(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XXIII-A - If at First You Don’t Succeed…*

Act XXIII-A - If at First You Don’t Succeed…*

Finally stirring from his nap, David awoke drowsily. He was still laying in his bed, fully clothed, where he had slept off his massive breakfast with Applejack and Cherry.

“Ugh. Too much of a good thing…” he mumbled.

David rolled off the bed to his feet and stood up somewhat shakily, then looked over to the dresser.

“Oh, that’s right, I left my clock at Luna’s.”

David stretched to reinvigorate himself and work out the kinks. The outing from yesterday had left him a bit sore in places, but it wasn’t too bad. He now stood up straight and tall and looked out the window.

‘It’s probably early afternoon. I guess I should go see if Luna is awake, she said to come by after lunch.’

After checking in the vanity’s mirror, he walked to the bathroom and tidied his appearance, fixing his hair and washing his face. Now feeling somewhat refreshed, he slipped on his shoes and headed for the door.


David approached the massive ebony doors flanked by shadows.

“Is Princess Luna awake?” he asked.

A raspy voice came from the darkness, “See for yourself.”

“Thank you.”

David let himself inside and took a look around. The room was dimly lit—a good sign that the princess still slumbered.

He let his eyes adjust then walked quietly over to the dresser next to the bed. Picking up his clock, he could see that it was almost one-thirty in the afternoon.

‘Guess I missed lunch. Oh well, I’m not that hungry anyway.’

David set the clock back down and turned to the giant four-poster. Beyond the silken curtains, he spied his princess, still sleeping peacefully.

‘I hate to wake her. Maybe I’ll just slip in.’

With that thought in mind, David disrobed and proceeded to crawl into bed next to the princess. He moved slowly, calculating every move as he watched Luna for signs of disturbance. Finally, he was prone on the mattress and rolled back to look at Luna’s sleeping face.

She lay on her side, forehooves pulled close to her chest with her head next to them on her pillow. Her lips were parted, and he could hear her breathing slowly through both her nostrils and her mouth.

‘Heh, she’s a mouth-breather like me. Luckily, neither of us snores much.’ He laughed a little to himself, letting out a quick breath through his nose.

Luna’s face contorted, her nose wrinkled and her brow furrowed. She began to stir and opened one eye.

“Good morning, love, or is it afternoon?” she said.

“Good afternoon, Luna. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Waking next to you deserves no pardon.” She reached out with her foreleg and was met by his hand. “How do you fare today?”

“It has already been an interesting morning, but it seems I too, have slept through lunch.”

“Oh, please, do tell.”

“I intend to, but it really isn’t the kind of discussion I’d rather have after you’ve just woken up.”

“More drama, I presume?”

“You know me, I seem to attract a lot of attention.”

With that, Luna smirked and rolled over away from him.

“If it is all that bad, perhaps you should hold me, so I do not escape!” she said playfully.

David slid over to her, spooning her back and pulled her close.

“I suppose that’s a good idea. There’s no getting away from me now.”

Luna nuzzled his neck and chin from underneath, burying her nose in his flesh. She sniffed at him and licked his cheek, lavishing him with attention. Then she settled into his embrace and flicked her tail over his legs in a display of love and trust.

“Well…” David started. “I went to breakfast, but only Applejack was present. She said she had been up for hours, which I guess is normal, considering a farm’s schedule, but I wished she had taken it easy after yesterday.”

“She was well?”

“Yes. She didn’t seem to have any ill effects at all.”

“Good. Continue.”

“So, we sat there, and talked a bit, then rang for breakfast. Cherry came out and told us that she’d prepare whatever we wanted, that the regular breakfast wasn’t made because you and Celestia weren’t there. Applejack didn’t feel comfortable ordering, so I proposed the idea of me cooking something.”

“Oh, I see! I sleep in, and you prepare a marvelous feast without me!” Luna teased as she jabbed him lightly with a wing.

