(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XXIII-B - A Dinner Under the Stars

Act XXIII-B - A Dinner Under the Stars

Early in the evening, Celestia sat behind her desk in her chambers reading some papers to prepare for court in the next week. She was so particularly lost in in the words that she failed to hear the main doors open or the greeting her little sister gave when she walked in.

“Tiaaaaa!” Luna drew out her sister’s name.

“W-what?” Celestia softly cried out. She was startled but recovered quickly. “Oh, Luna, I did not hear you come in.”

“That much is evident, dear sister. What has you so lost in thought that anypony may simply walk in unannounced?”

Celestia sighed. “It is nothing. I was reviewing some documents in preparation for court tomorrow. But that is of little importance, what has brought you by?”

Luna cocked her head. “Tia, the exchange is almost upon us. Were you so distracted that the time of day escaped you?”

“Certainly not,” Celestia protested. “I was only… Okay, perhaps a little. There have been quite a few things on my mind as of late.”

“I understand. It has been extremely busy these days, has it not?”

Celestia smiled halfheartedly. “Yes, I am glad you feel the same.”

Luna returned the smile warmly. “It has been hectic but David has been quite attentive, he’s made my life so much… brighter.”

Celestia kept her smile constant but turned away from Luna’s gaze. “I am… pleased to hear that, Lulu. It is good that he is tending to you so.”

“Yes, and I would also like to mention that we will not be at dinner tonight. David has requested a private meal together. I hope you do not mind.”

“Oh? Of course not. I hope you enjoy your evening.”

“Thank you. I will be sure to tell you all about it!”

Celestia hung her head. “Well… perhaps. But, Luna, if I may…”

“Yes, Sister?”

“Oh, nevermind, it was not important. Come, as you said before, it is time for the sun to rest and your beautiful night to soothe the land.”

“You are correct, but tonight it will still have to be your night, Tia.” Luna smiled.

Celestia blanched. “Oh, Luna, even if it is my magic that sets the stage, it will forever be your night. Also, do you not think it is about time we invested more effort into solving this dilemma and relieving David’s symptoms?”

“Indeed. Even David has urged that we test the possibility that range plays a role in his condition. He posits that before he notified us, one of us might have used magic that he was not aware of.”

“Yes, he suggested the same to me. I really should have put some effort into it today, but it did not materialize. Perhaps we should make an effort tomorrow morning, before breakfast?” Celestia suggested.

“A fine idea. I will let him know. Now, let us tend to the matter at hand.”

Celestia nodded, then got up from her desk. She proceeded to her balcony and performed the sacred duty for the two sisters. After returning, Celestia hugged her sister until she recovered from the magical drain.

“Thank you, Tia. Now, I must go. I have a date to prepare for.”

“Be well, Lulu. I will see you tomorrow.”

“You too. Till then, Sister.”


Luna sat at her dresser, a letter in her hooves. She set it down and exhaled a deep sigh, her eyes closed and a pained expression on her face.

“Oh, Twilight…”

Knock, Knock.

The knock at the door broke Luna’s train of thought and caused her her ears to pivot and head to spin to meet the sound.

“Yes? Who is there?” she asked.

“Princess Luna, I have a message from Sir David,” a guard answered.


The guard opened the door and gasped as he saw his royal in her finery, dropping his head low and bowing to her. “Excuse me, Princess!”

“It is fine. What news do you have?”

“Sir David asked me to relay that he will be waiting in the hallway to the observatory.”

“Is that all?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Thank you, you may leave.”

The door shut, and Luna shivered lightly, her mood shifting to one of anticipation.

‘He asks me to come to him. Oooh, how his every action thrills me! You will not wait long, my love, I am on my way!’

Luna steeled her emotions and stood from her seat. After one last glimpse in her mirror, she turned to the door and left to meet her beau.


Now in the main corridor, Luna stood in front of the archway leading to the Royal Observatory. She walked down the hallway, looking as if she was not quite sure why she was there, and quite alone. Halfway to the observatory entrance, she approached a single wooden door with a piece of paper attached. On the paper was drawn a crescent moon.

“Oh!” The realization hit her.

