(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XX - So Much Cake

Act XX - So Much Cake

The clearing was quiet. Ponies lazed around, some sitting and chatting softly in the shade, others lay in the sun, resting peacefully. Princess Luna and David sat together alongside the picnic, talking with Fluttershy and Rarity while Princess Celestia and Twilight sat a bit further away, enjoying a cup of tea in silence.

Suddenly, the idyllic setting was interrupted by the sound of hooves running on the grass.

Thump-thump-thump, thump-thump-thump, thump-thump-thump… SPLASH!

“Hoo-whee! That’s cold!” Applejack yelled after surfacing in the pond, causing everyone to turn and look at her. “Yup, nothing better than a nice cool swim after a run!”

“Hey A.J., that looks like a great idea… Here I come!” Rainbow yelled just before dropping into the cold water from above.


The two ponies splashed around as they played in the water. David watched them having fun and started feeling a little jealous.

“Luna.” David turned to his marefriend with a big smile. “May I…?” He wore an earnest expression.

Luna snickered. “Go. Have fun.”

David's body twitched, eager to join the others.

“Wait!” Rarity called out. “You aren’t going to go in like that, are you?”

The smile David sported began to fall. He relaxed in his seat. “Oh, I guess I wasn’t thinking. I can’t go in fully dressed, and I don’t have any swimming trunks.”

“That, darling, should not be a problem. You could just wear your boxers I made you!”

“Huh?” He looked on in confusion.

“The undergarments I made, they should be sufficiently modest, don’t you think?”

“I guess so. They aren’t white and seem sturdy enough. What do you say, Luna?”

Luna looked him up and down. “I suppose they would do. I cannot suggest you go in unclothed anymore, even in jest.”

“Well then, I’m going in!” David rose from his seat.

David standing brought the attention of everypony around him. He caught their gazes, and they somehow made him timid, and he shied away as he walked toward the shore.

“Mind if I join?” David asked, approaching the water’s edge.

Rainbow splashed Applejack. “Sure. Come on in!”

“Thanks,” David replied. “Just a sec.”

David walked a bit back toward to picnic group and stopped near a bush. There he reached behind his head and grasped the collar of his shirt and pulled it off quickly.

“Oooh,” Rarity tittered quietly, causing the others to look over at the now topless David.

David set his shirt on top of the bush, then reached down and unbuttoned his shorts. He slipped them off, placing them on the bush with the rest of his clothes, then turned back to the water wearing only his boxers.

David grinned widely. “Watch out!” he called, then started running.

Nearing the edge, he jumped, landing square between the two swimming ponies, drenching them with a big splash.

Using the freestyle, David powered around the lake, putting the two athletic ponies in the water to shame. They looked on in amazement as he sped through the water with ease. After making a few laps in the widest area, he stopped in the middle and floated peacefully on his back.

Rainbow paddled over to David and then also started floating on her back with her wings extended, yet barely breaking the water’s surface.

“Hey, David. That’s was pretty awesome swimming you did back there! How’d you get so fast?”

David propelled himself through the pond, doing mini circles around the pegasus. “I don’t know… I’ve always liked swimming better than other exercise or sports, so I guess practice helped, but I’ve always been quick.”

Applejack splashed her way over. “Doncha think it’s ‘cause of how he’s built, Rainbow? I mean, he’s got us on length and look at how he uses his arms… we can’t do that!”

“Yeah, I think he might have some advantage.”

“Hey! Hey, girls! Can I join in?” Pinkie yelled from the shore.

“Sure, Pinkie!” Applejack replied. “The water’s fine!”

Pinkie jumped with joy, then ran over to the picnic blanket area for a second, then back to the shoreline, now wearing floaties. She waded deep into the cool water, then floated over on her stomach thanks to her extra buoyancy.

“Heya, Pinks!”

“Hi, Rainbow! Everyone having fun?” Pinkie asked.

“I think so,” David replied. “We’re mostly just hanging out, though.”

“Eeyup,” Applejack commented.

“Okie dokie! I like hanging out!”


Left on the shore, now Luna was feeling the desire to take a dip in the lake. She watched David floating around and chatting with the other mares and started daydreaming.

‘The cool water wets my fur. His boxers, soaked, cling tightly to his form. I lay in the shallows on my side, feeling David pressed against my back, his warmth transferred through his touch, but everywhere else feels the chill of the cold spring water. I would swim with him, held from behind in his strong arms as his legs propelled us around.’

Luna shook her head, clearing her thoughts. “No, I’ll let him be with his new friends,” she said quietly to herself.

“What was that, Princess?” Rarity asked.

“Oh, nothing. It seems David has started to make new friends.”

“Yes,” Fluttershy added, “I’m glad he is getting along with them.”

“What about you, Miss Fluttershy? How do you feel about David?” Luna asked the timid mare.

“Oh, my. I don’t know… he’s nice, I guess.”


“Yes, nice.”

“Anything else?”

“He’s pretty big too.”

“He is tall,” Rarity added. “Why, even though I had his measurements from Twilight, when I first met him it was quite overwhelming! Don’t you agree, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy just shook her head in response.

“You don’t?”

“I don’t mind,” she whispered.

“I quite like his size,” Luna commented. “Though he towers over me, and is even taller than my sister, it somewhat gives me a sense of peace, as if he is protecting me.”

Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

“Oh. I suppose I hadn’t looked at it that way, darling. He could be the knightly-type, I suppose. And he’s so polite, yet can be quite firm.”

Luna chuckled. “That is true. His meekness belies how bold he can be. Since he has been designated as a suitor, Celestia has somewhat demanded that he learn more of diplomacy, decorum, and posturing, so that when he is officially announced, he will not cause any trouble. He actually has quite the grasp on it already, and she has praised him more than once for it, I hear. That does make me wonder if she intends to tutor him and make him another ‘special student.’ Thankfully, it seems he has let his mane down at this event. I am glad he has made friends with which he can feel at ease.”