“You know, you’re right. I’ll make sure to fix that soon,” David said, rubbing his chin into the top of her head. “How about a nice, home-cooked dinner tonight, just the two of us?”

“Hmm.” She took a moment to ponder the idea. “I accept.”

“Thank you, my princess. I am grateful you would honor me so.”

“You are most welcome. Now, even though it pains me… what kind of magical breakfast did you prepare for them?”

“Oh. Well, I made us a dish called ‘French toast,’ also known as pain perdu, or ‘lost bread.’ It’s a sweet meal of custard-soaked, then fried bread slices topped with various things. I plan to teach Cherry later so she can serve it from time to time.”

“That sounds fantastic. I assume, though, that things did not go as planned? You did hint at a tale of drama.”

“Yes. Well, the preparation went fine, both Applejack and Cherry helped out in the kitchen, and I think we had a good time there. The real problems started to show up at the table. We ate at the small table for the staff, next to the prep room, and it was obvious both of them wanted me to sit with them, so they each took a side before I got there.”

“Oooh,” Luna tittered.

“I decided the best plan was to ‘honor the guest’ so I took a seat next to Applejack. That didn’t seem to cause any problems, but it was obvious that both Applejack and Cherry were at odds with each other anyway. There was a little bickering, but overall the breakfast didn’t turn out badly.”

“So, that was all?”

“Nope, not by a long-shot. After breakfast, Applejack wanted to talk—”

“Ahh! I see!”

“Now, Luna, let me finish. We went to my old room, where she was staying, and talked a bit while sitting on the bed. There she told me that I was thick-headed and couldn’t see what she was saying, so she spelled it out for me… She wanted me to ask you to consider her for the position of ‘second mare.’ She wants to explore how she feels but is willing to be subservient to your demands. She also asked me to consider her as well. After that, I warned her about having feelings for someone you can’t be with, as I’ve dealt with that in the past.”

Luna smiled widely. “Well, well, ‘the fastest mare doth earn the prize’ they say. I see I will have to address young Applejack directly in the near future.”

“Well, that’s not all… After we had talked, she requested a hug, and I agreed. It was just as much for me as it was for Applejack; I needed to know how I felt about it, and about her. She surprised me, that’s for sure. When I opened my arms to her, she just about tackled me. I won’t lie, as we sat there together, it was nice and found that I do like her a bit, but I can’t say much more than that on how I feel. Also, when it was time to let her go, I kissed her cheek as she was pulling away. Again, it was all me, she was proper and kept her distance as I asked, but it felt right at the time.”

“That does explain why I can smell her scent on you but know that I do not fault you for that, your feelings or actions either. I know the Apple family to be good and righteous, and Applejack has been honest and true, as her element declares. Feel no guilt for what you have done, and I thank you for sharing it with me.”

“Always, Luna. I’m so lucky that you are willing to hear me out—and that you are so patient, considering all the trouble I bring.”

“Your words mirror my heart, love. I know our relationship is still new, but in the future, I am sure there will be trials for us both that will test us. Please continue to stand with me and be patient, but should we ever disagree, do not let me spend a night alone.”

David kissed the top of her head, rubbing lightly against her horn. “I won’t.”

Luna dislodged herself from her man’s grasp enough to roll over and face him. She leaned in and kissed him with passion, her eyes closed and lips parted to receive him. David reciprocated, taking her into a deep embrace and stealing the breath from her lungs. He stroked her mane and neck, gently massaging it, causing Luna to coo into their kiss.

Luna lifted her left hoof and pawed down the front and sides of his chest, feeling his muscles and skin against her sole. As she drifted lower, she folded the toe inward, and instead allowed the fur of her pastern and cannon to brush against him as she traveled ever lower. Finally, the tip of her hoof found his waistband and pushed against it, snaking its way inside the cloth barrier.

David could feel the sensation of her hoof wall against his groin. It was smooth, warm, and somewhat stimulating as she carefully explored his package. Luna then went past his manhood and rubbed against his thigh and sack, leaving her soft fur to attack his length.

