Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Departure to the Ultimate Couple's Honeymoon

After the Family of a Lifetime had proclaimed their existence to all of Equestria, it was time for food and bonding. The dinosaurs had all been treated to massive barrels filled to the brim with apple fritters. They had eaten to their hearts' contents, yet Indominus still had room left for more. Unfortunately, the dining area didn't have nearly enough to satisfy his needs, and he decided that he would take a late night hunt to satiate the rest of his appetite. The rest of the time was spent chatting with his amazing wife, the fellow dragons and Discord.

Tyrannosaurus and the raptor squad had taken to talking amongst the dragons to keep themselves busy, while Indominus was spending part of his time with Discord. Rainbow Dash wouldn't admit it to her friends, but it warmed her heart to see Indominus bonding with Discord and being such close friends. The more time they spent together, the more fond Rainbow was becoming of the Lord of Chaos. Every time he and Indominus hung out together, they always seemed so happy and enjoying each other's company. She appreciated anypony that could help make Indominus's day and bond with him on such a great level.

"Pardon me Discord, mind if I borrow my husband for a while?"

"Why of course Mrs. Dash, I was merely discussing with Indominus on how we can spend our afternoons now that he's married. We'll find a way to fit in our days of adventuring, right Indominus?"

"Of course we will Discord, between my training with Smaug, Red-Eyes, and bonding with the monsters we befriended, we'll always have time for our guys nights."

Discord decided to go spend some time with Fluttershy while Rainbow got the chance to talk with her new husband. It was rather strange to think that her life had changed so much. A year ago she had only thought about taking Scootaloo in while continuing to work towards her goal of becoming a Wonderbolt. Now she had an awesome sister, was sharing her cloudominium with dinosaurs, and she was married to a hybrid that had won her heart more than any stallion.

"Kinda weird for all of this to be happening, huh Indominus?"

"You said it Rainbow, this day seemed a lot more distant when we agreed to this a year ago. Now we'll be starting our new lives together, with a family that can't be bested by anything."

"You've got that right brother," T-Rex said as he and the raptors joined Indominus and Rainbow. "We'll be there for each other no matter what, now that we're a family at last."

"Agreed. We won't leave anypony behind or when they're down," said Blue.

"We'll have your back Rainbow Dash, and we'll handle every problem together," Charlie added.

"Thanks girls, it means a lot to have your support, but there's somepony whom I need right now to make this perfect. Speaking of which, here she comes now."

Scootaloo came running over having spotted all of her new family together. She leaped onto Rainbow's back and hugged her around the neck.

"Miss me big sis?"

"This family isn't perfect unless you're in it Scoots. After all, you're the sole reason all of this is happening."

Rainbow reached a hoof behind her and nuzzled Scootaloo's mane. As she did, Tyrannosaurus and Indominus nuzzled the young filly too. They could never forget that Scootaloo was the reason why they had such a welcoming world and amazing friends. Blue and her girls joined in the family comfort and the ponies and dragons around were all touched by the warming sight.

As the afternoon went by, the dinosaurs were starting to get worn out from all the excitement. They had danced with the Mane Six, Crusaders and a few dragons that were bold enough. Indominus had discussed his training plans among the dragons so they could relay it to Smaug. He even had taken some time to get down with Discord and really bust a move with his chaotic pal. Rainbow and Fluttershy giggled at seeing the two hybrids dancing together with such great spirit, they truly seemed like an separable pair of friends.

They had all just finished posing for a group photo when they heard Celestia speak to them.

"It's so wonderful to see all of you enjoying each other's company." Discord materialized by her after she had spoken.

"Well Celestia, Indominus is the first creature I've ever been able to relate to. Luna did herself proud by bringing them here."

"She sure did and I'm pleased that you've taken such a liking to Indominus, Discord. I actually have something planned for the newlyweds, and you can help out with this if you'd like."

Discord stared dumbstruck at Celestia, she was giving him permission to help with something she had planned for Indominus and Rainbow Dash.

"Oh I'd be delighted. How may I be of service to them Celestia?"

"I'll tell you after I give them this." Celestia levitated a brochure over to Rainbow and Indominus who were stumped at what the Princess had in mind. The dinosaurs were all perplexed, but Twilight and the others all had big grins on their faces.

