(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XXV - And the Survey Says!…

Act XXV - And the Survey Says!…

David and Luna reappeared in Luna’s chambers after leaving Twilight’s castle with Luna still holding her lover protectively in her wings. Now back home, she unwrapped them and stood tall beside him.

David was obviously spent. Still slumped on the floor, he knelt on his hands and knees, head hanging limply below him.

“I need to get cleaned up,” he said.

“Of course, I understand. May I help you?” Luna asked with tenderness.

“I… Sure.”

David stood shakily and walked into the bathroom. He managed to shed his clothes as he walked and then sat down on a bench in the shower area. Luna started the water and adjusted the temperature accordingly, and it proceeded to soak David where he sat.

‘Ugh, the smell is so strong. All I can smell is sweat and Twilight,’ he thought.

Luna watched as David sat motionless on the bench. With a forlorn look, she lathered her wings and began to wash his back and sides lovingly.

Slowly, David came back to life and reached for the shampoo. He squirted some in his hands and began to lather his hair. After his head, he washed his face, then moved slowly down to his chest.

Luna nuzzled him tenderly. Her only desire was to be near to her beloved. David paid little attention to her, however, and scrubbed his body intently.

Almost finished, his hand finally made it down to his privates, and he winced at the touch of the washcloth, still quite sensitive. Choosing to avoid the cloth, he worked to create a lather with the body soap, then placed the foam in his groin, and carefully cleaned his nethers with his hands.

Finished with the task, he slumped back over and hung his head again.

“I’m so tired…”

Luna nodded solemnly and spoke to him softly. “As well you should be. You gave your all and even used powerful magics. Are you aware that in the act, you cast not one, but two powerful spells of mine, sending both Twilight and yourself hurdling into the dream world, while also crafting a personal dream for her to enjoy?”

“I did?” David perked up at the news.

Luna smiled weakly, her pain still showing. “Indeed. It somewhat backfired when the spells consumed you as well, but it put Twilight into a peaceful sleep, letting her rest with a wonderful memory.”


“Your focus on helping poor Twilight must have triggered your magic. Just as with Applejack, how or why you were able to use such purposeful and powerful magic is still unknown. But this also comes with a warning, my magic can alter one’s perception and beguile them, or as you have seen, send them to sleep and craft dreams. It can even allow you to walk the dreams, learning secrets that should never see the light of my sister’s day. Do you understand?”

“I think so. But hopefully, I won’t have a reason to use your magic in the near future.”

Luna hung her head. “It is not always that easy. Just as you did not intend to use it today, your feelings may cause you to unknowingly use it again.”

“I understand,” he said plainly, then stood up and let the water wash over him, removing the last of what covered him: soap, sweat, secretions, and tears.


Finally clean and dry, David lumbered back to Luna’s bed and lay down quietly. Luna waited for him to settle, then slipped into bed next to him. She pressed her side into his back, hoping to give him comfort.

David sighed and opened his eyes, staring into the room. “Luna, I’m sorry. I still trying to work through all of this. You really should’ve told me what was going on. When you didn’t, it really hurt me.”

Luna pulled away reflexively, leaving a cold void between their bodies. “You… are right, David. What I did was wrong, though I thought it to be best. I am still too used to the old ways, to holding secrets and having to manipulate perceptions—”

“You can’t do that to me, Luna. I can’t accept that.”

“I do not expect you to. As I said in Ponyville, I want to do better. You make me want to do better… I am just—”

David rolled over, grabbed Luna around her barrel and pulled her close to him, stopping her words. She stiffened at his unexpected embrace, and though his strength forced the air from her lungs, his warmth soothed her heart, causing her eyes to tear up.

“Luna, I’ve forgiven you, but I’m not quite over it yet. Before, I was angry and sad. I’m not anymore, I’m just tired. I just need a little quiet time right now.”

Luna finally relaxed in his grasp.

“Thank you, Luna. I love…” David stopped suddenly, having fallen fast asleep.

“And I, you,” she whispered, smiling at her man. A faint aura appeared on her horn. ‘I hope this does not cause you discomfort, my love.’

Luna cast a spell over him, putting him into a deep sleep. She then dove into the dreamscape and found David dreaming of their exact position— the same dream he had earlier. Luna quietly slipped into David’s dream, replaced her facsimile, and slept with him both in the mind and reality.


While napping with David, a message arrived for Luna from Celestia— it was time to meet. After stealthily extracting herself from David’s grasp, Luna slowly made her way through the castle’s halls to see her sister while lost in thought.

‘Damnable, Luna! My failure in communication has hurt my love, and I must make an active effort to change. While he sleeps, I will start with my sister. She has called me to meet, and I will be honest and forthright in my replies to her questions. I cannot afford to play the games of old; there is no need for manipulation as there are no prophecies to fulfill or tests of merit, and I certainly hope allegories of making friends does not come into play. No, truth will be my light.’

She stopped at the door to the solarium, took a breath, then opened the door. Celestia was inside, seated on a large cushion looking out at the castle grounds.

Luna walked in resolutely. “I have come as requested, Sister. I hope everything is alright.”

“Thank you, Lulu. Yes, I have settled the court, but as I said at breakfast, there are things I wish to talk to you about.”

Luna walked over and lay down next to Celestia. She craned her neck and nuzzled her sister’s side affectionately. “Come, relax, Tia. Talk with me.”

Celestia smiled at her sister’s warm display and settled down next to her.

“No doubt this is about David?” Luna inquired.

