Another world in the darkness

by Thunder Facade

day one(Alex)

“Um, hello?” I heard a weak voice greeting me, but I could only see butterflies flying on top of my head as the cool wind stroke my hair. Oh that beautiful sun, warm, free and careless, though very dangerous to some people, I want to wake up from this dream called life, I want to be free and run below the clear blue sky while the big ball of light touches my skin softly. Im in a world full of madness, greed, grief, sorrow, violence and god knows what else. Humans are stupid, weak, they eat themselves only to hail at the one who has killed the most, this is going to end soon, I could feel that very inside me, but now, now it was time to dream again.

As I wake up in a yellow/green cottage I could see two big teal eyes staring at me looking for answers, my mind began to wake up as well and so my memories came back as I fully realized my situation still a little confused from earlier.

“Oh, what’s up Fluttershy (yawn) do you have the materials?” she then took out something from her saddlebag and laid them next to the bear, who was either death or acting death.

“Right there, um…Human?” oh I had forgotten that my name hasn’t being heard by her.

“Thanks, you can call me Alex by the way” she nodded and I proceeded to heal the bear or at least try to close his wounds. I grabbed the pin and the thread and began to make it go through the pin top little TINY hole, after a few tries finally I could start sewing. Something hit me right in my forehead, and it was doubt, I had only sew twice in my life and what I had sew was no more than 100% cotton cloth my mother forced me to sew, and I’ve never tried sewing flesh before, bear flesh.

“Are you sure there is no other way?” she asked worriedly, I wanted to say there was another since I had almost no idea what was I doing.

“Sorry…but this is the only way” my voice trembling a bit from the inexperience of the pin and thread. As I reached his left shoulder I enclosed my hand with the pin to start sewing.

“Oh, just be careful, ok?”

“I got it babe” I blushed I little not thinking my words, I could see her red cheeks in my mind and the little “ok” she gave afterwards. And so the pin passed through the top of the wound slowly, my hand was shaking a bit as it did, slowly, I began to sew and soon learned that slowly just wasn’t the way with flesh. I tried my best not to pinch myself with the pin, that was because Fluttershy would often distract me saying “be careful” or “watch out” inside my silence.

I had already sewed the two shoulder wounds as well as the left foreleg one, and it was time for the final one. I remembered that this was the one which he was the one he got from me for trying to finish Anthony, so I imagined that it would be slightly bigger, but not in the worst of shapes.

I almost puked at the sight of the 9 inch cut he had, I didn’t want to go through this one, but I knew that Fluttershy would appreciate me doing it. Again the same process: top slow, middle fast, bottom slow. When I forced the flesh to come together in the middle to have a chance of sewing it I almost jumped from the sudden shout.

“Wait! You’re hurting him” Fluttershy called out loud.

“SHUT UP, I KNOW WHAT IM DOING!” I didn’t realize at first but then I felt that stick hitting my chest, and as soon as I did I turned to look at a crying yellow Pegasus running to the second floor. ‘What have I done’ this and similar thoughts came to my pulsing head, I didn’t know what to do next: should I go apologize? No, she doesn’t want to see you; should I finish this damn sewing? Yes, that’s the least you can do know. Funny how I consulted my mind for actions like I did with other persons, sometimes my mind was the only one to talk to, it felt pathetic doing so, but since I get a lot of odd feedback from my self, I sometimes say that I’m kind of schizophrenic, my last doctor said that I don’t know the slightest of what being a schizophrenic means, so I feel more pathetic.

“Done” I whispered to the walls as I finished fixing the bear right foreleg wound. In all the silence the room was covered in, I could fairly hear her crying and sobbing, I felt worse with every sudden loud cry scream she let out, I finally decided that I should go inform her that the bear was patched up and maybe also beg her to accept my pardons. I began to walk up the little stairs; I noticed a short and reduced corridor in which I had to almost crouch. At the end of it, there it was, a mid closed door, inside the room: a single yellow mare, with her head buried in a white pillow, trembling and sobbing loudly, I would have thought that it was a ridiculous pose for a single shout but inside I felt like if committing murder.

I slowly peeked in the room trying my best not to make a sound out of my steps; I reached her large bed and crouched slowly in her right, I could hear those little “I’m sorry” between her sobs.

“Sshh” I leaned closer to her right ear and whispered: “Fluttershy, I’m so sorry about shouting you earlier, but if you keep it this way, I’m gonna be the one crying and sobbing of regrets” I started to feel like crying myself; I hardly held back my tears and continued “if you don’t stop, babe, I will never forgive my self for what I did”.

She began to take her head out of the pillow while still sobbing loudly; she arched her back, hooves holding her weigh as she looked over me. I began crying with the sight of her beautiful watering teal eyes, they were looking right inside my soul, penetrating every last inch of my sorrow and troubles, I could not hold this any longer, I had to hug her and physically show her how sorry I was. I kneeled and turned to embrace her as hard and lovingly as I possibly could, she hugged me back in response, though a little harder, mares surely are strong, but that only made me have more confidence of my actions, she was sobbing and crying next to my left ear, her head resting heavily on my shoulder. My eyes were dropping a rain of tears on her back, my head buried inside that beautiful light pink mane of hers.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to distract you” she silently said between sobs.

“don’t be, please, I’m the only one who should be sorry for my rude attitude” we held the embrace a little longer before I realized that much of her weigh was growing more and more, her hooves no longer were wrapped around me, instead, they were freely hanging above her chest. I pulled my head back and saw her cute face now sleep and a little grin on her muzzle.
I chuckled and grabbed her head in my left hand while still close to her shoulder and slowly laid her angel body on her bed, her left ear resting on the pillow, she let out a cute soft yawn and pulled her pillow to hug it tightly, maybe thinking it was me. “Phew” well at least I had apologized to her, my mind was now finally clear and my soul purified, I began feeling like sleeping too, since I didn’t sleep much in her couch. I let out a yawn, kissing her forehead and trying to lie down slowly on the bed, a sigh of relief came out and my eyes shut down in peacefulness.

Several hours passed by, and I found myself awake in the room of a beautiful Pegasus just right beside me, sleeping silently, and with a big grin on her. I could see that it was about sundown already as the orange sky painted the windows, it was a beautiful sight, something I just never had a chance to see back in earth. Some loud knocking could be heard in the not so distant first floor door.

“Alex! Come here right now, we need to talk!” I recognized the voice immediately, it was Anthony. A rush of happiness run through my body as knew that he was still alive, but in all happiness I began to think about his words, ‘he never talks like that and…why is he talking that serious? What does he means by “we need to talk”?’ He began knocking again, this time harder and it seemed important. I saw that Fluttershy was getting awake, so I quickly got out of the bed and closed the door behind me, of course I did my best to do it stealthy, I reached the stairs and walked to the front door. I saw Anthony in different clothes; they seemed like the ones I’ve seen in a game, the assassins? this simply too confusing to process. A mare on his left was covered in the same clothes as well as the little filly on his right.

“Do you think you can leave this place for a walk?” he said again in a cold tone, which just wasn’t normal for him talking like that.

You did not expected that did you? anyway, tell me if any grammar errors were done, and feel free to tell me if anything doesn't seems right. "in the deeps of dreams, the aswers to your broken questions await your visit"-Alex