Yu-Gi-Oh! EQG Side Story: Tricks and Treats

by Bahamut0

Duel 6: Fury of the Warwolf!

The area that had been unlocked looked like a courtyard. Burst and the others hadn't entered far when they heard something striking against the trees. What they saw looked like a Lycanthrope! It paused when it smelled them, but it didn't attack. "By the looks of things, you're after the fang-face in charge of things here."

"And if we are?", Inferno asked.

"Ya might want this.", the Lycanthrope said as he handed them a map. "All I wanted to do was lounge in my house, and whoever my former master is possessing goes and blows the dog whistle. Man that thing stings!"


"Call me Silver.", Silver said. He soon froze when he picked up a familiar scent. "Oh man. Not him again."


"My cousin. He's a bit....exciteable." Almost out of nowhere, a Pitch Black Warwolf showed up.

"You're really lettin' 'em through cuz?"

Silver face-pawed. "Look Pitch. I didn't want to be here, and I'm not sticking around here any longer. I am going back home and chasing my tail the rest of this night. You're on your own."

"Fine. I challange the one in red pajamas to a duel!"

That comment was enough to get Inferno motivated. "Alright Rover! Give it your best shot! And FYI, it's a martial arts gi!"

Inferno: 8000
Pitch: 8000

"I'm up first!", Pitch said. "I summon Gene-Warped Warwolf in attack mode! Try to get past this big dog!"

"Time to send him packing to the vet!", Inferno said as he drew a card! "I'll summon Red Eyes Black Chick! Now I'll banish him to special summon Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon! Then I'll use Metal's effect to special summon Red Eyes Black Dragon from my hand! Red Eyes, take down Warwolf! Attack him directly!"

Pitch-Black Warwolf shielded himself from the flames, but noticed his tail was on fire!

"I end my turn by placing one card face-down."

Inferno: 8000
Pitch: 4800

"I play the spell card Warwolf Pack! This lets me special summon three cards with warwolf in their name at the price of half my life points! Next I activate the spell card Wolf's Rage! This lets all of my Warwolves attack one monster and combines their attack points! The only down side is that you take no damage and they're put into defense mode.", Pitch said as he summoned three copies of himself and had them attack Darkness Metal. "Your move."

Inferno: 8000
Pitch: 2400

"Time to end this in a blaze of glory! I activate the card I set! Harmony Absolute! I'll tribute the Red Eyes on my field to summon Red Eyes Absolute Dragon! Then I'll play Dragon Shrine to send a normal dragon to my graveyard! And since it was a normal dragon, I can send another dragon to the graveyard! Then I'll use Red Eyes Absolute's special ability! By halving his attack points for this turn, he can attack you directly! Absolute Inferno Fire Blast!"

Pitch yiped as the flames hit him again and literally took off back to the monster world with his tail between his legs. And another crimson barrier had dissolved after his defeat.

"Huh. He didn't have any bark or bite."