Celestia was silent for a moment, staring out at the courtyard. “…Yes.”

“I am here for you. What is on your mind?”

“As I believe you know, David and I have argued recently. Things were said and done that were not appropriate for friends. I also feel as though I have slighted you, as well.”

“How so?” Luna asked.

Celestia sighed. “I… I have been covetous of you, of your relationship.”

“Oh? Is that so?” Luna said jokingly.

Celestia turned to her sister with hurt in her eyes. “Please, take this seriously, Lulu. I do not wish for strife to come between us!”

Luna closed her eyes and smiled softly. “Sister,” she said solemnly. “I have fallen to the dark forces of jealousy, bitterness, and hate. I know quite well that you will not succumb to these things as I did.”

“How? How can you know?”

“That is quite simple. For in this exact moment, you have done what I did not. You have chosen to reach out to me.”

“But what about David!?”

Luna shook her head slowly. “David is not mine to keep. Yes, we do feel strongly for each other, but I have asked a favor of him… to consider someone close to me as well.”

“You did? So what David said about sharing?”

“Yes. That was my idea. Tia, you are my family, and I love you so very much. I would rather part from David than to see sadness and pain in your eyes. But there is a chance, one for the both of us. If you truly feel something for him, and he finds love in himself for you too, then perhaps we can all be together.”

“That—” Celestia shook her head and mane. “We cannot!”

“Come now. We share our titles, we co-govern this land. Our roles even extend to the heavens above. There is no law forbidding it and if we can all be happy, why not share?”

“I just feel so… like I am thieving, conniving.”

Luna smiled warmly. “Be at ease. I wish to give you this gift, this chance. It is as much for me as it is for you.”

Slowly, Celestia turned and looked into Luna’s eyes. “So, if I wanted to… court him?”

“Of course.” Luna nodded.

“And more?”

“I would be most happy.”

“I do not know if this will work, Lulu.”

“Nor do I. I only know that I am willing to try, Sister. David’s and my romance has been a whirlwind, but so far, our feelings have done nothing but grow. He has had some time to think about you and the proposition I suggested. I believe he is also ready to try.”

“Yes, he has said as much to me and even requested a ‘date.’ ”

“Any your response?”

“If you could not tell, I intend to respond tonight. I believe I will accept.”

“Wonderful. I hope to hear good things from you both!”

“Lulu, I…”

“What is it, Sister?”

“I am scared. I tried to restrain my emotions around him, but in doing so, I became embittered and lashed out. Now I sway back and forth on this precipice, blushing one moment and jealous the next. How am I to be normal around the both of you?”

“I have not answers for those things. This will be new for all of us, especially for David. In his world, I believe this concept is fairly taboo. I suppose my only advice for us all is to be open with how we feel and to communicate. It is something I have struggled with, even failed at times, but I now know how important it is.”

“Yes, I suppose you are right. However, worry I will be able to be as open with my feelings as you have. I am also not quite ready for my little ponies to see me so… honest.”

“Shroud the public as you please. At one time I too felt the need for propriety to reign, but soon abandoned it. I can understand, though, that you may have stronger reservations. Just do not let it affect how David perceives your intent. Communicate fully with him, and you will be rewarded, this I can promise.”

“I will take that to heart.” Celestia paused, and a rosy blush grew on her cheeks. “So, are you comfortable with sending him to meet me tonight, even if I attempt to steal him away for dinner?”


“Then I will give him my answer. I will see if he will join me this evening for our ‘date.’ ”

“Splendid! Then, is there anything else you wish to discuss?”

“No, not at this time. I believe I have enough to work through as it is.”

“Fine. I wish thee well, Sister. You have my support, though do try to focus on him tonight. Now if you will excuse me, I am off to nap before court. I would sincerely appreciate if you could handle the moon again in my stead.”

“If that is what you wish. Goodnight, Lulu, and thank you… for everything.”


Luna returned to her chambers. There within, she found her David, still sleeping soundly.

‘He seems at peace. I know he must awaken, as it is time for him to meet my sister, but I fear he is still sore with me for what transpired earlier. I hope it does not affect him tonight.’

Luna nuzzled David, gently shaking him awake.

“Oh, Luna. What time is it?”

“It is early evening, almost five-thirty. It is time for you to awaken, is it not?”

“Yes. I suppose so,” he replied groggily.

“Did you rest well? Are you feeling alright?”

“I did, and I am.” David rolled over and sat up to face Luna. He looked into her eyes.

‘She looks… sad?’

Luna stood face-to-face with him, but her head was held somewhat low. Her posture seemed weak, with her back sagging and hollow.

“Luna, what’s wrong?”

She raised her head. “What? Nothing is wrong. It is just…”

“Come here,” he said, opening his arms to her.

Luna walked forward and placed her head and neck over his shoulders, resting her weight on him.

‘She’s trembling.’

“Luna, you’re shaking.”

David wrapped his arms around her neck and pulled her close, nuzzling into the side of her cheek.

“Honestly, David, I was a bit afraid. Afraid that you would still be angry about earlier.”

“Luna, I’m not angry. I might be a little tense whenever I think back on it, but if you see me like that, just come right up and let me know. The same goes for you if you feel anxious. It will take work from both of us to get through this completely. Just remember that I love you, Luna.”

Luna finally relaxed in his arms. “I love you as well, David.” She tightened around him, using her strong neck to give him a hug. “I am also a bit nervous for you.”

David pulled away to look at her. “Why do you say that?”