"What is this Celestia," Rainbow asked after seeing the brochure in front of them.

"That, Rainbow Dash, is where you and Indominus will be spending your honeymoon. Luna and myself have booked you lovebirds a paid two week stay at the Golden Pony hotel in Applewood."

Every pony in the area cheered in delight, the Golden Pony was one of the most extravagant and best hotels in all of Equestria. Known for its fabulous food, disco ballrooms and pristine rooms, it was a hotel that any pony would die to stay at. Unfortunately only the most wealthy ponies could afford to stay there, so for Indominus and Rainbow to have a paid two week honeymoon there was a dream come true.

"The brochure also includes passes for all the rides at Las Pegasus. We've booked the penthouse suite in advance, both the hotel and Las Pegasus have been notified about your arrival and are expecting you tonight."

"Tonight? But we don't have any bags packed."

"I've taken care of that for you darling," said Rarity. She levitated a black suitcase over to Rainbow Dash and added "I've put together some special dresses for you to wear so you can knock Indominus off his feet when you two are dancing, and when you want him all to yourself. I even made a special suit for him to wear too."

Rainbow Dash blushed slightly at what Rarity was implying, but was glad that she came prepared. "Thanks Rarity, but how are we going to pay for anything at Las Pegasus?"

"I believe I can cover that for us Rainbow. Discord, could you transport my coin pouch with enough bits to last us for two weeks?"

"You got it pal." Discord snapped his claws and Indominus had the coin pouch in his hand, bulging with enough bits to last.

"That should take care of anything we want while we're there, anything else we should be forgetting Rainbow?"

"Nope, I think that covers everything, I just have one question. When does our carriage arrive?"

"It should be arriving any minute now," said Luna.

"Thank you so much for giving us this time together Princesses. I don't know how to thank you both for this."

"It's no trouble at all Rainbow Dash, it's the least we could do to give you and Indominus a lovely time together, especially after the trouble you too went through at the Gala."

"Before we head out though, can you sing a song for us Twilight?"

"Sure Rainbow, but which one did you have in mind?"

"Oh you know, the same one that you sang at Cadence and Shining Armor's wedding."

It took Twilight a minute to remember, but when the song clicked in her mind she knew which one Rainbow was referring to. She agreed to sing it, but wanted Blue and her squad to sing with her for the special occasion. She handed each of the raptors a mic, while Pinkie got Vinyl ready and Indominus and Rainbow got close for their dance.

As the beautiful music started up, everypony and the dragons watched as Rainbow and Indominus danced while resting their heads on each others shoulders. Scootaloo still couldn't get over how much she loved seeing her sister being so happy with one of the dinosaurs that had kept them safe all this time. The dragons got the courage to dance with the others and nopony seemed frightened by them, and as all the ponies joined the married couple, Twilight and the raptors began singing the lovely tune.

Twilight:Love is in bloom
Blue: A beautiful bride,
Delta: A handsome groom,
Echo: Two hearts, becoming one
Charlie: A bond, that cannot be undone, because

Twilight/Blue/Delta/Echo/Charlie: Love is in bloom
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom
I said, love is in bloom
You're starting a life and making room
For us (For us, For us....)

"No matter what happens we'll always be together, right Rainbow," Indominus said softly.

"Of course Indominus, nothing will take you away from me again."

Blue: Your special day
Delta: We celebrate now,
Twilight: the pony way
Charlie: Your friends, are all right here
Echo: Won't let these moments disappear, because

Twilight/Blue/Delta/Echo/Charlie: Love is in bloom
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom
I said, love is in bloom
You're starting a life and making room
For us (For us, For us....Aah...)

Rainbow and Indominus shared a kiss as Twilight and the raptors finished the song. As they parted their lips, Rainbow felt the need to say it again.

"BEST WEDDING EVER!!!" No matter what the future would hold, they would face it as a team.

Later after the song was over and the sun was starting to set, the ponies and dragons gathered on the streets as the carriage arrived. When it touched down, Discord seemed a little disappointed that Celestia had chosen something so bland for Rainbow and Indominus.

"You call this effective transportation Celestia? These two deserve better than this." Celestia merely gave the Lord of Chaos a smug smile and said to him.

