(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XXIV - A True, True Friend Helps a Friend in Need*

Act XXIV - A True, True Friend Helps a Friend in Need*

David and Luna awoke simultaneously, wrapped in each other’s embrace. Luna had taken the smaller spoon last night and now arched her back, pressing against David, enjoying the last few moments before they must rise and start the day.

“Good morning, Luna,” David chimed.

“Good morning to you as well. Did you rest peacefully?” Luna asked.

“Yes, and you?” David nestled in her mane and kissed her ear.

“I slept well, but am saddened that the week must start and that my schedule will change with it.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll manage.”

David slinked down under the covers, drawing lower behind Luna. Now with his arms wrapped around her barrel, he pulled her tightly to his chest. Luna cooed in delight as the human re-wrapped his body around hers. David lay like this for a few moments, enjoying the new sensations, but soon stirred to new action.

His long arms began to explore the form of his lover, caressing her body in magical ways. He stroked her sensitive side and under her wing, then moved lower to her flank and hindquarters. He spent quite a bit of time there, using his fingertips to rake through her fur, giving her a faux brushing, then smoothing out the lines he made. His actions earned him a surprised whinny and a leg twitch, a new reaction for him to explore later.

As he lazily traced her cutie mark, Luna pulled back the covers and picked up her head to look him in the eye. “Dear, while I wholeheartedly approve of what you are doing, you know we simply do not have the time…”

“Yes, I know,” he said dejectedly. “I was just thinking back to last night and got a little excited. During our date, I was really having a good time, and our little chase really got me going… that is, until you got hurt.”

“As it did for me as well. I could smell your arousal, and I my need for you was beginning to ignite. I must admit, it was quite a struggle for me to choose the rock over being captured and allowing you to ravage me on the lawn.” Luna giggled to herself as she reminisced.

‘Wow. I don’t know if it would’ve gone quite that far, but I’ll keep it in mind for the future,’ David thought. “Well, it’s probably good that you did, even though you ended up getting hurt. Last night just didn’t turn out to be the right time,” he added.

“Yes, and unfortunately, it will have to wait again.”

Luna shuffled away, the cold air filling the gap and reminding her of the days before David. Suddenly, she pushed herself back into position, meeting David’s flesh again to reclaim his warmth.

 Luna smiled coyly. “The morning air is cold without your touch.”

David re-wrapped his arms around her barrel and snuggled his face into her withers. “I love you too, Luna.”

This would only last a few more moments, though, as the day was required to start.

“How long do we have?” David asked.

Luna shook her head. “There is too little time. I will go to my sister while you get cleaned up. Join us in her chambers when you are ready. I believe we are both set upon testing your magical sensitivity, as we will most likely need to call on our magic in court today. If it still burdens you, we may have to find a compromise, or take more drastic measures.”

“Drastic measures?”

“We may have to announce you to the citizenry, and explain why their princesses are not using their magic.”



David approached Celestia’s chambers, and as he did, the guards saluted and stood aside. “Good morning, Sir David. You are expected inside,” one said.

“Thank you,” David replied.

David entered through the golden doors, letting them close behind him. As he did, Celestia’s chambers were just being bathed in the first rays of sunlight. Shielding his eyes, he could see Celestia and Luna sitting on lounges together near the balcony, talking. The sun shone through their manes, forming a beautiful halo of blue and multi-colored light, framing their picturesque forms.

David stood amazed. ‘Wow. They are so beautiful together. One, my magnificent lover, whom I’ve come to know quite well, and the other, her amazing sister, still quite the enigma. Luna asked me to consider Celestia and her feelings, and though I can’t really read her well, I’m starting to feel drawn to her more. Her pristine, white fur, her long, slender legs, the regal stature she holds herself with, and her beautiful smile that seems so carefree even while she shoulders so many burdens. She really is a beautiful person, inside and out.’

“David…?” Luna called out.

David shook his head, clearing his mind. “Yes?”

“It seems you were lost to your own thoughts for a moment. Come, sit and talk with us,” Luna requested.

David looked over at the two and caught Celestia’s gaze for a moment, which she broke immediately to look down at her teacup. He walked over and picked a seat next to Luna.

“You look handsome today, as usual,” Luna said.

“Oh, come on, Luna,” he protested in jest, smiling. “Thank you, though. You always look lovely to me.”

“How you can say that when you know for certain I have not seen one stroke of the brush this morning is beyond me,” she huffed.

David just shrugged. “I suppose I have blinders on. Perhaps you should be more like your sister.” He turned to face the elder alicorn. “Celestia, you are looking quite radiant this morning. I hope you slept well?”

Celestia nodded politely did not respond, choosing instead to sip her tea quietly with a small blush on her cheeks.

“Now, David. I will have you know that my sister does not respond to flattery.”

“Oh, my apologies if I made you feel uncomfortable,” he said sincerely.

“No apology necessary. And thank you, David. I did, in fact, sleep quite well last night,” Celestia finally spoke up.

David nodded and smiled politely. “That’s good to hear.  So, I assume we’re all gathered here to find out more about my magical sensitivity and if we can start to lead somewhat normal lives again.”

“Yes,” Luna started. “It is somewhat of a necessity for us to use magic in our public and official capacities. However, Sister and I have decided if there is no limit to the effects, that we would continue to withhold using our magic unless absolutely necessary.”

David frowned. “While I appreciate your concern, I will reiterate what I said during our first discussion on this matter—that I don’t believe I’m negatively affected by your usage of magic, and only that I feel discomfort when both of you use magic at the same time. I think it’ll be okay to use magic, any magic, as long as you don’t do it together.”

Celestia rose from her teacup to speak her mind. “David, the fact is, we do not know if that is true. We would rather not subject you to the potential of ill effects at all.”

