//------------------------------// // Getting New Friends // Story: Coltland Chronicles 5: Return of a Villain // by RomanceWriter1 //------------------------------// Getting New Friends “Mama! Mama!” two year old Sunshine called out as she crawled about on the floor, calling out for her mum. Sunshine was a unicorn filly with a light yellow body like her dad, Skater and black hair and bright green eyes like her mum, Moonlight. She normally had her hair short and fuzzy, her tail was the same. She didn't have her cutie mark but she hoped to get it like any foal would. “What is it, Sunny?” Skater replied from downstairs and he flew up the stairs to see his daughter at the edge of the stairs. “Where's Mama?” “Your mum is out with some friends, don't worry, she'll be back soon.” Meanwhile at the forest, Moonlight, Bubble, Jacinto, Starshine and Hugh, walked through the forest so they could go to the lake that everypony seemed to love so much. It was now called the ''Lake of Romance'' because it had helped other ponies find love such as Colette and Sven (who had sadly died a few years before alongside his brother, Magnus). “This lake is just so beautiful!” Starshine exclaimed dreamily. “I know, right.” Bubble said with a smile and she flew off the ground until Jacinto pulled her down to the ground. The five friends set up the picnic they had planned for the day, with lots of sandwiches and treats made by Candy, Floss, Cookie and Mandarin. They sat down on the checkered blanket they were using and quickly ate their food, with two of them almost choking when they swallowed. “Hey Moonlight!” All of them turned around to see Skater flying towards them, holding Sunshine with one of his forelegs. “Sorry that I'm here, Sunny was missing you so I brought her along to see you.” He set the filly down and she tried to stand on her hind legs to walk towards Moonlight. When she took four steps, she fell onto her rear but she clopped her hooves together with delight. Moonlight levitated her off the ground and cuddled her daughter against her chest. “At least she is improving. Soon she'll be able to stand up straight and walk.” Moonlight responded with proudness and she ruffled her daughter's mane. “Our Rose Petal and Bumblebee have learned to walk already. We should set a play date with all our foals sometime. Should we do it after this?” Jacinto replied with a grin and he gave a funny face to Sunshine which got the filly to giggle and clop her hooves quickly. Rose Petal and Bumblebee were twins consisting of a filly and colt. They were also two years old. Rose Petal was the oldest of the two. She was a pegasus with a light red body, gold eyes like her mum, Bubble and yellow hair like her dad, Jacinto. Bumblebee was also a pegasus with a light pink body like his dad, gold eyes and black hair like his mum. Rose Petal's hair was in a plait and Bumblebee's was like his dad and Uncle Hugh's. “That sounds really sweet. My Strawberry would love to make some friends. The sad thing is that her dad is always out doing basketball championships and he's never there to see her that much and we can't really afford to go worldwide to see him.” Starshine responded with a sad voice and she hung her head down. Strawberry was a unicorn filly. She was a year old and she hadn't learned to walk yet like Sunshine. She had a white body and orange hair like her dad, Dribble and purple eyes like Starshine. Her mane and tail was like her mum's and Grandmother Svetlana's. “Poppy will bring our Pumpkin today as I have to sing a gig with Starshine at Mandarin and Lily's bakery. They have been working there ever since Valentina retired last year and she still lives there but it will be fully theirs when she is dead.” Hugh said with an excited voice and he jumped a little. Pumpkin was an earth colt and was three years old. He had a light blue body like Hugh, orange hair like his grandmother, Dahlia and dark green eyes like Poppy. His mane and tail style was like Topaz and Blackstone's. “Aww, Rose Petal and Bumblebee would love to see their cousin, Pumpkin again.” “First, we should get all these treats eaten, we don't want to disappoint Candy, Floss, Cookie and Mandarin.” The friends gobbled up all the sweets, feeling full and satisfied. They all laid down on the blanket, smiling while Jacinto and Bubble were holding each other as they were on the green grass. Sunshine was sitting near her parents as she was splashing the water with her hooves and giggling. “Am I getting friends, Mama?” Sunshine asked as she crawled on top of Moonlight. “Yes, Sunny, you are. You'll be seeing them in an hour or two.” Skater responded with a small smile and he ruffled his daughter's black mane. “Starshine, we need to get going for our gig or we'll be late.” Hugh said as he tapped on her shoulder a few times. “My stars! We need to get our makeup and costumes ready!” The two jumped up, brushing the grass off themselves and saying their goodbyes really fast that the others couldn't catch what they were saying. The two then galloped off as fast as lightning. “Skater, Sunshine and I are going to get going now. We'll see you and the others at our house for the play date.” Moonlight responded with a grin. “Alright, we'll see you there.” Jacinto said and he gave a wave to them. Skater walked over to sit beside Jacinto and Bubble who looked over at him and smiled. “How is raising twins doing for you?” “It's hard work and the two are so mischievous, they already stole a few cookies from the cookie jar in the kitchen.” Bubble responded with a sigh.