“Ohhhh,” he moaned in response, grabbing her around her neck.

Luna looked at him with heavy-lidded eyes. She sensed him stiffening against her leg while gently tending to him. With playful licks under his chin, she felt the stubble he had grown and tasted his sweat. She then rubbed her cheeks against his flesh—his collar, his neck, his chest, all while teasing him down below.

“Ohhh, I love it, Luna. It’s as if you are marking me, making me yours.”

“I am glad you are pleased,” she whispered.

Luna changed her tactics and began to kiss under his chin and across his shoulder. She stopped at his armpit, then pressed her nose into the gap and took a small sniff.

“Quite a heady scent, my love. Though I do not find it distasteful, others may take offense.” Luna removed her hoof from David’s package, brought it to her nose and took a whiff. She then placed her foreleg over his waist and looked up at him; her countenance had changed into one of quiet contemplation. “You stink. Go take a shower.”

David sat up and looked at her, confused. “Uh, do you want to join me?”

“Perhaps I do, but not this time. Go get cleaned up. I will fetch fresh clothes from your room,” Luna said as she rolled away, preparing to get up.

“Luna, did I do something wrong?” he asked.

“No, my love. I should not have teased you at this time; forgive me. I will make it up to you later. I just realized that as we lay here, my sister is still stewing over something stupid and it is about time that it is rectified.”

“So, we’re going to go talk to her?” David questioned.

“Not we, but you. I would do little more than fan the flames if I were to approach her now. You must go and attempt to resolve this issue. I will be here for you when you return, regardless of the outcome.”

“Do you have any suggestions? Advice?”

“She feels conflicted and you must put her at ease. You know that I do not fear her involvement with you in any fashion. Use that to your advantage. She will be afraid, and she has already constructed a strong defense that I saw personally this morning. I believe you will be able to break through, but you must be resolved to what it may bring.”

“Couldn’t this blow up in our faces, or at least mine?”

Luna smiled. “Perhaps. There are many possibilities, but we must see this through. She will suffer greatly for no reason if this is not resolved soon. Now, off to the shower with you. I will not have you see my sister smelling so.”


David got up off the bed as Luna walked over to him.

“Be strong, my love. I trust this will all resolve peacefully. Thank you for caring for both me and my sister.” Luna craned her neck requesting a kiss.

David bent down and hugged her, then kissed her lightly. He gave her a smile, which she returned, then turned and walked to the bathroom.


The giant, golden doors stood ominously, blocked by the sun princess’s royal guards. David approached them boldly, but the guards stood at attention, unmoving.

“I’m sorry, Sir David, Princess Celestia does not wish to be disturbed,” one of them said.

“I understand, but this is important. Would you please check to see if she will see me?”

“Sorry, we’re under strict orders to—” the guard stopped as one of the doors opened slightly.

David could feel Celestia’s magic—it caused him to shiver slightly from the sensation.

“You may… enter,” the guard grumbled as both guards parted, allowing David to pass.

David walked through the doors into the dimly-lit bedroom. The doors snapped shut behind him as the guards sealed him in, cutting off the light from the corridor.

He looked around, noticing the curtains were drawn and no lamps or fires were lit. The bright sun outside gently bled through the cloth of the curtains, giving a muted definition to the room.

Princess Celestia lay on her bed on top of the covers, facing away from the door.

“Hello, David,” she said flatly, not even lifting her head from the pillow.

“Apologies for my intrusion. Luna has sent me to see you.”

“Assure Luna I am fine. If that is all, I wish to rest.”

“Please don’t make me leave. I want to say I’m sorry.”

“What for? You have done nothing wrong. Why would I make you leave?”

“Are you sure? You seemed pretty upset last night.”

Celestia’s wings ruffled slightly. “That was last night. We both agreed that yesterday was unusually stressful. Forgive me if I was inhospitable,” she droned.

“Yes. We agreed that the events of the day were stressful, but I’m talking about what happened here last night.”

