//------------------------------// // A Simple Mare (Or so it seems) // Story: A Simple Mare // by Kerpy Hooves //------------------------------// Kerpy Story: It was a peaceful day in Appleoosa. But, that peacefulness would only be stopped by a very loud filly… Her name was Kerpy Hooves, an immortal Pegasus mare. She screamed in pain as her mother beat her and her twin sisters. “YOU ARE NOTHING BUT PESTS!!!” the angered mother yelled. “B-But we love you mo-“Kerpy was stopped short by a blow to the muzzle. “STOP IT MOMMY!!!” the youngest filly yelled. “NO, NOT UNTIL YOU ARE ALL DEAD!!!” the over angered mother yelled furiously. The middle filly cried and cried. She had to endure all the pain for her two mortal sisters. For she was the only immortal one. “STOP IT MOMMY!!!” the filly cried out. “NO BUCKING WAY!!! I KILLED YOUR FATHER, NOW IM GONNA KILL YOU TOO!!!” she slammed her hooves into the fillies neck, the filly nearly stopped breathing for a second, but she quickly regained newfound strength by taking a quick look at her defenseless sisters. She rammed her head into her mother’s face and killed her mother. “That’s what you get mother…” the filly said sorrowfully. The two sisters looked at their sister with awe “Y-You killed her…” the oldest spoke. “Yes I know…” Kerpy said sorrowfully again. “She told me I could be anything, so I became her enemy for picking on you two… so I killed her in return…” “YOU COULD HAVE HIT HER OR SOMETHING!!!” the oldest yelled, while the youngest looked scared to death. “M-M-Mommy?” the youngest neared their dead mother cautiously. “Mommy! Wake up! Please?” the youngest pleaded and begged. “LOOK AT OUR SISTER!!! SHE’S SHIVERING FOR PONIES SAKE!!!” the oldest yelled. “I-I-I…” then Kerpy ran away… 1000 years later: Kerpy skipped to the beat of her own musical voice. She is now living in Mane-hatten, searching for a new and profound life. She is skipping to her client’s house to sing for him. When she entered his house she heard a powerful yet gentle voice behind her “Ah! There you are Madame Kerpy!” “Why hello Prince Blueblood! How are you today?” “Better if I hear your voice!” He laughed. She giggled along with him, “so shall we go?” she asked in a sing-song voice. “Yes, I think we shall!” he said powerfully. She immediately started for a small room. She entered the room and saw everything. A bar, and some stools, and a stage set up for her with a microphone. Prince Blueblood shooed off his suitors, and they quickly left. She immediately flew up to the stage and sang a quick lullaby to start things off. Prince Blueblood quickly fell asleep as kerpy worked her magic through her songs. All the bad things pushed away, like the killing of her mother, and everything else she did wrong. When she finished, she reached out to the Prince and saw him SLEEPING!!! She was FURIOUS. She never knew that her songs could put people to sleep! “WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!” she yelled quite loudly. “Huh what?” the prince woke up with a start only to find himself face to face with an angry mare. With a swift movement of her hoof, she snapped his neck. He fell dead on the ground. She soon realized what she had done and ran away, just like before, tears streaming down her cheeks. 10 more years later: Kerpy had to escape her past. She couldn’t stand it anymore. So she moved into the ever free forest, blocking herself from the world. Until one day, she heard knocking at her front door! She knew it must have been another zebra passing by, like her friend Zecora. She opened the door and there stood, the most handsome stallion zebra she has ever seen. He asked her instructions to Ponyville. She said she didn’t know of a village named like that. He just simply laughed. She was very confused. He said “Hey… You’re blushing!” she started giggling despite her situation, which was joined with a laugh of a certain stallion she had a crush on. His name was Aranar Solus. Kerpy’s Wedding Day: Kerpy and Aranar Solus were now seeing each other more and more. She went outside the ever free more to explore the place called Ponyville, where she found very sociable ponies. She began to see Ponyville as her home rather than an enemy! She met this very interesting party pony named “Pinkie Pie” they quickly began to hang out more. And since pinkie was used to throwing random ponies parties, she decided to throw Kerpy one! At the party Aranar was there