David sighed. “Okay. I understand your feelings on the matter, but let’s just do a bit of experimentation. I’m still curious to see if distance plays a factor, as even yesterday morning, I was able to sense you taking Twilight home, but didn’t feel any magic used for your return.”

Celestia pondered this new information. “While that does seem promising, the distance from here to Ponyville is quite far. We have an extremely limited amount of space here in the castle, and even less time to conduct our experiments this morning.”

Luna nodded. “Yes, my sister is correct. To aid us, I have devised a test we might use. Please listen and feel free to comment after I conclude.”

David and Celestia nodded and listened intently.

“My plan is thus: Two synchronized clocks. One, a watch held aloft in my sister’s magic, as to provide stimulus for David, as telekinesis is the most common magic used in our everyday lives. The other watch can be any of the readily available clocks here. To begin, Tia will make a steady journey to the throne room. While she travels, she will note her position every few seconds. Upon arriving at the throne room, she should perform some of the duties that might require magic, making notes of the time, then teleport back here. As she ambles about, we likewise make notes of David’s perception in relation to the time on the clock. If we are lucky, and David’s symptoms do have a range, then we will be able to easily coordinate at what point it occurred! Now, what say you?”

“Hmm. It is a simple test plan, Lulu, one that should work nicely considering the time and distance we have to available today. David, do you think the constant levitation or teleportation will be too much of a burden on you?”

“No, I think this is a good start. I say we give it a try immediately.”

“Okay. Lulu, what if something goes wrong?” Celestia asked.

“Apologies, Sister. I did not think ahead that far. David, we have no easy way of stopping this experiment once it has started. If you do feel ill or worse, I am afraid of what might come of it.”

David wore a mask of resolve and pleaded his case. “Don’t be afraid, either of you. We’ve already done far more than this and not had me suffer. I think this is well worth the risk, and I’m ready for it. If it makes it easier, let’s limit the time. Celestia, how long should it take you to reach the throne room?”

“At a normal pace, two minutes. Performing the other experiments there should only require one more minute.”

“So, three minutes for the whole test? If I start to feel odd, I’ll send Luna after you. I bet she could reach you in a minute, flat.”

“Less if I fly, though ‘my apologies’ to any in my way.”

“Good. Let’s do it,” David said.

Celestia rose from her seat and looked at David, wearing a small smile. She then went to her desk and rummaged around a bit. She returned with an old brass pocket watch, which she carried by the chain in her mouth and a pad of paper under her wing.

David nodded. “Great. Let’s start.”

Celestia closed her eyes and lit her horn, picking up the items in her magical aura.

David shivered slightly as the sensation of her magic poured over his body like a splash of cold water running down his spine.

“Are you okay?” Luna asked.

“Yes, Luna. I’m fine. It’s just been a while since I’ve felt it.”

Celestia put on somewhat of a sad face. She levitated another small pad and quill to David. “I am off. Please begin to note the time.”

“Be swift, Sister.”

Celestia smiled. “I will return soon.” She turned and opened the doors, heading out resolutely, not even stopping to address her guards.


“Forty-five seconds. I can still feel it.” David intently watched the clock.

“Are you alright?” Luna asked.

“Yes, it’s just… I think it might be changing a bit.”

“She cannot be much further than the dining room. It is about half-way from here to the throne room.”

David’s face lit up in surprise. “Oh, wait! It… it stopped!” He turned to face Luna. “I can’t believe it, but I don’t feel it at all!”

“Truly!? That is such great news! How long?”

“Right at a minute,” he said, scribbling on the paper. “I wonder how far away that is.”

“By my estimate, it would be near the staff quarters. We will need to wait for my sister’s return to make sure.”

“This is good, I still can’t feel a thing. Luna, do you know what this means!?”

“I understand the implications, and that pleases me greatly, but, as I always want to be by your side, it means little change for me. I will continue to withhold from using magic while I am near.”

“Well, that is kind of you, but I don’t want you to suffer because of me. Your magic is part of you, and I want you to be able to use it. We need to either figure out if it is actually harmful to me, and if it is, how to prevent me from being harmed.”

“In time, we will find answers. For now, we will use this small gift to return some normalcy to my sister, as I believe it will benefit her most.”

David nodded. “I think you are right. I can’t wait to tell her. Oh—” David’s face contorted, and he whipped his head back to the clock just as a bright flash filled the room and Celestia reappeared.

Celestia noticed the pained look on his face and dropped the watch and pad she held and rushed to David’s side.

“David, are you okay? I rushed through the last bit, did it hurt you?” Celestia asked, a frantic expression on her face.

David’s expression changed into a soft smile. He reached up to Celestia’s face and pulled her closer, nestling her muzzle next to his cheek. “I’m fine, thank you.” He nuzzled her lightly.

Celestia pulled back, looking a bit pink.

“The test proved to be somewhat of a success,” he announced. “At approximately one minute, all sensation from your magic ceased, and I felt nothing… until you teleported back here, that is. I’m unsure if it was the teleportation spell or lingering bits of levitation when you reappeared.”

“Really?” Celestia looked to Luna for confirmation, to which Luna nodded in reply.

“Yes, Sister. We have made a positive step forward this morning. Pray tell, at what point were you at the one-minute mark?”

Celestia picked up her pad from the floor. “I was just approaching the dining room. My guards were somewhat troubled that I would not stop for them, and had slowed my advance. After ordering them to return, I had to quicken my pace to make up some time.”

“So close by? That is yet another small miracle.”

David smiled. “I’d say! It sounds like I could be in my chambers and either of you could be eating normally, and I would never be the wiser!”

Luna jumped to her hooves. “Happy day, Sister! While it may take some careful planning, we might be able to scrub our own backs again!” Luna said gleefully before turning to face David. “Not that what you did for me was anything less than wonderful, my dear.”

Celestia blushed hard at the comment, averting her gaze from the two.

