(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Part 4 - The Outing: Act XIX - Face the Rainbow

Part 4: The Outing (Acts 19-20)

Act XIX - Face the Rainbow

Twilight’s long-distance teleportation spell startled the group with a jolt as they experienced a sudden and extreme acceleration that streamed them through the aether. Seconds seemed to tick by instead of milliseconds, and finally, the bright purple hue that could be felt, rather than seen, started to fade. The energy receded, and their sight returned with the visible spectrum of light as the group decelerated, temporarily blinding them with a bright flash. Without warning, they could feel the ground beneath their hooves, and they all opened their eyes to view the new lush, green surroundings.The five had appeared in a small glade located in a dense forest.

“Wow,” David said, finally clearing his vision.

“Yes…” Celestia started.” Twilight, that was not exactly what I was expecting. I think you have developed a new method for long-distance teleportation that is quite different than the method I am familiar with.”

“Oooh, I am not so sure I enjoyed that!” Rarity whined.

Twilight chuckled, rubbing a hoof behind her head. “Sorry, Rarity. I agree it’s a bit intense; I’m still working out the kinks.”

Luna shook her mane vigorously. “I, for one, thought it to be exhilarating!”

Everyone’s head snapped to Luna in unbelief.

Even Twilight looked confused. “Thanks, I guess? Let’s just get over to the others so we can start lunch. Follow me.”


Twilight led the group from their entry point through the forest, all while carefully levitating the tables of food and desserts.

“Almost there,” she said as the glade opened up into a wide clearing.

The trees withdrew, and the brightness of the sun shone through the open sky. It was a magnificent view. A beautiful, shimmering pond sat below a crown of rocks. The melody of bubbling water could be heard as a cold spring cascaded down the stones to feed the pool from above. In front of the pond’s sandy shore was a soft, grass and clover field, filling the remainder of the clearing.

Against the treeline of the field, several ponies lay around a large checkered cloth. It was the quintessential image of a ‘picnic’ if there was one.

“And, we’re here!” Twilight said as they approached the other group. “Everypony, your attention, please! I want you to meet someone special. This…” Twilight moved aside allowing David to move forward, “is Sir David Marshall of Earth. The only human ever known to our world. David, say something!”

The ponies looked forward, eyes wide in awe.

“Uh, hi, everyone. As Twilight said, my name is David Marshall. Please, feel free to just call me David. I’m grateful you all were willing to come and meet me.” David bowed slightly.

There was a pink blur among the group, and suddenly one of them vanished. The long curls of a cotton-candy mane peeked out over David’s shoulder, and he felt an odd pressure on his back. Turning his head to look, he was met with bright blue eyes.

“You’re soooo tall! I bet you’re really good at hide-and-seek, but not as good as me! Hiya, my name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, but you already knew that, didn’t ya? You can call me Pinkie, but you knew that already too!! I just know we’ll be the best of friends. Ooh, you smell like a baker! I bet you have a lot of—” Pinkie was suddenly silenced as she was pulled off of David’s shoulder by a magenta bubble of magic.

“Now, Pinkie,” Twilight started, “he hasn’t even gotten to say ‘hi’ yet, give him some space.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie said, then somehow squirmed out of Twilight’s magic and zipped back over to sit with her friends.

An orange-coated mare with a blonde mane and tail, wearing a Stetson walked over to David and sat in front of him.

“Howdy, I’m Applejack. I’m an earth mare, just like Pinkie. It’s a pleasure ta meet ya,” she said, holding out a hoof.

David smiled and bent down. He grabbed her hoof lightly. “Nice to meet you, Applejaaack! Whoa—” he sputtered, as Applejack vigorously shook his hand, jarring him a little.

“Sorry bout that. I heard you were strong, an’ I guess I just put a bit too much inta my shake. You alright?” she asked.

“Sure. No problem,” David responded, still wearing a wide grin.

“Stop hoggin’ him all to yourself A.J. He hasn’t had any time to meet me yet!” a sky-blue pegasus said, nudging her friend out of the way while still hovering in the air.

“You must be Rainbow Dash. It’s an honor to meet you,” David said politely, giving a small bow. “I’ve heard of some of your amazing feats and was told you are also in the Wonderbolts Reserves program. It’s very nice of you to train with them while still making time for your friends.”

Rainbow stared at the man, stunned by his flattery, her mouth hanging open, not exactly sure what to say.

“He left Rainbow speechless!” Twilight howled, making several ponies giggle.

“Nuh uh, I was just waiting for him to finish. It’s not my fault he’s heard so much about me before anypony’s even seen him before,” the brash, blue pegasus bragged. Rainbow patted David on the shoulder. “You’re a cool guy; I can tell. Maybe we can even race later; I’ll give you a head start!”

“Now come on Rainbow, give ‘im some space. We’re not done with the introductions yet,” Applejack said through her teeth, pulling the pegasus away by her tail.

All that was left was the butter-yellow pegasus named Fluttershy. David knew this was a make-or-break moment for him, so he calmed himself by closing his eyes and taking in a deep, slow breath, then let it out leisurely.

Fluttershy was at the opposite edge of the blanket, laying down as she silently watched the group interact with the strange, new creature. After her friends had all greeted him and backed away, her posture stiffened, somehow knowing that she was going to be the next target.