smiling brightly. Kerpy looked at him confused and then he held up a box, and said those five magic words that could send anypony jumping up and down in joy, he said “Kerpy, will you marry me?” Kerpy’s smile went on for a mile. She was so happy! She loved Aranar so much that she said yes many times and jumped around him like when she did when she got her cutie mark! They planned a very special wedding and only invited their special friends and family. That day was very important to Kerpy. Kerpy’s “Death" : Kerpy was at her home in the ever free. She was in a very happy mood. Nothing can spoil today, since she was very happy, she decided to throw a little party celebrating it! Why she was so happy? It was because today was her birthday! She still hasn’t told Aranar that she was immortal yet, so that was a little surprise she was going to tell him soon. And that soon was today! She was ecstatic. When he came home, she jumped in front of him stopping him from the doorway. “Follow me hon!” she told him. And he followed reluctantly. She stopped by her favorite place in the whole world, a small tree in which she sat on when she felt sad. She quickly flew up to the tree and sat on a branch. She beckoned Aranar to follow. And he did. He kissed her then asked her “what’s wrong?” and she quickly replied, “Imimmortal.” “What? Can you please repeat that kerpy?” she said it more slowly this time. And his eyes widened with surprise. She said “I hope we can still be together…” she gently touched his hoof and to her surprise he took it into his hoof and said “Well, I’m immortal too…” and he pulled her into a passionate kiss. Her eyes widened with surprise too. She quickly gave him a quick kiss on the cheek “oops! I’m late for that job interview!” “Okay, good luck hon!” and she quickly flew away as everything clicked into her mind one by one. By the time she reached Princess Luna’s castle, it was night time. she entered the guard’s training hall and entered the open office. A strong but sturdy voice emanated from the door “Come in” and she reluctantly trotted in. she sat down away from the captain with her head low. “I-I’m sorry I’m late sir…” he slightly chuckled and tapped her chin waiting for her to look up. And that she did, and she saw Aranar sitting at the desk! Her eyes widened with surprise. “Wh-What? How huh who what?” and he chuckled again. When she finished stuttering she felt like the words that could be spoken but chose not to, was glued to her voice box, never leaving. He started asking her questions about how useful she is going to be if she were in the Equestrian Royal Guards System. All those hours of studying blew away to this one moment. She answered shakily, “I think I would be most helpful since I am a great fighter…” and Aranar just simply nodded in agreement. Princess Luna’s royal voice came through the speaker of the Microphone she commanded Aranar to send over one of his most trusted soldiers, so he chose Kerpy. She reluctantly went to Princess Luna’s bed chambers, she requested me to guard her. So I simply agreed. I stood guard for her the rest of the night. It was entertaining since I got to know the rest of the guards better. But one day…. Hell broke out… The monsters of Tartarus broke out of their prisons, and a whole mob of zombies and monsters broke out. And since I was Luna’s most trusted soldiers, I rushed out into battle. I attacked hoards of zombies, I knew I was fighting an impossible fight, but I refused to give up… I got killed that day by a hoard of zombies throwing arrows at me. I felt the pain, so I retreated back to the castle. Shot with arrows, I looked like a zombie, so the guards started shooting at me as well! I was outraged by this. I felt all the pain stabbing through my legs and shoulder. It hurt. I was being shot by my comrades! It hurt physically and emotionally. So, I decided to just let go… I died that day. But, Aranar knew I couldn’t have just lied there and died! He knew that I was immortal and I would soon wake up! But after days and months of surgery, I was sure to be dead. But, I was revived by Princess Luna herself. I can still hear her exact words still “I will miss you sergeant Kerpy Hooves…” and she touched her horn to my forehead. The machine started beeping for a faint heartbeat. My eyes slowly opened up. And I was alive. It was the greatest day ever! Everypony was invited to that one party! Including Princess Luna!