“You are off to see my sister soon. I wish you— both of you, to be… amicable. No, that is not the word… I want you to try to have fun, yes.”

“Fun?” he asked.

“I just arrived from meeting with her. From what I can see, she will accept your request for a ‘date’ tonight. If she does, focus on yourselves and try to have a good time together. She is often too caught up in being the Princess that I fear she may not let her mane down. You may have to show her what ‘fun’ is.”

“Okay, I’ll try.”

“Good. Now go get cleaned up, it is almost time to go. I partook of a small snack while you slept, but now I must nap before court. Today has been more tiring than I had anticipated.”

“Okay. Thanks, Luna.”

David leaned in and kissed her on the nose, tickling her. Luna shook her head and mane, her eyes closed tightly as she tried to lose the sensation.

David smirked at her reaction.

“Come now, that tickles!” she protested.

“Sorry,” he said, cupping her cheeks.

David leaned in and closed his eyes and met her lips with his. She reciprocated, leaning in, her eyes lidded while she enjoyed their embrace. They kissed gently, soothing each other with love and tenderness. Finally, they broke apart, looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.

“Will I see thee again soon?” she asked.

“Whenever time allows,” he replied.

At that, David stood beside her and helped her undress, then put her to bed.


The grand, golden doors closed behind David, just as he cleared the threshold, courtesy of the guards outside. Inside the room, Celestia sat behind her desk, rifling through papers.

“Thank you for meeting me,” she said.

“Anytime,” David responded warmly.

Celestia stopped what she was doing and looked up at David. “So, I do not know how to begin, so I will state it plainly. I accept your request for a date. Tonight, at dinner.”

David smiled brightly. “That’s great! Thank you, I look forward to it.”

“Do you have a place where we can convene?” she asked.

David looked away, thinking for a moment. “Meet me at the observatory. Say, eight-thirty?”

“I accept. Till then, David.”

“Wait! Do you want to do anything or eat something special?” he asked.

Now it was Celestia’s turn to pause for thought.

“David, I simply do not know. May I trust you with the preparations?”

“If that’s what you’d like, of course.”

“Good. Then I will leave it to you. Till then.”

David left but stopped as he hit the tile floor outside.

His heart was pumping hard, and his blood was hot in his veins.

‘I’m not sure why, but I’m so excited! What should I do? I don’t have much time to prepare. First I need to see Cherry again and get cooking. I need a plan.’


Celestia sighed. ‘I’ve accepted his offer, and he is off to make ready. Now what? There is but only two hours or so—what should I do? The time for the exchange draws near. I suppose I must deal with it first. Once again, I must perform this task alone.’


David brought himself out of his thoughts and put his feet to action.

‘I need to start cooking, but first I should go tell Luna.’

His feet carried him hurriedly to her chambers. He barely paused outside the doors to acknowledge the shadows beside them, only saying, “Excuse me,” in passing.

David opened the doors and quickly closed them behind him. He saw Luna on her bed, just as he left her moments before.

‘Sorry, but it’s better that I wake you.’

He walked over to her bedside and knelt by her sleeping face. Gently, he stroked her mane, pushing her bangs out of her face and rubbing behind her ears.

Luna’s face frowned as she stirred from her slumber. She opened her eyes to view her lover, and her scowl slipped away, and her gentle smile appeared.

“Sorry for waking you,” David whispered.

Luna grasped David’s hand in the crook of her leg and nuzzled it lightly against her cheek. “Mmm, forgiven,” she mumbled.

“Well, you were correct. Celestia has accepted my request for a date. She wants to see me tonight, for dinner.”

Luna smiled and perked up. “It is good she has followed through.”

“But I can’t shake this odd feeling… when Celestia accepted, she didn’t seem happy or interested, but rather distant.”

“It has taken great strides for my sister to reach this point, but you must help her make even greater gains. Fear not, David. You have a way with us, one that is wonderful—as if it gives us new purpose in our lives. Now, go. I imagine you have much to do before your date.”

“Thank you, Luna. Goodnight, my love.”

David closed the doors to Luna’s chambers carefully as he left, then spun on his heels.

‘Now for the hard part, Cherry.’


Knock, knock, knock.

There was no noise from beyond the prep room door.

“Hmm. Looks like I’m going to have to find her again.”

David looked through the prep room and again in the kitchen. Finding nopony around, he knew what he had to do.

“Ugh. I didn’t want to bother Cherry in her room.”

David stopped short of Cherry’s door and listened for activity. Hearing somepony inside, he knocked on the door.

Knock, knock, knock. “Hello, Cherry?”

A familiar rustling was heard beyond the door. “David? Is that you… again?”

“Yes, Cherry, it’s me,” he said dejectedly. “Sorry, I’d like to use the kitchen if I may.”

Cherry opened the door and peeked out. “Oh, getting ready for another date with Princess Luna?”

“No, not tonight. I want to prepare something for Princess Celestia, though.”

“Princess Celestia!?” she gasped.

“Whoa, keep it down, there’s no reason to yell.”

“What are you up to, David?” Cherry’s countenance quickly slipped from surprise to curiosity.

“Tonight I’m making dinner and dessert for Princess Celestia. That’s all.”

“Oh really? Are you trying to take my job or something?” Cherry joked with a hint of sincerity.

“No, not at all! We’re having dinner in the observatory, and I thought I’d make something.”

Cherry smirked. “David, you’re a terrible liar.”

“I don’t know what you’re implying, but you couldn’t be more wrong.”

