(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Part 5 - Complications 2: Act XXI - Fight Night

Part 5: Complications 2 (Acts 21-26)

Act XXI - Fight Night

At dinnertime after the outing, David and Luna sat in the royal dining room, with Luna on her chair and David beside her on the bench seat.

“I wonder where my sister and the others are,” Luna pondered.

“I’m thinking the same thing myself. It’s pretty rare for nobody to be here.”


The doors to the main part of the castle answered David and Luna’s question as they noisily opened. In strode Applejack and Princess Celestia, both looking quite happy.

“Good evening. I am sorry we have arrived late, Lulu, Sir David,” Celestia said.

“Evenin’ Princess Luna, David. Like Princess Celestia said, sorry to keep ya’ll waitin’.”

“It was no imposition at all. Is Twilight not with you?” Luna asked.

Celestia shook her head. “No. She has decided not to join us this evening and is resting in the observatory.”

“Oh, I do hope she is feeling alright,” Luna said.

“She will in time. For now, rest is needed.” Celestia took her seat.

While the two sisters were talking, Applejack hopped up onto the bench and sat next to David. “So, uh… did ya like the outing? Have fun?”

“Yes. I had a really good time, and it was nice meeting all of you. I especially liked being able to run around a bit. Getting out to stretch my legs was just what I needed.”

Applejack turned away slightly with a contemplative look on her face. Her expression brought a sudden realization to David of the event he had inadvertently brought up.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

“That’s okay, sugarcube.” She turned to look back at him, smiling somewhat. “You didn’t mean nuthin’ by it. Besides, you, uh… you saved me back there. I’m mighty grateful, honest. You’re my… I mean, I think I…” Applejack shook her head, a stern expression taking over. “ I owe you a debt, and Apples always pay up.”

“Applejack, you don’t owe me anything. I’m glad I could help, and I’d do it again.” David smiled at her, causing Applejack’s own smile to return.

The room fell silent, and both Applejack and David noticed that the princesses had stopped talking and were casually avoiding eye contact with them.

“Pardon my manners, Princesses. I didn’t mean to jabber on,” Applejack said, taking her hat off and resting it on the bench.

“That is quite alright, Miss Applejack. We are just grateful that you are unhurt and also that the royal doctor has given you a clean bill of health,” Celestia said, wearing a warm smile.

“Oh, that’s great news!” David said.

“Indeed,” Luna added.

“And now that we are all present, I think Miss Applejack should do the honors of starting the meal,” Celestia said, gesturing to the silver bell on the table.

“Thank ya, Princess!”

Applejack stood up in her seat to reach the bell on the table. She bit down on the stem lightly, taking in her grasp, then shook her head side-to-side drawing out an ear-splitting ring, causing the others to shrink back in pain and surprise.

Applejack stopped and set the bell down. “Sorry, y’all. You can take the mare outta the farm, but you can’t take the farm outta the mare I guess.”

“Well. That is quite… alright. Though, I think you might have startled the staff,” Celestia said, looking over at the kitchen door.

As if by magic, the door opened up—just a crack—and a mare’s muzzle peeked through. Seeing that the situation was all-clear, the door opened fully, and the mare stepped aside, allowing the procession behind her to enter the dining room.

The chef-ponies deposited their meals on the table and left gracefully, as usual, leaving behind a slightly shaken-looking Cherry Topping.

Cherry bowed, then addressed the group. “Forgive me, princesses. I wasn’t quite sure what was going on. I had heard we had a guest. You must be Princess Twilight’s friend, Applejack. My name is Ch—”

“Cherry Topping. Yes, I’ve heard of you,” Applejack interrupted. “Pinkie talked a fair bit about ya. Quite a baker, I hear.”

“Thank you, Miss Applejack. I’ve also heard a bit about you from my aunt, Cherry Jubilee.”

“Cherry Jubilee is your aunt!?” Applejack asked, surprised.

“She is.”

“Well, I’ll be.”

The two mares stared at each other with placid smiles on their faces, but neither moved or said another word.

“Cherry?” David said, snapping up the chef’s attention.

