The Cipher

by Dark Nightshade

The book

Twilight sighed as she browsed the books in Celestia's library. It had been about a week since she had become a princess, and Celestia had told her to browse the library and learn how to be a princess. It was a lot harder then she had expected.

Did I really deserve to become an alicorn? she thought. All I really did was complete a spell! Twilight stopped and frowned at a book. What is this? The book in question was a red and black book.

I don't remember this one, Twilight thought. She picked it up using her magic and started flipping through its pages. She stopped when she found a page with....something...on it.

"This is an incantation," Twilight murmured to herself out loud. "I wonder what it does? To my science equipment!"

An hour later, Twilight was finally at her tree house library, getting out reading equipment for analyzing the incantation on the page. Finally, she was almost ready.

"If only Spike were here," Twilight muttered. "He could light these candles in a flash." Finally, she was done lighting the last candle. She had set them up in a circle, and stepped inside, holding the book with her magic. She looked at the incantation on the page, and started reading it.

"Triangulum, entangulum. Meteforis dominus ventium. Meteforis venetisarium!" she recited. Suddenly, the world went dark. Twilight shrieked. Suddenly, she heard laughing, and a yellow triangle appeared out of no where. The triangle started generating arms and legs, and then an eye and hat appeared. Twilight gasped as the triangle laughed.

"Thank you!" it said. "Finally, I've free!"

"W-what are you?" Twilight asked.

"I think you mean who, not what," the triangle said. "But I've been called worse. Anyway, I'm Bill Cipher." It reached out it's hand. Twilight stared at it.

"Wait a minute, is this some kind of prank?" Twilight asked, starting to get angry. "Did Discord set you up to do this? Actually, he probably created you, so forgot the first question."

"Who's this Discord?" Bill Cipher asked. Twilight glared at him.

"Just take me back to my library," she growled.

"Uh uh uh!" Bill Cipher chuckled. "Gotta say the magic word!"

"Please?" Twilight asked. Can you please take me back to my library?"

"Sure!" Bill Cipher snapped his fingers and they were standing in the circle of candles Twilight made in the library. Twilight blinked.

What the? she thought.

"So, who is this Discord person?" Bill Cipher asked. "Or should I say pony?" Twilight shook her head.

"Discord isn't a pony," she said. "He's a master of chaos." Bill Cipher gasped.

"So am I!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah, I kind of saw that," Twilight said.

"Does he enjoy gifting people deer teeth?" he said. Twilight's ears folded back.

"Deer what?" she asked.

"Dear teeth," Bill Cipher said. "You know, these!" He snapped his fingers, and suddenly a pile of shiny white objects appeared on the floor. Deer teeth. Twilight shrieked.

"These are actual deer teeth?" she asked, horrified.

"Straight from the mouth!" Bill Cipher said. "Oh! Incoming anomaly!" Suddenly, there was a bright light, and when it stopped, Discord was standing there.

"Twilight, how did you come into possession of chaos magic?" he asked, his voice slightly raised. "And why do you have a mouthful of deer teeth?" He looked at the circle of (now unlit) candles.

"You can sense chaos magic?" Twilight asked. Discord nodded.

"And you've summoned something powerful," he said. "Surprisingly, I don't know what-or who-it is, but its powerful.

"You bet I am!" Bill Cipher said.

"It's still here though," Discord said, glancing around the room. Twilight looked at Bill.

"You can't see him?" she asked, confused.

"No," Discord said. "If he doesn't want anyone else see him, then ok. Just be careful, Twilight." And in another flash, Discord was gone. Twilight turned to Bill.

"Could he really not see you?" Twilight asked.

"Correct," Bill said. "I can alter peoples-or should I say ponies- visions so I can stay hidden. I'm not going to do it to you, because then you'd freak out."

"I'm already freaked out," Twilight said. Bill looked at the pile of deer teeth.

"I'm guessing you don't want the deer teeth," he said. "Doesn't matter, I was going to send them back." He snapped and the pile of teeth disappear in a flash.

"So, let me get this straight: You're more powerful than Discord, a chaos master?" Twilight asked.

"Yep!" Bill said.

"Wow," Twilight said. "Are you a good guy?"

"That depends on what you mean by 'good'," Bill said. "I haven't killed anyone, but I do some crazy stuff!"

"Ok," Twilight said. "Please don't do anything...crazy to anyone in this town, especially my friends."

"The friends that are at the door?" Bill said.

"What?" Twilight managed to asked before someone knocked at the door. Twilight looked at the door.

"Hey Twilight! Open up!" Rainbow Dash called from outside. "The other girls are here with me. Are you ok?"

"This should be interesting," Bill sad. Twilight teleported and the candles and analyzers into the tree houses basement, and then opened the door nervously.

"Finally! Where have you been?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Don't tell me you won't be able to hang out with use anymore!"

"NOOOO!" Pinkie exclaimed. She wrapped herself around Twilight's front legs in a hug. "Don't leave us!"

"Pinkie! I'm not leaving you!" Twilight said as she struggled to get out of her grip. She could hear Bill laughing. Pinkie let out a sigh of relief.

"Ok, good," she said as she let go of Twilight's legs. "So, what's happening?"