Luna opened the door and proceeded to walk outside into one of the many gardens within the castle walls. A short way into the garden a beautiful setting was placed. There was a small, low-lying table next to a blanket with large, plush cushions. The table was set with flowers and lit by candlelight, which added to the romantic ambiance. The darkness, though, always threatening to creep into the scene, was being held at bay by several iron braziers around the garden, each lit with burning logs, granting their precious firelight to the area. The stage was prepared, but one thing was missing.

Ka-thunk! The door closed behind, startling the princess.

“Good evening.”

“Oh, David! You scared me!” Luna settled her nerves and smiled. “Did you do all of this?”

“I had a little help.” He grinned.

Luna trotted up to meet him and craned upwards, asking for a kiss.

However, David placed a finger on her lips, causing her to pause. “First, let me look at you.”

Luna smiled and took a few steps back. She turned in place, giving David a show.

For her date, Luna had chosen a sheer, tea-length, powder blue dress. It was fitted snugly to her form from her neck and withers down through her barrel, then flared with loose pleats over her hindquarters and down her long legs to stop at her hocks. As she turned for her man, the dress flowed around her legs, reminiscent of her magical mane, which was neatly tied into a ponytail with a black band. She had accessorized with silver, crescent moon earrings, and a short, thin, silver rope necklace, but did not wear her royal peytral or crown.

David stood motionless, stunned into silence. Luna stopped her turn and smirked at him.

“Wow. You look stunning,” he said.

“As do you, my love.”

David had chosen to wear his dark-blue Neighponese kimono and black shoes. Its simple elegance paled in comparison to the princess.

“Thanks, but it’s nothing you haven’t seen in my closet before.”

“True, but this is the first time you’ve worn it for me. It looks very handsome on you,” she said.

David approached, bent down, and kissed her cheek. “Please, let me show you to your table.”

David led Luna to the table, and they sat together.

“How are you feeling, my dear?” she asked.

David smirked. “A little nervous, actually.”

“May I ask why?”

“I was thinking about our date tonight, trying to prepare, and I panicked a little. It took me a bit to settle down before I could get anything done. I hope you enjoy it.”

“I am sure I will. Setting the stage out here, under the stars… I am already filled with wonder and excitement. I must also confess, I too was a bit nervous and anxious.”

“Well, this is the first time we’ve had a meal alone.”

“Indeed. With nopony to interfere…”

Looking into each other’s eyes, their passion ignited and they entered into a heated embrace. They moved slowly together, pressing their bodies close, and partaking of sweet kisses.

David pulled away and shared a loving gaze with his partner. “Forgive me, I must tend to our meal.”

He stood and walked back toward the door where a brazier sat next to the wall. Its fire was low and had both a metal grill on top and a pot suspended above.

“Oh, I was wondering where you were hiding it,” Luna mused.

David took the lid off the pot. “Perfect.” He turned to the grill, where skewers with various vegetables were cooking. Reaching down to the side, he pulled up a small saucepan and brushed the contents onto the veggies as they finished cooking. “Dinner's almost ready. I hope you’re hungry,” he called out.

“Famished, actually. I only had a small bite to eat after you woke me.” Luna sniffed the air. “Oh, David. It smells wonderful!”

David grabbed a large, oblong platter and spooned out the pot’s contents. He then removed the vegetables from the skewers and placed them on top. Finally, he ladled a bit more sauce onto the dish, grabbed a smaller plate filled with a stack of flatbread and chutney, then headed back to the table.

“May I present ‘lemon-herb couscous with grilled mushrooms, asparagus, carrots, and squash, glazed with a red wine reduction.’ ” He then placed the platter before Luna.

Luna’s eyes were wide, and her mouth hung slightly open in surprise. “Is this all for me?”

David laughed. “I wouldn’t mind a bite or two if you’re willing to share.” He walked back to his prep area to retrieve a bucket of iced champagne and returned to the table.

“Of course, it is for us both,” Luna stated plainly.

“Sorry it’s such a simple meal.” He smiled meekly.

Luna placed her hoof on his leg. “You worry too much. It looks fabulous.”

David uncorked the champagne, poured a glass for Luna and one for himself. “Thank you. You look fabulous.”

Luna’s eyes wandered around the table, seeming searching for something. “David… I cannot help but notice you have only one set of silverware and one plate. How are we to dine tonight?”