“Oh, David!” Cherry’s expression softened quite a bit. “Is there something I can do for you?”

Applejack watched Cherry closely and smirked a bit at her change in demeanor.

“No, Cherry. Everything looks wonderful, as usual. I just wanted to thank you for all you did regarding the outing. The food was good, but that dessert tower was simply amazing.”

“That’s great! I’m glad you liked the presentation. Did everypony like your treats?”

“I think they were well received, but we can talk about that later. I just wanted to say thank you.”

Cherry beamed a huge smile at David, then turned her head away slightly, somewhat blushing. “Oh, okay. Everypony, please enjoy your dinner. Do not hesitate to ring if you need anything.”

Cherry then bowed and turned towards the kitchen. As she was walking to the door, she looked back, catching David’s eye and gave him a nod. She then caught Applejack’s gaze as well, but broke it quickly and re-entered her kitchen.

Cherrys,” Applejack mumbled under her breath.

“Did you say something, Applejack?” David asked.

“Oh, nuthin’. Seems Miss Topping and I have somethin’ in common, that’s all. But don’t mind that, let’s eat!”

The group followed Applejack’s suggestion and started dinner. Both princesses practiced eating carefully as they attempted another magic-less meal. Celestia, however, no longer held reservations about doing what she had to do, and followed her sister’s picnic example at times, when necessary. It was also a small miracle that tonight’s meal was conspicuously missing soup as an appetizer.

“So,” Applejack started. “You know Cherry pretty well?” she asked David.

“Yes. Cherry is actually one of my best friends here in the castle. She’s a great chef, and it was thanks to her that I was able to make those desserts for today.”

“So I gathered. But how well do you know her?”

This caused both Luna and Celestia to balk just a bit.

“Well enough, I suppose. Cherry’s smart, friendly and kind, willing to lend her time and expertise, and she has a great sense of humor. As I said, we’re good friends.”

“Ah see. I worked for her aunt for a spell in Dodge Junction, back a ways. She seems a lot like Jubilee—a confident and smart mare, good with business too. Always got what she wanted, that one.”

“Indeed, Cherry is smart. She has done well here in the castle and has been able to endure any challenges placed in her path,” Luna added, joining the conversation.

“Ah don’t doubt that for a second. We Apples may not have familial ties to the Cherrys like we do the Oranges, but we recognize ‘em as a strong farm family, at the roots. It’s good that she’s branched out; found her way in Canterlot of all places.”

“Wow. I bet she’d really appreciate hearing that, coming from you, Applejack,” David said.

“Aww, shucks. She don’t need me fawnin’ over her any, and don’t you go tellin’ her either. I suppose it’s good that you’ve met a smart earth pony around here, but you be careful of Cherry there, David. She might see your skill and try to snap ya up like her aunt did with me.”

Celestia stopped eating at that remark and looked over at Applejack with her lips drawn taut and showing concern, but said nothing. Luna, however, just smiled knowingly at David.


The meal continued on, Applejack and David chatting away with Luna joining in where she could. Conspicuously quiet was the elder ruler. Outside of the greetings and a few requests at the table, Celestia did not say a word in conversation. This was obvious to all but seemed to grate on David visibly, as he would occasionally look over in her direction, only to be met with Celestia’s patent smile, then to be drawn back into conversation with the other two mares.

“So, Miss Applejack,” Luna started. “It seems our dear David performed quite the miracle in healing you.”

“I’ll say. There I was, feelin’ a bit woozy one second, then I woke up and was all patched up. I don’t usually have much use for unicorn magic, but I’m plenty grateful for it today.”

“Again, I have no idea what happened out there. It’s just as Luna said, it was a miracle,” David commented.

“Well, miracle worker—aside from that, you sure showed off some amazing stuff out there,” Applejack said.

“What do you mean?” David asked.

“You played, swam, and ran hard with us ponies today. I’m mighty impressed, that’s for sure.”

“Thanks, Applejack.”

