled toward her, once again pressing her back to his chest. This time, the puzzle pieces fit together nicely, and David even laid a comforting arm over her body.

Still, underneath the sheets, it could only be assumed that Luna was beaming a bright smile as she snuggled into his embrace, enjoying the time with her lover before falling into a deep sleep.


David stirred and blinked his eyes as he woke. It was still quite early in the morning, and he had not yet felt the prompting for the sun to rise and moon to set. Though not yet dawn, the night’s darkness had begun to fade, slightly illuminating the room. Looking down, he saw a patch of dark blue hair and felt the presence of its owner pressed against him.

‘Now when did she…? Nevermind.’ He smiled.

David moved his arm from around his mare to scratch his head. Instead of returning it its previous location, he laid it at his side. He laid his head down, burying it in the starry mane until he found the top of her head and her horn.

David loved the feeling of her fur against him. His hands soon moved to her mane and combed through it with his fingers. He sighed a warm breath, then deeply inhaled the scent of his lover’s mane, it somewhat tickling him in the process. He moved his head in a bit more and rubbed his chin and lips lightly on her head, then teased her ears with his stubble, causing them to twitch in her sleep. Then he stilled his head but kept stroking her mane as he became lost in thought.

‘Oh, Luna… I hope you never know how conflicted I feel sometimes. I love you, but part of me still is amazed that you even exist. It’s as if coming here re-wrote my brain, making all this seem believable, making it real.

‘Less than two weeks ago, not only were you and everypony here not real to me but the thought of me having a relationship with a… non-human—it never crossed my mind.

‘And now, it feels natural. I suppose I owe a lot to having been introduced to the characters, I mean, the others, before I got here. I can’t imagine being thrust into this land without a clue about it.

‘I’m thankful for that, and how quickly the mind can adapt to some things. Honestly, if you hadn’t talked to me that first night, I don’t think things would’ve gone well for me. You opened up and bonded with me, and those feelings gave me hope. Then suddenly, you were the only thing that really kept me grounded was thinking back to you. How you talked to me, how you touched me. You, and your kiss.’

David smooched the top of her head at the base of her horn, eliciting a shiver out of the mare.

“Mmmm. Good morning, love,” Luna cooed.

“Morning, Luna.”

Luna shifted, turning toward David, her hooves rising in the air as she lay on her back. She turned her head to face David and pressed her lips to his for a lovely, morning kiss.

“It is still quite early, are you feeling alright?” she asked.

“Oh, yeah. I just woke up naturally. I suppose it is a bit early, but the exchange should be coming soon.”

Resting her head against his chest, Luna smiled as she stared into his eyes. “How was your evening?”

“It was… okay, I guess.”

“Do you not want to talk about it?” Luna’s brow furrowed.

“It’s just… I don’t know. It feels a bit odd, discussing my date with you.”

“I see. That is fair.” She put on a half-smile. “Will you… see her again?”

“Yes. Actually, we have a tentative date set for lunch.”

Luna’s smile bloomed as her heart swelled. ‘I hope David is able to make her happy as he does for me.’

David gently rubbed her chest as he lay next to her. He stared at the ceiling, a placid smile on his face.

A shiver coursed through David’s body, and Luna turned her head to face him.

“It is almost time for the exchange. We should not keep my sister waiting.”

“Luna, I think I’ll stay here if that’s alright.”

“Oh, and breakfast?” she asked.

“No. I think I’ll sleep in today. I could use the rest,” he lied.

Luna sensed his unease and furrowed her brow. “Know that how you feel is okay. Would you permit me to stay this morning as well?”

David smiled honestly. “I’d love that. Can we just snuggle a bit and sleep in?”

“Nothing would give me more joy.” She shimmied closer and pressed her body against his.

David rewrapped his arm around her chest, which Luna grasped with her hooves. Being on her back, though, had taken its toll, and she rolled away, then pushed back to regain contact.