“Come on. I see how Princess Celestia acts around you sometimes. Was this dinner her idea or yours?”

“Mine. Completely.”


“What does that mean?”

“It means, that if you want to use my kitchen tonight, you’re going to have to pay for it.”

“What? How? I don’t have any money!”

“Relax, I’m not after your bits. Well, not that kind of bits… Anyway, get to the kitchen. I’ll meet you there.” Cherry then promptly shut the door in his face.

“Trouble,” he mumbled.


Cherry made David wait for a few minutes, which he spent sitting on a stool in the kitchen. Then she strolled on in, wearing her usual chef’s coat and looking quite presentable, as usual. She walked right up to David, looked up into his eyes and smiled.

“Time for you to pay up!” She beamed.

“Again, Cherry, I don’t know what you want.”

“Oh, yeah. Let’s start with a little lesson on French toast. We don’t have to make it now, but you can go over it with me, and I’ll just take a few notes.”

“Is that all?” David asked.

Cherry cocked her head. “Maybe?”

David stayed on his stool and Cherry sat at a nearby workstation facing him. She had a pad and pencil out and held the latter in her mouth to the side like a cigar.

“Okay, you jus’ gimme the rundown ‘n I’ll write it up.” she said, still holding the pencil between her teeth.

David did his best to explain his recipe, how he made it, the little tricks he thought he had, and added some flair here and there to liven up the story. Every once in a while, Cherry would stop and ask a question or have him pause so she could write something down in detail.

Even though the recipe was simple, it took over twenty minutes for David to satisfy Cherry’s interest. After finishing, she stopped and looked over her notes.

“Huh. That doesn’t take much effort at all!”

“Yeah. I was trying to tell you that, but you made me go into every little thing. It’s just a basic custard that you can dress up and then use to fry bread!”

“Yes, David. I see that now. You don’t have to get all snooty on me.”


“That’s better. And even though this is a nice recipe, I’m going to have to ask you for more payment before I let you use the kitchen.”

“What!? What do you want now? I don’t have much time tonight.”

“Okay, okay. Don’t go champing at the bit. I’ll let you get started soon, I just want you to open up to me a bit.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Well, I know you don’t want to talk about tonight, but maybe you’ll fill me in on what’s been going on with you. Since the day of the outing, the mood has changed around here; both princesses seem to have something on their minds, and even Princess Twilight came to help out. It honestly has me a bit worried.”

“Oh. Cherry, I don’t know if I can talk about that.”

“Please, David. I can see it’s affecting you too. You know I can be trusted!”

“Okay, Cherry. Let me just get started here, then I’ll explain it to you.”

Cherry let out a breath she’d been holding. “Thanks.”


David told Cherry what he could while working on his dinner for Princess Celestia. Cherry sat nearby, listening intently to his words and watching him work, asking few questions until he had said his piece.

“So let me get this straight, you’ve become sensitive to when the princesses use magic, and you’ve used some of Celestia’s power to heal Applejack when she got hurt at the outing?”

“Yes. But this is top-secret, Cherry.”

“I understand. I just didn’t think it would be anything like this!”

“What did you think it was?”

“Oh, I just figured you were two-timing Princess Luna.” Cherry laughed heartily.

“That’s not funny, Cherry.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m just kidding. But Princess Celestia has been acting all strange, and Princess Luna was a bit too, so I thought something was up.”

“It’s just been a bit difficult for all of us and I think Celestia has taken it pretty hard.”

“Did you just say ‘Celestia?’ ” she whispered.

“Uhh, yeah. I did,” David stuttered as he tried to recover. “Princess Celestia and I are friends, and she’s allowed me to call her by name, the same for Princess Luna. But that was a slip of the tongue. I prefer to show them their due respect and only be so familiar in like company.”

“Oh, I see. A little royal privilege. You’ve done well for yourself, David!” She nudged him playfully with her hoof.

“Yeah, yeah. Just forget about it. Even they deserve to have friends they can act more relaxed with. It’s mostly due to my courtship with Princess Luna than anything else.”

“And how’s that going?”

“Honestly, good. We did just have our first fight, though, and we’re currently working through it.”

“Can you tell me what it was about?”

“No, and I’m not going to.”

“Okay, you don’t need to say anything. Can you talk more about the magic thing?”

“Perhaps a little.”

“So, are you in pain?”

“No, not really. I was getting headaches when they would go through the sun and moon’s exchange, but we figured out that was because they both were using magic at once. Since then, we’ve figured out a way around that for the meantime.”

“But you still feel it when they use any magic right?”

“Yes, but it isn’t painful, just… odd. Uncomfortable at most. Actually, we recently found a workaround for that as well. It seems that my ability to sense their magic is limited by distance.”

“Oh, so if they are far enough, you can’t feel it?”

“Exactly. If they are near me, though, the princesses have been trying to use less magic.”

“Good.” Cherry smiled.  “I’d hate for you to get hurt over this.”

“Thanks, Cherry. Me too.”

“So, what about Princess Luna? I hear that you two looked pretty hitched-up as you’ve walked around the castle lately.”

“I’m not sure exactly what you’re saying, but it sounds a bit—”

“Hold on, hold on… I take it back. I just mean you have just been around each other a lot.”

“We’re having a good time, that’s all. She’s been especially kind on the magic issue, and I’ve tried not to impose too much.”

“But you’ll feed her hoof—I mean, hand-to-mouth, huh?”

“Oh, you saw that, did you?”

Cherry giggled. “Sorry. I spied a little.”