“Well, anytime you want to stretch out and put them muscles to work, you just come on down to Sweet Apple Acres, my home, and we’ll have a hoot of a time. I promise it won’t be all work and no play, though. I’ll teach ya some of my family’s prize-winning recipes, and you can have some of the best home-cooked food in Equestria—if I do say so myself.”

“That’s a really nice offer, Applejack, thank you. I don’t know when that will be possible, but I’ll keep it in mind.”

“You do that. I jus’ know my family will welcome ya, and not because ya saved my life; that’s private. They can just smell an honest, kind and hardworkin’ fella like yourself, and we’re no slouches on hospitality neither!”

Celestia barely waited for Applejack to spit out her last words before she rang the silver bell again, this time to call for dessert.

Cherry burst forward from the kitchen, carrying a tray of small bite-sized treats and tall glasses filled with a white substance and straws. She approached the table and carefully set down the tray for all to see.

Applejack was the first to speak up.

“What’s all this here, Miss Cherry?”

“Oh, just a little something I whipped up for our special guest. Tonight we have mini cherry-apple tartlets and vanilla milkshakes made from fresh vanilla bean ice cream.”

“I see you found something to make with all those leftover yolks,” David said.

“Yes. I felt it would be nice to have some ice cream on-hand, so I used the remainder of the yolks from yesterday to make it. Then, after finding our guest was none other than the Applejack, I made these tarts in her honor. I think you’ll find them paired nicely with the milkshakes.” Cherry then looked around the table. “Does anypony need anything else?”

The table was silent, all participants seeming content.

“No, Cherry, I think that will be all. Thank you,” David said.

“Okay. Enjoy!” Cherry said before returning to the kitchen again.

Everyone started in on their desserts, and ‘mmms’ and ‘oohs’ were heard from all.

Applejack snorted, wearing a grin. “Cherries and apples in dessert together. Now I’ve seen everythin’. She did put in some effort, though, even made a miniature lattice on each piece.”

“This is exquisite, do you not agree, Sister?” Luna asked.

“Indeed,” Celestia replied.

“I like how she paired both tart Smith apples and dark Bing cherries with the sweet vanilla milkshake,” David added.

Applejack smiled. “Eeyup. Not too shabby.”


With the dinner and dessert finally finished, the party decided it was time to retire for the night. David and Luna saw Applejack off, who was apparently staying in David’s original room, then bid Celestia goodnight as well as they both headed toward Luna quarters.

Now in Luna’s room, David took a moment to chat with his lover about something that was on his mind.

“Luna, I’m worried about Celestia. She seemed a bit… I don’t know, off tonight. She barely said a word at dinner.”

“Yes, I agree. I tried a few times to engage her in conversation or steer the topic toward something she would be interested in, but to no avail.”

David came over to the bed, where Luna was lying on her side, looking up at him from her pillow. He lay down next to her on his back and stared up at the ceiling’s animated mural of the night sky.

“Does it bother you, dear?”

“A bit. Do you think it has something to do with what happened at the outing with Applejack?”

“I am not sure. Quite a few things could be bothering her, the magical anomaly is only one I would consider. She is, most likely, feeling concern for Twilight’s apparent illness as well. That, and it was perhaps a strain on her not to use magic during the day. Oh! Forgive me for not asking earlier, but did you suffer any ill-effects from my sister’s teleportation of us all back to Canterlot?”

“Actually, no. I barely felt a tingle. I’d like to suggest we all go back to normal, but that may be rushing things a bit.”

“I appreciate your eagerness to return to normalcy, but you should not feel a burden to us. We have been spoiled by our magical gifts, as both of us have demonstrated today. I believe it does us good to return to a more natural way of things for a while.”

“If you say so, but I’d like to see if there is a range on the effect as soon as we can. I certainly couldn’t have felt every time Celestia used magic when we weren’t together yesterday, so there’s a good chance that using some magic when I’m out of range would be possible.”

“You are too kind, dear. Let us rest on that topic until tomorrow. Come, it is time for sleep.” Luna said, stroking his side lazily with a hoof.