David leaned in close to Luna. “Don’t you think that’s a bit private to share with her?” he whispered.

Luna drew even closer to his ear, wearing a coy grin. “Worry not, she already knows we have shared a bed and more together. Apparently, most of the castle may also be aware.”


Luna withdrew her head, giggling like a filly, a hoof daintily placed over her lips. “Sister,” she spoke, finally recovering from her little fit, “what do you say we enjoy a wonderful breakfast together to celebrate!?”

Celestia pondered for a moment, looking sideways at David. “I am a bit peckish. Yes, let us go.”


The three sat at the table in their normal places. Celestia looked a little uncomfortable, always looking either at Luna or out the windows, completely ignoring David. This fact did not go unnoticed by the man, as the windows were directly behind him, and when she moved her head in his direction, he would think she was finally going to address him, only to stare at the flowers or sky above.

“Sister, are you alright? You seem rather distracted,” Luna asked.

“I am. I mean, I am alright, thank you. Just…”

“Yes?” Luna asked.

“Can we speak a bit later?” Celestia inquired.

Luna cocked her head. “Of course, Sister. I am always here for you. Please call on me, even if I slumber.”

Celestia’s serene smile returned. “Thank you, Lulu.” She then turned her head again towards the windows. “David, would you please start us off?” she asked, barely catching his gaze.

David looked rather confused but complied. He reached for the silver bell and gave it a little ring, starting the somewhat predictable events to unfold.

At the end, Cherry came to the table and addressed the group. “Good morning, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, David. I hope you all rested well.”

“Thank you, Cherry. Yes, I believe we did,” Celestia answered.

“I’m glad to hear it. I also want to report that David is going to teach me a new breakfast recipe you can look forward to soon.”

“Oh, the Prench toast!” Luna said.

David chuckled. “Close, it’s French toast. And yes, I’ll be teaching Cherry for once.”

“From what David has told me, it seems simply wonderful,” Luna added.

“I certainly think so,” Cherry said.

Celestia watched the exchange, honestly looking a little lost. She sat with a placid smile as Luna, Cherry and David spoke together, reminiscing and enjoying their time. ‘Why am I not able to enjoy their happiness? Why do I not have such experiences, always having to find my enjoyment in others’ happiness?’

“Princess Celestia?” Cherry addressed the elder.

“Oh… Yes, Cherry?”

“Well, as usual, is there anything else I can do for you this morning?”

The group looked over the spread with content faces.

Celestia smiled. “No, Cherry. It looks wonderful, thank you.”

“Okay. Please don’t hesitate to ring if you need anything.” Cherry then turned to return to the kitchen, giving a sideways glance to David as she left.

Still a little disoriented, Celestia looked again at her breakfast. Some of her favorites were there: maple-cinnamon oatmeal, berries and yogurt, and oat bread with fruit spreads. She looked at her utensils, then back at the food.

David picked up on her movements and the lost look she had while eyeing her meal.

“Celestia, if I may…” He stood from his seat and walked around the table.

“David?” Luna questioned.

“Just a moment.” David walked to the prep room door and knocked twice.

Yelling and scrambling could be heard beyond the door for a moment, then it fell eerily silent. The door opened slowly, and a tan muzzle poked out.

David bent over and whispered something, the door closed, then opened again. “Thanks,” David said before returning to the table.

Instead of returning to his seat, he walked over to Celestia, smiling brightly and carrying something in his hands. Once at her side, he opened his hands and offered his gift to Celestia.

“What are those?” she asked.

“Hoof-bands. At least, that’s what Cherry, Applejack, and I call them. Let me show you.”

Celestia looked more confused than ever. Luna, however, just sat back and smiled while she munched on a croissant.

David reached out with his hand, seemingly asking for something. His silent request was met with the bewildered face of Celestia.

“What can I do—” she began to ask until David lightly grasped her right hoof. “Oh!” she squeaked.

David looked at the golden-clad hoof in his hands, then reached forward with his other hand and expertly removed the shoe.

“David, what are you—”

“Please, bear with me,” he requested.

He set down the shoe by her chair, then gently stroked the white hoof in his hand. Taking the band in the other, he stretched it and placed it around the hoof, letting it snap into place. The action caused the regal mare to wince as it tightened around her heel.

“Sorry,” he said.

David then picked up her spoon, and placed it under the band, next to her hoof. He raised his eyes and met her gaze. “There. Give it a try!”

Celestia retrieved her hoof, waving the utensil-wielding appendage in front of her face. She adjusted the spoon’s angle slightly, then proceeded to gather some of her hot oatmeal. The first bite was a bit shaky, but she brought it to her lips and gobbled it down.

“Oh! This is a marvelous adaptation!” she said, smiling brightly, with only a bit of her breakfast on her face.

“Hahaha, sorry, Sister. You have a little…” Luna motioned to her lips with her hoof.

“Well, better a little than a whole muzzle full,” Celestia joked. “Thank you, David. This is quite useful.” She smiled at him warmly.

“You’re welcome,” he said, then walked over to Luna’s side. “Would you like one?”

“Yes, please,” Luna answered, offering her right hoof.

David offered her the same treatment, with the exception that he was a bit more careful not to snap the band. Now, with Luna equally armed, he returned to his seat.

“There, that’s much better, don’t you think?” he asked.

“Oh yes, dear. I wonder why we have not heard of this before?” Luna said.

“I suppose it’s not too common. Applejack hadn’t heard of it either,” David commented.

Celestia finished off her bowl of oatmeal and looked to the group. “I believe I will recommend this to the department of health and welfare. It would be a good tool for both earth and pegasus ponies. It also gives me an idea for those less fortunate, such as the handicapped.”

Luna nodded energetically. “This is much fun! Perhaps I will forego using magic and will continue to dine like this! Tell me, though, David, why did you not introduce this marvel to me last night at our dinner?”