“Yes, well, since she can’t use magic at meals, I’ve been helping where I can.”

“Oh! That’s what you wanted those hoof-bands for!”

“Yup. Both of the princesses took quite a liking to them at breakfast.”

“Cool. —Oh, it looks like you’re almost done with your preparations.”

“Yeah. Just a bit more and I should be ready for dinner. Thanks again for letting me use the place.”

“Well, you’re just lucky that there’s nopony left to serve or I’d have to kick you out!”

“I guess so.”

“So, you need anything else special for tonight?”

“Maybe a few things. Let me have your ear for a bit.”

“David, you can have all of me if you’d just ask.”

David stumbled back. “Uhh…”

“…mm, mha! Mhahaha, mhahaha! Hahahahaha!…You’re so easy, David!”



Celestia walked to the observatory. As she neared the entrance door, she stopped to take inventory.

‘Alright, breathe. Things to discuss— I have David’s papers and the new translations I have made from them. Umm, the hoof-bands, yes. I introduced them in court today, plenty to talk about there. I should also inquire of how he feels; I noticed he used my magic last night. If all else fails, I can ask him more of his home. —Okay, time to go. I am ready for him.’

Celestia lifted her hoof to open the door but paused. Instead, she raised her hoof again and knocked.

Knock. Knock.

A few seconds passed, then David opened the door. He stood there, smiling, wearing a blue striped dress shirt and dark blue pants.

Celestia looked him over. ‘Hmm, I have not seen this before. It suits him nicely.’


“Oh. Yes, David?”

“Please, come inside. I’m almost ready.”

David led Celestia through the study and to the great windows that overlooked the castle grounds. There he had prepared a small table with a white linen tablecloth, already arranged for a casual dinner. In the middle stood two long taper candles in silver holders, providing a gentle light. Nearby was a bread basket with one long, thin baguette. At the edge, near the window, sat a everyday tea set, no doubt borrowed from the kitchen. Unusually, the meals were already plated and were covered with silver domes as they waited for dinner to begin.

Celestia mused. ‘Such a small table, but beautifully set. The candles, I believe they are scented… lavender? It is one of my favorites; I wonder if he knows. Dinner is served as well, a simple dish it seems. Perhaps he prepared it.’

She stood still and continued to examine the area. David had moved a large chair, a high-back with no armrests, from the study area to the table for her and a similarly large wingback chair for himself. They were at opposite ends, but with such a small table, both of them would be within reach of each other’s plates.

“Celestia, please, come sit. Dinner is ready.” David bowed and ushered her to the table. He pulled back her chair, giving her more access.

Celestia looked at him, then to the chair. She approached, then climbed up on the chair slowly, with David watching her every move.

While David had chosen one of his most formal outfits for the event, Celestia was exactly the same as always. She wore her full regalia: her golden crown, jeweled peytral, and golden shoes. As she sat in the large chair, it looked as if she was on the throne, holding court.

David pushed at the back of her chair, trying to close the gap between Celestia and the table, but he struggled as the furniture resisted movement. Finally, he succeeded, and Celestia’s chair jumped forward, startling the princess.

“Sorry,” he said meekly.

“That is alright. Thank you, David.”

With her seated, David took his seat at the opposite side. “So, would you like a cup of tea before we begin?”

Celestia’s mood brightened at the mention of ‘tea.’ “Oh, yes, that sounds wonderful.”

“Okay, one moment while I prepare it.”

David stood and walked a bit away. He came back shortly, pushing a small tea service cart with a kettle already boiling over a small flame.

“Oh, I did not know you were a tea connoisseur!” she said, smiling.

“Not quite a connoisseur, but I do know a bit.”

She cocked her head. “What have you chosen for us?”

“Tonight, we have a simple Earl Grey. I thought it would compliment the meal.”

David snuffed the flame under the kettle, then poured some water into a teapot on the service tray. He also took the teapot from the table and poured water into it as well to heat it.

“It should only be a couple of minutes, shall I reveal dinner?”

“Please do.”

David turned back to the table. There he grasped the dome over Celestia’s meal and removed it in a flourish.

The faint smell of lemon wafted up from the shallow bowl in front of her as she looked at her dinner.

“For dinner, I’ve prepared mini mushroom ravioli and fried eggplant in a piccata sauce with artichokes.”

“Oh, David. This looks marvelous. Did you make this?”

“Yes. Though I have to say adapting some of my recipes to Equestrian tastes has been a challenge.”

“It hardly seems so, this looks to be quite a decadent dish.”

“Thank you. I was tempted to leave it at just the ravioli and artichokes, but thought it needed a bit more meat to the meal.”

“Meat?” Celestia looked at him, puzzled.

“Sorry, I mean it needed more substance. So I decided to add the rounds of fried eggplant as well. They add some extra savory bites that really round things out. If you’d like my advice, though, I think it would be best if you cut the ravioli so that the sauce can reach the mushrooms before you eat them.”

“It is masterfully done, David. Please, come sit so you can enjoy it as well.”

“One moment, the tea should be done now.”

David took the teapot from the table and emptied the water back into the kettle. He then placed a strainer into the pot and poured the brewed tea through the strainer and into the serving teapot. David then took the teacups and warmed them as well with the kettle water, then emptied them out like the pot before. Finally, he placed a teacup at Celestia’s side and filled it with the hot, steaming tea.

“How do you prefer it?” he asked.

Celestia peered at her cup, then bent over it to inhale the aroma. Her eyes fluttered closed as she enjoyed the warm, soothing scent, accented with a bit of citrus.