“I’m sorry, Luna. I’m a little worked up right now. I think I’ll just go back to my room and sleep there after I calm down. Allow me to help you to bed, though.”

David rolled over and kissed his mare lovingly and gave her a tight hug, pulling her to him, drawing her forelegs up to her chest as he held her close. Luna cooed lightly in his arms and pressed her forehead into his, relishing in his touch.

They stayed like that for a few moments before David kissed her once more, then pulled away. He sat up on the bed next to her and removed her shoes, turned and placed them on the floor, then returned and removed her crown, and likewise placed it on the velvet pillow where it belonged. Finally, David came back and reached down for her peytral. Luna lifted her head slowly, giving him enough access to slip it up and off of her, then she quickly flopped back down on her pillow as he put it in its rightful place.

“Is there anything more my princess desires?” he asked quietly.

“Only that if you tire, you consider returning to my side. Do not fear waking me. With you here, I would be only that much more comfortable.”

“We’ll see, my love. Until then, sleep peacefully.”

David reached down and pulled Luna’s bed sheets up and tucked her in gently. She squirmed slightly, trying to find the perfect position, and casually grasped David’s hand with her hoof. He waited, and seeing her close her eyes, he extracted his arm and left her.


Back in his own room, David took a few moments to put his thoughts to paper and update his journal.

Journal of David Marshall
Sunday, Day Eight in Equestria, Night
Current mood: Conflicted

Let’s see, so much has happened in the last two days, it’s hard to recount it all.

My relationship with Princess Luna has continued to escalate quickly, and we are both enamored with each other. As usual with relationships that go way too fast, I’m always a little concerned in the back of my head that it may come back to bite us, but I’m still fully committed to her. She is such a wonderful person… well, to me, she’s great. She does have an interesting concept of ‘getting even’ with others, especially when they get too close to me. I think it’s a bit of the prankster in her, mixed with the old-world authoritative style that she’s used to. Perhaps it is also a coping mechanism to deal with her past issues of jealousy. Regardless, it definitely keeps me on my toes and reminds me to be more courteous to her and more cautious around others.

Speaking of others, today I met the rest of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. It was very much like I expected, with the small exception that I think I may actually end up being friends with all of them.

Fluttershy was much more talkative with me than I would have ever expected, which I really enjoyed. I was quite worried that my existence, itself, would be too much for her, but she handled that and so much more today.

Pinkie is well, Pinkie. Seeing her in real life was more of a shock to me than I was to Fluttershy. She’s really got all the energy and more that I expected, but being a somewhat laid-back person myself, I think I could use a change of pace now and then.

Rainbow Dash is probably my biggest concern. Today I saw her in ‘full race mode,’ as I’ll call it. Her brain seems to completely shut down during a competition. Outside of that, she was a little brash at the beginning—I think that was just a front for me—but otherwise, was probably the most interesting and complex of the ponies I met. She pays attention to everything her friends say, even if it’s probably ‘egghead stuff’ and seems to calculate off of it, always thinking quickly, then races off to action. I also spotted Rainbow and Applejack snuggled up together after the incident… Oh yeah, about that.

Applejack. I feel like I shouldn’t say many words about her, but I can’t help it. She really had it rough today, well, both of us did. During the outing, we held two races. During the second, while running through the forest, Applejack fell and had an accident. Luckily, I was nearby and went to investigate; I almost didn’t. She didn’t want help at first, but after checking her over, I found that she was bleeding pretty badly, perhaps it was even arterial. (Okay, this is really making me anxious again, I’d better wrap it up.) I called for help, and the others came running. Shortly before we were found, though, and I’d feared the worst, I apparently called on some of the magic I’ve got flowing through me now and healed her. I realize I’m in a land of magic, but it was a miracle to me; I’m just glad it happened at all.

Since then, Applejack has made a full recovery. She’s currently staying here in the castle with us all, but I expect she will leave tomorrow, as she’s already been given a clean bill of health. Overall, she’s really nice and fun to be around. One odd bit is that she seems to have something against Cherry. Not sure what to say about that. She made one remark about Cherry possibly “snapping me up for my talents” or something that really seemed to unnerve Celestia.

