//------------------------------// // Nº 6: EPILOGUE // Story: No Place Like Nowhere // by CoffeeBean //------------------------------// "Wysoka? Wszystko w porządku? Wiem, że jesteś smutna ... ale to już od trzech dni. Wszyscy zaczynają się naprawdę martwić się o ciebie." (Wysoka? Are you alright? I know you're sad... but it's been three days now. We're all starting to really worry about you.) Edelwiess, one of Wysoka's closer friends and librarian, called through the tall door of the mare's home as she gently knocked. No response; which was what she had expected. Edelweiss pushed open the unlatched door, her eyes instantly falling upon the slumped Alicorn, her figure hunched over at her desk and her wings hung loosely from her sides. "Kiedy rodzina poniska powiedział ci wszystko, prawda to zapisać? Zawsze pisać wszystko w dół." (When the poniska family told you everything, did you not write it down? You always write everything down.) Wysoka's figure didn't move, Edelweiss now seeing that her horn had a black and purple, wavy aurora of magic around it, the spell holding an almost evil quality. She knew well that was what Wysoka's horn looked like when she was doing something within her memories. Stepping closer, Edelweiss saw that Wysoka was indeed asleep, her two front legs crossed to support her large body against her desk, and her chin resting atop her type-writer in a fairly uncomfortable position. With apprehension, Edelweiss gently nuzzled under Wysoka's wing, trying to wake the large being. The action hadn't even brought the slightest movement from her. "Obudź się, Wysoka. Nie dostał nowy owoc w ciągu trzech dni; wszystkie żywności będzie stary." (Wake up, Wysoka. You haven't gotten new fruit in three days; all of your food will be old.) She pushed her head into Wysoka's side, her smaller figure barely being able to move the black, sleeping mare. "Wysoka!" A quick snort came from Wysoka as her eyes opened half-way, the glow from her horn ceasing as she slowly came from her realm. The one, blood-shot eye Edelweiss could see looked to her for a moment before closing, a tear making its down her fuzzy, black cheeks. "Nie mogę sobie przypomnieć." (I can't remember.) Edelweiss's frown worsened. "Zawsze można zapamiętać rzeczy ... dlaczego teraz nie może pamiętasz, co ci powiedzieli?" (You can always remember things... why now can't you remember what they told you?) Wysoka's breathing shuddered, a short sob coming from her as she sniffled. "Moja magia ... Edelweiss, to nie będzie działać. Nie mogę wrócić i pamięta. Nie mogę iść do miejsca, gdzie widzę Nazomova. Ja ... nie mogę sobie przypomnieć." (My magic... Edelweiss, it won't work. I can't go back and remember anything. I can't go to the place where I can see Nazomova. I... I can't remember.) Her cries loudened as she pulled her head from her typewriter, turning and pulling the smaller Edelweiss into a tight hug, her chin resting atop Edelweiss's head. "Szarotki, nie mogę sobie przypomnieć! (Edelweiss, I can't remember!) Wysoka's heaving cries brought a pain to Edelweiss's heart; it was a cry filled with more pain than she had ever heard. Wysoka didn't cry often; in fact, the last time she had seen Wysoka actually sob was when she had come into the library, ecstatic about how she now knew why she remembered what she did remember and that she knew what had happened to her so many years ago. "Będziesz pamiętam trochę czasu, Wysoka. Twoja magia jest silna." (You'll remember sometime, Wysoka. Your magic is strong.) Edelweiss spoke in a soothing tone, doing her best to calm Wysoka. There was no pause in Wysoka's heavy sobs, the tears leaking from her cheeks beginning to drip on Edelweiss's shoulders. "Nie mogę sobie przypomnieć. To, że nie będzie działać! Próbowałem ... za trzy dni! I-spałem przez trzy dni, a to nie będzie działać!" (I can't remember. It-It won't work! I have tried... for three days! I-I have slept for three days, and it won't work!) "Czy to ważne, Wysoka? Wiesz, co zawsze chciałeś wiedzieć; jeśli masz rodzinę, czy nie." (Does it matter, Wysoka? You know what you've always wanted to know; if you have a family or not.) "T-tak! Nie wiem, dlaczego ta biała poniska był wściekły na mnie ... Nie wiem dlaczego ja obudziłem się w tej dziedzinie daleko! Nie wiem, co się stało!" (Y-Yes! I don't know why that white poniska was mad at me... I don't know why I woke up in the far away field! I don't know what happened!) "Powiedziałeś nam wszystkim, że były złe w przeszłości, że biały poniska była zła na ciebie, bo robią coś złego. Flurry, mały jednym z rodziny poniska, że nie uważasz, że były złe; i nikt w Nazomova myśli, że jesteś zły. Użyłeś magii, aby pomóc rodzinie poniska wrócić do domu, więc sprawia, że jesteś dobry. To nie ma znaczenia, Wysoka." (You told all of us that you were bad in your past, and that the white poniska was mad at you because you were doing something bad. Flurry, the little one of the poniska family, she didn't think you were bad; and no one in Nazomova thinks you're bad. You used your magic to help the poniska family go home, so that makes you good. It doesn't matter, Wysoka.)