David shied away. “Luna, you know why. And I’ve told you now, that should be enough.”

“True. You deserve no rebuke for this. Thank you,” Luna said.

“You’re welcome. Now let’s enjoy our breakfast.”

The meal continued, with little conversation, both princesses seemingly concentrating on perfecting their new skill.

“So,” David started, “thanks to our little experiment, I think general magic usage is back on the table.”

“Yes, I believe my sister and I will be able to perform normally both in the throne room and outside the castle without fear of hurting you anymore. Please keep vigilant, though, if you feel any change, send word to us via a guard or let one of us know immediately.”

“I will. How do you feel about it, Celestia?”

“It is promising, but I will continue to be rather judicious today. Luna, would you please do me the favor of watching over David until lunch? I know you need to sleep for this evening’s court, but I would feel better knowing he was with you.”

“I will. Do not fear, he will be in my care.”

“Thank you, dear sister,” Celestia said. “Unfortunately, the time has come for me to leave.” Celestia dislodged her utensil from her band and laid it on her plate. “May I keep this band?” she asked David.

“Of course.” He smiled.

“Thank you.” Celestia grabbed the band with her lips and pulled it up past her hoof and onto her pastern, where it hung loosely like a bracelet. “Hmm, it might even become quite fashionable,” she remarked.

“We will have to get one in your color, Tia,” Luna offered.

“Perhaps, but for now, this one will do nicely.” Celestia stared at the little black band. “Well then,” She stood, re-shoeing her hoof, “I must bid you all good day.”

Celestia bowed slightly, then walked off toward the main castle wing doors, but stopped and turned to look back. “David, would you permit me an audience this evening, say before dinner?”

David stood to address her. “Yes, of course. Around six?”

“That would be fine. Thank you,” she said, before quickly disappearing through the doors.

David sat down, a knowing smile on his face.

“Well, well, my dear. It seems you will receive your answer by day’s end,” Luna said suggestively.

“Maybe. For now, let’s just try to survive the day, okay?”



The morning passed uneventfully with David napping in Luna’s bed and the princess catching up on her work. Now lunchtime, both David and Luna sat again in the dining room, waiting for Celestia to appear. David was in especially high spirits, as he had not felt any magic during the morning hours of court and was eager to report. Luna, however, was not as chipper. Her demeanor changed somewhat as she read over documents at her desk, but she had chosen to put on a smile, as not to worry her lover.

After waiting a few minutes seated at the table, the doors to the main castle finally opened and Celestia hastily walked in. “Forgive my late arrival. It seems court required a bit more of my attention today than I had previously surmised,” she said, standing by the table.

“Whatever could be so wrong?” Luna asked.

“It is but a minor squabble, the ones that take the longest to diffuse. I only came to see you both and hopefully hear some uplifting news before returning.”

“If you’re talking about me, then I can report that all is well,” David started. “I haven’t felt anything all morning. Did you even use magic at all?”

Celestia sighed. “I am so glad to hear you say that. Actually, I have felt quite guilty, as I was called to use it much more than I had hoped.”

“Oh. Well, don’t worry, it looks like it didn’t affect me.”

Celestia smiled warmly. “I am truly relieved. Forgive me, though, as I must now depart. Hopefully, there will be time for a few snacks during the next session, else they will see their princess starve!”

Celestia turned and ran off again through the doors, obviously a bit strained.

“Is she going to be okay?” David asked.

“Of course, ‘tis but a bit of our lives as the royal peacekeepers of this land.”

“What about you?”

Luna sighed. “Oh, have I worn such a face that you feel tense as well?”

“A bit. I noticed your change in mood after I woke up.”

“My apologies, dear. When we returned from breakfast this morning, a new letter had arrived from Twilight and even a few more while you napped.”

“Oh, how is she?”

“It does not seem that she is well. Though I have replied to her correspondences and offered our assistance, and am stuck waiting for her answer. It has left me a little nervous.”

“Is there anything we can do?”

“No. We will wait for her response. But be prepared, we may need to travel.”


The meal was light and concluded quickly and in silence. Luna looked a bit sad as she finished her meal. ‘I should not have involved David in this. I feel terrible that I have soured his mood so. However, it is encouraging that he is so concerned for a friend. Hopefully, Twilight’s condition will improve, if not, we both will do what we must to help her.’


Returning from Lunch, David and Luna walked back to her quarters, lovingly leaning on one another. As they approached the doors, one of the guards spoke from the shadows.

“Princess, another letter has arrived in your absence. It is from Princess Twilight, and is marked ‘urgent.’ ” He offered Luna the letter, extending a hoof from the darkness.

“Thank you, ” she said, then directed David to receive the letter.

After entering the room, David handed her the letter, which she took to her desk. Reading over the missive carefully, she let out a sigh.

“We must go. She has called for you,” Luna said.

David stood from his seat. “Okay.”

“As you are still unknown to the world, I will teleport us both directly to her castle in Ponyville. From there, it will all be up to you, unless things take a turn for the worse.”

“I understand. I’m ready to go when you are.”

“Thank you, David.” She drew close to him, staring into his eyes.

David bent down, and kissed her lightly, cupping her face. “I’m sure it will be alright.”

“I hope so. It is quite wonderful that you are willing to try and help her. Not many would.”

Luna rested her head against his stomach and powered her horn. A moment passed, then they were gone.


Appearing in the grand entrance hall of Twilight’s crystal tree castle, David and Luna stood together in the darkness.

“Is this…”

“Twilight’s castle,” Luna replied.

“Where is everyone?” David asked.

“Twilight has most likely sent them away. It would not be good for them to be here.”


“Come, she will be in her room. This way.” Luna walked toward the stairs with David in tow.