Oh, Celestia… That’s mostly why I’m here writing now, instead of wrapped in Luna’s legs.

Something clicked in her after Applejack’s accident, and now I can’t help but feel she’s agitated or at least worried, more than anyone. Luna said it probably wasn’t just my influence, but now that I think of it, it’s probably mostly my influence.

She’s had to deal with so much: not using her magic for fear of causing me pain or harm, Luna’s announcement of our relationship to the others, and she also felt and watched me use magic—her magic. Not to mention Twilight suddenly falling ill at the picnic after doing so much, and finally, Celestia had to use her magic to clean up after all of us to bring everyone back to Canterlot. It’s just too much.

No matter how I look at it, aside from Twilight, I’m the main component of her stress, and those things are just the obvious bits! I’ve noticed that every interaction I had today seemed to get a reaction out of her. A look here, a fake smile there, at times she even turned away. I don’t want to do this to her, or anyone. I’ve got to figure out where things went wrong and make it right. I’m going to go see her.

David stopped his writing and stood up suddenly. He had made up his mind and was ready to push forward. He slipped on his shoes and walked out of his room, barely even closing the door behind him.


David arrived at the grand doors to Celestia’s chambers in no time. The guard looked at him expectantly as he took a minute to catch his breath and calm himself.

“Can we help you, Sir David?”

“Yes, sorry. I wish to speak with Princess Celestia. Is she still awake?”

“Yes. I believe she would be willing to see you. You may enter.”

The guards stepped aside, allowing David to approach. He did so, then knocked on the grand door, and opened it slightly.

“Princess Celestia, it’s David. May I speak with you?”

“Come in,” she replied.

David pushed the doors open and walked in. They snapped shut behind him, courtesy of the guards.

Celestia was laying on one of the larger chaise lounges by her balcony, reading a book between her forehooves.

“Come, Sir David—sorry, David. Come and sit with me.”


“What has brought you this evening?” she asked, not even turning away from her book.

David walked over to the lounges and sat down across from her. “Sorry to disturb you, I’m… well, I’m worried… about you.”

She looked at him, her head cocked slightly, with a somewhat stern look on her face.

“You’re worried about me?” she asked with a slightly bitter tone.

“Well, yes. Of course I am.”

“Why?” Her brow furrowed.

“Celestia… you’re obviously upset, and I know you have a lot on your mind, but you haven’t said anything about it.”

She dipped her head and lowered her gaze. “Hmm.”

David droned on. “Today has been a pretty rough day for us all. The magical conflict, both you and Luna trying to live without magic for me, the outing, that incident at the outing, Twilight getting sick, and you having to take us all home, it’s… it’s just too much!”

“It has been quite eventful.”

“And I thought you were fine, I mean, you know so much and seem to handle everything so easily. But somewhere in there, you just shut down on us. It’s really worried me. Talk to me, let me know if something is wrong. Let me be your friend.”

Celestia closed her book and looked him in the eyes.

“David, perhaps you are overreacting a bit. Today was stressful for all of us, yes, but that will pass, and all will be well.”

David slouched in defeat and paused. “Perhaps you are right. Maybe it’s me who is stressed out. Would you talk with me about it then?”

“If that would ease your mind—of course.”

“Thanks, Celestia. Can we start with the magic? That’s definitely got me on edge.”

“What would you like to know?”

“Well, both you and Luna are giving me magic. We all have assumed that I need it to survive because nothing here is completely devoid of magic. But, do you have any ideas why I was able to use your magic?”

“All of that is true, I believe. As far as you being able to use my magic, I’m not quite sure. During one incident a while ago, I gave my magical power to Twilight to save the world from Tirek. She was an alicorn at the time and was well-versed in using magic, but it was the only other time I had ever seen or felt someone else using my magic, until now.”

“Yes, I know that story.”

“Well, you have the same magic running through you now. You do not have as much, but it is there nonetheless. A unicorn or alicorn is able to cast spells outwardly by channeling the magic through their horn. It provides a conduit from the inner pool of magic to the world outside. Though you lack a horn, and your magical pool is far more irregular, it seems you have found a way to channel the magic anyway.”

