Red Thunder

by Naturefang

Scales and a explanation on a train. (Old)

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY SKIN?!" In hindsight I may have over reacted to finding out I had scales now. But honestly, if you had just spent as long as I did as a museum exhibit in waiting, You'd freak out at something else completely new to you to, right?

"Why are thee yelling in a manner similar to 'Freaking out' as is the modern term?" Luna said with a look of honest concern on her face.

"MY FLESH IS SCALY AND RED, WHY IS IT NOT JUST FLAT CAUCASIAN SKIN!?" Just keep yelling, eventually they'll figure out that something is wrong.

"Excuse me princess, but I think your new acquaintance is having a panic attack." said one of the two in a light cloth armour, the purple one with the rune like symbols going up her two variations of what were probably Shaolin monk Hook Swords. When I heard this I just pointed at her and said "YES, ON THE DOT! THANK YOU STRANGE MONK LOOKING LADY!"

One of the ones in a leather armour, the one wit a literal rainbow for hair, than preceded to ask the question of "Why? Did you just, like suddenly notice a thing you didn't before or something?" I just repeated myself, except replacing 'Strange monk looking lady' with 'Girl with Smarties for hair' witch apparently confused the hell out of her. This basically kept going for the next hour, even continuing after we got on a train before the kid finally asked me what the lat thing I remember was and me answering with "Turning into a fossil about 65,000,000,000 years ago."

"Thou were trapped as stone for how long!?" Luna said with a bunch of variations of the same thing from the rest of the group, except the pink one in the Gladiator looking plate armour with a Claymore on her back.

"Ohhhhhhh,sothatmeansyourprobablylikenotfromthisdimensionandwerejustmindingyourownbusinessatsomesortofconventioninacitywithareeeeeaaaaalllllybigtowerandsawamansellingtheonethingyouweremissingfromyourcostumeanddressedupasavideogamecharacter,butwhenyouboughtithelaughedandyourealizedhewasactuallythatcharacterandblackedoutonlytowakeupasafossilandwaitforthatsuperduperuberlongtimeonlyforLunatoaccidentallyreviveyouasaDraconicversionofthefictionalcharacteryouweredressedupasandthenallthepanicattackstuffhappenedafteryoulookedatyourhandandsawyouhavescalesandareaDrakelikeSpikeright?" Somehow she manages to say all of this well she is smiling, and sticking out of Luna's hair. Before I can question how she did this, everyone else in the room says in unison, "Its Pinkie Pie, don't question it."

"Well if I shouldn't question how she is clearly breaking the laws of physics, than maybe I can ask this, who are all of you and why do I feel like I know Luna and Pinkie's names from somewhere?"

They all proceeded to introduce themselves starting with one Twilight Sparkle, the Monk looking woman from earlier. Next was Rarity, she was in a leather armour like Smarties, her fur was an alabaster, she had a strange lack of weaponry on her compared to the rest and I swear to you I saw her eyes flash a deep sanguine colour. Then Smarties told me her name was Rainbow Dash, whilst she did so she was fiddling with one of the daggers on her belt. forth was the quietest of them, she had yellow fur and long pink hair, Smarties (no I will not stop calling her that) told me she was there healer and that her name is Fluttershy, I had a strange urge to punch anybody who made Fluttershy cry in the face when she said that. now was the orange ones turn, she called herself Apple Jack, AJ for short, she was in full plate steel armour, except that she was wearing a stetson style hat in place of a helmet, and was sharpening the heads of her double headed Battle Axe with the care one would polish a family heirloom. Finally their was the kid, he said his name was Spike, and that he was like me in how he too knew nothing of the other Draconic races of the world, but he did know it was rare to meet a Drake, as we are apparently a lost race, with only 9 members known to be alive. 10 if he counted me and hearing that is when I apparently decided it was time to take a nap as I lost consciousness.