“What about Celestia? Will she be okay with both of us skipping out this morning?” David asked.

“She should not fret. There have been many mornings when I have retired early, and she has handled our duty alone. I do feel a bit guilty, though, as since your condition has developed, I have left her to manage it herself, even though I am here.”

“Oh. If you think you should go, please do. You can always come back,” he said.

“No. I have faith it will be fine. You will see.”

The two snuggled under the sheets, spooned together in blissful peace. They were still, except for the casual rise and fall of their chests or every once in a while, David would stroke Luna’s sides or she would flick her tail lovingly over his legs.

A few moments later, the sun started peeking above the horizon, sending light cascading across the ceiling. As the light grew brighter, David felt his mare tremble slightly in his arms as her magic dissipated, making her feel cold and vulnerable. She slowly let the breath out of her lungs, centering herself, even while her mane became pale and lifeless.

Luna whinnied quietly as the moon went to sleep off the day. Finally out of her sister’s grasp, Luna’s magic began to return to her, her strength returned, and her mane recovered its ethereal qualities.

David leaned in close, resting his chin on her head. “Are you okay?” he whispered.

“Mm-hmm.” She flexed her wings slightly.

The exchange had passed, and the two lovers lay together peacefully until sleep retook them both.


A regal white mare walked into the dining room. She plodded along methodically with her head held low as if she watched each step before her.

Celestia let out a sigh, stopping as she approached her chair. She raised her head and looked around the empty room. The flowers below the bay windows were beautiful, and the morning light shone in, accentuating their display.

‘Luna did not come for the exchange, and now they are both late for breakfast.’

She shook her head, then raised it high. Her face now wore a placid smile as she climbed into her chair.

‘I suppose I should wait. They will probably be here soon.’

Moments passed by with the princess sitting rigidly in her seat. She casually looked around again, scrutinizing the room’s details, as if she was attempting to commit them to memory.


Her head swung toward the noise with lips opened in preparation to greet the late party. Instead, it was the prep room door that had opened, and Cherry walked through it toward Celestia.

Celestia’s mouth was still hanging slightly agape when Cherry stopped at the table and looked up at her.

“Good morning, Princess. It was getting quite late, so I decided to see if there was something I could do. I hope you weren’t waiting for us.”


Cherry looked on and cocked her head.

“Sorry, Cherry,” Celestia said. “I suppose I lost track of time. It looks like it will be just me today.”

“Okay, Princess. Should I go ahead and start the meal?”

“Yes, please do.”

Cherry smiled and stamped her back hoof twice against the hard floor. The sound caused the prep room door to pop open and three of her chefs to file in, each carrying a platter.

Celestia eyed the spread before her. “What have you brought this morning?”

“Today I’ve made David’s French toast! I had hoped he would be here to evaluate it, but I suppose that can wait for another time.”

“Impressive. When did you find time to learn the recipe, Cherry? The last I heard from you, David had not shared how to prepare it.”

“Well, I may have, kind of, extorted it from him last night.”

“Oh, Cherry. What did you do?” Celestia smiled knowingly.

“He was in such a rush last night; he wanted to use the kitchen to cook, so I made him teach me first. I figured he told you.”

“Why is that?”

Cherry drew closer to the regal mare. “He was practically begging me to use the kitchen to cook for you.”

“Now, Cherry, that is simply not—”

“Princess,” she interrupted, “you know I can be trusted to keep a secret.”

Celestia sighed. “Yes, I know. David and I did have nice, friendly dinner last night. The meal was wonderfully prepared, by the way.”

“I’m glad you liked it, Princess, I know how hard he worked on it.”

Celestia nodded. “Thank you for being a good friend to David.”

“Of course!”

Celestia turned back to her meal, then the empty seats at the table. “Cherry, would you… like to join me for breakfast?”

Cherry was shocked. “Who, me? Oh, Princess, I shouldn’t.”

“It is okay. Please, there is more than I can eat alone,” Celestia said as she motioned to the bench.