David watched the mare carefully. She never looked directly at him, only peeking through her soft pink mane from the side to watch his movements. He wondered what to do, and decided to take a somewhat direct approach.

David sat down on the edge of the blanket, opposite of her. He folded his legs and placed his hands in his lap, then looked up to meet her gaze.

“Eeep!” she squeaked as their eyes met for a moment.

“Hello,” he started softly. “My name is David. You must be Fluttershy. Thank you for coming to meet me today,” he said softly.

“You…” she said quietly.

David could barely hear her, and turned his ear to her and leaned in slightly.

“You really are big,” she said softly. “My friend Harry is about your size, but he’s not as…”

“Pardon?” David asked, cupping his ear.

“He’s not as cute as you are,” she said demurely, now wearing a small blush on her cheeks.

“Oh. Well, thank you, Fluttershy. You’re pretty cute too,” David replied with a smile.

“Did ‘Shy just tell a joke?” Rainbow asked Applejack. “That David guy over there is smiling all funny.”

Applejack shook her head. “Don’t know. Could be. I’m just glad Fluttershy doesn’t seem ta be too scared of ‘im.”

“Great! Now that Davey has met everypony let’s hurry up and have a party!!” Pinkie chimed in as she grabbed Fluttershy in a bone-crushing hug.

“Yes, my little ponies. I am very glad you have all taken time from your lives to greet our new guest,” Celestia said as both she and Luna finally moved to the forefront. “We are all gathered here today to celebrate Sir David’s arrival, and give him an opportunity to meet new faces and enjoy a much-needed break outside. But first, Miss Pie and the castle staff have prepared a wonderful feast for us all. Let us join around the picnic blanket and spend a moment getting to know each other while we dine.”

The ponies joined in a circle around the cloth, filling in the spots around David and Fluttershy. Luna sat down on his right, with Celestia next to her. Twilight sat a little past her former mentor, next to Rarity, who had taken a spot next to Fluttershy. After Fluttershy, Pinkie had made a space for herself, taking a generous bit of room, as she would probably need to get up and dance from time to time. Applejack and Rainbow Dash finalized the group, and though Rainbow was left next to David, she gave him a wide berth, seemingly preferring to look at the man for now, instead of rubbing wings with him.

All seated, Twilight then went about helping set the table in the middle, placing the intricate trays, platters, and dishware so that everypony could participate in the meal. The chatter started to pick up as each mare settled in their place and started to talk with those around them. Pinkie was also hard at work as well, deftly handing out cups, silverware, and napkins to everyone, occasionally throwing streamers around to brighten the ambiance. Finished with the setting, Twilight and Rarity helped serve each member a drink, carefully passing around punch, tea, juice, and water in their magical grasp, making sure everyone was served equally.

With the basis of the picnic in place, Twilight stood and gently tapped her glass with a fork, silencing the crowd and gaining their attention.

“Ahem. As Princess Celestia said, I want to thank everypony here for coming out today. David came to us unexpectedly, but I can say that I am glad he is here with us. He may not be from our world, but I am proud to say that the spirit of friendship is with him and that he is my friend. I will continue to work to find a way to reunite him with his home, but until that day comes, I welcome him here.”

Twilight’s words were met with gentle applause and praise. David smiled at her and nodded in appreciation, to which she smiled in return, then sat down.

“Thank you, Twilight,” Celestia said, “those were wonderful sentiments that I know many of us share and some of us will soon come to feel.”

“Excuse me, sister. If I may also say a few words?” Luna casually interrupted.

“Oh, of course, Lulu.”

Luna straightened up taller where she sat and looked around the crowd with a stern face. Her taut lips curled into a smile as her gaze came around the circle to fall on David next to her.

“As you have been told, Sir David has been a guest of the castle for the last week since he entered this world. It has not always been easy for him, or for us. In this short time, I have been blessed to share quite a bit of time with him and found him to be a wonderful companion. One of such character, kindness, and potential that many cannot help but be drawn near to him…”

“Sister, what are you—” Celestia whispered.

“I have felt this pull so grandly,”  Luna continued, “that I have formally recognized David as a royal suitor to myself, and he has professed his passionate feelings for me in return. We are pleased to announce to you, my friends and David’s new friends, that we…” Luna turned to David, “are in love.” Luna speech was met by a mix of praise and subtle gasps from the crowd.

“BEST INTRODUCTORY PICNIC EVER!!” Pinkie yelled, while simultaneously exploding confetti into the air.

“Wow! I thought I was awesome, but you’re literally going out with royalty!” Rainbow cheered.

“Oh, Luna, I’m sooo happy for you!” Fluttershy said meekly.

“Thank you, sweet Fluttershy. You are too kind.” Luna smiled at the small pegasus.

“Well, I reckon that’s the best news I’ve heard in a while. Good goin’ there, David! I hope you treat ‘er right!” Applejack said, tipping her hat to the man.

“Thanks,” he replied with a grin.

Celestia looked at the crowd congratulating Luna and David and shaking hooves with them, smiles beaming all around. She was taken a bit aback at all the commotion, as she was not expecting Luna to divulge such an important bit of info at this time and place. However, she sat calmly wearing her usual placid smile as she watched all the frivolity, waiting for it to die down.