"This is where you get to contribute Discord. You get to modify the carriage any way you like and, you get the privilege of taking them to Applewood." Discord's eyes lit up and his face turned into a wide grin.

"In that case, let's make this into a ride worthy of their stature."

Discord snapped his claws and the carriage was transformed into a stretch limousine. It had a glimmering black paint job that shimmered in the light and looked so well done. It certainly wasn't what any of the ponies had expected from Discord.

"Wow Discord, this is really professional of you," said Twilight who still couldn't believe that Discord had made something so magnificent.

"Why thank you Twilight, Indominus is my friend, so he and his girl deserve the best. Now for the newlyweds opinions, what do you two think of your ride?"

"I think it looks fantastic Discord," said Indominus.

"I've always wanted to take a ride in a fancy vehicle, it works for me too Discord."

"Splendid, now for the right kind of transportation." Discord materialized in front of the pegasi that were strapped to the limo and released them.

"No need to worry boys, I've got this one. I'll just need to bring in a few of my friends from home."

Indominus knew that there were only a few creatures that Discord would possibly consider bringing to Canterlot. A bright light flashed around the carriage as Discord snapped his claws again. When the light faded, all the ponies were shocked by the creatures standing in front of the carriage. Indominus merely shook his head in disbelief at who Discord had decided to bring.

It was four of the monsters that the hybrids had befriended during their first afternoon of bonding. Discord had brought Zoa, Armored Lizard, Red-Eyes Black Dragon and King of Yamimakai. The monsters were all stumped by where they were and the ponies were on the verge of causing a panic, so Discord intervened to cease the tension.

"Easy everypony, these are friends of mine and Indominus. We met them during our first meeting and befriended them, they're going to help transport the newlyweds to their honeymoon location. Indominus, can you help calm down our friends here?"

Indominus flew in front of the monsters, and they relaxed upon seeing the creature that had gained their trust and respect for killing the Ultimate Obedient Fiend. Red-Eyes was glad to see his mentor again, they had spent quite a bit of time over the months honing each others skills.

"It's great to see you again boys, especially you Red-Eyes," said Indominus.

"You too Indominus, and you are finally married to that pony with the incredible power now?"

"Yes I am Red-Eyes, and Discord has brought all of you here to escort us to our honeymoon tonight. I'd feel very much obliged if all of you would do this for us, ok?"

The monsters looked at each other, and decided that they would agree for Indominus. He had spared their lives after all and Discord had given them a home in his dimension. It was the least they could do for the two hybrids. Indominus and Discord were glad that the monsters could cooperate on their behalf. Discord conjured up a pair of wings for Zoa and Armored Lizard so they could fly with Red-Eyes and King of Yamimakai.

Now that preparations were made, it was time for Rainbow and Indominus to be on their way. The dinosaurs bid their farewells to the dragons who thanked them for bringing them to such a grand occasion. They promised Indominus that Smaug would be brought up to speed on everything that happened, and flew back towards home. Indominus shared a group hug with the dinosaurs that had been with him since they had arrived in Equestria.

"It's going to be strange being without you guys."

"Don't worry about us Indominus," said T-Rex. "We'll be alright and we'll take good care of Scootaloo until you and Rainbow come back. You just enjoy your time with the pony you love, and we'll keep an eye on our girl."

"Don't do anything too risky Tyrannosaurus, I know about how you feel about Scootaloo. I don't want to come back and find out that she's carrying a child. She's far too young for that kind of responsibility."

"We'll keep T-Rex in line Indominus," said Delta. "We're not about to let that happen, besides, they need to get to know one another like you and Rainbow did. It'll be a long time before that happens, right T-Rex?"

"Yes, I know, I wasn't planning on doing that anyway Indominus. I've learned to be patient after seeing how long you waited to have your time with Rainbow. I'll be following your example until the time is right."

That put Indominus's mind at ease and he shared one last group hug with his brother and sisters before heading over to the Mane Six. Rainbow was being smothered in hugs from her friends, and being given all sorts of advice.

"Make sure you enjoy your time with Indominus," said Rarity.

"Dance your hooves off and make it the best time ever," Pinkie added.

"Have a wonderful time Rainbow Dash," said Fluttershy.