Cherry contemplated the offer, then smiled. “Okay, Princess. Give me one moment, please.”

Cherry returned to the prep room for a moment, then came back to the dining room and sat down on the bench next to Celestia.

“Shall we begin then?” Celestia asked.


Celestia started first, grasping her fork and knife in her magical aura and moving to cut a portion of her meal. She glanced to her left, where Cherry was taking a moment to prepare, pulling on a black hoof-band with her teeth. Celestia paused, watching the young mare. A beautiful smile grew on the ruler’s face as she reminisced of yesterday’s events. She then put down her silverware, turned to her right, and took off her shoe.

Cherry looked up, now having lodged her fork in her band. She watched as her princess dropped her shoe, exposing her white hoof and a black hoof-band resting above it. Celestia then lightly grasped the band, pulled it down onto her hoof, and lodged her fork under the band in a similar manner.

“Whew, I’m ready now,” Celestia said with a smile.

Cherry smiled warmly. “Let me know what you think!”

Celestia focused on the plate in front of her. There lay two golden-brown slices of thick toast, still warm from the griddle, and a small assortment of berries.

Celestia cocked her head. “What do you suggest?”

“I like mine with syrup and powdered sugar, then I just eat a bite of fruit every now and then.”

“I see,” the monarch replied.

Celestia grabbed the small pitcher of syrup daintily, and poured a bit on her toast and plate. She then dusted them lightly with the sugar shaker, making sure not to overdo it. After Celestia had finished, Cherry did likewise, using just a bit more syrup.

In the moment it took Cherry to prepare, Celestia had already cut her first portion and it was making its short journey to her mouth. “Mmm,” she mumbled while chewing. “Ohh, this is very good indeed. The outside is crispy, but the inside practically melts in my mouth!”

Cherry smiled. “Yes, that apparently is one of the secrets David has for this particular dish. He warned me of common mistakes, like if the bread is too thin, or it is cooked too long on the griddle.”

Celestia watched as Cherry took her first bite as well, closed her eyes and carefully evaluated her own culinary performance.

“Mmm. Yes, it’s good, but it’s not David good,” Cherry surmised.

Celestia chuckled. “My dear, if you could replicate his dish after one try, what use would he be!?”

Cherry smirked, staring at her meal. “Oh, I can think of some uses for him,” she said saucily.

Celestia’s eyes went wide. “Miss Cherry!”

“I uh…” Cherry’s ears flattened, and she shrank away. “Sorry, Princess Celestia, I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Celestia huffed and regained her composure. “No, no. I must apologise, I was only… surprised. My sister had joked at such things, I simply hadn’t realized the truth of the matter.”

“Please don’t be angry, we’re just friends,” Cherry pleaded.

Celestia took another bite and chewed it slowly, then consumed a raspberry. “I certainly am not angry with you, Cherry. You are free to feel and act as you please, even to say what is on your mind. Do not let any of us dictate otherwise.”

“That’s kind of you to say, Princess, but… how do you feel?”

“About what?”

“Well, about me liking David,” Cherry said meekly.

Celestia swallowed her bite and stared at her plate. “I am not sure I can answer that question,” she answered calmly.

“Please? It has bothered me for quite a while,” Cherry pleaded again.

“I see. I am sorry to have made you feel so uncomfortable. Well… I have no qualms with your interest in him.”


Celestia nodded. “Yes, but I cannot help but feel a bit envious.”

Cherry was stunned into a double-take. “What did you say, Princess?”

Celestia sighed. “Sorry, that deserves some explanation. I find myself somewhat lacking in my own ability to express or even understand how I feel. Seeing you or even Luna be so sure about your feelings and being able to express yourselves… it makes me feel… lacking.”

“But… you’re Princess Celestia! You’re amazing and can probably do anything!”

“That is nice of you to say, but even being a princess does not make life easy.”

“Of course not. Ah, I see.”