“I think I will enjoy this as it is, thank you. It is wonderfully prepared. Where were you taught?”

“Oh, nobody taught me, I’ve just picked up a few things here and there. I really do like learning various things. I’m just glad you approve.”

David then finished pouring his own cup and sat down for the meal.

Celestia waited for him to be seated before slipping her right forehoof’s shoe off and letting it fall carefully to the ground. She then let known her intent, as she was still wearing the black hoof-band David had given her during breakfast. She pushed the band down from her pastern to over her hoof, then gently picked up her fork with her mouth and lodged it in place. Now ready to begin, Celestia looked up and smiled at David.

“I see you’ve come to like using the band?” David said as he watched her start in on her meal.

“Yes, I even took an opportunity to announce it in court,” she said, making an effort at cutting a portion of ravioli.

“And how did that go?”

“Well, most of the nobility are unicorns, and quite a few seemed to scoff at the idea. I was, however, pleased to see that most non-unicorn delegates were intrigued. They were especially interested when I gave them a demonstration, during my late lunch snack, as I was able to use both magic to handle documents and signing while enjoying a light meal using my hooves. Though I must admit, it may have been seen as inappropriate, by some, for a royal to multitask in such a way.” Celestia giggled at the thought.

“I bet it was quite the sight.”

“That is simply what they get for making me miss lunch.”

David laughed at her comment while Celestia enjoyed her first bite of dinner.

“Ooh! David, I must say that this meal is absolutely wonderful. How did you come to make this on your own?”

“I owe quite a bit to your personal chef. With Cherry’s permission and a well stocked and equipped kitchen, it really helps.”

“I see. Well the meal certainly boasts of your skill. The ravioli is hoof-made, is it not?

Hand-made, yes.”

“Oh, forgive me. Perhaps you can enlighten me in its preparation.”

“Of course!” He smiled brightly.

Celestia studied the man before her. ‘Hmm. Gentle ribbing; he works to keep this jovial. I cannot say I mind. There is little stress here, and after a difficult day at court, that is quite welcome. He seems to be enjoying himself, and I am glad I can accommodate him in this sense.’

“…and then I used a rolling cutter to cut the individual ravioli.”

David’s words brought Celestia out of her internal thoughts, only to find herself lost on the conversation. “Oh? That sounds quite difficult,” she said, attempting to recover.

“Not at all, it’s much easier than it sounds.”

“Good, I would hate for you to go to any special trouble for me.”

David furrowed his brow, somewhat taken off-guard by her statement, then relaxed.

From that point on, the rest of the meal continued casually with very little chat between them.

After it was finished, Celestia looked up at David and put on a placid smile.

“Thank you, David. That was a marvelous meal.” She placed her napkin down on the table. “I especially liked how well the Earl Grey matched with the lemon caper sauce. It was a good choice.”

David smiled back in return. “I’m glad you approve. I’ve also been steeping an herbal tea which I think will compliment our dessert.”

Celestia smiled wider and raised a brow. “Oh, there’s more?”

“Of course!”

David stood and walked over to Celestia’s side. He pulled the table away from her giving her space, then picked up her golden shoe and extended his hand to request her hoof.

She looked at David and pushed the black hoof-band back up her leg, then placed her hoof in his hand.

David locked his gaze with hers and stroked her hoof lightly, then slipped her golden shoe back on her hoof without breaking eye contact.

Now reshoed, Celestia retrieved her hoof and looked at him expectantly. David responded by taking a step back, then motioned for Celestia to head back to the study.

As they approached the study, Celestia noticed that David had placed a large chaise lounge and another chair next to each other in front of the fireplace, which already had a quiet fire started.

He sped past her, and walked over to the two chairs, offering the lounge to Celestia. She sat, and waited for David to do likewise.

However, David did not join her immediately. Instead, he walked over to the side and retrieved yet another small service cart, placing it between the chairs and the fireplace. David then took his seat next to the princess.

“So, what have you prepared for us now?” she asked as she lay down.

David removed a napkin covering a tray on the cart. Below was a simple plate of cookies.

“I hope you’re not disappointed. I chose to make only a simple dessert. We’ve got some soft oatmeal raisin cookies and my special rose-lavender herbal tea, served tepid.”

“Hmm, interesting choice. Lavender and rose you say? It seems as though somepony has been teaching you my favorites. The candles at dinner were lavender as well, correct?”

“Yes, they were. I only splashed a little lavender oil on them. And yes, I had heard you liked roses, but the lavender was my choice.


“Why don’t we relax and chat a bit?”

“That sounds like quite nice. Actually, I have brought some of your writings and the translation work that I have done.” Celestia reached under her wing, pulling out a stack of papers. “I have even written a bit in English if you would like to see.” She then offered him a folded piece of paper held in her lips.

David took the paper and read over the words, eyes darting from line to line, then read it aloud.

“David, the man from Earth, ran with the wind through his hair, his muscles burning as he did. Alongside, his friends challenged him with the speed of their legs as man and pony raced for dominance. Hooves and feet pounded the ground of mother Equestria, each beat sounding the drum of competition. Throughout the forest and through the clearing they ran, each seeking to be the final victor. After the dust had settled, there was a winner, although that mattered little to all in attendance. They now shared a new bond, strengthened by their mutual pursuits, and all relished in the glow of the champion—together as friends.

“Celestia, this is wonderful, and I think it’s even better written than anything I could manage myself.”

