Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Getting Settled and Having a Grand Feast

While Goldenrod led them to the front desk, Rainbow and Indominus could see how the Golden Pony Hotel got its name. The inside was shining and the walls were shimmering like gold fresh from a cave. All the authentic decor was golden to the last touch, and there was something for every guest to do. There was a massive dining hall and ballroom for those who were looking to eat or dance the night away. It even had complimentary hot tubs and an expansive garden for any couples who just wanted some time to themselves. It truly was a hotel that could appeal to any guest's desires or make a couple feel so at peace and relaxed.

The yellow unicorn at the front desk was shocked when Goldenrod introduced the new couple to him.

"M-Mr Goldenrod sir, are they-"

"Yes they are Shining Star, these are Indominus Rex and Rainbow Dash. They are our guests of honor tonight, please inform the rest of the staff so these two can have a wonderful time at our fine hotel."

"Yes of course sir," Shining Star said as he left the front desk to greet the newlyweds. "Welcome Rainbow Dash and Indominus Rex, it's a great pleasure to have you both here."

"We're glad to be here ourselves," said Rainbow Dash.

"I believe we have a reservation under our names for this lovely evening?"

"Why of course Mr. Indominus, just one second." Shining Star quickly got his reservation book and started going through the names. He had made sure to mark the reservation to help him remember. :Here we are, I've found your reservation and the penthouse has been prepared for you. Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes, I'll have one of our staff come get you when it's time."

"Splendid, I could use a good meal."

"First, we've gotta get settled in our room, Indominus."

"Allow me to show you two to your room for the night," Goldenrod said as he collected the key to their room and guided the lovers over to the elevator. Indominus could hear Shining Star wishing them a great night as they got inside the elevator, and noticed that plenty of ponies were still watching them.

The elevator ride was rather unpleasant for Indominus, being cramped in one space with so many ponies was unnerving to him. It didn't help that the elevator was covered with glass, so he could see everything around him on the way up. Rainbow had to constantly stroke his face to keep him calm, any sudden movements and he could cause the whole elevator to crash. The ponies on board were taking notice and didn't move around or talk much, so Rainbow could keep Indominus at ease. The hybrid was incredibly grateful that so many ponies were understanding and respectful.

When they finally got off at the top level of the hotel, Goldenrod was deeply sorry for the discomfort the elevator had caused Indominus. On the way to the room, he kept expressing his concern for Indominus's safety.

"I had no idea that being in an elevator could cause you such discomfort Indominus."

"I'm just not used to riding in them, that was my first time being in such a confined space."

"I think I do have a solution, I'll let you use the private elevator that only I or the staff use. No guests are allowed to use it, but in your case we can make an exception. Well here we are."

The group was standing in front of a door that seemed far more fancy and stood out more than the others. Goldenrod turned the lock and when they stepped inside, Rainbow and Indominus were rendered speechless at the room before them. The penthouse was much bigger on the inside and there were divine couches and fancy chairs in the main room. The glass windows were lined with red curtains and gave a fantastic view of the outside and the garden. The bedroom had a massive bed laden with gold sheets, a mini fridge and a bathroom that could fit both pegasus and dinosaur. This truly was a room that was worthy of only the most wealthy ponies in Equestria, and Rainbow and Indominus had the privilege of using the room for two weeks.

"I didn't anything this fancy was possible, we've gone right to paradise Indominus."

"Yeah we have Rainbow, this is simply amazing."

"Glad you two like it so much. Make yourselves comfortable and one of our staff will be along in a while to bring you two to dinner. Enjoy your stay," Goldenrod said as he set the key down on the table and shut the doors to give the lovers time to take in their room.

The lovers took a minute to walk about their room and survey everything, Indominus could easily walk about the room without bumping into anything. Rainbow was flying at the height of the glass windows and looking out towards the garden. She saw all the couples that were walking together, and noticed a huge gazebo near the edge of the garden. It would make a perfect spot for her and Indominus to spend time and dance together. Rainbow could hardly wait for everything to happen tonight, she intended to have a magical time with her new hybrid husband.

Indominus had wandered into the bedroom and noticed that the suitcase and coin pouch were sitting by the pillows. Discord had followed through, and Indominus could hardly wait to see what kind of dresses Rarity had packed for Rainbow to wear on their honeymoon. Indominus set the coin pouch on a nightstand, put the suitcase beside the bed and decided to rest for a while. His body simply melted into the fancy bed and his head felt so relaxed against the golden pillow. He felt his eyes closing from the comfort and was about to pass out when he heard his wife from the doorway.