“Yes, my little pony, I think you do. Some things are difficult for anypony and may only get easier with practice. I feel there are many things of which I could improve on.”

“Ya know… sometimes things work better if you just try less.”

“I am not sure I understand, Cherry.”

“I just mean you need to be… you and let the hay fall where it is. You don’t have to be the princess all the time.”

Celestia let out a snort. “Well—”

“Forgive me, Princess! I didn’t mean any disrespect to you, I just said what I felt.”

“Cherry, please do not feel as if I am upset by what you have said. This is not the first time I have been told as much. It is just a bit hard to hear now, knowing how foolish I have been. In fact, I want to thank you for being so sincere and offering your advice. I hope I can act on your suggestion.”

“It was my pleasure, Princess. For all you have done for me, it is the least I can do for you.”

“You do more for me—for all of us—daily, than many could ever imagine to accomplish, Cherry. We are all thankful for your talents and service, and that you would choose to be here for us.”

“Wow. I…”

“Let it lie, Cherry.”


Celestia smiled wistfully at her breakfast companion and received a warm smile in return. A quiet moment was shared like this until the regal ruler spoke again, breaking the silence.

“I apologise, Cherry. As much fun as this has been, it is now time for me to go serve the public. Thank you again for the wonderful breakfast and good company. Perhaps we will do this again sometime, but if you will forgive me, I must be off.”

Cherry stood from her seat and bowed politely. “Thank you, Princess. I enjoyed it as well. Have a good day!”

Celestia stood from her seat and gave a polite nod before reshoeing her hoof and heading out of the room.

Cherry watched her leave and stood silently, thinking to herself. ‘Well, David, it looks like you’ve got a challenge coming. I hope you don’t get into trouble!’


Back in his own room, David’s eyes shot open with a somewhat panicked expression showing on his face. He looked to the window. By the light of the sun, it was still morning. He raised his head from his pillow and looked around the room.

‘Phew,’ David thought. ‘I almost overslept for our lunch date. I suppose I should’ve grabbed my clock and set an alarm.’

David glanced at his lover next to him. Her head barely poked out from under the covers, nostrils gently flaring as she breathed in and out.

‘Sorry, Luna. I’ve got to get ready. Maybe I can sneak out just as you snuck in.’

David slowly unwrapped a blue wing from around his chest and placed it back at Luna’s side. He watched her carefully for any signs of movement or waking, but luckily, there were none.

‘Hmm, she must’ve been exhausted.’

After waiting a few moments, David started to roll away from the sleeping mare. As soon as he had some space between his chest and her back, though, her wing sprang open, lightly hitting him as it extended. He sat still, watching as the sheets were tented by her outstretched wing.

‘Huh,’ he mused.

Luna groaned a bit in her sleep and then slowly, the wing relaxed and returned to her side, covering her up again.

‘That was odd. I hope our position wasn’t putting any stress on her wings. I’ll ask her about it later.’

David had now fully extracted himself from his lover’s touch and lay quietly by her side, watching. After a short moment, he readied himself and slipped out of bed.

The bed shifted a bit, and Luna stirred in response. She rolled over on her back with her hooves in the air, then continued to roll over to her other side and stopped in the spot David had originally occupied.

David wore a slight frown. It didn’t exactly sit well with him, sneaking out like this. He leaned over the bed, and holding onto the headboard for stability, he kissed Luna’s cheek lightly. “Sleep well, my princess,” he whispered before standing again.

Luna moved her mouth silently, making a wet smacking noise, and then nuzzled into the pillow.

The sight raised David’s spirits, and he couldn’t help but put a smile on his face.

But now was not the time for him to watch her sleep. He had to go get prepared. He tiptoed around the bed, stopping at the foot. There, on the rug, he found Luna’s royal vestments, just where she had left them the night before.

David smirked and carefully picked them up, placing her crown and peytral on the vanity and her shoes next to the bed.