She turned away shyly. “Thank you, David.”

“No, really. It’s very impressive. Tell me, did you write and then translate, or try to compose it completely in English?”

“It was written in English, but there were a few words I was forced to take chances with for spelling, as they did not show in any of your works.”

“Wow.” David was stunned by her progress.

“May I keep this?” he asked.

“Oh, it is nothing—”


Celestia turned toward him and nodded with her eyes closed. “Of course.”


Sitting by the fire, the time passed slowly, almost painfully so. Celestia continued to talk about the translation work and how David could help others by expanding his primer and providing grammatical examples. David, however, was not interested in the topic and tried several times to move their discussions into more personal avenues, but his topical shifts were either too gentle or were missed by the princess. As a result, the conversation waned, and it showed in both of their countenances.

“So, I noticed you used magic again last night,” Celestia said, finally moving on from the translation.

“Oh, yeah. I was wondering if you would notice that. It was an accident, nothing serious. Luna got hurt jumping down from a boulder, and I thought back to what you said: that it may not have been just a miracle and I might be able to learn how to use it. So I concentrated on healing her, and I did.”

“Hmm. It is good that you were able to heal her, but keep in mind that we do not know if there are repercussions to you for using magic.”

David deflated somewhat. “Okay. I will.”

“That being said, have you been feeling well as of late? No changes after using my magic?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“That is good. I was concerned since you used such high-level healing magic twice in two days, that it might have affected you. Are you sure there was nothing out of the ordinary?”

‘Actually, I’ve used your magic three days in a row now, and even Luna’s to boot.’

“Perhaps I was a bit tired afterwards. But that is all.”

“I see. I would expect as much. Using one of my healing spells would put quite a drain on anypony, even an alicorn, depending on the injury.”


Again an uncomfortable silence pervaded the room. Celestia looked down and shuffled her hooves on the lounge, while David casually glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes.

“Say… would you mind if we go outside a bit?” David asked.

Celestia cocked her head again. “Whatever for?”

David stood up and held out his hand. Celestia looked at the proffered limb with a blank look on her face.

“Come on… let’s go,” he said.

Instead of offering her hoof, Celestia stood on the lounge, standing tall above him. She looked down at him, his hand still outstretched, and leapt off the chair, landing gracefully beside him.

“Okay, lead on.”


David smiled and walked to the door, Celestia following behind. He led her out of the observatory and down to the door to the ornamental garden where he shared his date with Luna only the night before. He opened the door and walked outside, shivering as he felt the chilly night air on his skin. Turning back, he saw Celestia slowly walk through the door and towards him on the lawn.

David wore a smile, but Celestia’s countenance was one of either confusion or contemplation.

Celestia pondered the new viability of their new location. ‘What is this? Why are we here? It is a beautiful night, but there’s no place to sit, the garden is dark, and it feels a bit chilly to be out without cover or fire.’

David frowned a little at his date’s obvious displeasure but recovered quickly and put on a sly grin. He sauntered up to the regal ruler, finally grabbing her attention as he drew near. She met his gaze, and her confusion and displeasure turned into trepidation as she found the new fire in his eyes unsettling.

David stopped short of the ruler, still holding her gaze. She fought to steel herself against her internal disquiet and finally met him with a neutral expression. Her change in demeanor, however, sparked something in David. His eyes softened, and he cocked his head, then he reached up and booped her lightly on the nose, then spun and took off running into the darkness.

Muzzle scrunched, and eyes screwed shut, Celestia processed the sensations and feelings she felt.

“What!?” she yelled indignantly, a righteous fury in her eyes and wings outstretched.

David reappeared from the shadows in the distance and walked slowly back toward Celestia.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, keeping a wide berth.

“You… you hit me!”

“Oh come on, I barely touched you. If you don’t like it, you’ll have to catch me,” he taunted.

Celestia shook her head. “What are you saying, David!?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Perhaps you aren’t accustomed to running anymore. I’ll understand if being stuck on the throne for so long has made it difficult for you to move quickly,” David mocked her.

“You… YOU!” She spread her wings wide and pawed at the ground.

“Oh, I’m sure if you were to fly or use magic, you could easily catch an unfortunate, land-bound creature like myself. I guess it makes sense now why you didn’t want to race at the outing, though. It would be somewhat embarrassing if you lagged behind the others.”

Celestia’s nostrils flared. “Run.”

It was David’s turn to be shaken. Fortunately for him, this was what he was waiting for. He smiled devilishly and turned on his heels, kicking up dirt as he ran deep into the garden.

The princess had tolerated as much as she could. Spurred into action, she rushed into the darkness in search of justice… or retribution.

“Where are you!?” she yelled as she galloped through the grass.

A voice came from behind her in the darkness. “Now, Princess, it wouldn’t be sporting if I told you!”

Her ears swiveled to meet the sound, and she changed her angle of attack, turning to run in the direction of his voice.

Celestia ran until she came face-to-face with the castle wall, skidding short of kissing the stones. She wheeled around, fury in her eyes.

“David!! Come out!” She ran back into the darkness.

David sat upon the great boulder Luna once perched on and listened to the frustrated ruler’s cries. She was near the opposite wall, from what he heard. David turned his head away and yelled toward a different wall, projecting his voice. “I haven’t left. Come get me!”

Again, the mare turned toward what she thought was the source of the sound. She ran in a wide arc, hoping to cover more ground in her search. Unfortunately for David, this arc brought her close to his hiding spot.