The three mares smiled in agreement, then looked over to the water and watched as the man played with the others.


Applejack climbed up the rocky backdrop of the lake and stood at the precipice over the deep end.

“Jump, A.J.!” Rainbow cheered.

Applejack looked over the edge, watching how the natural spring formed a small waterfall and slowly fell into the pool below.

Gulp. “Here I come… Yee-haw!”

Applejack jumped off the small ledge and landed rear-first in the lake, causing a huge splash. After a few seconds, the drenched mare surfaced.

“Yeah!” David clapped in appreciation.

“Alright, my turn!” Rainbow flapped her wings, slowly prying free from the water’s grasp and making her way up to the ledge.  “I’m gonna go for a corkscrew dive!”

Now at the top, Rainbow jumped and flapped her wings once for a bit of height. She then pulled them in and began to spin as she plummeted down, snapping them to her sides just before impact.


Her dive didn’t cause much of a splash as she came in like a bullet. Also, even though they were all in the deep end, right after Rainbow breached the water she pulled up, altering her trajectory and she sped underwater like a torpedo. She came up right next to Pinkie and yelled.


“Ahh! Hahahahahaaa.” Pinkie feigned, then laughed.

“David, you gonna take a turn?”

“Sure, Applejack. Why not.”

David carefully climbed up the rocky bank. It was slick, and he had to be careful not to slip or cut himself. After a tense minute, he had made it to the top.

“Wow, it’s pretty high up here! Any requests?”

“Cannonball!” Rainbow shouted.

“Do a belly flop!” Pinkie suggested.

Applejack looked at the others, then just shrugged.

“Uh. I think both of those might hurt a bit. How about I just do a regular dive.”

The pause in action drew the attention from the others on land and now everypony was staring at David. He stood tall, looking out over the area, and then his eyes met with Luna’s.

She nodded once, and he did as well in return.

Checking the edge one more time, he took two steps back, then stopped. David breathed slowly and deeply.

‘It’s been a while since I’ve been on a platform, let’s see what I can still do.’

With two quick steps and a hop, he was in the air. He bent over, then tucked and began to rotate. Though it only took a little over a second, he managed two-and-a-half somersaults before opening and finally making a decent rip.

The ponies were speechless.

A few seconds later, David emerged from the water, gasping for air. “So, how’d I do?”

The mares at the picnic area all clapped their hooves in appreciation.


“Well done, pardner!”

“That was the best. Dive. Ever! You were flying through the air… WHOOSH! Then curled up in a teeny tiny ball and spun around! Then, SSSPLISH! You were gone!”

“Thanks. Just don’t ask me to do it again. The jump was a bit short for that particular stunt.”


After praising David’s stunt dive, Celestia and Twilight resumed their conversation over tea.

“It looks as though you truly enjoyed the race,” Celestia said to Twilight.

“I did. It was a good experience as well, but I don’t feel quite right after it now.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I expected to be tired, which I am, but I didn’t expect it to make everything tired.”

“I am not sure I follow, Twilight.”

“My legs are tired, which is normal, but I’ve also noticed that my wings feel heavy, even though I haven’t flown today. And it’s the weirdest thing, but I’m also finding it pretty hard just to concentrate on levitating my teacup,” she said, setting her cup down gently. “Maybe I overused my magic with all the teleportation?”

Celestia stared into the rosy depths of her cup. “Hmm. Perhaps. Hopefully, all you need is a bit of rest.”

“Who are we kidding, I could always use more rest.” Twilight chuckled.

“And you could have more if you would only go to bed instead of reading all through the night,” Celestia gently chided her.

“I know you’re right, but I’m finding it especially hard this week. I’ve been looking for anything I can find that might help David, both in finding his home or doing research on the magical connections.”


“Yes. I’ve found several texts describing some magical monsters that use constant connections to feed, similar to how changelings need the magic of love, but that doesn’t seem to pertain here. David isn’t feeding, but I still think that his body does need it to survive here in our world.”

“I have a feeling you are correct, Twilight.”

“And while those texts were interesting—especially the parts where some monsters would starve without syphoning magic—none of them explained how to sever connections without damaging the monster. So, I’m back to square one on figuring out how to break the connections with David.”

“Let us not focus on breaking the connections right now. What do you think of the newest development?”

“The magical conflict? Sorry, Celestia, I’ve barely started to think about it more than what we discussed this morning. David seems to think that the sensation he gets when either of you uses magic is not harmful, which we can’t disprove yet. But David does agree that when both of you use magic, that it definitely puts a strain on him. I’m still more inclined to believe that what he is feeling is feedback due to the presence of both magics, and less that it is just benign.”

“So, you think that there is an inherent conflict just from the flow of magic from the two connections, and when either of us uses magic, David is feeling a sort of back-pressure from our magical connection?”

“In essence, yes.”

“That means that magic used by either Luna or I could be causing an increase in the magical pressure, but not enough for it to cause David concern. It could still be causing damage, but we would not know.”

Twilight hung her head. “Yes. That is a real possibility.”


“So, not that this isn’t cool at all, but what do you say to another race, A.J.?” Rainbow said as she paddled toward the shore.

Applejack followed her out. “If you think you’ve recovered enough.”

“Hold on there. If you’re going to race again, I’m coming too. I just need a few minutes to change,” David said.

As David made his way back to the picnic, Luna, Rarity and Fluttershy noticed his approach.

“Oh, darling! You must be freezing like that. Let me get you a towel,” Rarity said as she rummaged through a bag.

“Thanks, Rarity. I’m glad you prepared all of this. I didn’t even think about it,” David said as he accepted the towel to dry off.

“Think nothing of it! We were all doing our little parts to prepare for it. I just chose to handle your outfit and accessories.”

‘Now if she had just packed an extra pair of boxers in there.’