“Wait, from what you are saying, it sounds less like a miracle, and more like you think I may be able to do it again.”

“That is likely, yes. You are uneducated in the ways of magic, though, and it may only manifest itself in times of great emotion or stress, as it did with Miss Applejack. At those times, when magic is uncontrolled, it will often respond to the will and desires of its host, and be able to perform only the most basic of spells. In my magic, that manifests as light and dark, life and death, healing and attack.”

“Oh. So I—”

“Yes, you drew upon the power of light and life and healed Applejack. You must also be quite careful now, as though I am heralded as the life-bringer, there is also the opposite side.”

David sat quietly in contemplation before answering, “I understand.”

“I believe you do. I also do not think you could be drawn into channeling dark magic accidentally, you are far too honest and pure, but it still remains within the magic.”

“What about Luna’s magic or the other princesses?”

“Luna’s magic is much more… subtle. She is more attuned to the mind. Her base magic revolves around dreams, illusions, sleep, and subterfuge; though she, and we all, are capable of much more. That is only the raw affinity of her magic. Cadance is the master of emotion, centered on love. She can easily detect and see how it is influenced by others. That also makes her a great caregiver and protector, as the power of love is quite strong defensively. Twilight is the odd mare out—please do not say I described her as such—she actually has no affinity at all, only raw power. She is able to use magic from any of our specialties and can learn it quite quickly. I suppose saying she has no affinity is not exactly correct, as her element can claim, her affinity is all magic.”

“So, the magic of friendship?”

“It is something she found herself. It is not only hers to wield, as it is like the magic of love: it can be felt by all. She is only unique in the level of power she expresses with it and what she learned from the Elements of Harmony.”

“Wow, that’s a lot to take in. So, how do you feel about me being able to use your magic?”

“I was honestly taken quite aback by it at first. Stunned, if I may say so. I remember running up to meet Twilight when she found you two, and then I could see a brightness, but even as I looked through it, it felt as if I was already at your location. When I was finally able to examine Miss Applejack and found nothing wrong, it was then that I was certain that you had used my magic to heal her. It actually made me… happy. I was happy that our connection could bring forth such good. I…“

David sat, looking at Celestia, tears welling up in her eyes. He reached out and placed his hand on her hoof to comfort her. Celestia immediately straightened up and shook her head a bit, clearing her emotions. Surprised, David removed his hand and sat up straight.

“It was good that you were able to save her. I am grateful, David.”

“It was all thanks to you. It’s your magic after all. So after that, when you and the others examined me, you said the magical pool had changed shape—grown, right? Also that the visible representation of the magical conflict had changed?”

“Yes. I hate to make assumptions, but in your rather unique case, it is difficult not to. The magical pool of anything in this world is synonymous with their physical being. Imagine it as a layer of filling or frosting between two layers of a cake. The frosting layer has the same shape but is comprised of different matter altogether. Your pool is more like a partially filled jelly doughnut—it has an odd shape, and there are portions of dough that do not have any filling at all.”

David laughed. “I’m sorry, but, Celestia, are you getting hungry or something?”

She chuckled just a bit. “Perhaps. Forgive me, I do sometimes have a snack at this hour. I will try to keep that in check. Where were we… oh yes— Your pool seems to be changing, perhaps it is evolving into what we would consider ‘normal.’ As for the magical conflict… I am not sure what the change represents. My current assumption is that with the larger capacity that your pool now provides the conflict simply does not provide the same stimulus to you as it did before. That may also mean that if it fills, it may cause the same or perhaps an even more powerful reaction in you.”

“I see. Speaking on the conflict, is there any way that both your and Luna’s magic can coexist and not be conflicting?”

“Hmm. I had not considered that yet. Blending magic from two sources is indeed possible. Twilight actually does it whenever she and the other element bearers use the magic of friendship. There, she is blending their power together and is only able to do so when they are harmonious in feeling and desires. Luna and I have wielded such power before when we defeated Discord and our love as sisters is what gave us the ability to do so. This warrants further discussion. I will try to bring it up with Twilight when she is feeling better.”