Finished tidying up, he went into the bathroom and closed the door.


Now clean and shaven, David put on his blue and white sash-striped polo and white pants. He remembered back to when he first wore them, for his first dinner with the princesses.

‘It’s hard to believe it’s only been a week since then.’

Having completed his ensemble, he quietly left the room and closed the door behind him.

The hallway was darker than expected. Though the sunlight outside poured into the hall from an overhead window, there were shadows present next to his door and at the end of the hall.

David looked at the obvious shadow next to him. “Thank you for your service. I believe she will be sleeping a while longer,” he said to nopony.

“Understood,” said a feminine voice from the shadow.


David entered the royal dining room a bit early. He hadn’t made the suggestion to Cherry or Celestia yet, but he felt like it would be a good idea to change the venue for the date to the solarium. That way, Cherry would be less likely to spy or get ideas in her head.

He approached the prep room door and listened. Inside he could hear Cherry giving orders and ponies scurrying around.

Knock, knock, knock.

A loud “eep!” and a flurry of female voices could be heard in the room, some teasing Cherry for her vocal reaction. Cherry called them out and asked for quiet.

‘I wonder what that was all about,’ David thought.

The door opened slowly, and Cherry’s muzzle peeked out wearing a bright blush. “Oh, hi, David! What can I do for you?” She smiled.

David could overhear some ponies talking in hushed voices behind the door. “Oh, sorry to bother you when you’re busy, but as usual, could I ask you for a favor?”

“Okay. One second. I’ll be right out.” Cherry turned back to the room and shushed everypony inside, then set them back to task before walking out and closing the door. “What can I do for you today?”

“It depends. What’s it going to cost me?” David smirked.

“Ha, ha. If you think it’s expensive, you shouldn’t ask,” Cherry said drolly.

“Just joking. Today I’m supposed to meet Princess Celestia for lunch—”

“Ohhhhh!” Cherry interrupted. “She didn’t seem very happy this morning at breakfast. That reminds me—where were you this morning?”

“I was with Princess Luna, we both… slept in.”

Cherry looked a bit flustered and her almost dissipated blush returned with gusto.

“Sorry, Cherry. Too much info, I guess.”

“No, it’s fine. I’m just sorry you missed it. I made French toast!”

“Oh, that is too bad. Was it good?”

“The princess seemed to think so, but I know it wasn’t as good as yours.”

“I’m sure it was great. Hopefully, you can cook it again for me next time.”

Cherry looked away. “Yeah, I guess so. You did teach me after all. So… what did you want to ask me again?”

“Like I said, Princess Celestia and I are meeting for lunch. I’d like to cheer her up a bit, especially since you said she seemed down at breakfast. I thought it would be nice to have lunch in the solarium. Would that be possible?”

“What about Princess Luna?”

“She… won’t be joining us.”

“I see. I think that should be doable. Today we were planning on serving a light meal, just sandwiches and soup.”

“That sounds great. Do you need me to do anything to get the meal to the solarium?”

“No, you’ve been in my kitchen enough, and now my staff wants to know why they haven’t been allowed to meet you yet. You just go to the solarium and wait. I’ll have everything prepared soon.”

“Thanks, Cherry. Remind me to do something nice for you in return.”

“Hmm. That does sound like a good idea. I’ll take that IOU. See you later!”


Celestia walked briskly into the royal dining room only to stop as she crossed the threshold. She looked around the barren room for some sign of life, but there was nobody present.

“Where is he? I’m only a few minutes late, did he not wait for me?” Celestia’s eyes searched the room for clues, but her vision was blurred, and her eyelids threatened to close on their owner.

She held her head high and stared at the ceiling, then slowly closed her eyes and let her head drop, letting it hang low. The loss was crushing her spirit, and she dragged her hooves across the floor as she made her way to the door of the royal apartments.

She had just passed her normal seat when she spied something placed on the table. She closed her eyes tightly then opened them again to clear her vision. A note card was placed at the head of the table, one with her cutie mark drawn upon it.