“Thank you,” David spoke, “Thank you all. And while our relationship is quite new, we are both happy that we could share it with you. That being said, though, since I’m still technically ‘top secret,’ I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to keep this to yourselves as well. When the time is right, I’m sure both my existence and our relationship can become more public, but let’s wait until then.”

David’s request was met all around with smiles and nods and reassuring words of kindness and encouragement. He smiled brightly, and put his arm around Luna and pulled her tightly to his chest. She too was beaming with the brightest of smiles, then turned to look at him and closed her eyes.

David didn’t miss a beat; he turned to her as well and placed his lips on hers, giving her a loving, but polite kiss, then pulled away.

The ponies roared in applause, causing some to blush and others to turn away bashfully at the display of affection. Applejack was smiling and covering one eye with her Stetson, while Dash was busy pumping her hooves in the air, and Pinkie, somehow, had pulled out pompoms and was putting on cheer. Fluttershy had withdrawn low to the ground, avoiding the commotion, but glanced at David and gave him a smile and nod. Rarity lay next to her, fanning herself in a mock swoon while Twilight just shrugged at her friend’s overacting. Finally, David turned to his right and looked at Celestia. She turned to face him as well, closed her eyes and beamed a bright smile, which he returned.

“I am glad I told them. Are you pleased as well?” Luna asked David in a hushed voice.

“Yes. I was a bit hesitant, but now that they know, I think it’s great.”

Luna smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder as the crowd slowly died down.

“Thank you all, we appreciate your support,” David said. “But let’s not make any more fuss over it, let’s eat!”


The party started, and everyone dug in. There were little sandwiches of all kinds, and salads to start. Fruit and assorted vegetables were provided as sides. Each mare worked around the table, passing bits to others and collecting their favorites. David took a small cucumber sandwich and brought it up to Luna, allowing her to take a dainty bite.

“Ohh, that’s just sooo sweet of him,” Fluttershy gushed.

“Yeah, maybe a bit too mushy though.” Rainbow mocked lightly.

David laughed a little under his breath at that while he sampled some of the picnic food for himself.

“Princess, aren’t you hungry? You’ve barely touched anything at at all,” Fluttershy asked the regal white mare.

“Thank you for your concern, Fluttershy. I am fine, and the food is delicious,” Celestia answered with a smile.

“Oh, Sister, please just drop the pretenses. We trust all that are gathered here, either tell them or eat up! I know you have not had a meal since last night,” Luna scolded.

“Luna!” Celestia addressed her firmly, then let her countenance soften, “Now is not the time to discuss this,” she whispered.

“Come now, Sister. We speak of friendship, yet struggle not to let our lives bother them? Fine, I will tell it as it is,” Luna said with a huff. “Attention everypony! I wish to share one more thing…”

“Luna…” Celestia pleaded.

“My sister and I are refraining from using magic at the moment, as it seems our David has become somewhat sensitive to it. Fear not, others’ magic has shown no effects, but we have chosen to limit his exposure to our own. This may, unfortunately, give you an impression that we are acting a little less princessly than usual. Allow me to demonstrate…” Luna concluded, then looked around the table as the others silently followed her every movement.

She found what she was looking for and pulled over a small bowl of cottage cheese with her hoof and placed it in front of her. Looking at it carefully, she tried to pick up a spoon with her hooves, once, twice, and the third time she sent it sailing beyond the group.

Luna eyed the soft curds, blended with fruit and other delectable morsels and her mouth began to water. Her face went rigid, and she quickly dipped her head and neck down, plunging muzzle-first into the cold, sweet treat.

“Oh!” the crowd gasped.

Luna pulled back from her bowl, a bit of white sticking to her fur as she chewed with a bright grin on her face, then swallowed.

Luna licked the remnants from her face. “Forgive my poor mannerisms, it has been well over… well, honestly I am not sure when I last tried to dine without magic. I hope you can excuse me for any faux pas,” she said, blushing slightly as David handed her a napkin.

“Oh. Why didn’t you say so earlier!? You weren’t trying to be all mushy with David, you just had him feed you because it was easier!” Rainbow stated simply. “Princess Celestia, I hope you aren’t staying hungry on our accounts, most of us have to eat that way every day—without magic, that is. Give it a try! It can be fun too.” She smiled.

Rainbow picked up a plate in her mouth and walked over to the white princess, placed it before her, gave it a little nudge with her nose, then rose up and smiled brightly at the ruler.

Celestia couldn’t help but let her plaster smile falter a bit as it regained some of her innate humility. She bent her head down to Rainbow and nuzzled her lightly, saying, “Thank you, Miss Dash. I believe I will try harder.”

Breaking the connection, she leaned further towards the dish, everybody watching her movement. She used her hooves to move the plate a bit closer, then looked at one small sandwich and then another, finally settling on a pimento cheese with crisp lettuce and cucumber. Her muzzle inched closer, lips reaching forward for the sandwich. She fumbled to latch on the first time, and it toppled out of her grasp, causing her to frown. Undaunted, she pulled the plate closer, and using her hoof, stilled the tasty morsel. Nimbly, her lips caught the edge and lifted the snack in the air. Just before it fell from her grasp, she placed her forehoof below it and pushed the whole thing into her mouth.