“Rarity, you don’t have any other clothes of mine in there, do you?”

“Yes, but only the pair of pants and shirt you had on at the castle before changing. We didn’t take the time to put them back into your room.”

“Oh. Yes, I forgot about that. Thank you.”

‘I really want to run again, but I’ve got to get these boxers dry.’

David bent down by Luna’s ear and whispered, “Luna, could I borrow you for a moment?”

“Of course, dear,” Luna turned to the others. “Excuse me, I will return shortly.”

David and Luna walked behind some bushes with David still wrapped in his towel.

“Luna, I want to run in another race with Rainbow Dash and Applejack, but I can’t really run in wet boxers. Do you have any suggestions?”

“Hmm. I suppose wet clothing would be quite uncomfortable. I see only two options available… You could take them off and not wear the undergarment while still wearing your shorts, or you could get Rarity or Twilight to dry them for you. Which would you like?”

“Oh, that’s right. You aren’t using your magic right now. Umm. Let me think.”

‘So, three options. Don’t run and stay clothed. Run, but go commando— That will probably hurt. Or run, but either let Twilight or Rarity dry my boxers, but I’ll be without them while they do that…’

“Fine, let’s ask Rarity. She probably knows a spell that would dry fabric quickly, I bet. Luna, I’ll take them off here. Can you please go ask Rarity to come over?”

“Of course. Let me get her.”

Luna stepped out from behind the bush and looked toward Rarity.

“Rarity! Can you please come here to help David for a moment!?” Luna called out.

“Luna..." David whined softly. "Can’t you be a bit more discrete?”

“Oh, I did not realize this warranted discretion. My apologies,” Luna said.

“It’s fine,” David grumbled half-heartedly.

“Yes, Princess, David, what can I do for you?” Rarity asked.

David put on a smile. “Hi, Rarity. Sorry to call you over like that. I was just wondering if you knew of a way to quickly dry fabric.”

“Of course, darling! Oh! Would you like me to dry your boxers?”

“Yes, you’ve read my mind.” David reached under his towel and hesitantly slid them down, making sure to keep himself hidden behind the bushes.

“Oh, my. So bold today, David.” Rarity teased.

David smirked. “One second, the least I can do is wring them out.”

“It makes no difference. I’m going to use a spell I learned from Twilight. She basically taught me how to grab the water in fabric and pull it out. It is an excellent method, as it does not apply heat to the garment. Works wonders on simple stains as well!”

Luna wore a look of shock and disbelief. “That is actually quite a powerful spell you have learned, Miss Rarity. After this, would you please discuss it with me? I believe it may have roots in dark magic.”

“Oh, my! I had no idea!”

Luna shook her head. “Do not worry, it is safe to use in this application.”

Rarity nodded to Luna, then took David’s boxers in her magical grip and focused on casting the spell. When she did so, the water in the boxers moved along the surface of the cloth, no longer bound in the fabric’s weave. Rarity then seemed to pull the blob of water from the cloth and held it in a separate bubble of magic before letting it splash down over a nearby bush.

“There we go, all dry.”

“Wow. Thank you, Rarity,” David said.

“Twas nothing!” Rarity walked off, leaving the boxers in his hands.

David quickly redressed and then turned to Luna. “You know, that would be a pretty cool spell to learn for a quick cleanup.”

“Unfortunately, it is more likely to instantly cause death by desiccation than provide benefit. I believe I will go council her now.” Luna looked to David for a response.

“Yes. Please do. Be nice, though. Discrete as well.”

“Yes, dear. I will.” Luna leaned in and kissed David curtly before following Rarity.


David walked over to the bush where the rest of his clothing lay and put them back on. After dressing, David found Applejack and Rainbow Dash chatting away near the starting line, almost looking like a fight was about to break out. Instead of joining them, he walked over to the picnic area.

“Excuse me. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and I are going to have another race. Does anyone else want to join?”

Rarity, Fluttershy, and Luna all politely declined.

“What about you, Pinkie? Up for a race?” he asked.

“Nope. I prefer to cheer, and I can’t cheer if I’m running!”

“Okay.” David walked over to the last two princesses.

“Excuse me, Twilight, Princess Celestia, are either of you interested in partaking in a race?” David said politely, attempting to charm them into accepting.

“I am sorry, David. I believe Twilight and I will abstain in this round, as she is not feeling quite well.”

“Oh. Twilight, are you okay?”

“Thank you, David. I’m fine, just a bit tired. You go and give them a good challenge.”

“Okay, Twilight. I will.”

David walked back over to the starting area, casually rubbing Luna’s ears and mane as he passed. Fluttershy then got up and followed him as well.

“Oh! Fluttershy, are you going to race with us?” he asked.

“Oh, my, no. I… I’m just here to start the race. If that’s okay with you.”

“Thanks, ‘Shy. We appreciate it.” Rainbow said while stretching out.

“Just us three?” Applejack asked.

“Yup. I think everyone else is tired,” David replied.

“Okay, everypony—and David, get ready,” Fluttershy said meekly.

The three racers got on the mark and looked to Fluttershy.

“Okay,” she said, raising her yellow wing high. “On your marks… Get set… go,” she squeaked as she dropped her wing.

David and the others sped off the line. Surprisingly, he had gotten a good start and was even with the two mares.

They raced around the edge of the lake, jockeying for the lead. Even with his impressive start, David was already showing a bit of a disadvantage and fell slightly behind coming into the last bend before the forest entry.

At the beginning of the foliage, all of the participants took entry points similar to the last race, hoping that their familiarity with the course would give them an edge this time.

As David ran through the trees, he was surprised to find Rainbow in front of him, apparently using the same path. He also saw Applejack to his right, just slightly ahead of him as well.

David realized that Rainbow and he were approaching the end of the trees and remembered that there was a small bush he hopped over the first time. Rainbow apparently knew that as well, as she jumped over the bush, but landed hard on the outside edge of the forest, stopping in her tracks.