"Getting comfy and ready for bed already are we?" Indominus perked his head up and gave a smile at his wife's teasing tone.

"Nothing wrong with trying out our bed, is there? Though I suppose the comfort is making me pass out, I'll get up." He was about to get up when Rainbow stopped him.

"Don't bother getting up babe, I'll join you."

Rainbow flew over to the bed and laid herself down beside Indominus, she snuggled close to his body so they were only a few inches apart. She increased her size until she was as big as Indominus, and put one of her hooves to her face.

"I can't believe we get to have all this time to ourselves, it'll be just as amazing as our first date."

"I don't know Rainbow, that date was pretty amazing, it'll take a lot of effort to make our time here just as wonderful." Rainbow pulled Indominus's face closer to her and whispered in his ear.

"As long as we're together, all the time that we spend here will be magical regardless." Rainbow then followed up with a deep kiss that sent heat flowing throughout Indominus's body, he slowly closed his eyes and kissed her back.

The pair became lost in each other's embrace and were losing track of time altogether. All that mattered was that they had a grand night ahead of them, and they were going to shower each other in all the love and affection they could summon. Indominus took a moment to catch his breath and look upon the cyan mare that was blushing bright red from all the affection she had given him.

"You've become so bold and if I must say, a little on the perverted side, Miss Dash."

The rainbow mare coiled her tail around Indominus's and tangled them together.

"It's because you've become part of my life Indominus, no other pony has fascinated me the way you have. When I'm with you, I feel so at peace and happy with my life."

"Save more of that lovely talk for our time in the garden, my little Dashie. It'll be worth it."

Indominus had just begun kissing Rainbow again, when they heard knocking at their door. The lovers glanced at each other sheepishly.

"Guess we used up our half hour of free time."

"It's dinner time already, let's go stuff our faces," said Indominus as he untangled his tail with Rainbow's.

The pair walked back out into the living room and opened the door. They were greeted by a green unicorn who had a big smile on her face like a fan at a convention.

"Oh my gosh! Indominus Rex, Rainbow Dash, I'm so thrilled to meet you both this evening. I'm here to escort you both to dinner. Follow me please."

Rainbow made sure to tuck the key to their room under wing so they wouldn't be locked out. The employee led them away from the usual elevators and to a special elevator that was labeled for "staff and special guests only".

"This is the special elevator that Goldenrod told me you had permission to use Indominus. I think you'll find it to be far better than the others."

When they stepped inside, Indominus found that the elevator was much bigger than the others and he didn't feel so confined. Rainbow was glad that Indominus was at peace and not panicking about the confined space. He could breathe more easily and enjoy the trip down to the lobby. Once the doors opened, they were greeted by eager ponies that were still hoping to get a glance at the new couple.

The green unicorn guided them away from the prying eyes and led them to a pair of massive, golden double doors. They reminded Rainbow of their own room, for only a great room could lie beyond doors so overdone.

"Welcome newlyweds, to the Dining Hall." the staff pony said as he opened the door. When the doors parted completely, Rainbow and Indominus's jaws dropped to the floor and their tongues rolled out.

The hall before them was packed to the brim with buffet carts, dozens of tables, and countless ponies getting in line at each cart to fill their plates. They noticed Goldenrod was greeting guests at the far end and motioned for them to come in when he noticed them at the entrance. Rainbow could hear Indominus's stomach growling as they walked into the Dining Hall and couldn't help but giggle. The other guests also heard the dinosaur's hungry stomach, and Goldenrod told the staff to get something from the kitchen.

"Guess Canterlot didn't have enough food to handle your appetite huh? Come on you scaly rascal, let's get us some grub."

Rainbow got in line with the other guests, but Indominus was stopped by Goldenrod and some of the chefs.

"Now hold on Indominus, we've got a special table prepared just for you."

"You do? What kind of food did you prepare for me?"

"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna told us of your 'special' diet needs. So I've had a table prepared solely for you and nopony else. Follow me."

Indominus followed Goldenrod and the chefs away from Rainbow and most of the guests. They led the hybrid to purple curtain, but strangely, Indominus could pick up a delicious smell coming from behind the curtains. A smell that reminded Indominus of the animals he had hunted in the Everfree, only more fresh and sweet.