“Huzzah!” Luna yelled in glee.

Celestia’s mouth was full, too full, but it still overwhelmed her with happiness. She smiled brightly as she carefully chewed the tasty meal she had gained, finally overcoming the adversity of both propriety and fear.

The rest of the ponies also cheered their princess on, happy that she was willing to share with them her struggles and triumphs, as well as the meal.

Finally swallowing, Celestia daintily wiped her mouth with a cloth on her hoof. “Thank you. I sometimes forget what is important—being a creature of millennia-old habits—but it is good friends that can bring you back and show you the way.”

“And good food!” Pinkie cheered, causing everypony to laugh.


The party rolled on from that point, all chatting happily, sometimes as a group and other times more privately. David took time to answer each question that came to him, no matter how inane—from Rainbow’s ‘so if you had wings, how fast could you fly?’ to Pinkie’s ‘are clothes really necessary?’—David humored them all, knowing how different his background was from their own. Even Fluttershy was unusually talkative, asking about his life and his experience with wildlife back home. David just about crushed her poor little heart, though, when he said that most wildlife in his world was too dangerous to approach.

The princesses, too, took on questions of their own, especially Luna. Now in an open forum, Rarity tried her best to pry juicy tidbits of David and Luna’s relationship out of the regal mare, but her stately experience foiled most of her inquiries with subtle redirections. However, Luna did share one bit that sent Rarity reeling…

Rarity had asked a bevy of questions and, getting nowhere, was about to give up. She pouted at how stingy the the alicorn was being with her fellow mare-friends and resolved to make one last attempt.

“So, Princess, I can see you want to keep your relationship a bit private, but answer this one thing, what is your favorite part about David?”

Luna thought for a moment, tapping her hoof on her chin. She then stared deep into the unicorn’s eyes and said quietly, “Those hands—wherever they go, whatever they do, they are to die for.”

Rarity’s imagination quickly went into overdrive; a bright blush formed at her cheeks and rose straight to her ears, all while her mouth hung open in surprise. Feeling faint, she politely covered her muzzle teetering every so slightly, then swooned, letting her small plate of food fall as her magic failed her. Luckily for her, Twilight, ever vigilant of the drama queen, caught the plate before the food was spoiled by her friend’s theatrics.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy said, both in concern for her friend and in mild surprise of Luna’s bold statement.

“Indeed,” Luna agreed, as she took a small sip from her cup.


While Luna was having a good time with Rarity and Fluttershy, David had moved off to the side and was getting to know the more forward trio of mares.

“So, you say they let you out cause you wanted some exercise, huh?” Rainbow asked David.

“Yes. I’ve been cooped up a bit too long in the castle. I know it’s both for my safety and Equestria’s, but I’ve got to get moving sometimes, or I’ll just go crazy.”

“Well, you’re out now! What do you want to do?” Rainbow asked.

“I don’t know, we’ve got a small pond, and I like swimming, but I think I’d also like to go for a jog. I can’t run in the castle.”

“Can’t swim neither I reckon,” Applejack added.

“No, you’re right about that. I bet they have some big bathtubs, but that doesn’t count. I wonder why they don’t have a gym for the Princesses.”

“You like to go to the gym!?” Rainbow asked excitedly.

“Not all the time, but it’s good to workout a bit. I’m not really into lifting weights all that much, though.”

“I get all the exercise I ever need back on the farm. Farm work is a full-body sport, ya know. That’s where the rodeo came from.”

“Rodeo, shmodeo. All I need to be is fast. David, do you think you’re fast? Fast enough to beat me?” Rainbow taunted him with her forelegs folded as she hovered in mid-air.

“I don’t know, Rainbow, maybe I am fast. Maybe I’ve got superpowers here in Equestria.”

“Likely story,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Even A.J. here knows the drill, you either do or you don’t, and I’ll be the one to find out. I challenge you to a race! First one to make two laps around the pond is the winner!”

“Now, Rainbow, it isn’t polite to challenge a guest like that. We just met David, give ‘im some time,” Applejack said, stepping between the two.

“Oooh! Is there gonna be a race! I love, love, LOVE races! All the excitement and you get to cheer for your friends! Who’s racing? What’s it gonna be!?” Pinkie asked as she bounced over to join the conversation.

“This human thinks he’s fast, and I’m going to be the judge of that!” Rainbow said, sticking her chest out.

“Okay, fine… Challenge accepted!” David declared as he got in the hovering mare’s face. “You and me, we’re gonna race, but I’m going to set the rules.”

“Fine!” she said, invading his personal space even more.

“We’ll set a start and finish line here in front of the pond, and the princesses can be the judges. We’ll go counterclockwise around the water, through the trees in back, then as close to the shore as you’d like. First to make two laps wins.”

“Just as I’d have it!” Rainbow shouted.

“But one condition… no flying.”

“Oh, come on! I’m a flying machine!”

David huffed. “Right, and I couldn’t get off the ground if I tried. Besides, I think you have plenty of an advantage already. Ponies are made to run, humans aren’t. We can, mind you, but we’re really only good in short stretches. So, do you still want to race?”

“Absolutely. I could beat you on two legs if I had to. Let’s do it!”

“WAIIIT!” Pinkie yelled.