Her abrupt halt caused David to do the same, but she quickly shook it off and started running, just as Applejack made it out of the thicket.

Now, Rainbow was slightly in the lead, and from the look of it, she intended to keep it.
Applejack sped after her, and David was hot on their hooves as they entered the straightaway around the lake.

Rainbow was almost a full pony-length in the lead as she passed Fluttershy and also Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie at the starting line, completing her first lap.

Their friends cheered on the runners, giving encouragement to do their best.

Applejack and David struggled to catch up but gained little to no ground on the quick pegasus. As they neared the forest for the last time, Rainbow disappeared first into the treeline, then Applejack, and lastly, David, all using the same path.

Now it was David that was hot on Applejack’s hooves, barely behind the orange mare. He thought she was going to stick with this route, following Rainbow through the trees, but suddenly jogged left, attempting to cut her time and possibly overtake the other mare. David knew that the inside track was tricky since he had tried it during the first race, so he stuck to his current, slightly wider path, hoping to at least keep his position. David was about halfway through the trees when he heard a loud crash to his left. He almost kept going but had second thoughts that caused him to stop and investigate.

He turned to his left and jogged in the direction of the sound.

“Aww… shucks.” David heard from up ahead.

Rounding one more tree, he stumbled upon Applejack lying on the ground.

“Applejack!” David ran over.

“Uhh, David, issat you?” she answered drowsily.

“Hey, are you alright?” he asked.

“I… I tripped and fell is all. Stupid rocks.”

David looked down and checked her over, from what he could see, she looked fine.

“Just calm down,” he said as she started to stand.

“I’m fine… ugh!” Applejack groaned as she crumbled on her hooves.

David saw her going down and grabbed her around her barrel, letting her down easy. As he set her down, she rolled over on her other side, gasping lightly. David pulled his hand away and looked down.

“Applejack, you’re bleeding. Hold still, let me look.”

“Jus’ a scrape. It’ll be fine.”

“No, it’s not. Your left foreleg is bleeding pretty badly. Let me look at it.”

“Nah. I’m… whoa. I don’t feel so good.”

“Crap, if you’re getting woozy, it’s gotta be bad; it might be broken.”

David reached down to palpate the leg and wrapped his other hand around her bleeding wound and applied pressure. For what little he knew, he couldn’t feel anything broken, but the bleeding wasn’t stopping with just the pressure he applied.


“Yeah!” Rainbow shouted as she showboated across the finish line. “In the dust!” she said, flying into the air.


“Unh, oh-yeah. Unh-unh, oh-yeah!” Rainbow celebrated.

“Rainbow!?” Twilight asked louder.


“Where are Applejack and David!?”

“Huh? I don’t know. They must’ve gotten tangled up trying to take shortcuts,” Rainbow answered.



“Stop yer yellin’, David.”


“Listen, Applejack, we need to get you medical attention quickly. I’m holding your leg as hard as I can but I can’t stop the bleeding, so I’ve got to yell for help; I can’t leave you like this.”


“Did you hear that?”

“What, Twilight?” Rainbow asked.


“That’s David,” Twilight said. “Luna, Celestia, everyone! David’s in trouble. He needs help!”

The ponies came running to Twilight’s side, but Rainbow shot into the sky, looking for their friends in the forest.

With the pressure mounting, Twilight instantly took command.

“Okay. Rarity, you and Fluttershy stay here in case they show up. Luna, take Pinkie with you since you ran in the last race, and start at the edge of the forest by the lake, working your way inward. Celestia, you and I will go to the opposite side, and I’ll lead you through. Rainbow already has the skies. We need to find Applejack and David, fast. Now, GO!”

The groups split up and started searching from both ends, hoping to increase their chances.


“Uhh. David, you still there?”

“Yeah, Applejack, just be calm. Keep talking to me.”

“Yer a nice fella, ya know that?”


“Pretty strong, and fast too…”


“I bet you’d be good… on a farm, ya know.”

“We’ll see about that.”

David turned his head away, trying to not shout in her face. “HELP!”

David looked at Applejack, her face was pale.

“Oh, crap. Applejack, stay strong. Help will be here in any second.”


David bent down and gently nuzzled the mare’s cheek. His eyes teared up as worry overtook his emotions.



“Oh, Fluttershy… I’m so worried, He just keeps yelling!” Rarity said on the verge of tears.

“Shh. It will be okay, Rarity. Our friends will find them, and with the princesses here, I’m sure everything will be alright,” Fluttershy attempted to comfort her distraught friend.

Rarity turned away from the lake and buried her face in Fluttershy’s pink mane. Fluttershy gently hugged Rarity and stroked her head, trying to settle her down as she watched for any movement.

Just then, a flash emanated from the center of the forest, as bright as the sun in the sky.

“Ohh, look Rarity, Princess Celestia must have found them!”


Celestia and Twilight galloped through the forest, trying to find David and Applejack. Passing a row of trees, Twilight saw the two and angled to meet them.

“David! Applejack! Are you alright!?” Twilight yelled.

As Twilight neared them, a bright flash blinded her, and she was forced to stop.

Her eyes readjusting, she saw her fellow princess and mentor, Celestia, standing in front of her.

“Oh, thank goodness you’re here. Celestia, Applejack’s hurt!” Twilight said as they trotted over to her two friends.

The two princesses arrived at David and Applejack’s side, looking over them to assess the situation.

“David, you need to move. We need to see her wounds,” Celestia said.

David pulled back from Applejack and smiled at the ruler. “I’m so glad you’re here. She cut her foreleg, but I can’t stop the bleeding. Please help her.” He still clutched her leg tightly with both hands, blood splattered around his fingers.

“It will be okay. We are here,” Celestia reassured him. “Move your hands for a moment,” she directed, powering her horn.