"Show that dinosaur the time of his life and make him feel loved like never before," said Applejack.

"Above all else Rainbow, have the time of your life." said Twilight.

"I will girls, and I'll make sure to make Indominus feel special tonight. Before I go however, there is somepony that I really have to thank for this."

Rainbow walked over to Scootaloo, who was waiting by the transformed limo.

"Scootaloo, none of this would've been possible without you. I imagine you'd probably be tired of hearing this, but you're the best little sister a pony could ask for." Rainbow pulled Scootaloo in close for a hug and whispered in her ear, "love ya Scoot."

"Love you too Rainbow Dash, and if it's not too much, I have a favor to ask of you and Indominus."

"What is it you wanted to ask us Scootaloo," Indominus asked as he walked over, having heard Scootaloo's little request.

"Well since you and Indominus are married now, I was just wondering, um..." Rainbow and Indominus noticed that Scootaloo was really nervous with finishing her request.

"Come on Scootaloo, what is it you want to tell us? It's nothing to be nervous about."

"Well, it's just that I was wondering, in addition to being my sister and one of my guardians.....can I call you two my mom and dad as well?"

As soon as the words escaped Scootaloo's mouth, Indominus and Rainbow were smothering her in hugs and kisses. Tears were streaming down their faces at the touching request Scootaloo had asked of them, Indominus had never thought he would be a father figure to anyone, but more impossible things had already happened to him.

"Of course you can Scootaloo," Indominus said tearfully.

"We'd love to be your parents too, once we get back we'll spend much more time with you squirt."

"Better yet, if you want to see us that badly, you can always fly over and visit us while we're away."

"Now we've gotta be on our way, we'll be back in no time Scoots, I promise."

"I know big sis. Have plenty of fun you two."

Indominus and Rainbow gave Scootaloo one last loving hug before they got into the limo. Indominus put the suitcase in the trunk while Rainbow tossed the bouquet out the sunroof, and despite Rarity and all the ponies scrambling for it, the flowers ended up in Fluttershy's hooves. Discord blushed from seeing the pony he cared most about holding the roses, but he couldn't think on that for too long. He had to get the new couple to their honeymoon.

"Alright boys, let's move." The monsters all ran forward flapping their wings and as the limo took off, Rainbow and Indominus waved back to their friends and family. The dinosaurs and ponies watched the carriage until it disappeared from sight.

"This was a pretty darn good wedding, don't ya'll think so," asked Applejack.

"I completely agree darling, those two are finally married and have quite the family with them as well," said Rarity.

"Plus, Rainbow is going to be my mom when she comes back."

"This is as much a great day for you as it is for them Scootaloo," said Twilight. "You've finally gotten the family that's been waiting for you all this time."

"Speaking of time, it's about time we head back home," said Blue. "Our girl is looking pretty tired from all the excitement."

"Do we have to Blue? I'm not (yawn) tired yet."

"Come on now Scootaloo, Indominus put us in charge while he and Rainbow are away. We promised to look after you, and that means getting you some shut eye." T-Rex nuzzled the sleepy filly and Scootaloo agreed.

She climbed into his little arms and the dinosaurs bid their farewells to everypony. The rest of the Mane Six left with them as they flew back home, each of them wondering what kind of fun Rainbow and Indominus were going to have.

Meanwhile, inside the limo, Rainbow and Indominus were holding each other having finally gotten their alone time. They were relaxing on a plush, leather interior with fancy music playing in the background. Discord was silently watching the lovers kiss from the back of his head. He wasn't really fond of the mushy stuff, but seeing how Indominus loved Rainbow so much he couldn't help but smile. There was no denying that Indominus and Rainbow were inseparable, they simply cared for each other too much.

"This is it, we're on our way to Applewood, Indominus," Rainbow said after breaking away from their kissing.

"Yeah, but I don't know anything about this place or Las Pegasus." Rainbow wrapped a hoof around Indominus's neck.

"Just stick with me big boy, and I'll show you around." Indominus wrapped one of his arms around his amazing wife and took in her marvelous beauty.

Rainbow couldn't help but notice that Indominus was giving her the most dreamy stare. He just seemed so mesmerized by her and couldn't take his eyes off her.

"What are you looking at Indominus? Is there something on my face?"