“What is it, Pinkie?” Rainbow asked.

“But, we haven’t even gotten dessert yet! You don’t want to skip dessert do you?” Pinkie said with tears in her eyes.

“Oh. I guess we should wait,” David said. “I also think we shouldn’t run so quickly after eating.”

“Hah! You’re just chicken!” Rainbow goaded him.

Rainbow!” Applejack glared at her friend.

Gulp. “Sorry, David. We can race in a bit. No hurry, this is your party after all,” Rainbow said apologetically.

David patted her on the head. “It’s okay, Rainbow. Let’s all go have something sweet.”

“Yippee!” Pinkie cheered, doing cartwheels.


The group reformed together as Twilight was already starting to clear the food from the picnic blanket. “Ready for dessert?” she asked?

“You betcha!” Pinkie cheered. “I was sooo worried when Cherry said I wasn’t going to make the treats, and you know what I said? I said, ‘But, Cherry, if I don’t make the cupcakes, cookies, and candies, what snacks are we going to eat then?’ And you know what she said? She said, ‘Now, Miss Pie, you can’t always do everything for everypony, especially when it’s a royal event. You have to let us do something as well.’ So I said, ‘Ya know what? You’re right! How about I just make a little this time, and the castle staff can just make the rest.’ And then she said—”

“Pinkie!” Twilight yelled, cutting her off. “I think the princesses want to say something now.”

Celestia smiled placidly and nodded. “Thank you, Twilight. Pinkie, it was most gracious for you to let Miss Cherry Topping, my head chef, do so much this time but it was your planning and decorations that pulled everything together. You are both to be commended. Now, my sister, Luna will let us know what we will be having for our dessert and treats today. Luna?” Celestia turned to her sister.

“Yes, Sister,” Luna started.

Twilight levitated a cloth-covered table over to one side of the picnic blanket.

“Today, our head chef has collaborated, and we are blessed to have some special sweets for everypony to share,” Luna said, then nodded to Twilight.

Twilight removed the cloth, revealing a tiered server filled with white and black-colored goodies. On the white side, there were luscious cubes of porcelain-white angel food cake, each piece having one side that was covered in a golden, delicious crust, shining like the sun. The other side of the sweets-mountain was filled with silver-rimmed black cups of dark chocolate pudding, accented with small dollops of freshly whipped cream, looking like the moon in the midnight sky. Separating the two sides were many accompaniments—toasted nuts, berries and cut fruit, small wafer cookies, sprigs of mint, sweet fruit purees, and finally, bowls of white buttercream frosting and dark chocolate ganache.

“Whoopie!!” Pinkie cheered again, gaining a stern look from Twilight.

Luna nodded. “I am glad to see they are appreciated, mostly because there is a special reason we have them today…” She turned to look at David. “David, himself, hoof—I mean, hand-made the main desserts for us today. Please give him the praise he deserves.”

“I knew it!” Pinkie yelled, jumping high above the crowd.

“David, you truly made these things for us?” Celestia asked, surprised.

“Yes. I know it was a while ago, but after we shared that first carrot cake I told you I wanted to make something for all of us. Luckily, I became friends with Cherry, I was able to do just that.

“I made this, my grandmother’s angel food cake, for you, Princess Celestia. And though you already know it, I made this decadent dark chocolate pudding for you, Luna. I hope you enjoy them both, as I think they are good alone, but I think they may be even better if you put them together,” David said as he took a small cube of cake and dunked it in his cup of pudding before eating it.

Everypony smiled and gathered round David to thank him with hugs and praise. After that, they all collected great piles of desserts and sat down to talk and enjoy the time together, again.


Everypony having returned to their seats, David now found himself repositioned to sit between the two rulers. He watched Luna lap at her pudding and munching on wafer cookies, while Celestia was staring at a large plate filled with cubes of cake, each one sporting a different topping. Eating a bit of cake himself, he smiled, noting that he hadn’t lost touch with the age-old recipe.

Luna picked herself up from her sweets and turned to David, offering him a large strawberry held lightly in her teeth. David looked around quickly, and although some had spotted them already, he leaned in and picked the berry from her lips, giving her a quick kiss in the process. Celestia too had seen Luna’s display and turned to watch the spectacle unfold. When David kissed her sister, though, she turned away bashfully.

Savoring his prize, David saw the white mare turn away and casually his head turned to follow her. Somehow, this caused Celestia to turn back, probably to avoid seeming rude.

“Sorry about that,” he said, smiling and rubbing the back of his head.

“Think nothing of it,” Celestia replied, wearing her placid smile.

“Princess… you’ve got a little chocolate—” David reached up and snatched the errant bit of sweetness off of Celestia’s cheek. “—on you.”

The overly personal touch sparked a shiver down Celestia’s body, ruffling her feathers and making her tail twitch.

“Sorry, I guess you could’ve gotten that,” David apologised.

“Quite alright, David. Thank you,” she said plainly, then went back to staring at her plate.

David sat quietly to himself for a moment, watching the rest of the group enjoy themselves while he wore a stiff smile.

‘Oops, guess I offended her a bit. It was too familiar of a thing to do. Hopefully, she won’t hold it against me or feel too awkward.’

Pressure against his back brought him from his thoughts.