David moved his hands away, the blood making a sickening sound as he broke the suction between their limbs, causing him to go green in the face.

Celestia bent down further, putting more energy into her horn. She then stopped, letting her aura fade and dissipate.

“I cannot find—”

“Sister! You found them! What is the matter? Can we help!?” Luna yelled as she and Pinkie galloped up.

“We kinda got lost, but then this really big, bright shiny came, and we said, ‘well, that has to be them’ so we started running over, and it was you! Applejack, are you okay? You’re covered in red… ohhhh—” Pinkie fell to the ground, unconscious.

“Pinkie!” Twilight yelled as she ran to her friend.

“She has fainted. The sight was too much for her, I believe,” Luna said. “Sister, what is wrong?”

“It seems—”

“Ugh. Feels like I got bucked inta next week. David, you finally done squeezin’ the life outta me or what?” Applejack said.

“Applejack!” David said as he threw his arms around the mare and gave her a big hug.

“Now, take it easy, I jus’ hurt my leg is all; you don’t have to squeeze my whole body, ya know?”

David looked down at the injured leg. “The bleeding has stopped! Oh, thank you, Celestia! Will she be alright?”

“As I tried to say before, everything will be alright, now,” Celestia said, wearing a bright smile. “Applejack seems to have taken a fall, but will recover soon. She may even be good enough to stand, though we should support her.”

Applejack pulled her legs under her and tried to stand, but fell back to the ground in a heap.

“Let me help,” David said, as he reached around her barrel to take some weight off of her.

“Mighty kind of ya. A little too familiar, but kind,” Applejack mumbled.

Finally, Applejack made it to a standing position, wobbling a bit, though, as she stood.

“Uhhh. So much cake…” Pinkie mumbled unconsciously.

“Pinkie, are you in there?” Twilight called to her as she cradled her head.

The pink mare shot up and shook her head, looking over to Applejack, who was now standing.

“Oh! Applejack! I just had the most horrible nightmare about you and some red velvet cake! You were lying on the ground and you were covered in it, and it was a huuuge mess, and I couldn’t eat any of it!” Pinkie said as she walked over. “And then…” Pinkie looked down, seeing the red, matted fur on Applejack’s leg and immediately spun around, putting a hoof to her mouth as her cheeks swelled and her eyes watered. Now facing away, Pinkie recovered a bit. “Ohh, now I wish it was just a nightmare.”

Now that Applejack was up, David began to calm down. He took a few deep breaths, then bent down to look at her leg again. He scrutinized the area, looking for signs of bleeding that might need to be addressed.

“Wow, Princess, you did an excellent job. I don’t even see a clot or scab forming. She looks perfectly healed!” he exclaimed.

“That is true, David. As far as I can tell, she is uninjured. But I did not heal her.”

“What!?” everypony yelled.

“Let us return to the picnic area and let the others know everything is okay, then I will attempt to elaborate.” Celestia turned to walk off.

“Applejack, are you okay to walk?” David asked.

“Yeah. I think so. Don’t go nowhere, though, okay?”

“Sure,” David replied with a smile.

Luna drew next to Applejack and David. “Come, let us follow my sister. Take your time, fair Applejack. We are in no rush.”


Celestia emerged from the forest, walking slowly. She was followed by Pinkie, then David, Applejack, and Luna appeared with Twilight taking up the rear.

“Oh, thank heavens!” Rarity squealed as she saw them all appear.

Rainbow Dash spotted them from above and darted toward the group.

“Applejack!” Rainbow yelled.

“Heya, Dash. I’m alright.”

The rescue party walked to the picnic blanket, where they were met by Fluttershy and Rarity.

“Rarity, could you please collect some water in this bowl,” Twilight asked.

“Of course, darling. One moment.”

“And, Fluttershy, do we have any more clean cloths? Applejack fell and got cut. We need to clean her wound.”

Fluttershy nodded and went to fetch them.

Applejack settled down next to a tree, leaving her stained side facing upward while the rest of the ponies crowded around her.

“Golly, you don’t have to go to too much trouble, I’m already fit as a fiddle! Just a bit tired 's all.” Applejack said.

Fluttershy returned as Rarity approached carrying a basin of water in her magic. Rarity set down the water and picked up a cloth from Fluttershy and wet it. David also took a wet cloth and started to wipe his hands.

“Now hold still, Applejack. This may sting,” Rarity said as she began to clean her leg.

“I told ya, I’m fine!” Applejack said.

“What she said is true,” Luna said. “My sister has told us she is unharmed.”

“Yes, I did say that, “ Celestia said, finally joining the group.

“But, you said you didn’t heal her!” Twilight whined.


“But it’s obvious that she was injured. If you didn’t…”

“I believe David is responsible for her recovery,” Celestia said plainly.

“But, sister, I clearly felt your magic at work. It was how I found you as well,” Luna said.

“I cannot explain it, but I agree with you, Lulu. I too felt my magic, but I did not do it.”

“So that bright flash!?” Twilight said, turning to David, “That was you, David!?”

“Don’t ask me!” he stammered.

Rarity stood up from her work, “Thankfully, Applejack is indeed uninjured. Whatever the cause, I think we should just be grateful, especially considering how much… well, considering the state she was found in."

“But I couldn’t have done it, I can’t use magic!” David professed.

“David, I think we should take a look,” Twilight said.

He huffed. “Go ahead.”

Twilight started to put energy into her horn and concentrated hard, preparing the detection spell to examine David.

“Unh, grr-unh!” she grunted.

Twilight’s horn was still lit, but no spell was cast, then she let her power fade and took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry, everypony. I just don’t feel right, I can’t concentrate on the spell,” she said, hanging her head.

“Twilight, that is alright. Do not stress yourself,” Celestia said, comforting her former student. “David, it might be important to examine you, would it be okay for me to use the spell?”

“I think so, Princess. I’ll be okay.”