They walked up the stairs, and down a set of halls, coming to a stop at a set of grand doors adorned with Twilight’s star. David approached and noticed something was off.

‘The air, it’s kind of stale, warm and stuffy,’ David thought.

“She will be inside. Be kind, my love. She is not herself.”

“You aren’t going with me?”

“No. There is little I could do for her.”

“Okay. What can you tell me?”

Luna looked aside. “ ‘Twould best be explained through Twilight’s words, though she is not quite capable. Yet fear not, her condition will not affect you.”

“Luna, that doesn’t tell me anything.”

Luna sighed. “I am sorry, my love. Be strong. Help if you can. Do not be ashamed if you cannot.”

David turned away from Luna, towards the bedroom, and breathed deeply, calming himself. Having regained control of his nerves, he opened the door and proceeded in.


Twilight’s room was dimly lit by the sunlight filtering in around her thick curtains. The room was also stuffy, like the hall, but it also contained a scent… an odor of sorts that David could not place. As he surveyed the room, he noticed Twilight’s form, lying in her bed. She was under the covers, on her side, facing the windows.

David cleared his throat. “Twilight? It’s David.” He forced a smile on his face, determined to act positively.

Twilight shuffled under the sheets. “David?” She slowly rolled over to face him, tears in her eyes. “Oh, David. I’m so glad you were willing to come and help me.”

David approached the bedside and kneeled down closer to her. “Of course. Anything for a friend.”

“Luna said you could make it go away. I wasn’t sure at first, but I know you, I trust you. But, ohhh, David I need your help!”

Her desperation clung to David’s heart and made his smile falter. “Twilight, I’ve got to be honest. I don’t know what I’m dealing with here. You seem pretty out of it, and I think it might be best if we ask Celestia for help.”

“No! She can’t, she won’t help. She just wants me to wait, but I can’t! It’s so hot and I can’t even move. David, please help me,” Twilight begged.

“I can try. I just need a moment.” David placed his hand on her face, attempting to comfort her. Her forehead was blazing hot with fever.

Feeling his hand upon her, she grabbed it with her hoof and nuzzled his cooler flesh lovingly. “Thank you, David. Thank you so much.”

“Okay, where does it hurt?”

“Just everywhere… it’s like I’m on fire. The burning inside, that itch I can’t scratch…”

“Okay, okay. Just be still.”

David frowned at his friend’s obviously pained condition. He closed his eyes and placed his hands on her chest and head.

“Ohhh, David.” Twilight squirmed uncomfortably in his grasp.

‘Wow, she’s burning up.’

“Hold still, Twilight. I’m not good at this yet.”

“I’m sorry, it’s just… it itches so bad, and your hands feel so good.”

David concentrated as Twilight continued to fidget in his grip. She moaned and groaned while David grimaced, lost in his thoughts.

Suddenly, David grunted, and a bright light flashed as the magic activated.

David was left panting and out of breath as he opened his eyes to see how his friend was doing. Twilight, however, lay still on the bed, unmoving. After a moment, she opened her eyes to look up at him.

“Ugh, my head… feels a bit better I guess, and the itch… oh, David, it didn’t work!” she cried out.

David frowned as he glanced across her form. “Where does it itch?”

Twilight lifted her head to look at him bashfully. She pulled the covers up with her wing, then opened her legs. “Here, David… I need your help. You have to make this go away!”

The smell seeped out from under the covers, and it could be seen the moment it took hold in his senses— David’s nose scrunched up, and his eyes watered. He looked down at her body to see her parted, sweat-covered loins and drenched tail, then quickly looked away.

“Twilight!” he yelled, covering his eyes.

However, Twilight was on the offensive now. She slid out from her bed and nuzzled under David’s arm, weakly poking her muzzle into his chest. Her surprise attack caused David to fall backward onto his butt.

“I’m so sorry, did I hurt you?” she asked, following him off the bed.

“No, it’s okay. What’s going on?”

“Luna said you would help me. It hurts, David. I can’t do anything!”

David scrambled to his feet and turned away to the door. “I’m sorry, Twilight,” he said, then closed the door behind him, leaving the mare sobbing and alone.


David walked down the hall to find his mate resting on a bench.


“Ah, David. I see you have used my sister’s magic again.”

“Yes, but it didn’t help. She’s… Luna, what is wrong with Twilight? She is acting very strange.”

Luna sighed. “I am sorry for putting this on you, love, and without much preparation. I suppose the truth is best after all. Twilight is experiencing her first heat as an alicorn. She has temporarily lost control of the characteristics of all three pony tribes that she has within and is weak, cannot fly, or use magic. In addition, her normal reproductive drive has been bolstered by her new, alicorn biology and powerful magical potential, making her symptoms even more pronounced. As if that was not enough, her estrus, or ‘heat’ period will be much longer than it used to be. I feel she will suffer for quite a while.”

David slumped down on the bench, floored with the news he was given.

“That’s terrible. So, that’s what is wrong with her!? How can we possibly help her then, and why am I here?”

“Yes, well… Ever since I had heard from Celestia that this was her first as an alicorn, I have been writing to her in an attempt to calm her nerves. Yesterday afternoon, as I told you last night, her condition took a turn for the worse, and she has been bedridden, since. That was quite unexpected, as her symptoms escalated much quicker than anticipated. I assume it may be due to the short time between ascension and her attunement to the magic of friendship, but I cannot be sure. As for help, truly, I wish there was something I could do for her, but alas, other than one of the extreme measures, I am useless to only provide support. However, there is more than one way to quench a heat, mind you.”

“And what would those be?”

“First, the extreme measure— If necessary, Celestia, I, or the appropriate medical staff could induce a coma for the next two weeks. However, Twilight’s body would still suffer the effect, and she would likely require some reconditioning after waking. I’m not too fond of this method, but she would at least be asleep during the worst part.”

