Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Death and love

Like I said, I'm done editing this story, so just uploading the unfinished version.

Chapter 5

Twilight paced around the waiting room at the Canterlot Emergence Care Center, watching the double doors that lead to the ER.

Rainbow Dash sat in a corner, looking down at the floor and messing with her hoofs.

Twilight chewed on her bottom lip, nervous. The nurse had said there was a chance they could save him, but still.

She looked over at Rainbow Dash. Why would she do this? Even if it was meant for her.

The double doors opened and the same nurse from before walked out. She was looking at the floor.

Twilight looked at her, eyes full of worry. "Is he going to be okay?"

The nurse looked up, sadness was in her voice. "I'm so sorry, but he didn't make it."

Twilight stepped back, tears running down her face, "He can't be..." She began before her voice cracked.

The nurse looked sad to be the one to tell them this, "We did the best we could. But the dose was too large and his body couldn't handle it all. We used every spell and every piece of equipment we had, but it wasn't enough. I'm truly sorry."

Twilight went to her knees and began to cry, first lightly, then hard. 

Over in the corner, Rainbow Dash silently wept, knowing this was her fault.


Whiteness. There was nothing but whiteness all around me. Where am I.... Oh great, did I die, again.

"Your back so soon, young one? But you just arrived in that world a little under twenty hours ago. How could you already be back here?" A loud familiar voice boomed.

I looked down at myself. I had my old body, the human one. I already miss my pony body. "Yeah, I kinda ate a poisoned cupcake."

"How did that happen?" 

I scratched the back of my head, "A pony left it on a table and I thought it was for me. Just my luck too."

"Would you like to go back?"

I looked up and searched for the voice, "I sure would, it was fun while I was there. But why are you giving me a third chance at life?"

"You were only there seventeen hours. And died due to the jealousy of another. I think that earns you a redo."

"Thank you. This time I will be more careful."

"You better, because the next time you die, you're heading to heaven or hell. Whichever one you earn."

"Don't worry, you won't see me here for a while, I hope."

"Enjoy life, young one."

Everything began to spin, like a whirlpool.

I opened my eyes and blinked. A white sheet covered my face and the rest of my body. Where am I?

There's a slight scent of decay and old in the air. Weird.

I sat up and the sheet fell off my face, revealing where I am. I'm in a sort of white room with a row of tables, where I am, with white sheets on them, the shapes of ponies under them. I think I'm in a morgue of sorts.

I pulled the sheet off the rest of my body. Oh great, my clothes are gone. I put my hoof to my eyes, and so are my goggles. Damn it. I slid off the table and popped my back. How long was I on that table?

I walked to the door and turned the knob.

Outside the door was a long white hallway. I moved out of the room and turned left down the hall. 

Okay, all I need to do is get out of here without being seen and get back to the library. Somehow.

I turned a corner and came face to face with a white unicorn stallion. He wore a white lab coat, and a name tag, "Dr. Stronghoof"

He looked me up and down, he looked me in the face and glared, "What are you doing here?"

"I don't know, I just woke up in that room down there. The one with the bodies."

Dr. Stronghoof's eyes went a little wide, "Wait, you're the pony who died of poisoning. But, you just died ten minutes ago. How is this possible?"

Shit, I forgot I died. Come on Lance, talk your way out of this.

"I wasn't dead. I have a condition where my body goes into a shut down like state for a while. Its perfectly normal for me."

He looked at me with a skeptical look on his face, "I've never heard of a condition like that before."

I looked at him, putting on the best smirk I could muster, "Oh really? Tell me doctor, have you ever seen a pony like me before?"

He looked me over, "No. But that doesn't explain how your condition-"

"Yes it does my good sir. My body is very different from other ponies. So, everything is kinda different with me. As for the condition, I blame my father."

Dr. Stronghoof looked like he was thinking about what I said, "Well then, may I examine your body a bit more?"

That sounds creepy, I hate doctors, "Sorry sir, but maybe another time."

Dr. Stronghoof frowned, "Oh come now, your body could save lives."

Yep, I definitely hate doctors, "Sir, if you please. I would like to get my clothes and leave this place."

Dr. Stronghoof shook his head, "Your clothes are in the storage chest in the morgue."

The doctor walked past me and looked at my flank, "A blank flank? You sure are a weird pony."

I waited for him to turn a corner and then I headed back to the room I came from. Once there, I located the chest. I pulled the clothes back one, it was becoming easier to put them on. I pulled the goggles over my eyes.