“How is she? When I heard that she was ill, I was very worried that I had caused it in some way.”

“Rest assured, she will be fine in a few days. You had no part in her illness, it is completely natural.”

“But she was so… so weak. I couldn’t stand to see her that way.”

“Weakness is a symptom, yes, but it is nothing to worry about. Twilight is resting for tonight in the observatory, and I will take her back home tomorrow morning so she may rest in her own bed.”

“Okay. I’m glad to hear you say there is nothing to worry about.”

“Is there anything else you would like to discuss?” Celestia asked.

“Sorry, maybe just one more thing?”

“Quite alright. Please, go on.”

“So, ever since we learned of me being able to sense magic, both you and Luna have put yourselves out in trying to abstain from using it around me. I can already see from Luna how difficult that has made your lives, and I wanted to thank you and apologize.”

“Oh, David, you have nothing to apologize for.”

“Maybe not, but I felt guilty about it, especially when I saw how it affected you at the picnic.”

Celestia chuckled. “Forced to use my hooves for something, the heavens forbid!” She then laughed heartily.

“Come on, Celestia. I’m being serious here. It’s a huge imposition on you both; we have to fix this.”

“It has been a bit… trying today, I will admit that. And when court resumes, I would be expected to act normally. Even the tabloids will take notice if I do not use magic.”

“See! I want us to do some experiments, to test if there is a range where I can feel the magic being used. I think there might be, as yesterday I’m sure there were points when you must have used magic when I wasn’t around and I didn’t feel anything. That should allow some semblance of normalcy to you both.”

“Okay. I would suggest that you do not keep your hopes up, though. Our connections do not seem to be related to distance, and as such, the impact of our magic may not either.”

“Does that, or not being able to use magic around me concern you?” David asked.

“It was a bit awkward at first, but I cannot say that it is a great imposition, though.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Does that cause you discomfort, David?”

“Not exactly.”

“What is it then? Does something still bother you?”

“Yes. You see, we’ve talked about me using your powers to heal Applejack, Twilight’s illness, and even unintentionally forcing you to not use magic. None of it bothers you, which leaves me to fear one thing does.”

“Oh, David…”

“Celestia, are you bothered by my relationship with Luna?”

Celestia sat up straight and looked into David’s eyes. His question was sincere, and she could see him waver. Emotions brewed inside her chest that caused her to shiver and her wings to tremble. She broke the gaze and turned away.

“No. I am happy for you both. I know Luna truly loves you, and you her.”

“Forgive me, Celestia. But I have seen you. There are times you look away, like now, or times your smile falters. But the thing that hurt me the most today was when we all gathered after Applejack’s accident. You stood there amongst us, but you were not with us. Why is that?”

“That… was not your fault. Everypony was upset, and yet relieved that Miss Applejack was returned to them unharmed. I always stand by my little ponies to be there in their time of need. To comfort them and protect them. Her friends took good care of her and showered her with their love. Luna, also, shared her love with you and the bond you share eased both your pains.”

“What about you, Celestia. Who took care of your pain?”

Celestia faced the man once again, tears streaming down her face.

“I do not HAVE that luxury. I must sometimes bear the pain for all of Equestria. It is my role to fill!”

David balked at her volume. “No, it’s not,” he said calmly, even with his emotions boiling beneath the surface. “I could see your pain, and I want you to know that someone was there; that I was willing to be there for you.”

Celesta got up from her lounge and started to walk away toward the balcony. David quickly rose and followed after her. He purposely walked faster and stopped in front of her, blocking her path, garnering a fierce glare from the princess.

“Celestia, I care. Why won’t you talk to me? Why did you turn away then when I wanted to help you?”

“YOU!?” she began to yell. “You would reach out to ME? To comfort ME, even while wrapped in HER—in my SISTER’S loving embrace!?”

David recoiled in shock, then stiffened his posture, his eyes fixated with hers.