"Prepare yourself Indominus, for this is going to be a feast fit for a king," Goldenrod said as the chefs pulled away the curtains. When they did, Indominus was sure he was going to drool a lake onto the floor from the food laid out before him.

The table was filled with all sorts of cooked meats and sizzling, juicy delicacies that Indominus had never seen before. The aroma from the cooked meats and culinary dishes drifted towards him and up his scaly nostrils. The dinosaur relished the amazing scent and had to look all over the table to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. As he did, Goldenrod went and explained each dish to the hungry dinosaur that was checking out all the food.

"What you're seeing is freshly roasted turkey, Manehatten pot roast, maple baked ham, and cooked prime, roast beef. For the other dishes we have Vanhoover chowder, cinnamon dumplings, corn on the cob and apple cinnamon pie. For beverages, we've provided a vast supply of cider and juices for any flavor you'd want." Indominus eagerly licked his toothy jaws, each dish sounded so delicious that he couldn't wait to dine, but Goldenrod had something special waiting for afterwards. "If you're still hungry after all this Indominus, we have a special treat waiting in the kitchen if you want the main course."

"I'm sure I'll have room for all the food you have planned Goldenrod, and thank you all for preparing this much food for me. I truly am grateful for it." Indominus pulled himself away from the table to thank the chefs and Goldenrod, and shake their hooves for the glorious buffet.

"You're quite welcome Indominus," said one of the chefs. "Now eat to your heart's content, we'll be back to see if you have room for more later."

Indominus approached the beautifully prepared table and took one of the turkeys in his claws. He took one bite out of the bird and chomped down on the cooked meat. The dinosaur took the time to enjoy each bite before swallowing. Instantly, his eyes lit up from the delicious taste, he shoved the whole turkey in his mouth and started crunching down. The sound of bones crunching echoed in the hall and the ponies heard more crunching as Indominus dove into the table and began devouring all the food in sight.

Rainbow had just gotten her plate full and sat down when she heard the crunching. She saw Indominus going to town on all the meat and food made for him, and she couldn't help but giggle at seeing Indominus enjoying food so much. It was no doubt more than any meal he had ever eaten in his life. Some of the guests had sat down with her and were astonished by how Indominus was devouring his meals.

"Your husband sure has some appetite."

"Yeah he does," Rainbow said while enjoying her own meal.

"How did you ever fall in love with one of the Guardians?"

"Well, we met while he was protecting me and my sister Scootaloo from her abusive parents. We bonded during the brawl, we had our first date a few months afterwards and got to know one another. He makes me feel so happy and special, like I'm the most important pony in Equestria. After I brought him and his friends back from the dead, I can understand why."

"Wow, that's really noble and loyal of him. Just out of curiosity, does he always eat like that?"

"Heh heh, only when he gets a meal that is truly satisfying."

"Well if must say Rainbow Dash, you've got yourself a true husband." One of the guests spotted the Arkenstone around Rainbow's neck and was marveled by it.

"Did he pick that ring himself?"

"He sure did."

"A dinosaur that's brave, strong, devoted and has excellent taste in jewelry? Now that is what I call a real diamond in the rough."

"He sure is," Rainbow was getting lost from staring dreamily at Indominus. Despite how he was chewing away at the food, that was just part of who he was. She loved him because Indominus was true to himself and just as loyal as herself. She decided to pardon herself from the table once her plate was finished, and see how her husband was enjoying his meal.

Indominus was still having the time of his life devouring the tasty food before him, but he had cleared almost everything. There were only two pies left and he was chomping on a juicy pot roast when Rainbow walked over.

"So, how are you enjoying the food, big boy," Rainbow said in a teasing tone.

Indominus finished swallowing the delicious pot roast before he answered Rainbow's question.

"It's so divine and tasty, babe. I never knew such great food existed. Care to have one of the last pies with me?"

"Of course Indominus."

The couple chowed down on their pies together, and Goldenrod walked by after spotting all the eaten dishes.

"I see you really took a liking to our food Indominus. Has everything been what you expected?"

"Oh, everything and more. Your food is the best I've had so far," Indominus said after finishing the last of the pie.

"I second that," said Rainbow Dash.

"So, do you have enough room left for that special treat I told you about earlier?" Indominus rubbed his stomach and felt a little rumble, indicating that he still had room for one more dish.

"Bring it on Goldenrod, I've got room for your best dish." Goldenrod laughed at Indominus's response.