After a short walk, I found the double doors that lead to the main lobby. I walked through them to see that Twilight was still here, by herself. She was sitting on a small bench with her face in her hoofs.

How do I approach this? Should I just walk up or should I make it seem like I just got here? Direct approach, always the best.

I walked over to her and put my hoof on her shoulder, "Hey, Twilight."

She looked up and looked shocked, but then her shock turned into tearful joy, "Giro! You’re alive!" She jumped up and wrapped her hoofs around my neck.

I put one of my hoofs around her neck, "It'll take more than a little poison to kill me."

She stepped back and whipped her face, "I was so scared I had lost you."

Don't cry Lance, don't you dare cry. This may be tugging at your heart, but don't you cry.

I couldn't stop myself, tears started to flow down my cheeks, "I'm sorry Twilight, I didn't mean to...."

She put her hoof to my mouth, "It's okay now Giro." With that, she leaned in to kiss me.

Oh damn, what to do, what to do? Do I kiss her? Should I kiss her? She's a pony, but so am I. So it's not wrong, but still. What should I do? 

Once again, my mind was made up for me.

"Giro! You're okay!" Screamed a familiar voice. 

Something slammed into my side, knocking me to the ground with whatever just hit me, and what was wrapped around my chest.

When I looked down, I saw that Rainbow Dash was attached to my chest, tears running down her face.

"Giro, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for you to eat that cupcake. It was meant for Twilight." She said as she nuzzled my chest.

Twilight stood above us, a sad look on her face.

I looked down at Rainbow Dash, "But why Dash? Why try to poison Twilight?"

She looked up at me, "I wasn't trying to poison her, I was trying to take her magic away."

Confused, I asked her another question. "Why would you do that?"

She looked at me like I should already know the answer, "Because, I want you all to my self, duh."

I put my hoofs on hers and tried to loosen her grip on me. Sadly, me against a strong Pegasus like Rainbow Dash is like a mouse against a cat. "Dash, I don't look at you the way you do at me."

She looked hurt, "But, I'm irresistible! I'm the best flier in Equestria! How can you not be attracted to me?"

Damn, she has me there. Well, I guess I could tell her the truth, "Dash, I'm not into the kind of mare you are."

She looked at me strangely, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that I'm not attracted to the big time mares, the ones that are irresistible to the point of... never mind about that part. I'm just not attracted to your type of personality."

"Then what type are you attracted to?"

I don't know if I can tell her this next part. But if I don't she will bother me with this forever. Fine, I'll just come out and say it.

"I'm attracted to the nerdy type of mare. The ones who don't boast about their skills."

She looked a little shocked and angry, "Wait, you're attracted to ponies like Twilight!"

I hope I'm not blushing, "Yeah."

"You like nerdy bookworms! I had you wrong Giro. You're not the cool Pegasus I thought you were. You're just a boring weirdo! Do you like Twilight or something!"

Damn it, "Yes."

Rainbow Dash stood, "Why?"

Time for the truth Lance, "Because I find her interesting and nice. She's just so adorably nerdy, I can't help but like her."

Rainbow Dash turned and started heading for the door that led out of the Hospital. She turned and faced Twilight, "He's all yours!" With that, she turned and left the building.

That went well. I laid my head back on the hard floor and put my hoofs on my face. Now I'm embarrassed, because Twilight was right there the whole time listening. 

Suddenly I felt a strange sensation in my body. Like I was being shocked by a small wire, and it was going throughout my body. 

I moved my hoofs from my face and looked around surprised, we were back at the library. "What the..."

"I transported us back to the library, more private. All those doctors and nurses were watching you and Rainbow Dash."

I Didn't even notice that. I slowly stood, kinda dizzy from the transportation spell she performed. 

She walked closer to me, "So, you think I'm adorable. Or like you said, adorably nerdy."

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to offend you Twilight."

She smiled, "Who said I was offended?" 

She walked over and hugged me.

I have to say, I'm surprised. I didn't expect this. 

She backed up and laughed, "Your face is red."

I knew it, I was blushing. "Uhhh." Lance, you suck at this romance stuff.

She leaned in and prepared to kiss me.

Might as well kiss her. After all, I already said I liked her. I leaned in to kiss her.

Our lips were inches away from each other. Then centimeters away. Then finally, our lips connected.

My heart began to beat harder, and I started to feel light headed. But this time, it wasn't because of sickness or poison. This time it was because of love.