Celestia bent her head and reached into her pool of magic. She formed the spell quickly and cast it on David, letting his inner-magical workings be displayed to the world.

Gasps were heard from the ponies as they viewed the secrets of their new friend.

David stood there before them with a large, magical glow in his chest. Also present, were two tendrils of power springing forth from his body, connected to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia.

“Oh, my…” Fluttershy squeaked.

“While this may be surprising for you all, it has become quite expected for David since he arrived,” Luna explained calmly. “Beings where David comes from have no innate magic. Now that he is here, his body needs magic to survive, and we have supplied it to him. It does not harm us, but we believe it to be necessary for his survival. Now, if you would excuse us, we need to examine him.”

The princesses crowded around David to study his condition.

The connections were both stable, seemingly unchanged from the morning. Then they all looked at his chest and were a bit surprised by what they saw.

David’s chest still held a pool of magic, but it had expanded from the circular form it previously took, and now the boundary stretched, ebbed, and flowed around his abdomen while David stood patiently. The onlookers could no longer see the formerly turgid masses of light blue and gold pressing against each other, but instead saw smaller blobs of the representative magics flowing endlessly as if they were chasing one another around the inside of the now much larger space.

“Well?” David asked.

“There has… been a change,” Luna said. “I am not sure of its effects, though.”

“Yes. I agree with my sister’s sentiment. The connections are the same, but your magical pool looks to have expanded to fill more of your physical body and is much calmer than before. It actually may be that your body is adapting to the magical pressure and potential conflict that we observed this morning.”

“Hmm,” Twilight said. “It does look a bit bigger now, but the rest will take a lot of experimentation and evaluation to corroborate.”

“Does any of this explain what happened earlier?” David asked.

“No, I am afraid it does not, David,” Celestia said calmly. “I am positive the magic that healed Applejack was my own, even if it did not come from me. The only logical explanation is that my magic that resided in you was the source. Whether you caused it to happen or not, I cannot be sure.”

“Tell ya what,” Applejack pulled her hat to her chest. “I don’t care where it came from. I got saved, and I’m grateful. Thank you, David, for helpin’ me when I needed it, and thanks to all of you for lending a hoof to the both of us.” Applejack smiled peacefully.

Moved by the sentiment, her friends gathered around and gave Applejack a big group hug.

Luna approached David and nuzzled him fiercely, looking to embrace him. The magical glow fading from his body, he knelt down and wrapped her in a big hug as well, then pulled back to kiss her tenderly.

“You had me quite worried, you know,” she said, looking into his eyes.

“Sorry, I was scared too. I still don’t know what happened. I was just there, holding her leg and I couldn’t stop it. It was terrible, Luna. I… I thought—”

“Shhh. It is all okay now. You did an excellent job helping her. I am so proud of you.” Luna nuzzled his cheeks and licked away the small tears he shed.

Celestia watched from the side, not taking part in either group. She craned her neck and lifted her head high, then closed her eyes tightly.

‘I was scared as well, but I must be strong for them. Luna will comfort David, and Applejack is tended to by her friends. I am uninjured, yet I feel such pain in my chest! Why must I always watch, both when they hurt and while they are comforted? What about… me?’

“Celestia, are you alright?” David looked at her, still held in Luna’s embrace.

Celestia wore her placid smile. “Yes. Thank you, David. I am just relieved that this incident is over.”

David reached out his hand, still leaving one around Luna. “Are you sure?”

Celestia looked at his hand questioningly. “Yes. I am fine,” she said before turning and walking away.


The pile of ponies finally dispersed off of Applejack and left her to rest. She lay down quietly in the shade below the tree, her hat pulled over her eyes as she snoozed peacefully. The others went back to the blanket area and helped clean up and package their belongings in preparation for the return home.

“Hey, A.J., you up?” Rainbow asked quietly from a limb in the tree above.

“Eeyup,” Applejack replied, not even moving her head.

“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for… for not noticing earlier.”

“Whatcha mean?”

“When I got out of the forest, I just ran for the finish. I should’ve known there was a problem when I didn’t have to fight you for first place, but I… I just didn’t.”

“That’s okay, sugarcube. I don’t blame ya none for that. You were buzzin’ around busier than a whole hive of bees when you saw David and I were gone, weren’t ya?”

“Yeah. I kinda lost my cool there. I just kept flying above the treetops, but I couldn’t see in. A lot of help I was.”

“ ‘Tain’t nothing to worry over.”

Rainbow sat quietly in the tree, looking somewhat sad, not that Applejack could see her.

“Say, you wanna make it up to me? Why don’t you come on down here and stay with me a bit? Take a load off. I’d rather you be down here than up there.”

Rainbow didn’t reply.

A few seconds passed, then the silence was broken by a soft sound as Rainbow touched down near her friend, then walked over to her side.

Rainbow looked around, watching the others. Seeing nopony paying attention, she plopped down on the ground next to the orange mare and sidled up next to her.

“Thanks,” Rainbow said as she lay her muzzle down on the soft ground.

Applejack didn’t say anything, just shifted just a tad closer to the pegasus, gently leaned into her side, then went back to sleep.


Twilight and Rarity stood by the portable tables and arranged the plates and servers the best they could. Rarity had just finished her portion when she looked over to Twilight and saw she was only about half done with hers.

“Twilight, would you like some help?” Rarity cocked her head slightly.

“Oh, Rarity. I’m just a mess! I can’t seem to concentrate on my magic, and even when I do get it to work, I keep dropping things!”

“Dear, you’ve been through quite a lot. Perhaps you’ve overused your magic? I know you were not expecting to have to transport both the girls and David’s group as well.”

“I know you’re right, Rarity, but I’ve never had it be so much of a problem before, especially since I became an alicorn. I never thought I’d run out of magic so quickly!”

“Please, allow me to finish up here. You go lay down. You need to rest!”