“Yes… I was hoping you wouldn’t mind. You’ve been so thoughtful in not using magic for my sake—I thought, well, if it was okay… could I feed you tonight, like we did before?” David stumbled with his words.

Luna’s blush deepened and she turned away to hide it. “O-okay.”

David picked up the spoon and carefully worked to assemble the perfect bite for Luna. Some couscous, a bit of veggie, a splash of sauce. He held it out for her, waiting, and looking into her eyes.

Luna opened her mouth shyly, barely allowing David enough space to place his offering inside. After he had done so, she closed her mouth around the spoon, forming a tight seal with her lips. David tried to remove the spoon but could feel Luna’s tongue working it over, making it difficult to retrieve. Her eyes were closed tightly as she analyzed the taste.

David chuckled a bit as he pulled harder at the spoon, dragging Luna’s head along before he finally freed it with a soft pop!

Luna chewed, moaning lightly as she savored the morsel. After an extended period, she stopped and swallowed, then opened her eyes to meet David’s.

“More,” she said seductively.

“You approve?” he asked, to which she only nodded energetically.

David prepared another spoonful and held it aloft in front of himself, forcing her to come to it this time.

Luna eyed it carefully, as if it might escape if she blinked. She moved forward and opened her mouth with her lips reaching for the tasty gift.

David surrendered the bite to her, which she graciously received. This time she carefully extracted the portion from the spoon, allowing David to retrieve it without effort. He looked at the clean spoon and smiled. ‘I guess she likes it.’

Luna continued to nurse her mouthful as if it was the last one she would get. Her attention was not completely taken, though, and as she heard David shuffle, she opened her eye to spy his actions. He was already preparing another spoonful of her wonderful meal. She sped her chewing, and just as he finished his careful preparation… swallowed. Luna looked on expectantly to the spoon carrying its precious cargo and instinctively opened her maw, only to be disappointed as the spoon disappeared into David’s own mouth.

“Mmm, mmmm!” David mumbled through his bite. Just as Luna did, his eyes were closed and his brow knitted as he contemplated the complex flavors on his tongue.

Luna looked on in shock and sadness, her mouth still open in preparation as she watched her mate gratify himself with her, no, their delicious food.

David finally swallowed his bite and turned to look at Luna. She sat there, somewhat intently, with a blank expression on her face.

“More?” he asked.

Luna closed her mouth, snapped out of the moment, and nodded politely. “Yes, please.”

“Would you like to try something else? Perhaps a bite of bread or sip of champagne?”

She looked over the table, surveying its offerings once again. “You have added some spice to the meal, yes?”

“Oh, are you beginning to feel it? It’s just a little green pepper I steeped in the broth used for the couscous. It’s not too spicy, is it?”

“No. It is wonderful. Is that green… sauce also spicy?”

David looked at the small dish next to the flatbread. “Not at all. It’s a mint and coriander chutney that I’ve altered to be a bit sweeter. It also has a touch of ginger but no garlic or peppers.”

“I think… I would like a taste of it?” Luna smiled at David, somewhat unsure.

“As you wish.” David ripped a piece of naan and dipped it in the chutney, tapping it lightly to shake off the excess. He brought it closer to Luna, who sniffed it tentatively.

Luna opened her mouth and snatched the bite quickly, nipping David’s fingers lightly in the process.

“Ooh! Sorry!” she said behind a hoof.

“It’s okay,” he reassured her.

David took a sip of champagne from his flute, then made another small spoonful of the entree and dabbed a bit of the chutney on top before eating it.

“Hmm…” he mused.

“Good?” she asked.

David swallowed his bite. “Not bad. I like to mix things from time to time. Try dishes with different additions.”

“May I?”

David prepared a similar bite to his own and offered it to Luna. Again, she sniffed it, then enveloped the bite carefully, removing the food from the spoon.

Luna chewed slowly, obviously examining the new combination, then swallowed.

“Well?” David asked.

“It is better on the bread alone. The balance you have in the meal with the wine-glazed vegetables and the couscous is excellent. I think the bread serves well as a palate cleanser, or as a change of pace,” Luna answered.

“I see. The champagne was supposed to be the cleanser, but you haven’t had a drop yet.”