"Nope, I just can't believe how stunning you look right now. You look so much more fascinating up close and, now that you mention it, you do have a little something on your face."

"I do? Where?"

"Hold on, I'll get it." Rainbow was caught off guard when Indominus kissed her smack on the lips. She realized that he had been teasing her, and she returned the kiss, promising in her mind that she would get him back for it.

After half an hour had passed, Discord materialized inside the limo.

"Good evening, how are my passengers doing on this fine night?"

"Doing great Discord, but if you're here, who's driving this thing?"

"Ever hear of duplication spells Rainbow Dash? I can be in many places at once, but that's beside the point. Would either of you care for a liquid refreshment?"

Indominus and Rainbow took one glance at each other, and only one drink crossed their minds.



"Cider it is, coming right up."

Discord snapped his claw and a bucket full of ice and bottles of cider appeared in his lion paw. He set the bucket down, pulled two tall glasses from within it, handed them to the lovers and began shaking the bottle.

"Shaken, not stirred dinos and ponies." He popped the cork out of the bottle, levitated it over to the glasses and it began pouring into each one. Discord pulled the bottle back when it was finished and made two slices of apple appear on each glass. "For additional flavor if necessary, if you need anything else, just give me a holler. We should be above Applewood in the next twenty minutes."

"Thanks Discord," said Rainbow as Discord disappeared. "Well Indominus, let's have a toast to our new lives and what the future has in store for us."

The hybrid and pegasus clicked their glasses together and drank the delicious cider. Discord had done such a swell job with the drinks, that Rainbow was beginning to think that she had been wrong to doubt him for so long. Either that or all the time Indominus had spent with the lord of chaos was making Rainbow seem him in a friendlier light. When they were finished, Rainbow set her glass down and looked out the window to her right.

"Indominus, you've gotta see this." The hybrid crawled over to the window and saw an amazing sight beneath them.

The ground was covered in bright lights and really lit up the night sky. It was strange to see the world from such a different perspective, and yet it looked so amazing to Indominus. He had never seen so much of the world before, and now on this special night he was getting to see more of it for the first time. Indominus was loving Equestria more and more each day, but he was pulled from the lights when he caught sight of a building ahead that stood out from all the others.

"Hey Rainbow, do you think that building over there could be the Golden Pony Hotel?"

Rainbow looked to where Indominus was pointing and caught sight of the building he was talking about. It was decked out in shimmering lights and there were searchlights scanning all over the sky, as if the whole building were expecting somepony to arrive.

"If I had to guess, I'd say that's gotta be it. Oh, wait a minute, I just got a great idea for how we can make a grand entrance." Rainbow went to the front of the limo and tapped on the glass to get Discord's attention. "Discord, stop the limo."

Almost immediately the monsters froze in place and the limo jolted to a halt in mid-air.

"What's up Rainbow, we're almost above the hotel. Don't you want to land the car first?"

"Actually, I was thinking about me and Indominus flying down to the hotel once we get directly above it and giving those ponies a grand entrance."

"Ah I see, very well then, I'll transport your bags upstairs so you won't have to worry about them slowing you down." Discord snapped his claws and sent the suitcase to the penthouse. "Alright boys, take us right above the hotel, these two want to make a grand entrance."

The monsters flew ahead and stopped when they were directly over the hotel, down below they could see just how many ponies had been notified. The entrance to the hotel was packed with ponies who were looking up at the limo in anxious anticipation, each of them eager to see the new bride and groom. Discord materialized the monsters inside the limo, while keeping it suspended so they could give their goodbyes to Indominus and Rainbow. Each of the monsters gently held Rainbow's hoof when she thanked them, and it showed her that there was a lot more to them than she thought.

"See Rainbow, even monsters can have hearts," Indominus said while shaking claws with Red-Eyes. "Thank you all for doing this favor for us, it really means a lot."

Armored Lizard, Zoa, Red-Eyes and King of Yamimakai all took a knee and bowed to the couple in a loyal display of respect. Discord applauded the creatures and then got his chance to wish the newlyweds good luck. Since he was so new to this sort of thing, the Lord of chaos didn't have the right words to use. Luckily, Indominus knew what to do and pulled Discord into a hug.