“Okay. Thanks, Rarity, you’re a good friend.”

“Speak nothing of it! I just want you to feel well again.”


“Lulu, may I speak to you for a moment?” Celestia said.

“Of course. Please excuse me, David.”

The two sisters walked over to a secluded area to talk privately.

“Lulu, I feel Twilight may not be able to transport any of us back safely today,” Celestia said, worried.

“Is she alright?”

“Yes. I believe so. She is not ill, that is certain. It is possible that she has just overworked herself and needs rest, but time may reveal another source.”

“What should be done then? How should we get back home?” Luna asked.

“I believe one of us should teleport the group to Canterlot. They can disperse there.”

“That may be best. However, I do not know if I feel comfortable teleporting such a large group that far. You, Sister, will have to do it.”

“Okay. I understand, but I am also concerned about how that will affect David.”

“Let us bring him into the discussion, then.”

Luna turned back to the picnic area and called David over.

Arriving, David spoke, “You called?”

“David, Sister believes Twilight is currently too weak to teleport all of us safely,” Luna said.

“Is she okay?”

“Yes, she will be, in time,” Celestia answered. “But for now, we believe I should teleport us all to Canterlot, but we are also concerned with what the impact may be on you.”

“Oh. I see. Well, since only one of you will be using magic, it probably won’t be that bad. I mean, it can’t be as much power as you used to lower the moon and raise the sun, right?”

“Yes. It would not take as much power, but we do not wish to endanger you at all, if possible.” Celestia said.

“But it is necessary now. I’ll be fine, don’t worry. Also, when you cast the detection spell earlier, I barely felt it at all. Maybe I’m getting better!”

“Oh?” Luna questioned, then picked up a small stick in her magic.

“Yeah, I can barely feel anything. It’s much less than it was before.”

“Tia, do you think it is possible the pressure has been reduced because he used some of your magic?”

“Quite possibly, but it is just as likely due to the change in volume of the magical store in his body. While I can’t quite quantify the amount of magic in relation to before—Twilight would have to do that—it is possible that he still possesses the same amount of magic and only has a larger capacity.”

“Hmm. True. I did not think of that.”

“Okay, speculation aside, now that we know how we plan to get home, who’s going to tell Twilight?” David asked, interrupting the discussion.

“Sister, you should tell her. I do not have the tact you have with your former student.”

“Okay, I will.” Celestia walked off slowly to find Twilight.


Twilight was laying on the cool grass, eyes closed as she attempted to rest.

“Twilight?” a soft, caring voice called to her.

“Celestia?” Twilight answered drowsily.

“I am sorry to wake you, but we are about to leave,” Celestia said.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll get ready.”

“No, you can relax. That is why I am here. Please listen.”

Celestia smiled kindly. “You said before that you were having trouble with your magic and not only that, but your whole body seemed exhausted. I do not want you to exert yourself anymore today. At this time, I am asking you to rely on me. Let me help you.”

“But I can do it!” Twilight professed.

“Yes, you may be able to, but it would strain you further. Your friends are concerned as I am, and Luna, David, and I want you to be well. David has agreed that I will take over for you and transport us home. Would you please allow me to do that for you?”

“David said that? He didn’t come to ask me?”

“Forgive us, we are only concerned for you. And since Luna cannot transport such a group long distances like you and I can, I will need to step in.”

Twilight frowned. “Is it… is it possible that David is somehow having an effect on my magic, or on me? Is he somehow draining my strength like he does with Luna’s and your magic?” She started to hyperventilate.

“No, no… be at peace, Twilight. I believe what you are going through is completely normal and does not have to do with David at all. You will be fine with rest, I assure you.”

Twilight started to calm herself and turned to face her fellow princess.

“Okay. Thank you, Celestia. I am grateful that you are here and willing to do this, but what about the pressure it will put on David?”

“David feels much better now and has even reported a reduction in the sensation he feels from our magic. Luna and I surmise that it may be due to either a depletion of my magic in his reserves, or more likely that his capacity has increased, and that has reduced the pressure from the magical conflict.”

“Yes, that is possible. I will need to study him soon.”

“In time, Twilight. For now, please focus on resting. I will come get you in a moment when we are ready to leave.”

“Thank you, Celestia,” Twilight said, then laid her head back down.


Celestia approached the group. “My little ponies, it has been both an enjoyable, and also a somewhat harrowing day. I am grateful that in the end, nopony was terribly hurt. Now, it is time for us to go. Please gather together, as we have made a small change in our travel plans.”

The group all gathered together, their belongings safely packed and the picnic leftovers properly stowed and ready for travel.

“Thank you,” Celestia began again, “Both of our friends, Applejack and Twilight deserve some rest. As such, I will be transporting all of us to Canterlot, as it is most expedient. From there, you may choose to take the train home to Ponyville, or you may stay in the castle if you would prefer.”

Mild chatter coursed through the group as they became curious about what each friend would do.

“I am sorry to interrupt, but we should leave before it the time becomes too late,” Luna announced.

“Yes. Please gather close and close your eyes,” Celestia instructed.

Everyone drew into a small group and closed their eyes in expectation. Celestia raised her head high and powered her horn. The pale, golden glow continued to grow until it was plainly visible to all through their tightly shut eyelids. Just as the light became somewhat uncomfortable, it vanished.


David opened his eyes, spots still in his vision, to look at… the dining room?

Celestia had effortlessly transported the entire group to the dining room in one swift spell. No intense acceleration, no feeling of movement, just brightness and then, pop! A new place.

‘Well, that was new. I could feel her magic growing as she prepared the spell, and it did take a lot more power, but unlike Twilight’s other teleportation I didn’t feel myself move at all.’

“Okay, my little ponies. You may open your eyes now. We have arrived,” Celestia announced.

The group slowly came back to life from the intense light experience, somewhat unsure of what to think about their mode of transport. It seemed clear to all that this ‘teleportation’ was much smoother and generally better than what they normally experienced with their friend.