“I do not usually drink much during my meal, and instead may wish to imbibe after. Do you have a dessert planned?”

“Of course.”

“Then I am sure it will come in handy soon.”

David prepared another bite and offered it to Luna.

She looked longingly at it, her lip quivering slightly. “It—it is your turn. Please, go ahead.”

David smiled at her polite restraint and quickly ate the offering. Luna, somewhat disheartened, diverted her eyes for a moment before locking her gaze with his as he enjoyed the food. He then swallowed with his face shining brightly.

David quickly leaned over to her and pecked her on the cheek. “Thank you, Luna. Though, for you, I would always make it ‘your turn.’ ”

Luna blushed and nuzzled him, only to pull away as he had already prepared another bite for her.


The meal continued on until the main course was completely consumed. Luna stretched out slightly, the fabric of her dress flowing as she lay on her side.

“Comfy?” David asked.

“Not quite. Would it upset the pace if I asked for a short respite?”

“No, I think that would be okay. Dessert will be served warm, and the brazier will keep it ready for whenever we want it. Is there something I can do in the meantime to make you more comfortable?”

“If perhaps… No, I will not be so spoiled.”

David grinned. “Now, Luna, if not now, when can I spoil you?”

A smile spread across Luna’s face. “Too kind a lover will spoil me rotten.”

David gave her a questioning look, causing Luna to lift her head.

“Very well. Come, lay by me, and if you feel so inclined, may I trouble you for a hoof-rub? You once massaged my hooves with such care and love, I cannot help but wish for it again.”

David, kneeling, bowed deeply. “As you wish, my princess.”

David then lay next to her, and pressed his back against her chest, nestling between her forehooves.

Feeling his warmth against her side, Luna reached out with her wing and wrapped it around his chest, drawing him closer. She buried her nose in his hair, taking in his scent as she relaxed.

David took a hoof and gently removed the shoe, placing it aside. He felt up and down her pastern, palpating the soft tissue and tendons from her fetlock joint down to her hoof.


David continued to explore the hoof in hand, running his fingers around her coronet band where flesh meets hoof, then back to her heel bulbs, gently massaging away her tension and fatigue. He turned the hoof inward a bit to inspect her sole, tracing the sensitive area before using his thumbs to give it a deep massage. His thumbs then moved from the tip of the nail down through her sole and to the frog, where he kneaded the flesh tenderly, then gave it a gentle kiss, causing Luna to expel a puff of hot breath into his hair. Gently, he returned the first hoof to rest and started to repeat the process on the second.

Luna snuggled closer to him, enjoying her date as David lulled her body into relaxation.

“Doing okay?” he asked.

“Mmmhmm,” Luna answered through a dreamy haze.

David craned his neck and kissed her on her chin to which Luna responded by wrapping him in her forehooves and hugging him tightly.

But David was not yet finished. He rested in her grasp for a moment before deciding to move on. Slowly, he pulled himself free of Luna’s legs and crawled out from underneath her wing. His movements cause her to stir, and she looked down at him with half-lidded eyes, peace and contentment shown within.

David knelt at her rear and reached down for her hind hooves.

Rolling a bit onto her back, Luna attempted to provide better access to her masseuse. But now with both legs up in the air, her dress fell aside, exposing her rear, forcing a blush to her cheeks.

David locked eyes with her, and grasped her tail and dress, drawing both up between her legs and pinning them there, returning her to a modest state. After, he scooted up, pressed his body against her rump, then pulled her legs to his chest to hold it all in place.

Still at ease, she lay her head down to the side but continued to watch his movements.

David massaged up her thighs and across her hocks, using his body to apply pressure to the massive muscles contained in her legs. Luna, in turn, stretched her and arched her back as David wrestled her body into a relaxed state.

Feeling somewhat satisfied with his progress, David moved further down her legs to her cannons, then across her fetlock joints and to her hooves. Again, he expertly removed her shoes, and then surveyed all of her dark-blue landscape.

Doing his best, he began to massage both legs at once but eventually he strayed and also started occasionally kissing the back of her fetlocks or teasingly nibbling at her heels. His tender caresses brought uncontrollable reactions out of the mare: her hooves twitched, body squirmed, and she whinnied quietly under his gentle ministrations.