David grimaced. “That sounds horrible.”

“Yes. There is another, less extreme alternative: Twilight could cease her estrous cycle completely if she chose to conceive with a stallion, but I know she does not desire that.”

“Whew,” David slumped over.

“And… the last method I present will not stop her cycle, but would instead allow it to continue, albeit with lessened effects. To do that, she must have intercourse, but not for the purpose of conception. Instead, the stimulation would cause her body to produce certain pre-pregnancy hormones that would reduce her fever, libido, and unwanted sensations. As you have found that magic can do little in this case, that, my dear, is why you are here.”

David’s head snapped up, accidentally smacking into the crystal wall. “Ow! Wait, what!? You actually expect me to just… just go have sex with her!? You didn’t tell her this, did you!?”

Luna straightened up. “Of course I did; we discussed it properly as a possible treatment. The extra benefit of you being unable to impregnate her makes you a reasonable choice as well. Yes, both Twilight and I were unsure at first, but she trusts you as I do, and would appreciate your help.”

“Then why in the hell didn’t you ask me!?”

Luna turned away. “I feared that you would not understand without seeing her condition. Was I correct? Would you have been able to calmly discuss this as a possibility?” She turned back to face him.

“This is—I don’t know what this is, Luna. It feels crazy!”

“David, please be calm. I can see that this does not sit well with you and I am sorry. Please know that I do not suggest this lightly. Twilight is a very dear friend, and I am pained to see her suffer like this. I worry that if her heat symptoms escalate, she may need to be hospitalized and an induced coma would be the proper treatment.”

“Really? But, Celestia… she wouldn’t let her be in any danger. Wait, does she know about this, that I’m here?”

“No, my sister believes Twilight will be able to pass this hurdle on her own, naturally. Of course, if Twilight continues to worsen, she will not hesitate to resort to medical treatment, as that would be most appropriate.”

“I just… and you would be okay with me in there?”

“It was not an easy decision, but yes, I would. I know you love me, and you are here because of my request. But I do not want you to do something you do not approve of. This is my idea, the fault lies with me. I only hope you can for—”

David waved his hands. “Stop. Fine, I’ll do it.” He stood up.

“Please, David, do not let me pressure you into this!” Luna pleaded.

“It’s okay, really. I need to talk to Twilight first, though.”

Luna nodded. “I understand. Keep in mind that she is not fully in control.”


David went back and stood in front of Twilight’s door. Inside, he could hear the soft sobbing from his distressed friend. He raised his hand to knock but dropped it back to his side. Instead, he opened the door and walked in, unbidden.

“Twilight?” he called out.

Now back under the covers, Twilight stopped sobbing and ceased all movement.

“Twilight, please talk to me.”

“I’m such a fool!”

“No. I just didn’t know, Twilight. Luna didn’t tell me what you were going through.”

“She didn’t tell you!?” Twilight screamed.

“No, but she has now. I need to talk to you.”

“No. We can’t! It’s over! Get out!”

“Please, Twilight. Luna said you could get worse. Talk to me.”

“Fine. Talk,” Twilight said, still buried under her sheets.

David took a deep breath and walked to the bedside. He sat down next to her, barely able to fit on the edge.

“I want to help you, Twilight.”


“Wait, I thought that was why I was here.”

“It was, but not anymore. After I… after I acted so stupid!”

“Twilight, look at me,” he commanded in a stern, but loving voice.

Twilight rolled over and peeked out from under the covers.

David wore a soft smile. “Thank you. Now I know this isn’t what either of us expected, but we can work it out.”

Twilight averted her eyes from the man and stared at the wall. “I can’t believe she didn’t talk it over with you.”

“Yes, well, that’s for me to deal with later. Now, I’m here to talk it over with you.”

“Why?” Twilight barely squeaked out.

“You’re my friend. You’re suffering. I can help.”

“I don’t know why I ever thought this was a good idea,” she mumbled.

“Luna said you were in pain, and that you trusted me. That is good enough.”

“You would really…”

David stroked her mane, causing her to look up at him. “Is that what you want?”

Twilight’s tears started rolling down her cheeks as she looked up into his eyes. “I’m sooo sorry!”

“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.” David wiped away her tears and smiled brightly.

Still crying, she pressed her cheek into his hand, rubbing against his skin. David leaned down further and kissed her forehead and continued to stroke her mane, relaxing his friend. He continued down her neck, then reached under her covers to massage her withers and between her wings.

Twilight’s sobbing slowed and changed into soft coos. Her wings twitched under his touch, and she looked up to his face. Meeting his smiling gaze, she reached out a hoof. David grabbed it and pulled it up to his lips. He kissed it lightly, keeping his eyes trained on hers. She pulled the hoof back, his hand with it, and now with it in reach, she kissed it back, then carefully took a finger into her mouth and sucked on it lightly.

Twilight’s wings stiffened under the covers. Seeing this, David pulled the restraining fabric off of her, allowing the feathery appendages to extend freely and twitch as her body was stimulated. He continued his exploratory massage, moving over her body with practiced care. He teased her flanks with his fingertips and mussed the fur over her cutie mark.

She stopped suckling his digits and looked up at him expectantly.

“Are you sure?” she asked timidly.

“I am. Are you?”

“I’m sorry I’m not pretty like Luna.”

“What?” he said softly. “You’re beautiful, Twilight,” he whispered in her ear causing it to twitch.

She shook her head, looking down again.

David smiled. “You know… I’ve seen more than a few events from your life. I’m telling you, Twilight, you are beautiful.”

“David…” she moaned his name.

He shushed her with a finger.

“Kiss me… please,” she begged.

David stopped stroking her body and moved over her, looming. He propped himself up with his arms on both sides of her head.

Twilight craned her neck up, reaching for David, looking into his eyes as she drew closer. David leaned in and closed his eyes as their lips met.