In a blur of golden light, the card was snatched up and unfolded in front of her eyes. Her brow furrowed as she began to read the not-yet-familiar words, then relaxed and a genuine smile graced her lips as their meaning was conveyed.

Once again standing tall and majestic, Celestia looked to the door of the royal apartments again, this time with renewed vigor on her features and not defeat. She broke into a quick trot and threw the doors open, dropping all pretenses of composure.


The solarium door was flung open, its hinges creaking to voice their pain.

There in the doorway stood Princess Celestia, Bringer of the Sun—and heavy breathing. She held the door open with her wing with her hooves splayed out on the castle’s stone floor for balance as she struggled to catch her breath.

“I am so. sorry. I am late!” she managed in between breaths.

David looked at her, gasping and wheezing, and smiled as he put down his teacup. “Hello, Celestia, I’m glad you could make it!”

David’s bright countenance gave comfort to Celestia, and she visibly relaxed as she gazed back at him.

“Well, don’t just stand there, come on in and take it easy! Lunch has already been served so we can get started whenever you’d like,” he said, motioning for her to come in.

Celestia was rarely one for few words, but now she had none. Instead, she pulled her hooves together to stand upright and raised her head tall. Now wearing a shy smile, she entered the room and quietly closed the door before heading over to where David was sitting.

Looking at the arrangement, there was a low table facing the outside with one double-sized cushion to sit on, the same that Celestia and David had shared before while talking together several days ago. Celestia walked over to David, where he sat, and noticed there was barely enough room for her to sit next to him. It was cozy, to say the least.

“Excuse me,” she said as she positioned herself to sit on the cushion next to him.

David shook his head. “Nope, no finery at the table,” he started, “shoes and regalia go over there.” He pointed to a small table near the door, under which he had placed his shoes.

Celestia looked at him, her head cocked and a single brow lifted.

David simply took a sip of his tea, then turned to her. “Go on. Or do you need some help?”

“Hmph!” Celestia pouted and turned her muzzle skyward. Slowly, she walked over to the table and sat down. She carefully took off her crown and peytral with her hooves, placing them on the table, then hoofed off her shoes and set them next to David’s.

David was busy staring outside. Hearing the metal shoes hit the floor, he reached over and patted the pillow next to him, then went back to his tea.

Celestia walked back over and looked at him. “Excuse me,” she said again as she prepared to sit down.

David leaned away, giving her a bit more room as she sat her rump down on the pillow next to him, then straightened back up, pressing the side of his butt into her haunches. They were quite close, almost uncomfortably so.

“I’m glad you’re here,” he said. “Do you think you will have to leave soon?” he asked, turning to look her in the eyes.

“I—” she stared back into his smile. “I think we have a bit. I took care of a few things before adjourning for lunch to have more time, but it caused me to be a little late. Sorry.”

“Don’t worry. You’re here now, that’s what really matters.” He pushed a little into her side, giving her a playful shove.

Celestia broke his gaze, turning away. “I was… I became anxious when you were not in the dining room.”

“Oh. I didn’t think— Should I have sent the note to the throne room?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, that may not have been best. I was just— I rushed in and expected to see you… hoped to see you. You were not at breakfast, and I thought—”

Celestia felt herself being pulled to David’s side. His arm held her tightly. “I’m sorry about breakfast. I didn’t think you’d feel that way about it. That was my fault. Yesterday was just very tiring for me.”

She relaxed into his side. “It is okay. I understand.” Celestia then straightened up and pulled away slightly. “So, what has Miss Cherry prepared for us today?” she said, feigning interest in the table before her.

David pointed out each item on the table. “Well, it seems Cherry has sent us a tureen of creamy tomato-basil soup and assorted sandwiches.”

“Oh, that seems quite nice, however, it may be a bit difficult to eat.” She frowned.