“Oh? And what would that be?” Celestia questioned without a hint of sarcasm.

David sighed. “You know what happened. Would you please just talk to me about it?”

She paused. “I should not.”

“Please, Celestia.”

Celestia let out a long, pained sigh. “Fine. Regardless of what you believe to be the cause, it is not so. The true source is that I have been confronted with a problem, one that existed before last night and does not have any good solution.”

David shook his head with confusion. “What do you mean?”

“I fear I may be broken.”

David looked on in shock, though Celestia could not see his face. “Really? Are you alright?” David’s question held sincerity, but his mind was skeptical.

“Perhaps not. I have been the same, stalwart figure for centuries. My ponies look up to me to be there for them. I live for them, and for my sister. But now, I have thoughts that would cause discomfort or trouble for others if they knew.”

“What kind of thoughts?”

“Bad ones.”

“I highly doubt that.”

“They could be disastrous.”

“So the trouble they cause could be prevented?”

“Yes, but I will need time.”

Now, David paused for a moment, then bombarded Celestia again. “You said you were ‘broken.’ Are you certain time would fix it? How long would it take?”

Celestia snorted. “I do not know! I have not felt this way before. Perhaps this is what my sister felt before the Nightmare took her!”

“Celestia, tell me more. Please,” David pleaded.

Celestia sighed, her massive barrel heaving. “I find myself feeling—no, wanting something. Something I CANNOT have.”

“Why can’t you have it?”

“Is it not mine to have.”

“Is it just that you can’t have it, or is it something that belongs to another?”

“Perhaps both.”

“Oh.” David scratched his head. “You know, I think it’s perfectly natural to want things.”

Celestia pawed at her sheets. “Not for me, not for a princess.”

“Why not?”

“As I said last night, I must do without some things for the sake of Equestria. And again, even if I could have it, it belongs to another.”

“So, we’ll get you another one.”

“There is only one.”

“Something similar.”

“It would not be the same.”

“That is difficult, then.”

“You have no idea.”

David took a moment of silence to think to himself.

‘It seems she’s calmed down a bit from last night and she’s even talking a bit more. It’s tough, though, it’s like I’m bargaining with a child!’

“So, have you talked to the owner about this?” David asked.

“No. Nor do I have any intention of doing so. I will remove these thoughts and be done with it.”

“Why won’t you talk to them?”

“David, it would be… inappropriate.”

“Oh. Do you not know them very well?”

“No, quite the opposite.”

“Is it Luna?”

Celestia’s ears pricked up, and she shuffled her wings again.

“If it is Luna, you should talk to her. She’s your sister,” David suggested.

“Do you have siblings?”

David sighed. “No, unfortunately, I do not.”

“I see,” Celestia started. “Siblings fight sometimes. Can you imagine fighting with a loved one forever? Having a pain deep down that lasts through tense smiles and pervades even in good times?”

“No, but—”

“We are immortal. What if things were said or done that broke our bonds? What if her smile was tarnished forever by what I had done?”

“I don’t—”

“I cannot risk it.”

“And about your subjects?”

“This is not about them. It is between my sister and me.”

“So, nothing to do with being a princess?”

“No. I mean, yes. But not really. I… do not know.”

“I think Luna would want you to be happy.”

“Of course she would, but I would take happiness away from her!”

“You’re willing to do all this because you don’t want to cause harm to Luna?”


“But you are worrying her.”


“I still think you should talk to her. Sooner, rather than later.”

Celestia raised her head and looked at him for the first time today. Her eyes were filled with fire, even as tears streamed down her cheeks. “NO!” she yelled in the Royal Canterlot Voice before plopping her head back down on her pillow.

“Ouch,” David said softly.

“Sorry,” she mumbled into the fabric.

“It’s okay. I’m sorry I couldn’t help more in this matter. Thank you for talking with me.”

“Your concern is appreciated.”

“So, before I go, can I ask you one last question?”