“Hey! You done yet? Let’s race already!” Rainbow said, nudging him forcefully in his back with her forehead.

“Hey, yourself!” David said, spinning around to face her.

“Come on, get up,” Rainbow practically begged.

Luna turned to watch their interaction, and as she did, Celestia too showed some interest.

“We just ate, I can’t race just like that,” David complained a bit.

“Oh come now, David,” Celestia spoke up. “Even if you shouldn’t run at the moment, maybe you can enjoy some time at play.”

David looked over his shoulder at her, an odd smile on his face.

Celestia reinforced her suggestion by gently urging him onward, prodding him under his arm with her muzzle.

Surprised by Celestia’s actions, David decided to follow her advice. He put his muscles to work and stood up straight from his seat, towering above both princesses and the cyan pegasus.

Rainbow sat below him, staring up, craning her neck the best she could to see him.

“Whoa! All right!” she said. “Yeah, we can take it easy for a bit, but I’m going to get that race today, mark my words.”

“Of course. I promise,” David said.

Rainbow and David started walking away from the group, which caught the eye of Applejack, who excused herself to see what was going on.

“Wanna play a little catch? You’re gonna have to run for it, though,” Rainbow said.

“Whatcha got?” David asked.

Rainbow raced over to a small pile of bags near the picnic then pulled out a disc from somewhere, holding it aloft in her hooves.

“Oh, you’ve got a Frisbee.”

“A what?” she asked back.

“Nevermind, just throw me the disc!” David crouched down, giving his legs a little stretch.

Dash put the disc in her mouth and whipped her head around, throwing it forcefully near David.

He ran towards it and grabbed it out of the air. “Yeah!”

“Hey, David, over here!” he heard Applejack yell from behind him.

He turned and threw it at the same time, launching it at the orange pony.

It was a little high but slow enough for Applejack to mash her hat on before taking a great jump and catching the disc in her teeth. She landed flat-hooved and proceeded to throw it long, right past the large man.

David ran to his side, trying to catch up, but it sailed by him with speed. A blue blur passed him and caught the disc in the air.

“Good try, but I think she was aiming for me anyway.” Rainbow took the disc in her hooves while hovering in the air. She gripped it tightly and spun around, then released it after gaining momentum. The disc was flying fast, and headed straight for David, almost. It headed in his direction, but it gained altitude and was set to fly over his head.

David bent down quickly and jumped, just like Applejack did, and managed to catch the disc before it hit him in the face.

Applause and catcalls rang out from the ponies still seated at the banquet, cheering the participants on the field.

With all the attention, both Pinkie and Twilight got up and decided to join the game.

“Twilight, what are you doing here? I never took you for a bit of sports-fun,” Rainbow teased as she caught a low pass from David.

Twilight turned her nose up at the comment. “I like to have fun too, even if I’m not the most athletic pony in the world.”

Rainbow chuckled. “Okay, Twilight. Go long!”

Twilight saw the glint in Rainbow’s eyes and trotted out to the far side of the field. As she approached the water’s edge, Rainbow threw the disc to her, hard and a bit above her head.

Twilight calculated the disc’s trajectory and started running toward the forest, attempting to intercept it. She stopped short of the disc’s path and caught it in her magic as it came close.

“Alright!” she yelled happily. “I got it!”

“Yeah, by using magic,” Rainbow sneered.

“Now, Rainbow, I’ll have you know that’s just as difficult to grab a moving object with magic as it is to do it with your body. I have to know exactly where it is at the moment I cast the spell or even I will miss it,” Twilight explained before tossing the disc to Applejack.

“Huh. I never knew that,” Applejack said, spitting the disc out into her hooves. “Good job there, Twi. Don’t miss any of ‘em now. Give Rainbow a run for her bits.”

“Oooh, ooh! Over here!” Pinkie yelled, bouncing around the field.

Applejack threw it to Pinkie who ran up and caught it in flight. Giving her best dog impression, she ran the disc back over to Applejack and dropped it at her hooves, looking up at her with pleading eyes.

“Uh, good job there, Pinkie,” Applejack said, patting her head. “Now, run along… catch!” she said, slightly teasing her with the disc.

Pinkie barked and ran circles around Applejack, then turned and ran toward David. Applejack threw the disc high, and both David and Pinkie went up to catch it.

David was about to grab the disc when he spotted a bit of pink in his peripheral vision. Somehow, Pinkie had climbed up behind him again and was reaching out, trying to catch the disc while riding David piggyback on his shoulders.

“Whoa!” David exclaimed, slightly losing his balance.

“I got it! I got it!” Pinkie cheered.

Again, the crowd roared with laughter and cheers.

The group continued to play around for a bit, passing the time. Finally, David approached Rainbow and handed her the disc.

“Okay, Rainbow. I think I’m ready. You aren’t too tired, are you?”

“What?” Rainbow’s eyes gleamed with anticipation. “Really!? We’re really gonna race!?”

“I told you we would, I just needed some time to get warmed up,” David replied.

“ ‘Scuse me, David. Mind if I join ya?” Applejack asked.

“Not at all, the more, the merrier.”

“I wouldn’t mind a run too,” Twilight said, approaching the group.

“Sure!” David said reassuringly. “Actually, I have a question for you, Twilight.”