They kissed gently, unmoving. It was prolonged, but otherwise, it was chaste.

Twilight went slack, falling to the bed, gasping for breath. However, David gave her no quarter and followed her down, reconnecting their lips as she gasped, making a much more passionate approach.

David pressed her head into the mattress, holding the kiss until she began to squirm.

She gasped. “Oh, David.”

David smiled. “Sorry, I had to reset the mood.”

Twilight smiled and blushed. “Thank you.”

David pulled back, giving her a little space. Reaching behind his head, he grabbed his collar and pulled off his shirt, throwing it unceremoniously into the corner of the room.

Twilight reached up with her forehooves and pressed them into his chest. He leaned slightly into her, allowing her to feel his weight. With her eyes wide, David reached down and began to rub her chest and under her wings. He tried to move down her sides, but his position made it difficult.

David raised up and got off the side of the bed while Twilight looked on. He kept her gaze locked with his as he slid off his pants and boxers, freeing his stiffening manhood.

Twilight couldn’t help but glance lower, breaking their connection. She instantly blushed and returned her eyes to his, partially covering her face with her hooves.

David moved to the foot of the bed and crawled up below her, still keeping his gaze locked with hers. As he got closer, he pulled the covers off the bed, casting them aside, causing her to shudder in surprise. He looked down at the mare below him. Her legs were locked together and held tightly to the bed, covering her privates.

He drew even closer, bending down to rub her thighs, hips, and flanks, then moved down to her legs. As he touched them, Twilight relaxed slightly, letting her legs uncross. David took the momentary lapse to move closer and leaned into her legs, parting them with his weight. He then rested his body against hers, his chest against her chest, his face at her hoof-covered face.

Twilight’s breath came in short, ragged spurts. ‘My stars, I can feel his weight on me, holding me down! I can’t help it, but I’m shaking uncontrollably. Am I scared!?’

David noticed the panic in her eyes. He propped himself up on his arms, taking his weight off her.

Twilight uncovered her face to see what was wrong, but David just smiled at her, then leaned in for a kiss, which she readily accepted. ‘He’s so hot and such a good kisser! And, I can feel his…  his length hitting me, pressing into my teats as he hovers over me. Oh, this is really happening!’

Twilight redoubled her efforts in the kiss, her passion becoming inflamed. She thrashed her tongue around with his, exploring his mouth, tasting him, learning what David really was. He was a man.

They broke their kiss, Twilight panting against his cheek as David nuzzled next to her ear. She craned her head and placed her forelegs around his neck, drawing him closer. David kissed and nipped at her neck, causing Twilight to wrap her back legs around his waist.

David mused as he lavished her neck and jawline with kisses. ‘I can feel the heat in her loins. Her fur is wet with sweat; it sticks to me and strokes my dick as she moves, even as she is begging for my lips.’

Twilight whimpered between his kisses, pulling at David’s neck, trying to reconnect with him.

David’s thoughts ran wild. ‘Oh, man she’s grinding against me. Begging me. Don’t look in her eyes!’

David pulled out of her embrace and ran his hand down her belly and toward her wet nethers. Twilight shuddered at his bold, new movements. David didn’t stop, though. He proceeded past her teats and wrapped his hand around her wetness, sliding his fingers up and down her slit. He could feel her winking against him; her clitoris was already fully exposed and ready for the act to begin. David inserted the tip of one finger into her steaming vulva, forcing her to gasp. He twisted his finger around as he drilled into her depths, sending ripples of pleasure shooting through her body.

David watched her reactions as he moved his fingers in and out of the mare. Twilight’s eyes were wide as she stared at the ceiling, her breaths short and labored as she trembled and squirmed under him.

David removed his hand and pulled it up to his face. Given the short respite, Twilight’s eyes refocused as her mind cleared and she pulled her head up to look at him. He locked eyes with her as he sniffed her juices on his hand, then licked it. ‘A bit bitter and salty, but it’s also somehow clean.’

“That… that was just your hand?” she asked.

David nodded politely, then went back to leaning on both arms, hovering over her. “If you need more, you’ll have to tell me what you want.”

She averted her eyes and turned her head. “I want…” she said quietly.

“What?” he asked, cocking his head.

She turned back to face him, looking a bit perturbed. After reconnecting with his gaze, her features softened. “I want it, David. I want it all. I need it.”

He smiled at her forward request. “As you wish, Princess.”

David reared back and grabbed a nearby pillow. He scooped under her butt with his hand and lifted her whole back end up, then stuffed the pillow underneath her, propping her backside up in the air.

“Comfortable?” he asked.

Twilight nodded but otherwise was silent. He watched her for movement, only noticing her short, labored breaths as her chest rose and fell.

“Okay,” he said.

David looked down at her slick, engorged slit. It glistened with wetness, waiting for him to take action and winked at him twice in quick succession as her arousal grew and her patience waned. David casually played with her labia and clit, causing Twilight to thrash her head around wildly. Then he grabbed his stiff member and laid it on top of her mound, pointing it straight up to the sky.

Twilight noticed his glans’ appearance poking out from below her stomach, and gasped.

Falling to the feelings of lust building within him, David began to rub his length against her, wetting his shaft. He then pulled back and rubbed the head against her slit, causing him to moan and close his eyes.

Twilight visibly stiffened, her expectations had overwhelmed her. As she felt his tip against her, parting her lips, she clenched her jaws.

David pressed into her firmly, stretching her, entering her slowly. He hissed at the tightness of the mare below him. The fire within Twilight consumed him and tried to burn his flesh as he worked to bury his manhood inside. Her heat scorched his flesh and yet gripped him tightly as he attempted to change angles to press even further.

‘She’s so tight!’ he screamed internally, eyes screwed shut in pleasure.