“Go ahead,” she said flatly.

“So, why did you kiss me last night?”

Celestia gasped. “I did no such thing!”

“Okay, we kissed then,” David corrected himself.

“That did not happen.”

“Oh, forgive me. My mind must be misremembering things, it was awfully stressful yesterday,” David spat out, almost sounding sincere.

“Indeed. Perhaps you should rest.”

“It’s really silly of me, it’s just I’m reminded of something that happened to me a long time ago,” he droned on.


“When I was young, I had a few good friends, but we were slowly growing up and apart. One of these good friends was a young woman whom I had fallen for.”

Celestia shifted a bit in her bed, while David began to pace around the room as he told his story.

“She did not care for me in the same manner. She even told me so a few years before, but it didn’t quiet the feelings in my heart. That fire continued to burn, and try as I might, it would not be extinguished. Though I had these feelings and tried to suppress them, we continued to be close until we graduated from school and she moved away.

“After being separated for a while, we were both in town for new year’s eve. She attended some social event; a dance, I think. I didn’t go, as I wasn’t invited, but she told me that we would get together before she went back to her new home the next day. For whatever reason, she didn’t contact me, and I was left alone.”

“That sounds terrible,” Celestia said quietly.

“It was. I was lonely and missed my friend—the person I loved. I wanted to see her face again. I wanted to talk to her. Even though I waited patiently for her, the hour for her to leave came, and I still had no word from her. I was deeply hurt and angry. How could she leave and not say anything! Did our friendship mean nothing!? Fed up, I decided to confront her at her family’s home before she left.”

“Oh my.”

“Yes, well, even though I was confused, tired, and in pain, I was determined not to lash out, at least not until I had heard her side of the story.”

“That was very noble of you.”

“I was trying my best, but I needed to know what had happened. I came to her home and asked to talk. It wasn’t the best timing, as she and her family were just about to leave to take her to the station she was departing from, but somehow it worked out. I can’t remember exactly why, but I ended up taking her to the station while her family followed. It was incredibly tense, and we talked very little. Somehow, I explained how I felt hurt and that I thought we had an agreement to meet and reunite after being separated for so long. She uttered a small apology but was otherwise very quiet and reserved during our trip. The silence was painful.”

“Go on…”

“We arrived at the station, and I was physically, mentally, and emotionally spent. I helped carry her luggage and ushered her to the final door. Then I sat down and waited for the time for her to disappear.”

“And then?”

“My anger subsided, and my sadness overflowed. I felt terrible and wanted to cry. I beckoned to her to come over, which she did, and asked her to sit on my lap. It was a somewhat unreasonable request, but she humored me. I remember looking up into her eyes, not knowing what I saw, but feeling my eyes watering with tears. Then I reached up and stole a kiss from her lips.”

Celestia shuffled in her bed.

“It was small, chaste, but it had my feelings of love and desperation behind it. She had closed her eyes for the kiss, but after, her eyes were filled with pain. I felt terrible and looked away, but she surprised me and held my hand. It was gentle, forgiving even. She wouldn’t look at me, but she didn’t get mad either. Then, when the time came, she got up and left. A few days later, we started talking long-distance. We discussed what had happened. As it turned out, that one moment in the station set off a chain-reaction that budded into a romance between us. When we were together, it was wonderful and passionate, and we were happy.”


“Yes. It turned out that as much as we cared for one another, the timing was not right. We were young and too immature to deal with the challenges we faced, or support each other in our relationship, so it suffered and didn’t survive. After we broke up, we didn’t speak to each other for seven years.”

“That’s terrible!”

“Yes, and though I wished it had turned out differently, I’m glad we gave it a chance. Without it, I would’ve never known how much she cared, and I would have continued to lie to myself about how I felt about her. So what I’m trying to say is—Celestia, would you go on a date with me?”


“Please?” David asked again.

“I cannot.”

“Luna seems to think otherwise.”

“My sister?”

