a nightmare of a fiasco

by CasperSantiq

getting back up after a night of missadventure

The journey back to the town had taken around seven hours, as I had been heckled by that same manticore from earlier. Some females just couldn't take a hint, I had to scare her off by destroying the tree she kept catcalling me from! By the time I got back to Ponyville, the now Princess "Celestia" had taken her sister back to her castle up in Canterlot. As it turned out, the rest of the ponies who had accompanied me on the journey to the castle of the two sisters were all worried about where I was and had made decent headway into forming a search party. I had just emerged from the edge of the Everfree when I was tackled by a very solid marshmallow. With purple hair. And had a horn. That had nearly speared my eye.
"OH DARLING, I thought I would never see you ever again!" she then tried to forcefully make out with me. I quickly teleported to a safe distance and resumed my walk to the library.
Barb walked out from the group of ponies over where they had been gathered by the road, shaking her head and glaring at me. "You just had to go and get some while you left me alone at a strangers house? Do you know what would happen if somepony decided to kidnap me? At least tell me who I have to call mom now."
I lifted her I my TK and placed her on my back before teleporting to the road before the narwhal with purple hair could jump me again, causing her to slam into Blitz. "Well, you would have tried to take over Equestria, and we're royalty know. You will probably Still call her 'your majesty', or something akin to that. Besides, we can finally deal with Cadance, no more shipping coming from her!" I quickly put up a shield around us to ward off the crazy mare that had decided to try and follow us. "Oh, and her name is Luna."
Rarity had begun to chase after us... or me, and was becoming a rather annoying metaphorical lamprey of the situation. I had decided to test the cloud walking spell that I had found in the library at the castle, quickly casting it on barb and I before teleporting up to a cloud that happened to be close enough to land on, narrowly dodging the mare. I sighed as her screams of frustration barely made there way up to me, her anger palatable.
'Odd, It tastes like boysenberries...' I thought to myself. I looked to the left and found that Butterscotch's cabin was a little over yonder, almost exactly where we had gone into the forest. I shook my head and began to teleport to clouds that were over near the town, allowing me to lose Rarity in the back alleys. After landing, I summoned a scroll and quill. "Barb, I need you to remind me later to contact our...friend... in Canterlot, I am in need of some answers on flavors of a few emotions that I have recently come across."
I heard the scratch of quill on paper as I trotted towards the library tree house. Barb swatted my ear with the feather end of her quill. "So, since were like royalty now, does that mean that I can roast Blueblood? I really don't like him."
I looked at her over my withers. "Well... only if you can convince Celestia the importance of destroying the lineage of the Bloods. He is the sole surviving heir after all." I quickly opened the door and side stepped the confetti blast that would have knocked me on my rump and given Pinkie Pie the chance to... do something. Something that I only do with the "Waifu" that I "stole"... according to the Neighponees. 'I am not very into the Anna May and manenga things as Barb, but I try to keep up to date on such as it is a part of literature as a whole.'
I began to clear all of the party equipment out of the library and had put up a selective barrier around the library to ward off the three females who I would rather incinerate than associate with, so I don't accidentally do so. the ponies who had been waiting to surprise me had been ceremoniously teleported outside and dumped onto either Rarity or Pinkie Pie. After I had finished cleaning up the mess left by the annoying one, I had just enough time to sit down before I was summoned to Canterlot right into a Tuxedo. Some how it fit perfectly. Standing off to one side, My brother and his marefriend were glaring daggers at me.
As I turned around, I noticed that my parents were barely awake and had a rather lager amount of cameras with them. A thestral mare in what I assumed to be ceremonial garb was standing in front of me. To my left, Luna was preening and absolutely going to... entertain herself with me later. A wing wrapped around my withers and quickly drug me closer to her, the blue feathers letting me know it was her. I looked on the other side of Luna to find the new princess of the kingdom, Celestia brooding over the fact that she would never get to have her way with me.
I turned and waved to my parents in the first row, trying to emulate how normal ponies smiled. To my surprise, I could feel my heart try to beat every now and then, feeling like I was having palpitations. I knew that Luna wasn't going to keep the thing fluttering like when I had been with Nightmare, they had become separate ponies over the course of their stay on/in the moon.
Take for example, I had taken a small part of my soul and put it into a magical construct that would solidify into a corporeal body once the soul had matured enough to live by its self. It had taken about three months to mature into a sentient creature. Seven months later, it had gender identified as female. As it reached its second year of life, I had named her "Twilight" in honor of what my parents would have named me if I had been so. Now "Celestia" had no idea I had done so, only barb and one other pony had any knowledge of my experiment. The time It had taken to mature into sentience, I had a limited link to it. Twilight is living in a small condo in Stalliongrad, a similar body type to mine and very similar mannerisms, along with talent and likes and dislikes. It is like looking into a mirror. A very scary mirror. She also has a thing for my brother.
Now the mare in the ceremonial garb had begun to wax poetics about how life is ever changing as the moon and tides, along with some other horseshit lines about love. Thankfully, I was able to listen to what she was saying and not really hear her. the ceremony was short and held little significance to me due to the fact that I had never come across any lunar ceremonial tradition books in the archives. Anywhere. As we said our vows (Luna told me mine via telepathy) and were about to leave, a Narwhal with purple hair jumped down from... somewhere along with a pink blob of something and promptly stuck an anti magic ring on both Luna and I, and proceeded to tie me up and throw me onto an orange stallion with a stetson.