Not able to get further than an inch past the head, he made a quick thrust with his hips, gaining ground and sinking further into the hot, quivering mound of his friend.

Twilight screamed out, her first climax taking over, with sparks of magic painting the ceiling as her wings flapped uselessly against the bed. David held onto her legs for leverage as her juices gushed forth from her slit, soaking their loins and providing more, much-needed lubrication. David savored the euphoria as he rode her, finally able to gain ground while he continued to pump into her depths.

Twilight’s first orgasm waned, and she looked up at him expectantly.

David recognized the look and steeled himself for what was to come. He pulled his length out slowly, only to slam back down inside of her, now more than halfway buried inside the young princess. He spread her legs and leaned over her, rocking his hips to thrust harder, deeper inside.

Twilight’s eyes were wide as she felt his onslaught down below. Her tension began to build again, and she looked up at the ceiling, then down again to her friend as he rutted her senseless.

David’s efforts paid off, and he had very little of his manhood left outside of the mare. He smiled at his accomplishment, but unfortunately lost his concentration and took a long stroke, pulling completely out by accident. He hissed as the cold air chilled his penis with her wetness still coating him, even as the steam rose off of his figurative rod of hot steel. Fumbling, David pulled away and reached down to realign himself. He then noticed her slick juices coating his length as he easily parted her lips and felt around for her entrance.

Now lined up, David was done playing. He tensed his body and made a quick thrust, fast and deep, hilting himself against her and feeling his tip strike the opening of her womb, causing Twilight to scream out again in another mighty climax.

As he held himself inside Twilight, feeling her cervix kissing his tip, he ground his pelvis into her snatch, trying to penetrate even further into her depths.

The sensation was overwhelming to him; he wanted to come. He needed to fill her with his seed. He pulled back a short bit and began to rapidly pump into her, twisting as he met her flesh, prodding her womb with each push. As he landed each thrust, Twilight’s back arched, and legs kicked wildly in response.

David grabbed a leg and held on, still pounding away until a quick contraction of hers caught his tip in the opening of her womb. As his head popped free of its grasp, his own climax came to take him away. He convulsed madly as his hips buried himself as far as he could, now spilling his seed deep inside the young royal mare. His semen flew forth, but he did not feel it pool around him; instead it poured directly into her fertile womb.

The warm feeling of David’s semen in her belly and the full sensation brought yet another climax to Twilight. Her eyes went white, and a tingling sensation was felt by them both as magic filled the air with energy. Her voice was rough, and she howled in the throes of passion. David also raised his voice, but no words come out, with only moans and grunts filling the air. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, only to be blinded behind his eyelids by a bright flash.

Instantly, the two blacked out, falling into a panting heap of sweaty flesh and fur.


Luna burst into the room, shock written on her face. There she found her friend and her lover, spent and unconscious, but unharmed.

With the sensation still fresh, a thought came to Luna’s mind. She closed her eyes and reached into the dreamscape, not completely surprised to see both of them there. Twilight was resting peacefully in her bed in the old Golden Oaks Library, while David was snoozing in Luna’s bed, with Luna wrapped in his arms and her wings covering him protectively.

As they were both dreaming peacefully, Luna withdrew from the dream worlds and came back to reality. She smirked a bit at the two nestled together, then pulled a bed sheet off the floor and covered them, allowing them to sleep off their post-coital exhaustion.

‘Well done, my David,’ she thought, looking at the sleeping pair. ‘It seems you have unconsciously tapped into my magic and crafted a beautiful dream for Twilight. My only concern now is how or if I should share this new development with my sister, assuming she did not sense it directly.’

Her internal monologue finished and having done her good deed, Luna returned to the hall to wait.


Twenty or so minutes passed before a groggy, but clothed, David made his stealthy exit from Twilight’s bedchambers. He then made his way down the hall to where Luna had previously been waiting.

“So, you’ve now ended the maidenhood of two princesses of the realm, how do you feel?” she asked, smiling.

“You’re terrible, you know that?” he huffed.

Luna stood and faced away. “You are correct. Sometimes I am. I only hope you will forgive me in time. Please keep in mind that we both gave ourselves willingly to you. One, from love and passion, the other, out of trust and need. There are few, finer reasons. You must be careful, though, you have captured the heart of one, and caught the attention of others, but you only have two hands. Be sure not to overburden yourself.”

“So noted.”

Luna turned her head back to him. “Are you really so angry with me that I have pushed you into this situation?”

David paused. The silence was deafening. “I… No. It would have been better if you had discussed it with me, but I would have done it just the same. For Twilight, or for you.”

Luna hung her head low. “My heart aches with the strife I have caused. Please, do not hate me.”

David drew close to her and leaned over her back, falling to his knees as he rested his head and arms on her for support. She stood tall, taking his weight against her.

“I… I don’t hate you, Luna,” he said, sobbing lightly into her coat. “I love you. I want to keep loving you. I want you to love me too.”

Luna looked back at him and teared up. She opened her wing and laid it over his back. “I do love you, my dear. I want to do better for you. I swear it. Please forgive me.”

David cried openly into her back, letting his tears stream down his face and her sides. He gripped her tightly and pulled her against him. “I forgive you!! I’ll always forgive you!” he yelled into her flesh.

Luna crumpled under his weight and spun around to face him. She nestled her head into the crook of his neck and sobbed quietly with her man. Finally, she opened her great wings and cocooned them both in their feathery warmth, drawing them close together. They sat there on the cold, crystal floor for an unmeasured amount of time until they had run out of tears and strength.

“Come, love, let us go home,” she said.

“What about…”

“She will most likely sleep for a long time. Fear not, though, as I have arranged for a trustworthy pony to take care of her through the night. She will be here soon.”


Luna powered her horn again, with one last tear rolling down her cheek, then teleported them both out of existence.