“She doesn’t want you to give up no matter how you feel, but she’s not giving me up either. In fact, she wants you both to try… to share.”

Celestia paused, and the only sounds in the room were the deep breaths she took to steel her nerves. Finally, she spoke. “Give me some time,” she said plainly.

David nodded. “I understand. But please don’t take too long, or I may have to show up at your home. Till later, Celestia.”

David turned to leave. As he did, Celestia could be heard shuffling on the bed. Unknown to him, she had turned, and now stared at his broad back, silhouetted by the lighting out in the royal halls as he stood in the opened the doors before leaving her chambers. The guards snapped to attention as David walked out, then they closed the doors quietly behind the human, plunging the room and the princess back into darkness.


David returned to Luna’s quarters wearing a stern expression on his face. He entered silently, and as he closed the doors behind him, his lover looked up from her bed to meet his gaze.

“How did it go?”

“I don’t know. I won’t know for a while.”

“Come, sit with me and talk.”

David walked over to the bed and hopped up. He propped himself up against the headboard and laid his head back, staring at the ceiling.

Luna felt his tension, it was palpable in the air around him. She sidled up next to him and lay her head on his lap. Now with his lover close, David stroked her mane and tried to relax.

“Are you okay, my love?”

“Yes, just a little stressed.”

“What was your impression? What did she say?”

“She’s so stubborn! She was moody and didn’t even want to admit to being upset yesterday. She just said she wanted to rest.”

“That does sound much like my sister. She is so used to dealing with all of our troubles by herself, yet nopony is allowed to help her.”

“After a bit, though, she started to open up. She admitted she has a problem… She said she was ‘broken’ and thought that how she felt would cause damage to your relationship with her.”


“She thinks she isn’t worthy or allowed to feel. Like expressing herself would cause a rift between you two.”


“I said she should talk to you about it.”

“Oh? And how did that go?”

“She can be pretty loud.”

“Hahaha, that is good to hear.”

“I’m just glad I can still hear. If you say ‘that’s good,’ would you let me in on the secret?”

“It seems you have broken through her shell. Please, continue.”

“Okay. After that, I shifted the conversation. I asked her about the kiss last night.”

“A bold move. It seems you knew you had penetrated her armor. What was her response?”

“She denied it.”


David shook his head. “I let it go and said I misremembered. She agreed and said she understood; that we were all ‘under a lot of stress.’ ”

“How did you press your advantage?”

“I didn’t really. I took a different path. The kiss reminded me of something from my past, a relationship that started in a similar manner. She seemed quite interested in the story.”

“What happened then?”

“She let me finish the story completely and didn’t interrupt. My old relationship ended poorly, but I was glad we tried. I told her that, then I asked her out on a date.”

“Excellent! And her reply?”

“She said no, at first.”

“And then?”

“I told her what you said. I told her you wanted her to take a chance, to share.”

“And she agreed!?” Luna smiled expectantly.

David frowned. “She said to give her some time.”

Luna settled herself. “Oh. David, I believe you have done well. All that remains is for her to decide.”

“Thank you, Luna. I’ll take your word on it. I certainly didn’t feel so positive after all that. I’m glad you’re here.”

“I too, am glad you are here. For now, let us be at ease and rest a while.”

“I would love to, but I have a date to plan—our date. You stay here and rest. I’ll meet you for dinner at seven-thirty. Okay?”

“I cannot wait. Till then, my dear.”


Knock, Knock, Knock.

“Cherry, are you in there?” David called out.


David grabbed the handle of the prep room door and opened it slowly. Peering inside, he saw that it was empty.

“Huh. I just realized that I have no idea where she could be,” he mused. “I hope she doesn’t mind me looking around.”

Taking the initiative, David walked inside and closed the door behind him. Now inside, he checked the break room where he had eaten this morning, and finding it empty, he headed towards the kitchen.

Pushing through the double doors of the kitchen, he noticed it too was empty. He sighed a little, wondering how far he should go in looking for his reclusive friend. There was one last door in the kitchen he had never set foot through, and as he looked at it, his mind churned.