“What’s that?”

“Well, you know this area better than the rest of us… Do you know if the treeline behind the spring is very rocky or not? I’d rather run on soft ground if I can.”

“Oh, while it is a bit rocky near the spring, if you stay in the trees it should just be nice and soft loam. Why do you ask?”

“Well,” David started as he took off his shoes and socks, “I can’t really run in these shoes, I’d trip or hurt myself. But since I’m a city-boy, my feet are soft, and running barefoot can be dangerous. If I cut them badly, I could be in serious trouble.

“Oh,” Twilight replied. “I don’t think there will be much danger running around here, but if you do get hurt, Princess Celestia knows quite a few healing spells that should be able to help.”

“Good to know. Thanks, Twilight.” David tossed his shoes and socks to the side.

Luna walked up to the group. “What is all the commotion about?”

“David is gonna race me and A.J., and Twilight’s running too!” Rainbow beamed.

“Oh really,” Luna said, looking pensive. “If David and Twilight will run, so shall I.”

“Princess Luna!? In a hoof race? This is going to be AWESOME!” Rainbow cheered.

“Again, I doubt I will have the wherewithal to pose a challenge to you, Miss Dash or Miss Applejack, as it has likely been almost as long as I had a meal without magic as I ran in a race, but I will definitely give chase.”

“Welcome to the race, Luna,” David said. “Now we just need some judges.”

The group turned to the audience and found that both Rarity and Celestia were more than willing to officiate in the race.


Everypony huddled together with the judges and made sure the rules were well known. David then drew a long line in the sand next to the pond, marking out the start/finish line, and everyone lined up.

David stared out at the impromptu track.

‘It’s going to be an interesting race. I’d estimate it’ll take me at least four minutes per lap, longer if the forest is really dense. There’s no way I’m going to win against ponies, though, what a laugh! I just hope I put on a good show and don’t get hurt.’

Rarity and Princess Celestia took their places next to the line and sat down.

“Runners at your ready!” the regal monarch called out. “May your legs be swift and your travel safe. Please give your attention to Miss Rarity for the start!” Celestia looked over to Rarity. “At your signal.” She nodded.

Rarity cleared her throat politely. “On your marks!

“Get ready!” She held up a white napkin in her magic.

“GO!” she yelled, dropping the surrogate flag.

The mares all lunged forward, taking David by surprise.

‘Whoa, I’m running with horses!! GO!’

David pushed off milliseconds after his opponents, feeling his feet dig in and his muscles flex as he shot off the line. He worked to get a rhythm, but he was already behind the pack. In front of him was a sea of colors. Yellow and orange, purple and violet, rainbow and blue, and a stream of stars. He smiled at the sight in front of him as he urged himself to go faster—to catch them. Rainbow and Applejack were leading the pack, of course, followed shortly behind by Luna and Twilight.

‘Heh. Princesses can run,’ David thought.

The pack galloped at full speed, their hooves thundering against the soft ground as they went.

‘Totally awesome.’

They neared the first curve signaling the last of the pond’s shore before they reached the woods. This is where it was going to get tough, where it really mattered. If somepony wanted to win, or even truly compete, they couldn’t just follow behind somepony else, they had to pick their own path through the trees.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were neck and neck as they disappeared into the foliage, Luna turned slightly and picked a wider path through the trees, and Twilight ran straight after Applejack.

‘Okay, time to choose! Left!’

David ducked into the trees slightly left of the rest of the pack, cutting closest to the rock face. He ran through the forest, dodging trees that grew close together near the cliff, forcing him to swerve left and right, narrowly avoiding several crashes. After making his way partly through, he saw a slightly clearer path on his right.

While looking at the new path, David almost ran headlong into a tree. He pushed off of the trunk with his arms, shifting into his new trail, narrowly avoiding disaster. As he did so, he saw a patch of dark blue to his right speeding on ahead.

‘Aha! I see you, Luna!’

David put on more speed and slowly gained ground on the blue blur beside him. She must have seen him as well, as they jockeyed for position while ducking their way through the forest. Finally, they broke through the trees into the glade where they first entered and made a hard left turn back towards the pond.

Luna and David were even.

The two lovers barely glanced at each other as they ran side by side. Coming around the bend, David spotted two others ahead of them, and then heard a third emerge from the brush on his left. Sensing the challenge, he pressed on. The straightaway was coming, and though it was everypony’s specialty, he had to make use of it or fall behind again.

His legs burned under the strain, but he leaned forward, taking weight off of them, but also requiring him to speed up to keep balanced. He ran with all his heart, full out, noticing that he was pulling just slightly ahead of his lover.

A smile crept onto his face… ‘Faster!’

Putting one foot in front of the other, he sped away as the fastest human Equestria had ever seen. The runners were drawing near the crowd, and David could hear their calls and chants. Well, some of them. He glimpsed Fluttershy with her arms being puppeted by Pinkie as they cheered on the runners, with silent screams coming out of her mouth.

David sped past the line, several seconds behind both Rainbow Dash and Applejack. He knew winning was a pipe dream, but hopefully, he could still put on a good show for the crowd. Luna had regained the distance she had lost to him, and David turned his head to watch as she crept up.