As she drew near, David carefully crawled down off the boulder and hid among the rocks. He kicked off his shoes to afford him more stealth.

She neared his location and stopped short of it, ready to call out again.
Her breath was ragged, and her head swung side to side, looking and listening for any sign of her prey.

“I grow tired of this pointless chase! Show yourself, and we can resolve this conflict! I promise to be lenient! David, do you hear—”

David reached out, grabbed her tail and yanked it.

Celestia stumbled at the unexpected attack as she attempted to spin on her hooves.

David, however, blazed past her, running with all he had and laughing his head off.

“Why, you!!” She sped off after him.

Celestia was hot on his heels in seconds. She ran to his side as she passed him, staring daggers at him. They neared the corner of the wall and David slowed to turn. Celestia read his intent, and with one great leap, she tackled him to the ground.

David looked up to his friend-turned-captor and smiled. She stood above him, straddling and pinning him down. Celestia narrowed her eyes and brought her muzzle close, wisps of steam pouring out of her nostrils and mouth as she breathed.

“Why!?” she cried out with frustration in her voice.

David’s smile faltered a bit, and he almost frowned. He pulled his head up and stole a quick kiss from Celestia’s lips, causing her to pull back in shock.

“There’s the mare I wanted to see. I’ve been with a princess all night, but I hadn’t seen you until now, Celestia.”

Shocked, Celestia sat down, pinning David’s legs. Her eyes darted around, showing confusion as she tried to decipher what had just happened.

“So all of this?” She stared into his eyes, looking for answers.

“I’m sorry, Celestia. I just wanted to get you to let your… mane down a bit. Even if I only made you angry.”

“You… kissed me.”

“I did. It may not have been proper for me to do so, but… I do like you, Celestia, princess or not.”

Celestia crumbled, flopping down on top of David, exhaustion stealing her strength. She kept her head held high, still staring into David’s eyes.

David reached up with his arms and put them around her neck. “Can you forgive me? I want us to take this seriously… and have some fun as well.”

Celestia’s body relaxed, and her face softened. “I… I forgive you, but no more tricks. This has confused me yet made one thing clear. Now I must apologise, as I do not believe I have committed myself to this date. It is as you said, I came as Celestia the princess, not as myself. Can you forgive me?”

“Of course!” He smiled.

“Then I would like it if we could do this again. Would you permit me another date?”

David smirked. “Should I?”

Celestia darted forward and stole a kiss of her own, then retreated back again.

“Now we are even.”

“If you say so. And I’d like it very much if we had another date.”

“Good. I would, as well. How about lunch tomorrow?” She cocked her head. “Also, let Cherry’s staff handle the meal. You deserve to relax a bit.”

“That sounds good. Lunch it is. Thank you, Celestia.”

“You are most welcome, but it is I who should be thanking you.”

The two got up and dusted themselves off before returning to the door of the castle.

“Now, if you will excuse me, I will depart here. I believe my guards would start an investigation if they saw me return covered in dirt and mud.”

“Oh.” David laughed a bit to himself.

With that, Celestia nodded to David, then ran off, back toward the garden. When well clear of the man, she leapt into the air and took to the sky, flying away on her grand, white wings.

“Wow. I’ve had dates sneak back into their rooms before, but that’s a first for sure,” he said, watching her fly into the distance.


It took quite a while for David to clean up the observatory after the date, but he did it all while wearing a smile.

‘The date wasn’t great, but somehow it turned around. She really shook me there for a moment in the garden; those eyes were scary. The chase was a gamble, but I think those sisters are more similar than they seem. Lunch is going to be tough, though. She barely has time to eat most days, how are we supposed to have a meaningful date?’

David finished picking up and gathered the papers Celestia had brought but had left in the study. He read over them, noticing the notes she made as she practiced her translations and writings. It was an elegant, practiced script, much cleaner than his own. In her notes, written in Equis, he noticed a few lines that grabbed his interest. There in the middle of a page crowded with unfamiliar symbols and letters, was a series of lines where Celestia had practiced writing David’s name over and over.


It was the prettiest representation of his own name that he had ever seen.

Standing there by the fire, he stared at the paper, examining the lettering, and it moved him in a way he didn’t expect.


Finally finished cleaning, David re-entered the castle and walked down the hall toward the royal apartments. Stopping at the last intersection, he looked down the hall. One direction led to Luna’s bedroom, the other led to his own. He paused for a moment before turning toward his princess’s lair.

Approaching the doors, he stopped and turned to a dark, shadowed corner.

“Excuse me, could you please let Princess Luna know that I will be in my room tonight?”


“Okay, then. I’ll be there if she needs me.” David turned to walk away.

“We will notify the princess,” a gruff voice responded.

“Oh. Thank you.”


David’s room was dark and cold. It had been a while since he had been back. The dim light of the moon barely illuminated his way as it shone through the window panes.

David turned up the gas lamps, set his things down on the dresser, then walked over to the fireplace to start a fire. After the kindling was lit and he placed the logs, he stood to look around his old room.

Luna’s handmaidens had placed some of his clothes on his bed, now freshly laundered. He checked them, then placed them into the dresser. Then David stripped and headed to the bathroom to shower.

After returning, he sat at the vanity and took out his journal. It had been quite an eventful period, and he struggled to get all of his thoughts on paper as his mind started failing. His fatigue weighed heavily on his body, both the magical, emotional, and physical exertion from the day taking their toll.

Having drifted off one too many times while writing, he picked himself up and then flopped on his bed, barely crawling under the covers before falling asleep.