“I did, and I would! Your pain is no different. Why did you turn away, Celestia?”

“I WILL NOT HURT HER!” she slammed a hoof down on the tile.

Celestia’s words hit him internally with the same force her hoof displayed. Feeling broken and numb, David got out of her way and slumped down onto his knees with tears welling up in his eyes.

“I know that,” he whispered, choking back his emotions. “She knows that too. We just want to be able to care for you, to help you and hold you when you need it. We want to make sure you are okay.”

David’s change in demeanor confused Celestia. She now towered over him as he knelt on the floor. She looked at him, trying to sort her own feelings.

“What do you want from me, David?”

“We… I just want you to be okay, to not shut either of us out. Come to us if you are in pain. Don’t shoulder the world, let us be there for you.”

Celestia’s posture slumped as her anger left her. “You would—You care for me?” she asked, looking down at him.

David raised his head, his teary eyes meeting hers. Her sorrowful stare almost caused him to weep openly.

“Of course, Celestia! You are not alone!”

Celestia closed her eyes and began to sob herself. She tried to open them again, but the bitter tears forced her to squint as she looked at the man below her.

David reached up a hand and brushed aside some of the tears as they came down her face.

“David, thank—” she said as she leaned in and kissed him tenderly.

David’s eyes went wide. He could feel the warmth of Celestia’s lips on his own. He hadn’t moved, had he?

Soon, her own eyes opened in surprise, and she stared deep into the man’s soul.

The spell was broken, and the kiss ended. Celestia spun on her heels and moved quickly through her room, away from David.

“Wait!” he called out, causing her to stop.

“No. This cannot happen! You must go!” she said firmly.

“I won’t leave you like this, Celestia, it will be okay!”

“You must go. If you do not, I will force you to!”

“Please wait. I’m telling you it will be alright!”

“How can it be! I have committed a grievous sin against my own sister! You must leave now!”

David felt her magic growing, and in a split second he found himself kneeling on the floor outside the doors. He stood, wiped his face, and turned to face the guards wearing a very determined expression.

“I’m sorry, Sir David,” one said as they lined up. “You should go now. You cannot enter.”

David opened his mouth to speak but closed it without uttering a word. The guards were right, he could not see her like this. He resolved to go and sleep off the pain and confusion, and so he turned and slowly walked away.

After David was out of sight, one guard spoke up. “So, what was that all about?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never seen someone ejected from Princess Celestia’s chambers before. And did you see him? He looked like he was crying.”

“Yeah. I thought Sir David was made of pretty tough stuff. Something must have happened.”

“I heard there was an incident at his special party today, somepony got hurt. Maybe that was it.”

“Maybe. It’s best if we don’t think about it. Actually, I’m sorry I brought it up, gossip is bad business. ”



David walked toward his room. His mind was muddled with what he had just experienced, and he was moving on autopilot.

‘What in the world just happened? I’m so confused. It was really emotional, sad, even scary. I don’t even want to think right now, just sleep.’

Before he realized it, though, he stood in front of the massive ebony doors of Luna’s chambers. Stopping, he sighed to himself.

‘It’s pointless to go back to my room now. Maybe my brain knows what is best and led me here instead.’

David pushed open the large doors and entered quietly. He closed them behind him and let his eyes adjust to the dim light of the faux stars above.

David saw his princess, his lover, sleeping peacefully in her bed. She had stayed right as he left her earlier, with plenty of space next to her. It was his space, his place. David’s mind clouded again, and tears welled up in his eyes, causing him to shut them tightly and waited for peace to return. Having calmed down slightly, he walked to the bedside, disrobed and slipped in beside Luna.

As he lay on his side, facing away, his mind raced about the recent events, trying desperately to make sense of it all. He could not help but picture Celestia’s face in shock, in anger and in… desperation? It was tormentous, being unable to do anything to alleviate the situation.

Still lost in his thoughts, he felt Luna list and scoot toward him, pressing her warm back against his. The comfort that it gave him was immense, and it broke him from his thoughts. This caused his silent tears to fall again, but they soon dried up as exhaustion took him to sleep.
