Fallout: Equestia – Unscrewed Audio Files

by MuseoSansPony

Audio Log #006: Image Problems




TEEeeEeeesting, teeEEesting 1, 2, 3.


EquuUUuuuuestriaaaaaAaaaan pranch toast on rye, Equestrian pranch toast on rye, is this thing working? I wish it indicated that. Design oversight? Gizmo was surprised they still made these. Wonder why?

I mentioned in my last log that this **tap** broke. Don’t know if it recorded.

Could have gotten this thing **tap**tap** fixed by Gizmo–he looked the type to know how to fix things.

Couldn’t though–


Not after how I left things. Not after I bit him. He is in the past. Like a lot of things I don’t wish to discuss–not now, not ever.

Not even to you–my only friend.


It's funny, I’m acting like you're a pony. Can I really be friends with a recorder?


Back to business. Mom is safe in the Ponyville stable–or I get Gizmo’s left hind hoof–but Shoey is still unknown. I recall one of her visitations–they were few and far between sadly– she said she got a new job at–at um–oh what is it? Don’t tell me I don’t remember! This is important! **thunk**


OoOOooOooh, thank LuUuuUUuuna it is still working. I feared for my fragile sanity for a second there.

**clearing throat**

Hmm? Am I catching a cold? Do I sound horse to you?


Oh right, not a pony–not gonna get an answer.

Anyways, I remembered what Shoe said. She got a job working for the Image of Ministry–no, no that isn’t it–I mixed it up in my head–my head has been pretty mixed up until recently, ok–I meant the Ministry of Image. She said it was in Canterlot. I’ll go there next.

Though from here there is a menacing looking pink shroud around the city. Wonder what that is about?


You know, I get the strange feeling that I’ve heard about that pink stuff. Dr. Cortex brought it up during one of our sessions–he talked–I–I barked–a lot.

He mentioned something about it from news about it during the war. Little–little something-or-other?

Come on brain!! **Smack**Smack**Smack** THINK!

**PPFFFFPHSSSFFFF** Peh! Peh! AK! Uck! Did a chunk of my mane just fall out?