‘I can’t give up now. I’ll just check this one last door.’

Now resolute, he walked across the kitchen to the door on the other side. He grasped the handle and opened it, finding a small corridor with two doors, one at the end and one in the middle.

‘Great. Now what?’

David walked down the small hall, and as he approached the middle door, he noticed a plaque next to it.

‘Crap. I still can’t read it.’

David reached up for the handle tentatively, and instead of opening the door, he raised his hand and knocked instead.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

“Hello? Is somepony there?” Cherry’s voice came from beyond the door.

“Oh, good. Cherry, it’s me, David. I, kinda need your help if you have a moment.”

David could hear scrambling beyond the door, then hoof-falls approaching. The door cracked open, and Cherry’s head poked through. Her red mane was down, not in her usual bun and she appeared a little disheveled.

“Oh, hi! Uh, sorry, I wasn’t expecting anypony,” she said, smiling.

David chuckled. “Sorry to come unannounced. I was just hoping to talk to you about something.”

Cherry casually rolled her eyes. “Okaaay. Can you, uh, just give me a moment? I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

“Sure, Cherry. Thanks.”

“No problem. I’ll be right there.”


Cherry smiled then closed the door quickly. David could hear more noise coming from beyond the door as if somepony was tripping over things and running around. He decided it was rude to slink around, listening to the commotion, so instead, he returned to the kitchen to wait.

A few minutes later, Cherry walked through the hall door and into the kitchen. She had pulled up her mane and tail into their normal up-dos and was otherwise immaculate as usual. She wasn’t wearing her chef’s coat, though, and that made her look a bit more informal.

“Sorry for the wait, David! What can I do for you?”

“No, Cherry, I’m sorry. It’s obviously your time-off, and I interrupted.”

“Don’t worry. What did you come by for?”

David shuffled around nervously. The short timeframe of his date had gotten to him, and it was showing. “I need your help. I want to plan a special dinner for Luna tonight. I’ve taken her for granted, and I need to do something for her, and for us.”

“Okay, what do you need?” Cherry asked earnestly.

“I… don’t know. I actually don’t know what Luna likes yet, and I was hoping you could give me some ideas,” he said, just short of begging.

“Oh.” Cherry sat down and looked up at David, studying his face. “David… I don’t think it will matter what you make, only that you’ve made it. Certainly, you know that, right?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

Cherry sighed. “Princess Luna likes ponies who take the initiative, and you’re full of it. Just do what comes natural to you and don’t second-guess yourself!”

David paused for a few seconds, then his face brightened up. “Right. I kinda have an idea now, but I’ll still need your help.”

Cherry smiled. “Okay, you’ve got it.”

“Thanks, Cherry. Can we go sit and talk a bit?”


Cherry and David retreated back into the break room. They sat at the table, just as they did this morning, chatting about David’s plans for the night.

“So, that takes care of dinner. Are you sure you don’t want my help in making any of it?”

“I’m sure, Cherry. You helped me realize that I’m doing this for her, now I want to be the one who does it.”

“Okay. I think you’ll be just fine with the food. That’s good for me too, as Princess Celestia won’t be coming for dinner, so I’ll be busy handling her meal personally.”

“The princess isn’t coming down for dinner?”

“No, she’s asked for all her meals to be delivered today.”

“Oh,” David’s face went slack.

“Something wrong?” she asked.

“No, it’s nothing. I’ll handle Luna’s and my meal, but what was it you were saying about a special place?”

“Well, you’re not allowed outside the royal wing of the castle yet, right?”

“Yup, still restricted.”

Cherry grinned. “I think there’s a place that’s both outside, yet within the royal wing that you could use.”

David looked confused. “What do you mean?”

“I think it’s better if I showed you.”

Cherry got up from the table and walked through to the dining room door before turning and motioning for David to follow. The two left the prep room and headed for the royal halls.