“We’ll manage,” David said with a grin. “May I serve you?”

“Thank you.”

David ladled some soup into a small bowl. “What sandwiches would you like?” he asked.

“Let us see… Ooh, I would like a couple of those mixed flowerd and greens, a couple of the cheese, and, yes, a few cucumber ones as well.”

David quickly piled up her requests on her plate, then mirrored her choices on his own.

“David, I thought you said you cannot digest flowers?”

“That is true, I get virtually no nutritional value out of them, but most of them do not have any negative effects and can taste quite… interesting? Besides, I want to try things that you like as well.”

“Oh.” A small blush reappeared. “Let us try one then.”

Celestia bent down to grab one of her sandwiches, but David was quicker. He reached down and took her sandwich off her plate and sniffed it, then offered it to her. Celestia looked at it, then him, then took a bite from his hand.

“Mmm,” she mumbled in delight.

David looked at the partially eaten finger sandwich and popped the rest into his mouth, his eyes darting to the outside view as he pondered the taste.


“What do you taste?” she asked.

David swallowed. “It tastes like… bitter greens, pepper, lettuce, something floral, but also honey and tart citrus.”

“Yes. And now what do you smell?”

David breathed in through his nose and mouth. He closed his eyes, trying his best to focus. “Uh, lavender, something like herbal tea, daisies, and uh… a meadow?”

Celestia smiled and nodded at his comprehension. “That is quite right. This particular blend is mostly wildflowers. I believe the tea inspiration you were thinking of was hibiscus.”

“Oh, yeah. I can see it now. Would you like another? I kind of took yours without asking.”

“Thank you, but let us try another. Would you mind dipping the cucumber sandwich in the soup for me?”

“Sure.” David took the sandwich and dipped it, carefully wiping off the excess, then offered it to Celestia. He watched as she drew closer to his hand, her mouth open and reaching for the bite.

Celestia couldn’t help but be glued to David’s eyes. He was watching her intently as she drew closer to his outstretched hand. She felt her body heat up as she neared the goal and finally the feeling of the soup-laden bread hit her tongue, causing her lips to close on instinct. They wrapped around the sandwich and David’s fingertips.

David didn’t move a muscle, but Celestia instantly recognized her mistake and pulled away, tearing the sandwich in half. She didn’t savor the bite but instead swallowed it immediately.

“I am sorry, David. I did not pay attention.” She blushed rosily.

“Don’t worry,” he reassured her. “I wasn’t either.”

David then took the small bit of sandwich and dipped it in his own soup, then chewed and swallowed the morsel.

“Oh, that’s nice. I really like the soup, but the clean, crisp cucumber really adds to it,” he commented.

“David… you do not need to feed me. I can manage myself.”

“Yes, I know that. But I do appreciate you allowing me to try. I can really tell that it’s you that’s here, and that makes all the difference. If you don’t want me to feed you, just say so.”

“Well, I have received some good advice recently. It is not always easy for me to ‘be myself.’ And if you do not object, I do not mind if you wish to share this meal or even feed me. It is a bit flattering, I might add.”

“Oh, so you like it?”

“It is… new. I have not been doted on in quite some time. Many centuries in fact. Long ago it was demanded by my servants that I only be fed, never to eat by myself.”

“That sounds interesting. So, my princess, what would you like to have next?”

“You do not have to ask me, I will trust your tastes and judgment. Instead, I ask of you to talk with me, and I will share my feelings with you. Is that acceptable?”

“Sure, but I’d like to suggest something if you don’t find it objectionable.”

“Go on.”

David pushed the table a bit away and stood up. He walked behind the large pillow, Celestia following him with her head.

“Would you lay down here with me, just relaxing and snacking a bit while we talk?”

Celestia sat pensively for a moment. “I suppose that would be okay.”

“Great! Thank you.” David smiled as Celestia stood up to reposition herself.