"That's what I was hoping for, alright boys, bring out the main course."

While some of the staff cleared the table of the plates, Goldenrod went back into the kitchen to get the main dish. Rainbow decided she had to see what the chefs were going to prepare for Indominus. He returned a while later, but kept the doors open while calling back into the kitchen.

"Be careful, we don't want it to get damaged before Indominus gets to eat it."

The chefs carefully walked out the doors, levitating a humongous dish in front of them. When Indominus got a closer look, he was sure he had found the grand daddy of all meats. The chef ponies were levitating on a massive plate, the biggest roasted boar that Indominus had ever laid eyes on. It was at least two times the size of his shrunken self, and looked so juicy that the dinosaur was almost unable to contain himself.

"This is one of the most rare cooked meals you will ever see Indominus. This boar took awhile to find, and even more time to prepare into a meal. I truly hope that it satisfies your stomach," said Goldenrod.

"Oh believe me, by the time I'm finished with this pig, there won't be enough meat left to feed a rat," Indominus said before ripping off a chunk of the roasted meat, chomping it up and swallowing it. The second the meat hit his stomach, Indominus's eyes lit up and he bellowed, "I'm gonna have a field day with this boar tonight!"

The hybrid dinosaur dove right into the roasted boar and began biting and chomping away at the flesh. Ponies could hear the loud crunching again, only there were little to no breaks in-between. Indominus was gulping down massive quantities of the boar and Rainbow could see a big smile on his face while he was eating. Then out of nowhere, she suddenly had the urge to want to try the food for herself. So she nudged Indominus to try and get his attention, the dinosaur pulled his flesh covered nose out of the pig with his mouth full of meat.

"So Indominus, how's the main course taste?" The hybrid swallowed the meat in his jaws so he could answer his girl's question.

"It's so amazing and tasty, I can't get enough of it."

"Would it be alright if, I could try some of it?" The question caught Indominus by surprise, he didn't think Rainbow Dash would ever eat cooked meat, but it made him happy that she was willing to try for herself.

Indominus ripped off a chunk and held it at the end of his jaws. Rainbow tried to take it away from him, but Indominus wouldn't relinquish the flesh in his mouth. Then Rainbow realized the game that Indominus was trying to play, and gave her husband a sly stare.

"Any opportunity you can get to play this game huh? Alright Indominus, I'll play along," Rainbow said before taking a bite of the meat.

She had to admit that it did taste pretty good, and she continued to eat away at the rest until she and Indominus were kissing after the last piece had been eaten. The dinosaur was getting good at the teasing games to get Rainbow to kiss him, and when they parted lips Indominus noticed that Rainbow had partially changed. She had the razor teeth like when she transformed, but the rest of her remained the same. She was slightly shaking after eating the meat, and she didn't know why.

"Indominus, why do I feel so strange, and why are my teeth sharp when I didn't even tap into my power?"

"I believe you are experiencing the instincts of a predator. Since you recieved your power from me, you must've gotten part of my nature, and it's causing you to crave meat after you saw the boar."

"I won't hurt anypony., will I?"

"No, you won't hurt anypony, your body just wants to taste more of the boar. So why don't we dine together, since we are husband and wife now?"

"Yeah, I'd like that. So what are we waiting for, let's dig in."

The crunching intensified as Indominus AND Rainbow Dash began devouring the roasted boar. The guests were a little frightened at the sight of a pony eating something other than vegetables or apples, but given that she was married to a dinosaur, it made sense for her to try some of his foods. The couple had happy looks on their faces as they continued to chomp away at the insides of the pig. Rainbow's stomach was growling in contentment now that she was getting a real taste of the main course. If anypony else saw them eating the way they were, it would've looked like a carnivore feeding frenzy. Rainbow and Indominus ate away at their meal in peace, like the married couple they were meant to be.

After about twenty minutes of feasting, the boar had been stripped down to the bones that Indominus hadn't crunched up. He and Rainbow left the Dining Hall, rubbing their stomachs and fully satisfied for the evening. They made sure to really thank Goldenrod and the staff for giving them such an incredible feast, despite all the dishes that had to be cleaned. The staff didn't mind, they were glad that their effort was being so appreciated and that a couple loved their food so much. Goldenrod told Rainbow and Indominus that the main ballroom would be starting the dances in an hour and a half, so they could have time to get ready. The pegasus and dinosaur went back to their room, ready to let their stomachs settle, and to dance the night away.