My Little Pony Equestria Girls

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 6: A New Strategy

After their day at school:

Alice and her friends along with Twilight and her friends explains to them their encounter with Jessica and Sunset Shimmer today. Right now, they need to be extra sure to get Twilight's crown back and make sure to get it back to Equestria before something terrible happens.

Clarissa decides that they all go to their house for a meeting. They all have some tea, milk, scones, and cookies. Of course, Clarissa did teach Twilight and her friends how to hold things with their hands. First they went to Alice's house to pick up Spike and Luna and then they arrive at Clarissa house for their meeting.

After getting to Clarissa's house:

Everyone is having a good time and are trying to figure out what to do about their problem with Jessica and Sunset Shimmer.

"So Sunset Shimmer did show up at school, after all," Joseph replies.

Then Rainbow Dash says, " Yeah! We need to be sure that Alice wins that crown and get it back to the portal."

"I agree darling," Rarity replies while holding a tea cup.

"We need to be extra careful about this," Twilight says.

Applejack and the others turn to Twilight with a confused look on their faces.

Applejack asks, "What do you mean?"

Alice understands what Twilight is talking about and knows that their problem is going to be tough.

Alice answers, "Jessica and Sunset are not going to give up on the crown very easy. So we need to be extra vigilant and try not to let Sunset or Jessica know what we're up to."

The Twilight says, "She's right. If we made a mistake, then Jessica and Sunset will end up causing trouble in your world."

"You're right," Amy says sadly.

"Aice and Twilight are right. We need to make sure that Alice wins that crown," Jerry says.

"But how?" Fluttershy asks nervously.

"She right, the dance is tomorrow night," Pinkie replies sadly.

"Yeah, things are doing okay with Alice so far, but Jessica still have the upper hand here," Applejack says.

Then Max says, "We need to help them see Alice and show them how special she is,"

Just then Rarity has an idea. She gets of of her chair and screams, "I got it!"

Rarity's screams catches everyone's attention and are all looking at her with a confused look on their faces.

After getting everyone's attention, RAretoy calms down and says,"Perhaps I may have a suggestion. Now I know this may be the most preposterous idea, but what if you all wear something that represents your true selves."

Everyone looks at Rarity and are kind of understanding what she is getting at and kind of don't.

"And maybe we can help you come up with pony ears, tail and cutie marks to represent your true selves, as a sign of unity," Rarity adds happily.

Then Rarity stands on a chair to bring everyone's attention towards her. Then she continues her speech saying, "What I can see you all are like us. You all are very different and have your own dreams, interest, and strengths, but you all are still friends. Alice is a girl with heart, compassion, courage, and determination, and we're going to let everyone know it!"

The Rarity gets off the chair and behind Alice after giving her speech. Then Rarity calmly asks, "What do you think?"

Everyone starts to loom at each other and thinks about Rarity's idea. After some time thinking, everyone starts to smile at her and are thinking that it might actually work.

"That's an awesome idea," Max says with excitement.

"Yeah! That's the best way for people to know who we are," Amy replies happily.

"It will also help them know that they can be true to himself and can still be friends with each other," Twilight adds happily.

"Let's do this!" Rainbow Dash screams happily.

"Yay!" Fluttershy says quietly but loud enough to hear.

Alice then smile at everyone and agree that Rarity idea can work.

Alice gets off from her chair and says, "Then let's get to work."

With that everyone starts to get things ready for tomorrow, which is going to be their last chance to help alice with the crown before tomorrow night.

Clarissa and Rarity are busy getting some design ideas for what their clothes should look like, while everyone else is paired up to help them come up with pony ears, tail and cutie mark ideas.

Twilight is with Alice. Amy is with Fluttershy. Joseph is with Rainbow Dash. Max is with Applejack. And finally Jerry is working with Pinkie. The 12 friends are working with their project all afternoon and made very good progress. Jerry and Pinkie suggests that they should also do a dance and song routine to help them bring their school spirit. Alice and the others think it's a good idea to use it and they know just the song to use for their dance.

It is around late in the evening that they have finished with their plain and hope it will be enough to win Twilight's crown and to get it back to Equestria before something bad happens.

At Alice's house:

In the middle of the night, Alice is in the kitchen gathering her thought and is trying to think of something else they can to to help Twilight win her crown.

Alice starts to get sad and says, "I really hope this works."

Just then Twilight comes into the kitchen and says, "Hey Alice."

"Oh hi Twilight. How are you doing?" Alice replies feeling a bit nervous.

"I'm fine," Twilight answers.

Just then Twilight looks at Alice and notice that Alice is very nervous about something and want to help her overcome that problem.

"Alice are you alright?" Twilight asks sadly.

I'm.. really hoping I can get your crown backā€¦ but I know Jessica and Sunset are not going to make this easy on us," Alice explains feeling nervous about two mean girls making her upset.

Twilight can tell that Alice might start to lose her confidence. She smile and says, "Well, as long as you got us and your friends to help there is nothing you can't do."

Alice looks at Twilight who is showing her a smile on her face. Alice can tell that Twilight is right, she has really good friends who care about her. Alice smile and says, "Thanks Twilight,"

"No problem,"Twilight says feeling glad to help. Twilight then yawns and says, "Now you better get to bed, big day tomorrow."

"Right," Alice replies agreeing to the idea.

After that Alice and Twilight are in her room ready to get some sleep for the night and can't wait for tomorrow.

"Night Twilight," Alice says to Twilight.

"Night Alice," Twilight says to Alice.

Then they both law down starts to sleep for the night. They both can tell that they have a lot in common with each other, but most of all they know that they have true friends who really care about them and they will do anything to help eachother out in time of need.