David moved the table aside and pushed the cushion all the way up to the windows. He faced the window, lay down on the pillow, and scooted as far to the edge as he could, giving Celestia as much room as he could afford.

Celestia watched him carefully. ‘He asks me to lay next to him. A bold move indeed, but I will not shy away from him now. As intimate as this is, I do not believe he will make any inappropriate advances toward me at this stage. At least, I hope not.’

Now that David was comfortable, he waited for Celestia to make her move.

She assessed the situation carefully, her head swinging from side to side as she made internal calculations. Finally, she slowly approached the furthest corner from David and sat her rump down, then lay on her barrel, leaving her body half-on and half-off the pillow with a wide gulf between them.

David reflexively frowned a bit at her distant position. Internally, he had hoped she would embrace him as she did the first time they shared that pillow several days ago.

As he lay there in silent contemplation, Celestia was only partly finished in her quest for comfort. Now that she was down and in-place, she rolled her body to the left, quickly closing the gap between man and mare and pressing tightly into David’s chest and legs.

“Are you… uncomfortable?” she asked, craning her neck to meet his wide-eyed expression.

“No. Not at all.” He smiled.

“Good. I was concerned I would exert too much pressure if I leaned against you.”

David wrapped his right arm over her wing and around her barrel, giving her a tight squeeze.

“I’m glad you’re here, Celestia,” he whispered into her ear, causing it to twitch and turn a rosy hue.

‘My goodness, he is strong… and warm. I realize I am quite hot-blooded compared to most ponies—being attuned to the sun will do that—but his warmth is quite something and very pleasurable. Is he… he is rubbing my chest!’

Celestia let out an involuntary coo as David slowly massaged her chest and barrel with his fingers.

“Are you tired, Celestia?”

“Mmm, perhaps… Oh, David, you should not do this, please stop.”

David ceased his movement and started to pull his arm away, only to be grasped by her hoof.

“I’m sorry, it’s just—” he started.

“It is fine, David. Perhaps another time. I do not mind lying here in your arms, but please refrain from… straying.”

“I understand. Forgive me.”

“It is okay. Thank you for respecting my wishes. Let us continue with lunch and talking. We do not have too much longer.”

David squeezed her in his arms again, burying his face in her great mane. “Thank you,” he whispered.

The two lay together on the pillow and chatted and continued their meal. In all actuality, little food was consumed as the time was spent mostly learning more about each other and enjoying their warm embrace.

Too soon, Celestia stared at the sun in the sky and declared that their time was up. She gently rose from her position with David following her. As she sat and recomposed herself, David brought her vestments and helped re-shoe her, carefully caressing her hooves as he worked. Celestia delighted in the attention and even nuzzled his head when he bent down to address the next hoof.

Finally, he lifted her jeweled peytral over her head, resting it around her neck and then placed her crown atop her head.

Now restored to her normal, regal status, David knelt before her and looked into her eyes.

“Can we meet again?” he asked.

Her face softened a bit in quiet contemplation. She cocked her head. “Dinner?”

David smiled but then frowned. “As nice as that would be, we shouldn’t. It’s been a while since we had a normal meal, all of us together. Instead, can we meet a bit after?”

Celestia nodded. “I would like that.”

“After dinner then.” David reached down and grasped her hoof. She let him pull it up, where he lightly kissed the golden metal shoe before setting it back down.

Those that knew Celestia personally would know she was not one for formalities. Most of the time, they were a necessary evil that she tolerated for the public, but not in her private life.

And so, as soon as her hoof hit the floor, she darted forward and stole a kiss from David, stunning him in the process.

It was over quickly, and Celestia casually licked her lips after they separated, then stood and walked quietly out the door to resume court for the afternoon.

‘Wow,’ he thought.


Celestia walked slowly through the halls toward the throne room with a calm, bright smile on her face.

‘He has charmed me, that is sure. I need to know more, both about how I feel and how he feels, though. I hope he will bear with me and be patient as I continue to learn about these new feelings.’