“Yes, Rainbow Dash?”

“We… I mean, I was wondering. Why is what you did so different from when Twilight does it?”

“Oh. Well, for long-distance transport, it seems we use quite different methods. I will try to teach it to Twilight, as we have planned to discuss our spells in the near future, but suffice it to say, I believe my method uses a bit more power than hers. Also, please keep in mind that it is not rational to use my method when traveling short distances due to the power requirements, so even most advanced spellcasters simply cannot use it.”

“Uh-huh. Okay, magic is different. I got it, thanks!” Rainbow said with a grin, then turned away. “Stupid teleportation. Every time Twilight does it, it feels like I’m in the Dizzitron again,” she grumbled, walking away.

“Now that we are all back safely, please decide on your plans for the night and let Luna or me know if you require any lodging or assistance. We would be happy to have all of you here if that is your wish. It is now almost six in the evening. The next train for Ponyville will leave at quarter past six. Dinner will be served at eight,” Celestia said.

Celestia went to Luna, and they both approached Applejack.

“Miss Applejack, we would like to request that you stay here this evening for both rest and medical examination,” Luna said. “Would you please agree?”

“Well, when you put it that way, I suppose I shouldn’t reject your offer.”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Applejack. We know you have a family to worry about and it isn’t easy to be away from home. If everything is alright, we expect you to be able to return home after breakfast. I will send word to your family and one of the Service Corps ponies to assist while you are absent.”

“Oh, shucks. That’s mighty nice of you, Princess, but the letter will do just fine. They can make do without me for a bit. Also, please don’t write that I’m hurt. They’ll just continue to baby me even if I’m right as rain when I get back.”

Celestia chuckled under her breath. “I will make an adequate excuse. Perhaps I ‘needed your help in the royal gardens?’ ”

“Now, Princess. I’m not askin’ ya ta lie for me, just tell ‘em I’ll be back soon, okay?”

“As you wish.”


Celestia and Luna left Applejack in search of their next target, Twilight. They found her talking to Fluttershy and Rarity and asked to speak with her privately.

“Twilight, I know you were not feeling well, and we would like it if you stayed the night here in the castle. I can send word to Spike that you will return tomorrow, but for now, please rest,” Celestia suggested.

“Oooh, I don’t like leaving him alone!” Twilight complained.

“Excuse me for overhearing, darling. If you are talking about Spike, I can certainly take care of him for tonight. You should listen to your fellow princesses and get some much-needed rest. No books, no experiments, just r.e.s.t! ” Rarity punctuated.

“See, Twilight, even your friends encourage this opportunity! Please listen to my sister,” Luna said.

“Okay. I’ll just stay in the observatory if that’s alright with you two. It’s probably more comfortable than my old room.”

“That is fine, as long as you promise me not to stargaze or read all night. You are here to rest,” Celestia said.

Twilight smiled weakly. “Okay. I promise.”

“Good, so far both you and Applejack will be staying the night,” Luna informed.

“Applejack is staying?” Twilight asked.

“Yes. We are taking her to an appointment with the royal doctor right after this. She may leave tomorrow after receiving a clean bill of health,” Luna said.

“Oh. That sounds like a good idea.”

“We are glad you concur.”

Luna and Celestia then went around and gathered up each of the other ponies’ plans. Everyone else reported that they had responsibilities back home and that they had decided to head out to the train station tonight. Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy all said their goodbyes and well-wishes to those left behind, and each gave a special goodbye to their new friend.

“Oh, David, you’ve just got to come to Ponyville! It’s the bestest place in all of Equestria! Everyone’s so nice and accepting there, and they won’t mind that you’re a towering, giant, mane-less, and tail-less human. Oooh! And you can come bake with me at Sugarcube Corner! We’ll have so much fun, and we can swap recipes! I sure hope the princesses decide to tell everypony else about you soon! I hate having to keep a secret as big as this one. But don’t worry, I won’t tell anypony, I Pinkie-promise! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

“Thanks, Pinkie,” David chortled, holding back his laughter. “It was really great to meet you. I’m sure we’ll be able to hang out soon.”

David then turned to Fluttershy, who tried to hide behind Rarity when she drew his attention. He knelt down, and she timidly crept out.

“I’m not scared of you, you know?” she said quietly.

“I know.”

“It was really nice to meet you, David. You’re… nice.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy,” he said with a warm grin.

David then reached out his hand to the pegasus and beckoned her to come closer. Fluttershy moved slowly toward the human. Rarity stood nearby, watching every step with a warm smile on her muzzle as her shy friend approached the outstretched hand.

When Fluttershy was close, David slowly moved his hand up to her head and patted it lightly, causing Fluttershy’s ears to flatten back. David smiled, gently stroked her mane, and rubbed lightly behind her right ear, causing Fluttershy’s eyes to close and her head to lean into his hand.

“Mmmm,” she hummed lightly.

David stopped and pulled his hand back to himself.

“Oh. My…” Fluttershy said quietly, then rushed up and gave him a quick hug before running off to join Pinkie Pie.

“Well, well, well! I have to say, I’m a little jealous of my best friend, now,” Rarity started. “Perhaps I should’ve played the fair, timid damsel, as well,” Rarity said, smiling coyly.

“Now, Rarity. We all know that isn’t you.”

“No, I suppose not. Perhaps someday I can win a similar favor?”

“Probably. It won’t come from me, though; you’ll have to go through Luna first, I’m afraid.”

“Drats. Well, I’ll curry favor with her, and we’ll see how it goes. Until then?”

“Until then. Take care, Rarity. Thank you for everything.”

“My pleasure, I assure you. Ta!”

Rarity ran off in chase of Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, leaving through the main castle doors of the dining room.

“Now that company has left, let us make our arrangements,” Luna said as the others gathered around.