Realizing that his goal should be relaxation, not excitement, David ceased his lip work. And, after a short mental chastisement, he resumed his duties with a more traditional massage.

Now with the new goal, David restarted his treatment. Finally reaching her hooves, he tended to them with care, one at a time. He finished with one, and let her leg fall gently to the side, completely relaxed. David then turned to the last hoof and worked it over carefully and gently with his hand. Then as he lay the leg down next to its partner, he kissed her frog to show his love.

What he did not expect, though, was a quick kick to the side from the previous leg.


“Oh, David. I’m so sorry!”

David still held onto the last leg with one hand, the other hand rubbing his side where Luna had reflexively kicked him.

“Don’t worry, it wasn’t that hard,” he said.

David was curious, though, and he gently played with the hoof he held. Surprisingly, as he gently stroked it, the other leg once again came to life and twitched madly.

“Oooh, stop, David, stop!”

David paused for a moment. “What’s wrong?”

“It is just… that tickles,” she said softly.

“Wait. Did you kick me because it ‘tickled?’ ”

“Not intentionally, I assure you.”

“So, if I did this…” David gently played with the frog of her hoof, causing Luna to squirm on her back.

“Hahahaha, stop! Stop it!” Luna laughed uncontrollably.

Below, Luna’s other leg twitched as it threatened to lash out at the perpetrator. In order to protect himself, David latched onto it again and held it close to his chest in his arms.

“Oh, I see. Just a little tickle here…” David continued to torture her. “You can’t stand it, can you?”

“Pleaaase, David! It is too much!”

David smiled wickedly and kissed her hoof again, this time adding a little tongue causing Luna's eyes to shoot open wide. In response, she pushed against him with all her strength, knocking him clean over.

Luna rolled and rushed to stand, her mane frazzled, and her breath ragged. “YOU!” She smiled at him.

“Sorry. I guess ‘relaxation time’ was cut short. Let’s see how ‘tickle time’ goes!” David raised his hands menacingly above his head and gave her predacious look as he hunched over her.

Luna’s eyes widened yet again, and her smile faded, ears plastered down with fright in her eyes. She recovered quickly, though, and spun on her hooves, yelling, “You will have to catch me first, fiend!” as she galloped into the depths of the garden.

David fully engaged in their play and chased his prey, cackling, “I’ll get you!!” as he ran after her.


The garden was actually quite large, and Luna covered less than a quarter of the length while evading her ‘tormentor’ and laughing with mirth. She smiled as David chased her around a small pond and down a path. They were in their second loop around when Luna decided to deviate from the course, and with a mighty leap, she scaled a large boulder at the back of the pond, easily taking her out of the reach of the man.

David stood below and beckoned for her to come down so that he might continue his onslaught.

With a huff, Luna turned her nose to the sky and then stared out into the stars. Her mood, now muted by the beauty of the stars and heavenly bodies, seemed to shift rapidly from one of play to serenity. “You, David, are so much like my night’s sky—so filled with beauty and strength. No matter how much I learn, you have more to explore. And the joy, the excitement, and love you give, it continues to pour out, filling an infinite expanse.” Luna looked down at him, smiling, and no longer found the face of her ‘villain’ but instead met David’s loving gaze. He then reached up to the sky for her and waited.

Luna, eager to meet her man, did not. And with no doubt in her mind, she leapt from the rock and tackled him to the ground.

“Ouch!” she cried.

“Are you okay?”

“I didn’t mean to ruin the mood,” Luna said, standing wobbly.

David rose to his feet, just in time to catch Luna as she crumpled into his arms, forcing him back to his knees.

“It is only a rock,” she said, lifting her back leg.

David looked down and saw blood slowly dripping from Luna’s hoof.

“Oh, Luna. You’re bleeding.”

“It is nothing. It will stop soon enough.”

David frowned and bent down to inspect her cut further. It was a small gash in her frog, and though it looked like it should stop on its own, it irked him that she was hurt on their night together. He took her hoof in his hands and wiped the blood away, causing Luna to wince in pain.

But David didn’t remove his hand; instead, he held her hoof firmly. Feeling her pulse through the wound, he tightened his grip. He then closed his eyes and focused his thoughts on her.