"Come now, we're friends, there's nothing wrong with friends giving each other hugs, is there?"

"No, but I didn't think that this is how you would thank me for giving you two a lift. Yet, it does feel nice to be welcomed by somepony that's so similar to me."

"Think nothing of it Discord, just keep being your chaotic self and do your best to win Fluttershy's feelings. Who knows, maybe she'll start seeing you in the same light that Rainbow sees me in."

"Thanks Indominus, that means a lot knowing that you're supporting me," Discord said as he returned Indominus's hug.

"Ahem, I hate to interrupt the friendly moment, but we've got ponies to greet Indominus."

"Oh, right." Indominus and Discord separated from their hug and Rainbow walked over to give her thanks.

"Thanks for doing this Discord, you're not as bad as I thought you were," said Rainbow as she extended her hoof.

"Why you're welcome Miss Dash, that's one of the nicest things you've ever said to me," Discord replied as he bumped her hoof with his lion paw. "Now to prepare the runway for you two."

Discord rolled out his tongue and it turned into a stiff carpet that rolled out the doors and held its place in the air. Rainbow and Indominus tested it before they made their run and it held firm against them. They readied themselves and got ready to begin their run.

"Alright Indominus, let's do this."

The hybrid dinosaur and pony sprinted forward and out the doors of the limo. As they took off, Discord shouted to them.

"Have fun you lovebirds!"

As they ran down the runway, Indominus and Rainbow spread their wings for when they would make their descent. Once they reached the end of the runway, they dove for the ground and the front of the hotel that was swarmed with ponies. The monsters waved goodbye and Discord decided to take them home for the night.

"Alright boys, we've done our job for the night, now let's go back home for some nightmare movies and popcorn." The monsters growled in delight, so Discord snapped his fingers again and the limo disappeared out of the sky.

Indominus and Rainbow continued to dive for the entrance to the hotel while passing glances at each other for the night they were about to have. The lovers were giving each other kind and deep looks while diving for the ground. The closer they got, the bigger the hotel seemed to get along with the ponies. They could even hear the ponies cheering for them now that they could see the newlyweds for themselves. Once the ponies below noticed that Rainbow and Indominus were getting closer, they began backing up to make more room for the bride and groom. The couple began slowing their descent as they prepared to make their landing.

Indominus and Rainbow touched down with a superhero style landing, each of them had a knee in the ground, one arm to the side and another buried into the ground. The ponies all around them applauded and cheered in great excitement, and all the applause was more than what Rainbow or Indominus had expected. The staff of the hotel immediately came in on all sides to help shield them from the swarming guests. Indominus gave a lot of them waves to show that he wasn't ignoring them, Rainbow did the same to be courteous. They could even hear what some of the ponies were shouting to them over the roar of noise.

"Indominus, you're amazing!"

"Rainbow Dash you are so lucky!"

"Give em a smooch for us."

As the couple walked up to the entrance, they were greeted by the owner of the hotel. A tall, bright yellow unicorn by the name of Goldenrod who was wearing a fancy suit and bow tie. Indominus shrank down so he could get a better look at the owner of the hotel.

"Welcome to the Golden Pony Hotel, Rainbow Dash and Indominus Rex. My name is Goldenrod, and let me say that it is an honor to have one of the Elements of Harmony and one of the Guardians of Equestria as our guests this evening."

"Oh, we're very honored to be here ourselves Mr. Goldenrod," said Rainbow.

"Please, just Goldenrod is fine. There's no need to be so formal around me, I've known about the two of you for quite a while."

"How do you know about us exactly" Indominus asked.

"Why, I've been reading about you ever since that fateful day when your whole family destroyed Black Death. News like that spreads around Equestria pretty fast, and I couldn't believe it. Then about a month ago, when Princess Luna and Celestia visited to make the arrangements for your stay, I was so eager to meet you two in person. I hope you'll enjoy your time at our grand hotel, just follow me and I'll help get you two settled in for the night."

"You heard him Rainbow Dash, let the night begin."

"I'm right behind you Indominus."

Rainbow and Indominus followed Goldenrod through the double doors of the hotel, with the numerous guest right behind them. The night of their honeymoon had only just begun, and the lovers were going to be in for plenty of excitement inside the Golden Pony.