‘Her concentration is focused forward, ears back and nostrils flaring. I can hear her breathing; snorting in and out, drawing in oxygen to fuel her body. Her beautiful mane flies behind her, waving in the wind like a battle standard. And her wings—’

David stopped thinking. This was time to run, not look at his beautiful mate.

The forest was approaching fast again, but he had a new plan of which route to take now. He ducked right, coming awfully close to Luna as he chose his path. Now being swallowed up by the forest, this was his last chance to gain some ground.

The first time, he had tried to cut close to the rocks and was almost smashed by the tightly packed trees there. Now, he would start wider, and cut in near the end, attempting to come out as Twilight did. If he was lucky, he should easily pick up some time.

David lost sight of Luna, but he could hear the lighter clip clop of Twilight near behind him.

‘Is she shadowing me?’

David ran forward, trying to stay as straight in his path as he could. Finally, estimating that he had reached the midpoint of the forest, he cut left, hoping to aim for the spot where the trees hit the water. He ran hard, and the forest seemed to open up to him this time, instead of seeking to end his trek. The light started filtering in more and more, signifying the approaching end of the treeline. Then he saw it, the daylight ahead. David jumped over a small bush and burst through the leaves, luckily landing in stride.

A miracle had a happened, as he almost bumped into the left side of Rainbow Dash. There he was, close enough to grab the prismatic tail next to him as he ran aside the pack leaders.

Seeing the human coming out of the woods like a ravenous bear must have spooked them, though, as both Applejack and Rainbow yelled and poured on the speed.

David stumbled to regain his rhythm as they sped away, but he was entering the straightaway—hopefully he wouldn’t be left too far behind.

Two sounds rustled behind him in quick succession as Luna and Twilight appeared from the brush. Apparently Twilight had chosen not to follow David completely and now had to fight Luna for placement.

David couldn’t be bothered with that, though, he had a race to run. He pushed himself, gasping, throwing himself forward. He regained a bit of lost time, and both the rainbow and flaxen tails were now within his grasp. David chose to stick to the shore, hoping the slightly shorter distance would help out, but this meant being behind Rainbow.

The fact was, the shore did help David. He continued to gain on the mare and seeing the finish line in sight, he leaned forward to get that last push… only to be given a seven-color slap to the face.

“Crap!” he yelled as he lost his footing at the last minute, falling, then skidding over the line.

The roar of hooves approaching David signaled danger, and he rolled to his left to get out of the way.

Luna and Twilight finished together, too close to call, and the race was finally over.

Luna trotted over to David, who was now sitting up on the ground, and looked at him worriedly.

“Dear, are you alright?” she asked, as Twilight and the others began to gather around.

“Yes, just a little scratch and a dented pride. It felt like something hit me in the face right near the finish, and I fell.”

“You!” Rainbow called out to David, stomping over, huffing and puffing. “You cost me the race, I want a rematch!”

“Come on now, sugarcube. Just admit the loss, and we’ll have another run at it later. It’s all fun an’ games,” Applejack said, as she joined the group.

“Yeah, A.J., you won alright. This guy startled me at the finish! He ran right up my tail! Let’s see you keep your game face on when that happens.”

“Sorry, Rainbow. I didn’t mean it,” David said.

“Yeah, I suppose not. It’s fine, I guess, not like there’s a trophy or anything,” Rainbow said just as Pinkie made an abrupt about face to stuff something back into a bag. “You really managed to catch up there at the last minute, though. I was really surprised!”

“Me too,” David said. “It was mostly just a lucky path. What did you think about the race, Luna, Twilight?”

“I found it exhilarating. Not as much as the battles of old, but on par with a good prank, I believe,” Luna said with a grin. “Sister, which of us was faster?”

“Lulu, I am sorry, but it was impossible to tell. Both you and Twilight were nose to nose, with the most serious faces I have seen on either of you in a long time. It was a wonderful sight. I only wish we had a camera to preserve it.”

“Oh, I suppose being equal with Twilight is a blessing. Congratulations, Twilight.”

“Thank you, Luna. I feel the same way. It was so exciting when we popped out together! I ran and ran; I didn’t think it would be so much fun! I might have even beaten you if I had continued to follow David.”

“You can’t be too sure of that, Twilight. The path I took was pretty risky, and it got really tight there near the end. You could’ve gotten in trouble; well, I could’ve too!”

“You’re right. Besides, I was almost sure I had picked the optimal path through the thicket the second time. I shouldn’t doubt my calculations like that.”

“Oh, Twilight… and here I thought you finally had understood what it means to race!” Rainbow said.

“But I do, Rainbow. I felt the rush, the drive to be faster, the need to see myself draw nearer to my opponent! I like those things, but I’m not going to stop thinking while I run!” Twilight said to a shocked Rainbow.

“Heh, heh. Good. Next time, let’s have a flying race then.”

“Sure!” Twilight beamed.

“Well, I had a lot of fun, but now I’m super tired. Can we do something relaxing?” David asked.

“Sure, David,” Rainbow spoke, “I think we can slow down for you a bit.”

Everyone got up and slowly made their way back to the now-shaded picnic area. They lay around lazily, resting as they brainstormed what to do next. David lay on his side, stretched out, while he listened to the mares talk. Luna crawled up behind him and lay next to him, enjoying their time together.