“David, it is okay. I will be—”

A brilliant flash of light erupted from David, interrupting Luna’s thoughts.

David released her hoof, a single tear traveling down his cheek. Luna, stunned by the flash, stood and set her hoof down, the pain now completely absent.

The feeling of the soft ground below her hoof snapped her back to attention. “You… you did it again! Was it your intention to use my sister’s healing magic?”

David shrugged. “I figured it was worth a try. When she talked with me about the picnic, she made it seem less like a miracle and more like I could possibly learn to control it, so I took a chance. Is it okay?”

“It is. It is wonderful! Do not ever think that this healing gift you have is something bad or improper.”

David picked up her hoof again to inspect it and wiped the remnants of the blood away, finding no injury below. He massaged the tender sole and looked up to Luna, tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

Luna smiled lovingly in return. “You have truly healed me, both my heart and my wound.”

They embraced, sharing a deep kiss before staring into each other’s eyes again. Overcome with happiness, Luna peppered his face and neck with kisses stopping only to nuzzle deep into his shoulder.


Finally, after returning to the table, David spoke up. “Are you sure you want to continue with dessert?”

“Of course! We have had an excellent dinner and an exciting show; it would be a wonderful time to have something sweet. I will. not. waste it!”

David came back from the cooking brazier with a small bowl, steam rising from within. He set it down on the table in front of them while Luna stared intently.

“What is it?” she asked.

“It’s a traditional dessert in some parts of my world called ‘Gulab Jamun.’ These are small, fried pastry balls soaked in a warm, rose-scented syrup. I find them highly addictive.”

“We shall never tell my sister, then. She would consume the entire rose garden if she knew. It is bad enough for her to harvest some for her teas.”

David chuckled a bit at her joke. “You don’t think it would really be that bad, do you?”

“Is it hard to say. Should we risk the extinction of a beautiful flower, or simply find solace in silence… I will leave it to you.”

David smiled. “Let’s just eat, for now.”

As the two dug in, David turned to Luna, a serious expression on his face. “So, you’re okay with me using Celestia’s magic?”

Luna looked surprised. “Of course! I do wonder if you will learn to harness my magic as well. It has also reminded me of something that was on my mind earlier.”

“What is that?”

“Today, while you were away, instead of doing much sleeping, I have been corresponding with Twilight since my sister left her in Ponyville this morning.  It seems she is having a rough time with her current ailment. I have tried to advise her that all will be well in time, but I fear that she may need treatment to ease her pains.”

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Yes. While sister is correct that she is in no danger and that time will relieve her, I wonder if you may possess the capacity to reduce her suffering.”

“Why doesn’t Celestia do it herself?”

“She could. There are several methods that would shorten the time of her recovery or relieve her misery, but I believe Tia will not use them. Even I am hesitant to do so, as our long lives benefit from conquering events such as these. This time, though, it is worse than I have seen.”

David nodded resolutely. “I understand. If I can help, I am willing to try.”

Luna smiled. “Of course you are, and that makes me glad. I will wait, though, to hear of her condition in the morning, as I am almost certain she will send more letters. If she has not made her will strong enough to endure, I will put forth your offer. If it comes to it, would you be willing to go to her as early as tomorrow?”

“Yes. But I’m a little anxious about it. I mean, I’d have to go to Ponyville, right?” David asked.

“Indeed. Though I would teleport you directly to the castle if it was necessary. You would not be exposed.”

“Okay. As long as you are with me, I’ll be fine.”

Luna nodded. “I can promise you that. Your strength is more than enough. I will testify to that fact.”

The meal finished up in a somewhat somber mood. Though Luna delighted at the sweet dish and cleaned the bowl to bare porcelain, David’s thoughts were locked on the news of his pained friend. Luna picked up on this and felt no pressure to redirect or distract him—the date was essentially over.

After cleaning up a bit, the two returned to Luna’s quarters where she slipped easily off to sleep. David, on the other hand, was still lost in his thoughts, even while spooned around his lover. He thought of the coming day—of meeting Celestia again and her possible decision. He also thought of Twilight, and if he would be able to help her. The ideas swam as he started to lose consciousness, and soon he was lost to sleep.
